you've got too much on your hands
nimium = too muchmanibus = by the use of hands, with hands, by hands, by means of handsSince nimium is an adverb, the verb here is understood rather than expressed: by using too many hands. The idea is the same as the English phrase "too many cooks spoil the broth".
verb phrase
it means when your hands are covered with dirt and soil
They don't mean anything in particular. However, worrying about what they mean means that you have way too much time on your own hands.
Means either too much or too little for the scale to be able to record it
In the King James version the phrase - the hands of the lord - does not appear at all.
"I have no time now" means "I am too busy now."
U have a religion exam too
You have too much time on your HANDS
Having a lot of time but having nothing to do in it
It means there are too many executives and not enough 'hands on' employees.