To be an organized person, one needs to plan for his or her time well. One should work efficiently by following a schedule and should list down all that is required to do.
To be organized, establish a daily routine, declutter your space regularly, use tools like calendars and to-do lists to prioritize tasks, and set specific goals to work towards. Practice good time management and prioritize your tasks based on importance and deadlines. Consistency and discipline are key in maintaining an organized lifestyle.
Such a person is an organiser, or is organised.
Hussein barrack Obama
sponsored or organised by the following person or organisation
Yes, it's past tense of organise (or organize in American spelling). She organised the books. But pay attention to how it's used in a sentence, because the same word is also an adjective. She is an organised person.
when a person is very organised and cannot stand to see anything out of order.
No, the person who organised it (Lisa Browne) now lives interstate
why is being organised important why is being organised important
Filing cabinets are a great way of staying organised and it is important for a busy worker to stay organised, so as not to waste time searching for the documents they require.
it was organised in Ireland.
They were organised into different offices.
who organised council of barabhais
No, he is non-religious, but not belonging to an organised religion does not mean that a person is not spiritual or does not believe in God.