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You could try having a calm and honest conversation with your sister about the importance of keeping the room tidy and how it can benefit both of you. You could also suggest creating a cleaning schedule or system that works for both of you to make it feel more manageable. Additionally, setting a positive example by keeping your own space clean may encourage your sister to do the same.

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Q: How do you get your sister to tidy up the room?
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What is the verb of tidy?

Tidy is already a verb.Other verbs are tidies, tidying and tidied, depending on the tense.For example:"I will tidy my room later"."She tidies her living room"."I am tidying up the stock room"."The car has been tidied up".

What are three sentences for the word tidy?

I really should tidy my desk.It was a nice day so I spent an hour to tidy up the garden.Finley put all his toys in his toy box to keep his bedroom tidy.

What does tidy up mean?

Tidy up means to straighten up. Remove clutter. Arrange things neatly, and put things away in their proper places. Often said as, "Tidy up your room."

What part of speech is tidy?

The word "tidy" can function as both an adjective and a verb. It describes cleanliness or neatness when used as an adjective ("a tidy room") and the act of cleaning or organizing when used as a verb ("to tidy up").

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yes you can always ask your parents if they want you to babysit your little brother or sister while they run to the store for a few thing and say you'll tidy up a bit in your room and the living room, kitchen, dinning room

How do you say tidy in french?

something tidy is 'net / nette' in French. To tidy one's room is 'ranger sa chambre'

What is does the word tidy mean?

When something is clean or organized to look very nice it is tidy. "Tidy" means "clean" kind of. example: "the room is tidy", meaning it is clean, and not messy "Tidy" means "clean" kind of. example: "the room is tidy", meaning it is clean, and not messy"Jack, please tidy your bedroom!" his Mother called from the foot of the stairs.

is tidy room tidy mind a simile or a metophor?

I think it is a metaphor since your room itself represents your mind and how you order all your thoughts

What are the pronouns in 'please tidy your room yourself'?

The pronouns in the sentence "please tidy your room yourself" are "your" (possessive pronoun) and "yourself" (reflexive pronoun).

How do you keep your room tidy for 3 months?

you get a cleaner in

How do you tidy your room quickly?

by making my room uncluttered and arranging the un organisd things.

A sentence with the word henceforward in it?

from now henceforward you have to tidy your room