The translation of "De Los Maras a los Zetas" from Spanish to English is "From the Maras to the Zetas."
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because los zetas wanted valentin to compose a song for them and valentin refused
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The cast of Peta-Zetas - 2008 includes: Enrique del Pozo as himself Sabrina Salerno as herself Yolanda Ventura as herself
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The cast of Los zetas - 2007 includes: Jorge Aldama as Kelin Cecilia Liberman as Esposa comandante Carmelo Morales as Oficial Juan Raya as Mamito Gary Rivas as Comandante
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She was having hallecunations or however u spell it
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Yes,AKA'S,which are the best!Deltas and Zetas are active now.
tamara m
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Unfortunately, no. There is a strong Los Zetas presence in the region.
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No. Sinaloa is the Sinaloa Cartel's "turf", with the state's capital, Culiacan as its HQ.
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The group's name Los Zetas is given after its first leader, Lieutenant Arturo Guzmán Decena, whose Federal Preventive Police radio code was "Z1",[9] a code given to high-ranking officers.[3][4][5] The radio code for Federal Police in México is "Y" and are nicknamed Yankees, for Military participating in drug raids the radio code was "Z," and thus they were nicknamed as the letter in Spanish, "Zetas."
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Yes. The most dangerous are the Sinaloa Cartel and the Zetas para-military group.
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The Zetas. Most of them are former Mexican and Guatemalan soldiers and have the training and contacts to acquire major firepower.
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it was a paroday to like a virgin.... this is so funny bc my daughter was watching it and singing this song just yesterday. :)
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Heriberto Lazcano Lazcano was a Mexican drug lord. He was the leader of Los Zetas drug cartel. He was killed on 7 October 2012 by the Mexican Navy.
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Miguel Morales is known by many aliases, including Z-40. He is famous for his occupation as a drug lord and leader of a criminal organization named Los Zetas.
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Ready to use the bazooka. This statement appears in Beto Quintanilla's narco corrido called Grupo Los Zetas.
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The Zetas are the most dangerous of them all. Most of them are deserters from the Mexican and Guatemalan armies, and are known for their brutal methods of intimidation against rival gangs, such as decapitations, acid baths and flaying (being skinned alive).
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Some of the five letter word that starts with Z includes, Zorro,zippy, zebra, zarfs, zeros, zesty, zests, zings, zetas, zloty, zingy, zones, zoned, zonal and zooms.
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The "Cartel" referrers to many organizations that smuggle drugs across the USA/Mexico border. There are many small Cartels but the most major Cartels are Los zetas, the Sinaloa, the Tijuana, Knights Templar, Arellano, Cartel Pacifica, and the Acapulco, Cartels.
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There are no Zetas in Mexico City; they are on the Gulf of Mexico and northeastern states (Tamaulipas, Nuevo Leon) bordering the US.
They are a criminal group known for its gruesome tactics used to intimidate their gang rivals, such as beheadings, flayings (being skinned alive) and other methods of torture.
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I presume that you mean the state of San Luis Potosi, in the north-central part of Mexico. While the strongholds of the Zeta cartel are Tamaulipas and Nuevo Leon states, the Zetas do have a presence in San Luis Potosi state, though it is relatively minor. There are very few incidents of cartel-related violence or firefights, which happen more on the border. There was one well-publicized attack on a US embassy car a few years ago, but that was an isolated instance. Overall, the state of San Luis Potosi is safe for tourists and indeed, one of the most fascinating states in Mexico, with ghost towns, waterfalls, birding, colonial architecture, weaving, native peoples, deserts and wild tropical forests with orchids.
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its a greek letter Z,ζ
also its a female name Zέτα (Ζeta) here e is pronunced as in exit
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There are several of them; the two largest are the Sinaloa Cartel, led by Joaquin 'El Chapo' Guzman and the Los Zetas cartel, which is having a major restructuring as one of its top leaders, Heriberto Lazcano, was killed last October (2012) by the Mexican armed forces.
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not smarter dan me aka47....lil chapo from guadalajara jalisco nieto de pancho villa y miembro de los zetas y no soy joto pinches michoacanos de mierda y tambien miembro de la pandilla nortenos nuestra fammillia......sk killa
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George W. Grayson has written:
'The executioner's men' -- subject(s): Organized crime, Drug traffic, Zetas Cartel, Narco-terrorism
'Mexican messiah'
'Threat posed by mounting vigilantism in Mexico' -- subject(s): Organized crime, Drug traffic, Vigilance committees, Vigilantes
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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern ZE-A-. That is, five letter words with 1st letter Z and 2nd letter E and 4th letter A. In alphabetical order, they are:
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Spelman College is a woman's college, thus there are no 'male only' Fraternities. Spelman has African American, Academic, and Professional greek organizations.
You can find more information at www.spelman.edu or by contacting a current student.
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It is a debatable question, as this conflict has no end in sight until demand for illegal narcotics is curbed within the United States. If you need to define a specific status, that would be a "stalemate", as many drug lords have been captured, and with the exception of the Sinaloa and Los Zetas cartels, the remaining criminal organizations have been weakened. Drug traffic however, continues unabated.
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You mean drug traffickers? They belong to one of several drug cartels found throughout Mexico; the two most important include Los Zetas and the Sinaloa Cartel. Besides "working" by helping move or distribute illegal drugs within Mexico or into the United States, they also resort to other illegal activities, including human trafficking, kidnapping and other forms of organized crime.
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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 9 words with the pattern ZE--S. That is, five letter words with 1st letter Z and 2nd letter E and 5th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are:
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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 21 words with the pattern -E-AS. That is, five letter words with 2nd letter E and 4th letter A and 5th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are:
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zarfs, zaxes, zeals, zebus, zeins, zeros, zests, zetas, zills, zincs, zines, zings, zitis, zoeas, zones, zonks, zooks, zooms, zoons, zoris, zouks, zymes
22 words found.
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There are no regions within Mexico that are fully controlled by NGO's. There are however, organizations that covertly operate within Mexico's territory, including:
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The Cali Cartel is said to be the most dominant Cartel
The Cali Cartel is almost non-existent now and virtually died off in the late 1980s. At the moment I would say Norte del Valle Cartel.
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Valentín Elizalde fue asesinado en 2006 en Reynosa, Tamaulipas, México. Se sospecha que su muerte estuvo vinculada al mundo del narcotráfico, pero el caso aún no ha sido resuelto y los responsables no han sido identificados.
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It is a criminal organization in Mexico, dedicated to illegal drug production and trade. It is conformed by former soldiers of the Mexican and Guatemalan armies and is considered one of the most dangerous cartels in Mexico.
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The marriage of one of Omega's national founders, Frank Coleman, with Edna Brown, one of DST's national founders made the bond between both of the organizations. Some may say there not brothers and sister which is correct. No Greek organization as a brother or sister but the Sigmas and Zetas. But no Greek organization has a bond like the "Coleman Love" bond. That make DST and OMEGAS stronger than any other organization and any real Omega and Delta will tell you that's there brothers and sisters.
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MS-13 ( Mara Salvatrucha )
Is Considerd The Worlds Dealist Gang And Also The Largest With 130,000 Most Recognizable Feature There Flambount Use Of Tattoos A Practice used Less Today.
Some Government Officails Claim This Gang To Be More Ruthless Than Al-Qaeda
The Gang Mainly Opporates In Central America And The United States It Is Unknown How Many Gang Fractions Are In Other Countries.
There Main Rivals Are 18th Street
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First, stay physically active-being as fit as a standard U.S. soldier would be satisfactory.
Second, learn how to use firearms, knives, and/or martial arts. Of these all, firearms and knives/wires are most crucial seeing as how most hits revolve around these tools.
Third, work for a local gang. You have to prove your loyalty for the gang, and you'd probably have to kill someone. Eventually, you'll have to abandon your previous life and join the underworld completely.
Fourth, work your way up to the "big leagues". Start working for major syndicates like the Cosa Nostra, drug cartels like The Sinaloa cartel, Gulf Cartel, Los Zetas, etc.
From then on, it's really your choice - keep carrying out contract killings, work as a bodyguard, train soldiers/bodyguards of high profile members & criminal leaders, etc.
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The use of the online sites say Valentin Elizalde Valencia was born in 1979 in city of Navajoa. She is the unique musician singer from the country of Mexico born February 1 from the info on online site.
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