The cast of Chuchu datuk merah - 1963 includes: Mansor Nordin Ahmad Rahimah Alias Yem Jaafar Latifah Omar Dollah Serawak Rose Yatimah Minah Yem
1 answer
Usually, gibberish refers to speaking so fast that other speakers of the same language don't understand it.
2 answers
The cast of Saturday Killer - 2010 includes: Sirin Horwang as Chris Styer Choosak Iamsook as Tee Rifle Pitchanart Sakakorn as Yem M5
1 answer
Dee-emm. Dee-yem.
The historically accurate pronunciation of ancient languages is problematical. In the case of the Latin diem, for example, most scholars say dee-yem, but the evidence of Romance languages does not support this pronunciation. The word dies is connected with the name Juppiter (Dyauspita in Sanskrit), which shows palatalization of the d from the earliest period. In poetry the word might have been pronounced dee-yem, but in conversation it is far more likely that Horace said something like d'yem or even jem.
1 answer
actually it is not just food ..
jamaicans staple foods are :
- bananas
- breadfruit
- sugar cane
- peas
- coconuts
4 answers
The cast of Sumpah Pontianak - 1958 includes: Yem Salmah Ahmad as Maria Rahimah Alias Aman Belon Omar Hitam Puteh Lawak Mustaffa Maarof as Samad Shariff Medan Amat Sentol
1 answer
Determined to establish and expand his authority Ezana
first conquered the part of the Arabian peinula that is now Yem then in 330 Ezan turned his attention to Kush, which alreay had begunto decline. In 350 he conquered the Kushites and burned Meroe to the ground.
1 answer
Yemen is on the southern (and south-western) part of the Arabian Peninsula.
1 answer
Red, white, black and green are called the pan-Arab colors and have been historically linked to the Arab people and Islamic faith for centuries. The red stripe represents the blood shed during the country's struggle for independence. The white symbolizes hope for the future, and the black stripe represents an end to the country's dark past.
Source: http://www.worldflags101.com/y/yemen-flag.aspx
1 answer
is a country located on the Arabian Peninsula in Southwest Asia. It has an estimated population of more than 23 million people and is bordered by Saudi Arabia to the north, the Red Sea to the west, the Arabian Sea and Gulf of Aden to the south, and Oman to the east.
1 answer
Yemandi Bagunara is the polite way of asking an adult how they are. (How are you?- Formally)
1 answer
Salt and pepper to taste Rinse and cook the lentils. Bring to boil in 3 cups water. Reduce heat to a simmer. Simmer about 30 minutes, adding more water if necessary, until lentils are tender. Should make about 3 cups cooked lentils. Meanwhile, saute the onions and garlic in the niter kebbeh, until the onions are just translucent. Add the berbere, cumin, and paprika and saute for a few minutes more, stirring occasionally to prevent burning. Mix in the chopped tomatoes and tomato paste and simmer for another 5 to 10 minutes. Add 1 cup of vegetable stock or water and continue simmering. When the lentils are cooked, drain them and mix them into the saute mixture. Add the green peas and cook for another 5 minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste. To serve Yemiser W'et, spread layers of injera on individual plates. Place some yogurt of cottage cheese alongside a serving of w'et on the injera and pass more injera at the table. To eat, tear off pieces of injera, fold it around bits of stew, and, yes, eat it with your fingers. Copied from Sundays at Moosewood Restaurant , the Moosewood Collective, ISBN 0-671-67989-9 from Dale & Gail Shipp, Columbia Md.
1 answer
The cast of Killer Campout - 2005 includes: Rand Alan Sabatini as The Monster Victor Franko as The Killer Anthony Goes as Brad Janea Granville as Dilly James Granville as Ernie Patrick Hickey as Jason Jillian Swanson as Cindy Channa Yem as Dolly
1 answer
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern ---YEM-. That is, seven letter words with 4th letter Y and 5th letter E and 6th letter M. In alphabetical order, they are:
1 answer
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern -M-YEM-. That is, seven letter words with 2nd letter M and 4th letter Y and 5th letter E and 6th letter M. In alphabetical order, they are:
1 answer
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern E--YEM-. That is, seven letter words with 1st letter E and 4th letter Y and 5th letter E and 6th letter M. In alphabetical order, they are:
1 answer
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern YEM-E-. That is, six letter words with 1st letter Y and 2nd letter E and 3rd letter M and 5th letter E. In alphabetical order, they are:
1 answer
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern YEM-ER. That is, six letter words with 1st letter Y and 2nd letter E and 3rd letter M and 5th letter E and 6th letter R. In alphabetical order, they are:
1 answer
The cast of Mangalsutra - 2009 includes: Michelle Batchelor Jeramiah Concelos Jerimiah Concelos as Bobby Singh Amie Dicarlo as Sharon Irwin Hudginson as Kevin Cookie Khan as Anala Parivari Krystal Lakan as Sheila Singh Nunich Lohr as Bus Mother Joti Mistry as Shandi Deena Mistry as T.V show actress Albina Nahar as Jasmin Manvir Sandhu as Young Jay Shibi Yem
1 answer
"Agkakal yem am-amma" - This idiom means "old habits die hard" in Ibanag, conveying the idea that it is difficult to change ingrained behaviors.
"Animan dey ungga, adda laeng ibagga" - Translated as "even if the chicken is silent, it is still being watched," this idiom highlights the idea that people's actions are always observed and can reveal their intentions.
"Ammok gayam, mabalin ibalbalay" - This idiom means "I know, it can be replaced," indicating that solutions or alternatives are available for any problem or situation.
2 answers
Pitchanart Sakakorn has: Played Iad in "Khang paed" in 2002. Played Nok in "Sai lor fah" in 2004. Played Netr-Tip in "Buppah Rahtree Phase 2: Rahtree Returns" in 2005. Played Prapai in "Gaw khoey sanyaa" in 2005. Played Paew in "Variety phii chalui" in 2005. Played Prang (segment "The Lost Memory") in "Hak yae" in 2006. Played Peh in "Yern Peh Lay semakute" in 2007. Performed in "Jue hun yin" in 2009. Played Yem M5 in "Saturday Killer" in 2010. Played Phim in "Sop Dek 2002" in 2011.
1 answer
The word "Dime" derives from Latin decima (pars), meaning "a tenth."
The denomination was briefly called a "disme" (DEEM or sometimes DIZ-meh) which was an anglicized version of the French word "dixième" (deez-YEM), again deriving from the Latin decima.Its spelling and pronunciation quickly simplified to the familiar "dime" within a year or two of the coin's introduction.
Interestingly the dime is the only current US coin whose denomination isn't given in dollars or cents. It's a holdover from one of the early proposals for coin denominations based on factors of 10. A "mill" (or mil) was to be the smallest denomination with other denominations being the cent, dime, dollar, eagle, and union; each is worth 10 of the next lower coin.
Unions were never struck, and while gold coins were in fact denominated in eagles their values were still expressed in dollars. The last eagles were struck in 1933, so today only the dime survives as a vestige of that early plan.
1 answer
With all do respect there is no known element of 1s2 2s2 2p3 3s2 3p3, there must have been a mistake when typing the question. However, 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p3 is commonly known as Phosphorus (P).
9 answers
French: je t'aime
German: ich liebe dich
Latin: te amo
Spanish: te quiero
Dutch: i love you
Ukrainian: ya tebe lyublyu
Chinese:wo ai ni
Danish: Jeg elsker dig
Turkish: seni seviyorum
Irish: i ngra leat
Latvian: es tevi milu
Portuguese: eu te amo
Hindi: maim tumase pyara karata hum
Hungarian: szeretlek
Afrikaans: i love you
Albanian: i love you
Armenian: yes sirum yem k'yez
Azerbaijani: i love you
Basque: i love you
Belarusian: ja ciabie libuliu
Bulgarian: Obicham te
Catalan: et vull
Croatian: volim te
Czech: miluju te
Estonian: ma armastan sind
Filipino: i love you
Finnish: rakastan sinua
Galician: eu te amo
Georgian: me shen miqvarkhar
Greek: s agapo
Haitian Creole: mwen renmen ou
Icelandic: eg elska pig
Indonesian: i love you
Italian: i love you
Japanese: watashi WA anata o aishite
Korean: dangsin-eul salanghabnida
Lithuanian: i love you
Macedonian: te sakam
Malay: i love you
Maltese: i love you
Norwegian: jeg elsker deg
Polish: i love you
Romanian: te iubesc
Serbian: i love Lou
Slovak: Milujem t'a
Slovenian: i love you
Swahili: i love you
Swedish: jag alskar dig
Thai: Chan rak thex
Vietnamese: toi yeu ban
Welsh: i love chi
1 answer
The cast of Gar Nasimpur - 1968 includes: Biswajeet Padmadevi Asitbaran Bhanu Bannerjee Shambhu Bhattacharya Subrata Chatterjee Bhanu Chatterjee Pankaj Chatterjee Shekhar Chatterjee Ruma Guha Thakurta Anup Kumar Uttam Kumar Tarun Kumar Preeti Majumdar Kamal Mitra Krishnakali Mondal Deb Mukherjee Moloy Mukherjee Madhabi Mukherjee Master Prasun Bikash Roy Dilip Roy Sudhir Sarkar Subrata Sensharma Master Shantanu
6 answers
- 10.0 g mannitol
- 0.2 gKH PO
2 4 - 0.8 g K HPO
2 4 - 0.2 g MgSO .lH !I
4 2 - 0.1 g NaCl
- 1.0 g yeast e x t r a c t
- 1000 ml d i s t i l l e d water
To make the broth, mix the above ingredients and adjust t o a pH of 7.2-7.4.
If agar i s required, 15.0 g / l o f agar should be added and the mixture b o i l e d f o r 10 minutes. To make slopes, dispense the medium i n 10 ml aliquots i n t o screw t o p c u l t u r e tubes and autoclave. For plates, autoclave the b o i l e d medium, cool and pour i n t o p e t r i dishes under s t e r i l e conditions.
YFIA with Congo Red
- 2.5 ml Congo Red (1% W I V )
- 1000 ml YMR
S t e r i l i s e the Congo Red solution separately and add t o the YMA j u s t before pouring the plates.
- 10.0 g mannitol
- 0.2 gKH PO
2 4 - 0.8 g K HPO
2 4 - 0.2 g MgSO .lH !I
4 2 - 0.1 g NaCl
- 1.0 g yeast e x t r a c t
- 1000 ml d i s t i l l e d water
To make the broth, mix the above ingredients and adjust t o a pH of 7.2-7.4.
If agar i s required, 15.0 g / l o f agar should be added and the mixture b o i l e d f o r 10 minutes. To make slopes, dispense the medium i n 10 ml aliquots i n t o screw t o p c u l t u r e tubes and autoclave. For plates, autoclave the b o i l e d medium, cool and pour i n t o p e t r i dishes under s t e r i l e conditions.
YFIA with Congo Red
C a p o s i t i o n
- 2.5 ml Congo Red (1% W I V )
- 1000 ml YMR
S t e r i l i s e the Congo Red solution separately and add t o the YMA j u s t before pouring the plates.
2 answers
Yes. A dime is a 10c coin. A 5c coin is called a nickel and 25c a quarter.
History of the names:
The word "dime" comes from the obsolete word "disme", which is itself derived from the French word "dixième" ("deez-YEM") meaning "one tenth". When the U.S. coinage system was first developed it was intended to be based on multiples of 10 rather than 100. Denominations were:
Mill (or mil) - 1/1000 of a dollar
Cent - 1/100
Dime - 1/10
Eagle - 10 dollars
Union - 100 dollars
The mill proved too small and the union too large for practical use so these denominations were never issued.
Prices were expected to be expressed using a variation on the old British style; something like 1/3/5 or 1.3.5 would mean "1 dollar, 3 dimes, and 5 cents". That proved cumbersome so from almost the start, most prices were expressed using just dollars and cents along with the $ sign; e.g. $1.35. However the 10¢ coin had achieved a life of its own as a "dime" and the name has stuck for over 200 years.
The nickel wasn't part of the first coinage system. Each denomination was also divided into halves, so there were half-eagles, half-dollars, half-dimes, and half-cents. The half-dime was a very tiny coin that became increasingly impractical in daily commerce. By the mid-1860s coin manufacture had improved to the point where nickel, a very hard metal, could be used to make coins that lasted longer than traditional silver ones. Two new copper-nickel coins were introduced - a 3¢ coin designed for purchasing postage stamps, and a new, larger 5¢ coin to replace the half-dime. To distinguish them they were called "3 cents, nickel" and "5 cents, nickel", or sometimes "3-cent nickels", etc. The 3-cent coin was eventually discontinued so the name "5-cent nickel" was shortened to just "nickel". Interestingly enough, the coin is mostly copper!
The 25¢ piece remains the oddball in an otherwise 10-based coinage system. In true decimal systems such as those used in the UK, EU, Australia, NZ, etc. all denominations are based on factors and multiples of 10 so the corresponding coin is 20 cents, not 25. The U.S. is different because at the time of independence, large parts of the country were using large Spanish coins as the primary currency unit. They were about the size that would be used for silver dollars and were in fact known as "Spanish milled dollars". There were no smaller coins and the practice was to make change by cut the soft silver coins into halves, quarters, and eighths like pizza slices (You can look it up!!). The Spanish milled dollar remained legal tender after the US started minting its own coins, so a quarter-dollar coin was made in order to be compatible with the slices. Spanish milled dollars were demonetized in 1857 but by that point the quarter had become such an integral part of the US system that attempts to replace it with a 20¢ piece have failed.
As a side note, a 1/8 slice of a Spanish dollar was called a "bit", which is the source of the slang expression "2 bits" for a quarter!
1 answer
its an old Norse language with the same roots as swedish, norwegian, and (argueably) finnish...
NO! Finnish is from a completely different group of languages traditionally called Finno-Ugrian or Uralic now, which also consists of Estonian, Hungarian (!) and several of the languages of Northern Siberia. Apart from relatively few later loan words Finnish has absolutely NO connection with the other Nordic languages!
Danish, Swedish and Norwegian are three closely related and mostly mutually intelligible languages that have descended from Old Norse, which is a member of the North Germanic branch of the Germanic family of languages. Other members are Faroese (Faroe Islands), Icelandic and Norn (a now extinct language the Shetlands and Orkney Islands ).
German, Low German, Dutch, Frisian AND English belong to the West Germanic branch, but there are STILL lots of similarities in basic vocabulary and grammar between these two surviving main branches of the Germanic family, especially since "Danish" (and Norwegian) have later on influenced and shaped early (Middle) English and old English ( Anglo-Saxon ) immensely via the Viking invasions and later settlements, mainly in NE England, to such a degree that English often appers to have jumped linguistic branch (!) in many ways.
These two closely related languages, Anglo-Saxon and Norse, were still mutually intelligible to some degree, since the AS settlers had arrived in England from roughly the same areas of North Western Europe (The Netherlands, North Germany (Old Saxony = Holstein) & Denmark ( Angeln = Schleswig / Slesvig area and the rest of the Jutland peninsula) only a few centuries earlier.
Actually you can even today write whole sentences in Danish that should be perfectly comprehensible to an English speaking person with just a little bit of intelligent "guessing" - almost like a "primitive" version of "pseudo English" in many respects - eg.
"Lad os gå {go} home efter midnat" =
"Let us go hjem {yem} after midnight",
"Hvor er (!) min ko?" = "Where is ("are") my cow?"
"Hvad skal vi sige {see-ye} til vore frænd-er"=
"What shall we say to our friends?"
"Find min røde hat" = "Find my red hat",
"Jeg {yaigh(!)} vil sælge {sell-ye} alle mine kalve næste sommer" =
"I will sell all my calves next Summer"
"Hav en god dag {daygh}" = "Have a good day"
"Bring ham her-over" = "Bring him over here",
"Giv mig din kniv" = "Give me 'thine' knife",
"Vi kan allerede (!) se dem nu - de er der" =
"We can already see them now - they are there"
"Han (!) vil synge en sang for mig" =
"He 'will' (wants to) sing a song for me".
"Du skal komme ud til mig igen {ee-gain}" =
"You 'shall' (have to) come out to me again (!)".
"Vi håber {ho-ber(!)} (th)at du vil sende mange fine ting til os {us} fra din
lange tur ver(l)d-en rundt"
"= "We hope that you ('thou') will send many fine things to us from your ('thine')
long journey (tour) a-round the world"
1 answer
Well These are all the countrys that are gonna be in the 2008 Olympics. Afghanistan AFG Albania ALB Algeria ALG American Samoa ASA Andorra AND Angola ANG Antigua and Barbuda ANT Argentina ARG Armenia ARM Aruba ARU Australia AUS Austria AUT Azerbaijan AZE Bahamas BAH Bahrain BRN Bangladesh BAN Barbados BAR Belarus BLR Belgium BEL Belize BIZ Benin BEN Bermuda BER Bhutan BHU Bohemia BOH Bolivia BOL Bosnia and Herzegovina BIH Botswana BOT Brazil BRA British Virgin Islands IVB Brunei BRU Bulgaria BUL Burkina Faso BUR Burundi BDI Cambodia CAM Cameroon CMR Canada CAN Cape Verde CPV Cayman Islands CAY Central African Republic CAF Chad CHA Chile CHI China CHN Chinese Taipei TPE Colombia COL Comoros COM Congo CGO DR Congo COD Cook Islands COK Costa Rica CRC Côte d’Ivoire CIV Croatia CRO Cuba CUB Cyprus CYP Czech Republic CZE Czechoslovakia TCH Denmark DEN Djibouti DJI Dominica DMA Dominican Republic DOM Ecuador ECU Egypt EGY El Salvador ESA Equatorial Guinea GEQ Eritrea ERI Estonia EST Ethiopia ETH Fiji FIJ Finland FIN France FRA Gabon GAB Gambia GAM Georgia GEO Germany GER East Germany GDR West Germany FRG Ghana GHA Great Britain GBR Greece GRE Grenada GRN Guam GUM Guatemala GUA Guinea GUI Guinea-Bissau GBS Guyana GUY Nation Code Haiti HAI Honduras HON Hong Kong HKG Hungary HUN Iceland ISL India IND Indonesia INA Iran IRI Iraq IRQ Ireland IRL Israel ISR Italy ITA Jamaica JAM Japan JPN Jordan JOR Kazakhstan KAZ Kenya KEN Kiribati KIR North Korea PRK South Korea KOR Kuwait KUW Kyrgyzstan KGZ Laos LAO Latvia LAT Lebanon LIB Lesotho LES Liberia LBR Libya LBA Liechtenstein LIE Lithuania LTU Luxembourg LUX FYR Macedonia MKD Madagascar MAD Malawi MAW Malaysia MAS Maldives MDV Mali MLI Malta MLT Mauritania MTN Mauritius MRI Mexico MEX Micronesia FSM Moldova MDA Monaco MON Mongolia MGL Montenegro MNE Morocco MAR Mozambique MOZ Myanmar MYA Namibia NAM Nauru NRU Nepal NEP Netherlands NED Netherlands Antilles AHO New Zealand NZL Nicaragua NCA Niger NIG Nigeria NGR Norway NOR Oman OMA Pakistan PAK Palau PLW Palestine PLE Panama PAN Papua New Guinea PNG Paraguay PAR Peru PER Philippines PHI Poland POL Portugal POR Puerto Rico PUR Qatar QAT Romania ROU Russia RUS Rwanda RWA Saar SAA Saint Kitts And Nevis SKN Saint Lucia LCA Saint Vincent And The Grenadines VIN Samoa SAM San Marino SMR São Tomé And Príncipe STP Saudi Arabia KSA Senegal SEN Serbia SRB Seychelles SEY Sierra Leone SLE Singapore SIN Slovakia SVK Slovenia SLO Solomon Islands SOL Somalia SOM South Africa RSA Soviet Union URS Spain ESP Sri Lanka SRI Sudan SUD Suriname SUR Swaziland SWZ Sweden SWE Switzerland SUI Syria SYR Tajikistan TJK Tanzania TAN Thailand THA Timor-Leste TLS Togo TOG Tonga TGA Trinidad And Tobago TRI Tunisia TUN Turkey TUR Turkmenistan TKM Uganda UGA Ukraine UKR United Arab Emirates UAE United States Of America USA USA UK United Kingdom Uruguay URU Uzbekistan UZB Vanuatu VAN Venezuela VEN Vietnam VIE Virgin Islands ISV Yemen YEM Yugoslavia YUG Zambia ZAM Zimbabwe ZIM
4 answers
Afghanistan - AFG
Albania - ALB
Algeria - ALG
American Samoa* - ASA
Andorra - AND
Angola - ANG
Antigua and Barbuda - ANT
Argentina - ARG
Armenia - ARM
Aruba* - ARU
Australia - AUS
Austria - AUT
Azerbaijan - AZE
The Bahamas - BAH
Bahrain - BRN
Bangladesh - BAN
Barbados - BAR
Belarus - BLR
Belgium - BEL
Belize - BIZ
Bermuda* - BER
Benin - BEN
Bhutan - BHU
Bolivia - BOL
Bosnia and Herzegovina - BIH
Botswana - BOT
Brazil - BRA
British Virgin Islands* - IVB
Brunei - BRU
Bulgaria - BUL
Burkina Faso - BUR
Burundi - BDI
Cambodia - CAM
Cameroon - CMR
Canada - CAN
Cape Verde - CPV
Cayman Islands* - CAY
Central African Republic - CAF
Chad - CHA
Chile - CHI
China - CHN
Colombia - COL
Comoros - COM
Congo, Republic of the - CGO
Congo, Democratic Republic of the - COD
Cook Islands* - COK
Costa Rica - CRC
Cote d'Ivoire - CIV
Croatia - CRO
Cuba - CUB
Cyprus - CYP
Czech Republic - CZE
Denmark - DEN
Djibouti - DJI
Dominica - DMA
Dominican Republic - DOM
East Timor (Timor-Leste) - TLS
Ecuador - ECU
Egypt - EGY
El Salvador - ESA
Equatorial Guinea - GEQ
Eritrea - ERI
Estonia - EST
Ethiopia - ETH
Fiji - FIJ
Finland - FIN
France - FRA
Gabon - GAB
The Gambia - GAM
Georgia - GEO
Germany - GER
Ghana - GHA
Greece - GRE
Grenada - GRN
Guam* - GUM
Guatemala - GUA
Guinea - GUI
Guinea-Bissau - GBS
Guyana - GUY
Haiti - HAI
Honduras - HON
Hong Kong* - HKG
Hungary - HUN
Iceland - ISL
India - IND
Indonesia - INA
Iran - IRI
Iraq - IRQ
Ireland - IRL
Israel - ISR
Italy - ITA
Jamaica - JAM
Japan - JPN
Jordan - JOR
Kazakhstan - KAZ
Kenya - KEN
Kiribati - KIR
Korea, North (PDR of Korea) - PRK
Korea, South - KOR
Kuwait - KUW
Kyrgyzstan - KGZ
Laos - LAO
Latvia - LAT
Lebanon - LIB
Lesotho - LES
Liberia - LBR
Libya - LBA
Liechtenstein - LIE
Lithuania - LTU
Luxembourg - LUX
Macedonia - MKD (Officially: Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia)
Madagascar - MAD
Malawi - MAW
Malaysia - MAS
Maldives - MDV
Mali - MLI
Malta - MLT
Marshall Islands - MHL
Mauritania - MTN
Mauritius - MRI
Mexico - MEX
Federated States of Micronesia - FSM
Moldova - MDA
Monaco - MON
Mongolia - MGL
Montenegro - MNE
Morocco - MAR
Mozambique - MOZ
Myanmar (Burma) - MYA
Namibia - NAM
Nauru - NRU
Nepal - NEP
Netherlands - NED
Netherlands Antilles* - AHO
New Zealand - NZL
Nicaragua - NCA
Niger - NIG
Nigeria - NGR
Norway - NOR
Oman - OMA
Pakistan - PAK
Palau - PLW
Palestine* - PLE
Panama - PAN
Papua New Guinea - PNG
Paraguay - PAR
Peru - PER
Philippines - PHI
Poland - POL
Portugal - POR
Puerto Rico* - PUR
Qatar - QAT
Romania - ROU
Russian Federation - RUS
Rwanda - RWA
Saint Kitts and Nevis - SKN
Saint Lucia - LCA
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - VIN
Samoa - SAM
San Marino - SMR
Sao Tome and Principe - STP
Saudi Arabia - KSA
Senegal - SEN
Serbia - SRB
Seychelles - SEY
Sierra Leone - SLE
Singapore - SIN
Slovakia - SVK
Slovenia - SLO
Solomon Islands - SOL
Somalia - SOM
South Africa - RSA
Spain - ESP
Sri Lanka - SRI
Sudan - SUD
Suriname - SUR
Swaziland - SWZ
Sweden - SWE
Switzerland - SUI
Syria - SYR
Taiwan (Chinese Taipei) - TPE
Tajikistan - TJK
Tanzania - TAN
Thailand - THA
Togo - TOG
Tonga - TGA
Trinidad and Tobago - TRI
Tunisia - TUN
Turkey - TUR
Turkmenistan - TKM
Tuvalu - TUV
Uganda - UGA
Ukraine - UKR
United Arab Emirates - UAE
United Kingdom (Great Britain) - GBR
United States - USA
Uruguay - URU
Uzbekistan - UZB
Vanuatu - VAN
Venezuela - VEN
Vietnam - VIE
Virgin Islands* - ISV
Yemen - YEM
Zambia - ZAM
Zimbabwe - ZIM
found on http://geography.about.com/od/countryinformation/a/olympiccodes.htm
4 answers
The cast of The Shining - 1997 includes: Stanley Anderson as Delbert Grady Roger Baker as Rover the Dogman Roger Baker as Rover the Dogman (episode 3) Rich Beall as Airline Gate Agent Rich Beall as Airline Gate Agent (episode 3) Peter Boyles as AA Member Peter Boyles as AA Member (episode 2) Dan Bradley as 2nd Bodyguard Dan Bradley as 2nd Bodyguard (episode 2) Joyce Bulifant as Customer Joyce Bulifant as Customer (episode 3) Lou Carlucci as 1st Bodyguard Lou Carlucci as 1st Bodyguard (episode 2) Richard Christian Matheson as 1st Hitman Richard Christian Matheson as First Hitman (episode 2) Frank Darabont Rebecca De Mornay as Winifred Torrance John Durbin as Horace Derwent Christina Faust as Screaming Female Ghost Christina Faust as Screaming Female Ghost (episode 3) Miguel Ferrer as Mark James Torrance Cynthia Garris as 217 Woman Mick Garris as AA Hartwell Mick Garris as Hartwell (episode 3) Mickey Giacomazzi as 2nd Waiter Mickey Giacomazzi as Waiter (episodes 1, 3) Elliott Gould as Stuart Ullman Wendelin Harston as Car Rental Clerk Wendelin Harston as Car Rental Clerk (episode 3) Tomas Herrera as George Hatfield Tomas Herrera as George Hatfield (episode 1) Lois Hicks as Bookstore Lady Lois Hicks as Bookstore Lady (episode 3) Pat Hingle as Pete Watson Wil Horneff as Tony Stephen King as Gage Creed Christopher Loucks as Graduation Attendee Christopher Loucks as Graduation Attendee (episode 3) Bertha Lynn as TV Announcer Bertha Lynn as TV Announcer (episode 2) Billie McBride as Principal Billie McBride as Principal (episode 3) Courtland Mead as Daniel Anthony Torrance Tim Perovich as Croquet Player Tim Perovich as Croquet Player (episode 1) Richard Peterson as 2nd Hitman Richard Peterson as Second Hitman (episode 2) Sam Raimi as Gas Station Howie Sam Raimi as Howie Langston (episode 3) Shawnee Smith as Waitress Shawnee Smith as Waitress (episode 3) Kenn Solomon as Basketball Player Kenn Solomon as Basketball Player (episode 1) David Sosna as AA Gene David Sosna as Gene (episode 3) Lisa Thornhill as Rita Hayworth Lookalike Melvin Van Peebles as Richard Hallorann Jan Van Sickle as Al Shockley Steven Weber as John Torrance David Zambrano as AA Mitch David Zambrano as Mitch (episode 3)
4 answers
The countries entered the stadium in alphabetical order (Italian alphabetical order) with the exception of Greece--first country in as the traditional founder of the Olympic games--and Italy, the host country which came in last.
5 answers
During the opening ceremony of an Olympics, there is no fixed order of teams entry. Each host country's language is used to set the alphabetical order of entry. The host can also choose to have its own Olympians match in first or last.
8 answers
Greece is always first. The order of the nations was being dictated by the number of Chinese strokes in the first syllable of each nation in Mandarin. The hosting country is always last. 1 Greece (GRE) Ilias Iliadis Judo
2 Guinea (GUI)
3 Guinea-Bissau (GBS)
4 Turkey (TUR)
5 Turkmenistan (TKM) Guvanch Nurmuhamedov Judo
6 Yemen (YEM)
7 Maldives (MDV)
8 Malta (MLT) Marcon Bezzina Judo
9 Madagascar (MAD)
10 Malaysia (MAS) Azizul Hasni Awang Cycling (track)
11 Mali (MLI) Daba Modibo Keita Taekwondo
12 Malawi (MAW)
13 FYR Macedonia (MKD) Atanas Nikolovski Canoe / Kayak (slalom)
14 Marshall Islands (MHL) Waylon Muller
15 Cayman Islands (CAY)
16 Bhutan (BHU)
17 Ecuador (ECU)
18 Eritrea (ERI)
19 Jamaica (JAM)
20 Belgium (BEL) Se'bastien Godefroid Sailing
21 Vanuatu (VAN) Priscila Tommy Table tennis
22 Israel (ISR) Michael Kolganov Canoe / Kayak (flatwater)
23 Japan (JPN) Ai Fukuhara Table tennis
24 Chinese Taipei (TPE) Lai Shengrong Softball
25 Central African Republic (CAF)
26 Hong Kong, China (HKG) Wong Kam-po Cycling
27 Gambia (GAM)
28 Benin (BEN)
29 Mauritius (MRI)
30 Mauritania (MTN)
31 Denmark (DEN) Joachim Olsen Athletics (shot put)
32 Uganda (UGA)
33 Ukraine (UKR) Yana Klochkova Swimming
34 Uruguay (URU) Alejandro Foglia Sailing (Laser)
35 Uzbekistan (UZB)
36 Brunei Brunei (BRU)
37 Barbados (BAR)
38 Papua New Guinea (PNG)
39 Brazil (BRA) Robert Scheidt Sailing (Star)
40 Paraguay (PAR) Vi'ctor Fatecha Athletics (javelin throw)
41 Bahrain (BRN) Rakia Al Gassra Athletics (sprints)
42 Bahamas (BAH)
43 Panama (PAN) Irving Saladino Athletics (long jump)
44 Pakistan (PAK) Zeeshan Ashraf Field hockey
45 Palestine (PLE)
46 Cuba (CUB) Mijail Lopez Wrestling (Greco-Roman)
47 Burkina Faso (BUR)
48 Burundi (BDI)
49 Timor-Leste (TLS)
50 Qatar (QAT)
51 Rwanda (RWA)
52 Luxembourg (LUX)
53 Chad (CHA)
54 Belarus (BLR) Alexandr Romankov
55 India (IND) Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore Shooting
56 Indonesia (INA) I Gusti Made Oka Sulaksana Sailing (RS:X)
57 Lithuania (LTU) S(aru-nas Jasikevic(ius Basketball
58 Niger (NIG)
59 Nigeria (NGR)
60 Nicaragua (NCA) Alexis Arguello
61 Nepal (NEP) Deepak Bista Taekwondo
62 Ghana (GHA)
63 Canada (CAN) Adam van Koeverden Canoe / Kayak (flatwater)
64 Gabon (GAB)
65 San Marino (SMR) Daniela Del Din Shooting
66 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (VIN)
67 Saint Lucia (LCA)
68 Sa~o Tome' and Pri'ncipe (STP)
69 Saint Kitts and Nevis (SKN)
70 Guyana (GUY)
71 Djibouti (DJI)
72 Kyrgyzstan (KGZ) Talant Dzhanagulov Judo
73 Laos (LAO)
74 Armenia (ARM) Albert Azaryan Gymnastics (coach)
75 Spain (ESP) David Cal Figueroa Canoe / Kayak (flatwater)
76 Bermuda (BER)
77 Liechtenstein (LIE)
78 Congo (CGO)
79 DR Congo (COD)
80 Iraq (IRQ)
81 Iran (IRI) Homa Hosseini Rowing
82 Guatemala (GUA) Kevin Cordon Buezo Badminton
83 Hungary (HUN) Zolta'n Kammerer Canoe / Kayak (flatwater)
84 Dominican Republic (DOM) Fe'lix Sa'nchez Athletics (400m Hurdles)
85 Dominica (DMA)
86 Togo (TOG)
87 Iceland (ISL)
88 Guam (GUM)
89 Angola (ANG)
90 Antigua and Barbuda (ANT)
91 Andorra (AND)
92 Tonga (TGA)
93 Jordan (JOR) Zeina Shaban Table tennis
94 Equatorial Guinea (GEQ)
95 Finland (FIN) Juha Hirvi Shooting
96 Croatia (CRO) Ivano Balic' Handball
97 Sudan (SUD)
98 Suriname (SUR)
99 Libya (LBA) Mohamed Ben Saleh Judo
100 Liberia (LBR)
101 Belize (BIZ)
102 Cape Verde (CPV)
103 Cook Islands (COK) Sam Pera Junior Weightlifting
104 Saudi Arabia (KSA)
105 Algeria (ALG)
106 Albania (ALB) Sahit Prizreni Wrestling (Freestyle)
107 United Arab Emirates (UAE) Maitha bint Mohammed Al Maktoum[41] Taekwondo
108 Argentina (ARG) Manu Gino'bili Basketball
109 Oman (OMA)
110 Aruba (ARU)
111 Afghanistan (AFG)
112 Azerbaijan (AZE) Farid Mansurov Wrestling
113 Namibia (NAM) Mannie Heymans Cycling (mountain bike)
114 Tanzania (TAN)
115 Latvia (LAT) Vadims Vasil,evskis Athletics (Javelin Throw)
116 Great Britain (GBR) Mark Foster Swimming (50m freestyle)
117 British Virgin Islands (IVB)
118 Kenya (KEN) Wilfred Bungei Athletics (800M)
119 Romania (ROU) Valeria Bese Handball
120 Palau (PLW)
121 Tuvalu (TUV) Logona Esau Weightlifting
122 Venezuela (VEN) Softball Team Softball
123 Solomon Islands (SOL) Wendy Hale Weightlifting
124 France (FRA) Tony Estanguet Canoe / Kayak (slalom)
125 Poland (POL) Marek Twardowski Canoe / Kayak (flatwater)
126 Puerto Rico (PUR) McWilliams Arroyo Judo
127 Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH) Amel Mekic' Judo
128 Bangladesh (BAN) Rubel Rana Swimming
129 Bolivia (BOL)
130 Norway (NOR) Ruth Kasirye Weightlifting
131 South Africa (RSA)
132 Cambodia (CAM)
133 Kazakhstan (KAZ) Bakhyt Akhmetov Weightlifting
134 Kuwait (KUW)
135 Co^te d'Ivoire (CIV)
136 Comoros (COM)
137 Bulgaria (BUL) Petar Stoychev Swimming (marathon)
138 Russia (RUS) Andrei Kirilenko Basketball
139 Syria (SYR)
140 United States (USA) Lopez Lomong Athletics (1500metres)
141 Virgin Islands (ISV)
142 American Samoa (ASA)
143 Honduras (HON)
144 Zimbabwe (ZIM)
145 Tunisia (TUN)
146 Thailand (THA) Manus Boonjumnong Boxing
147 Egypt (EGY) Karam Gaber Wrestling (Greco-Roman)
148 Ethiopia (ETH)
149 Lesotho (LES)
150 Mozambique (MOZ)
151 Netherlands (NED)
152 Netherlands Antilles (AHO)
153 Grenada (GRN)
154 Georgia (GEO)
155 Somalia (SOM)
156 Colombia (COL) Mari'a Luisa Calle Cycling (track)
157 Costa Rica (CRC)
158 Trinidad and Tobago (TRI)
159 Peru (PER) Sixto Barrera Wrestling (Greco-Roman)
160 Ireland (IRL) Ciara Peelo Sailing (Laser Radial)
161 Estonia (EST) Martin Padar Judo
162 Haiti (HAI)
163 Czech Republic (CZE) Stepanka Hilgertova Canoe / Kayak (Slalom)
164 Kiribati (KIR)
165 Philippines (PHI) Manny Pacquiao
166 El Salvador (ESA)
167 Samoa (SAM)
168 Micronesia (FSM)
169 Tajikistan (TJK) Dilshod Nazarov Athletics (hammer)
170 Vietnam (VIE)
171 Botswana (BOT)
172 Sri Lanka (SRI) Susanthika Jayasinghe Athletics (sprints)
173 Swaziland (SWZ)
174 Slovenia (SLO) Urs(ka Z(olnir Judo
175 Slovakia (SVK) Elena Kaliska' Canoe / Kayak (slalom)
176 Portugal (POR) Nelson E'vora Athletics
177 South Korea (KOR) Jang Sung-Ho Judo
178 North Korea (PRK)
179 Fiji (FIJ) Makelesi Bulikiobo Athletics (sprints)
180 Cameroon (CMR) Frank Moussima Judo
181 Montenegro (MNE) Veljko Uskokovic' Water polo
182 Chile (CHI) Fernando Gonza'lez Tennis
183 Austria (AUT) Hans-Peter Steinacher Sailing (Tornado)
184 Myanmar (MYA)
185 Switzerland (SUI) Roger Federer Tennis
186 Sweden (SWE)
187 Nauru (NRU)
188 Mongolia (MGL) Mahgal Bayarjavhlan Judo
189 Singapore (SIN) Li Jiawei Table tennis
190 New Zealand (NZL) Mahe Drysdale Rowing
191 Italy (ITA) Antonio Rossi Canoe / Kayak (flatwater)
192 Senegal (SEN)
193 Serbia (SRB) Jasna S(ekaric' Shooting
194 Seychelles (SEY)
195 Sierra Leone (SLE)
196 Cyprus (CYP) George Achilleos Shooting
197 Mexico (MEX) Paola Espinosa Diving
198 Lebanon (LIB)
199 Germany (GER) Dirk Nowitzki Basketball
200 Moldova (MDA) Nicolai Ceban Wrestling (Freestyle)
201 Monaco (MON)
202 Morocco (MAR)
203 Australia (AUS) James Tomkins Rowing
204 Zambia (ZAM)
205 China (CHN) Yao Ming Basketball
1 answer
Greece comes in first, followed by the rest of the alphabet, with the Host nation bringing up the rear.
1 Greece (GRE) Ilias Iliadis Judo
2 Guinea (GUI)
3 Guinea-Bissau (GBS)
4 Turkey (TUR)
5 Turkmenistan (TKM) Guvanch Nurmuhamedov Judo
6 Yemen (YEM)
7 Maldives (MDV)
8 Malta (MLT) Marcon Bezzina Judo
9 Madagascar (MAD)
10 Malaysia (MAS) Azizul Hasni Awang Cycling (track)
11 Mali (MLI) Daba Modibo Keita Taekwondo
12 Malawi (MAW)
13 FYR Macedonia (MKD) Atanas Nikolovski Canoe / Kayak (slalom)
14 Marshall Islands (MHL) Waylon Muller
15 Cayman Islands (CAY)
16 Bhutan (BHU)
17 Ecuador (ECU)
18 Eritrea (ERI)
19 Jamaica (JAM)
20 Belgium (BEL) Se'bastien Godefroid Sailing
21 Vanuatu (VAN) Priscila Tommy Table tennis
22 Israel (ISR) Michael Kolganov Canoe / Kayak (flatwater)
23 Japan (JPN) Ai Fukuhara Table tennis
24 Chinese Taipei (TPE) Lai Shengrong Softball
25 Central African Republic (CAF)
26 Hong Kong, China (HKG) Wong Kam-po Cycling
27 Gambia (GAM)
28 Benin (BEN)
29 Mauritius (MRI)
30 Mauritania (MTN)
31 Denmark (DEN) Joachim Olsen Athletics (shot put)
32 Uganda (UGA)
33 Ukraine (UKR) Yana Klochkova Swimming
34 Uruguay (URU) Alejandro Foglia Sailing (Laser)
35 Uzbekistan (UZB)
36 Brunei Brunei (BRU)
37 Barbados (BAR)
38 Papua New Guinea (PNG)
39 Brazil (BRA) Robert Scheidt Sailing (Star)
40 Paraguay (PAR) Vi'ctor Fatecha Athletics (javelin throw)
41 Bahrain (BRN) Rakia Al Gassra Athletics (sprints)
42 Bahamas (BAH)
43 Panama (PAN) Irving Saladino Athletics (long jump)
44 Pakistan (PAK) Zeeshan Ashraf Field hockey
45 Palestine (PLE)
46 Cuba (CUB) Mijail Lopez Wrestling (Greco-Roman)
47 Burkina Faso (BUR)
48 Burundi (BDI)
49 Timor-Leste (TLS)
50 Qatar (QAT)
51 Rwanda (RWA)
52 Luxembourg (LUX)
53 Chad (CHA)
54 Belarus (BLR) Alexandr Romankov
55 India (IND) Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore Shooting
56 Indonesia (INA) I Gusti Made Oka Sulaksana Sailing (RS:X)
57 Lithuania (LTU) S(aru-nas Jasikevic(ius Basketball
58 Niger (NIG)
59 Nigeria (NGR)
60 Nicaragua (NCA) Alexis Arguello
61 Nepal (NEP) Deepak Bista Taekwondo
62 Ghana (GHA)
63 Canada (CAN) Adam van Koeverden Canoe / Kayak (flatwater)
64 Gabon (GAB)
65 San Marino (SMR) Daniela Del Din Shooting
66 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (VIN)
67 Saint Lucia (LCA)
68 Sa~o Tome' and Pri'ncipe (STP)
69 Saint Kitts and Nevis (SKN)
70 Guyana (GUY)
71 Djibouti (DJI)
72 Kyrgyzstan (KGZ) Talant Dzhanagulov Judo
73 Laos (LAO)
74 Armenia (ARM) Albert Azaryan Gymnastics (coach)
75 Spain (ESP) David Cal Figueroa Canoe / Kayak (flatwater)
76 Bermuda (BER)
77 Liechtenstein (LIE)
78 Congo (CGO)
79 DR Congo (COD)
80 Iraq (IRQ)
81 Iran (IRI) Homa Hosseini Rowing
82 Guatemala (GUA) Kevin Cordon Buezo Badminton
83 Hungary (HUN) Zolta'n Kammerer Canoe / Kayak (flatwater)
84 Dominican Republic (DOM) Fe'lix Sa'nchez Athletics (400m Hurdles)
85 Dominica (DMA)
86 Togo (TOG)
87 Iceland (ISL)
88 Guam (GUM)
89 Angola (ANG)
90 Antigua and Barbuda (ANT)
91 Andorra (AND)
92 Tonga (TGA)
93 Jordan (JOR) Zeina Shaban Table tennis
94 Equatorial Guinea (GEQ)
95 Finland (FIN) Juha Hirvi Shooting
96 Croatia (CRO) Ivano Balic' Handball
97 Sudan (SUD)
98 Suriname (SUR)
99 Libya (LBA) Mohamed Ben Saleh Judo
100 Liberia (LBR)
101 Belize (BIZ)
102 Cape Verde (CPV)
103 Cook Islands (COK) Sam Pera Junior Weightlifting
104 Saudi Arabia (KSA)
105 Algeria (ALG)
106 Albania (ALB) Sahit Prizreni Wrestling (Freestyle)
107 United Arab Emirates (UAE) Maitha bint Mohammed Al Maktoum[41] Taekwondo
108 Argentina (ARG) Manu Gino'bili Basketball
109 Oman (OMA)
110 Aruba (ARU)
111 Afghanistan (AFG)
112 Azerbaijan (AZE) Farid Mansurov Wrestling
113 Namibia (NAM) Mannie Heymans Cycling (mountain bike)
114 Tanzania (TAN)
115 Latvia (LAT) Vadims Vasil,evskis Athletics (Javelin Throw)
116 Great Britain (GBR) Mark Foster Swimming (50m freestyle)
117 British Virgin Islands (IVB)
118 Kenya (KEN) Wilfred Bungei Athletics (800M)
119 Romania (ROU) Valeria Bese Handball
120 Palau (PLW)
121 Tuvalu (TUV) Logona Esau Weightlifting
122 Venezuela (VEN) Softball Team Softball
123 Solomon Islands (SOL) Wendy Hale Weightlifting
124 France (FRA) Tony Estanguet Canoe / Kayak (slalom)
125 Poland (POL) Marek Twardowski Canoe / Kayak (flatwater)
126 Puerto Rico (PUR) McWilliams Arroyo Judo
127 Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH) Amel Mekic' Judo
128 Bangladesh (BAN) Rubel Rana Swimming
129 Bolivia (BOL)
130 Norway (NOR) Ruth Kasirye Weightlifting
131 South Africa (RSA)
132 Cambodia (CAM)
133 Kazakhstan (KAZ) Bakhyt Akhmetov Weightlifting
134 Kuwait (KUW)
135 Co^te d'Ivoire (CIV)
136 Comoros (COM)
137 Bulgaria (BUL) Petar Stoychev Swimming (marathon)
138 Russia (RUS) Andrei Kirilenko Basketball
139 Syria (SYR)
140 United States (USA) Lopez Lomong Athletics (1500metres)
141 Virgin Islands (ISV)
142 American Samoa (ASA)
143 Honduras (HON)
144 Zimbabwe (ZIM)
145 Tunisia (TUN)
146 Thailand (THA) Manus Boonjumnong Boxing
147 Egypt (EGY) Karam Gaber Wrestling (Greco-Roman)
148 Ethiopia (ETH)
149 Lesotho (LES)
150 Mozambique (MOZ)
151 Netherlands (NED)
152 Netherlands Antilles (AHO)
153 Grenada (GRN)
154 Georgia (GEO)
155 Somalia (SOM)
156 Colombia (COL) Mari'a Luisa Calle Cycling (track)
157 Costa Rica (CRC)
158 Trinidad and Tobago (TRI)
159 Peru (PER) Sixto Barrera Wrestling (Greco-Roman)
160 Ireland (IRL) Ciara Peelo Sailing (Laser Radial)
161 Estonia (EST) Martin Padar Judo
162 Haiti (HAI)
163 Czech Republic (CZE) Stepanka Hilgertova Canoe / Kayak (Slalom)
164 Kiribati (KIR)
165 Philippines (PHI) Manny Pacquiao
166 El Salvador (ESA)
167 Samoa (SAM)
168 Micronesia (FSM)
169 Tajikistan (TJK) Dilshod Nazarov Athletics (hammer)
170 Vietnam (VIE)
171 Botswana (BOT)
172 Sri Lanka (SRI) Susanthika Jayasinghe Athletics (sprints)
173 Swaziland (SWZ)
174 Slovenia (SLO) Urs(ka Z(olnir Judo
175 Slovakia (SVK) Elena Kaliska' Canoe / Kayak (slalom)
176 Portugal (POR) Nelson E'vora Athletics
177 South Korea (KOR) Jang Sung-Ho Judo
178 North Korea (PRK)
179 Fiji (FIJ) Makelesi Bulikiobo Athletics (sprints)
180 Cameroon (CMR) Frank Moussima Judo
181 Montenegro (MNE) Veljko Uskokovic' Water polo
182 Chile (CHI) Fernando Gonza'lez Tennis
183 Austria (AUT) Hans-Peter Steinacher Sailing (Tornado)
184 Myanmar (MYA)
185 Switzerland (SUI) Roger Federer Tennis
186 Sweden (SWE)
187 Nauru (NRU)
188 Mongolia (MGL) Mahgal Bayarjavhlan Judo
189 Singapore (SIN) Li Jiawei Table tennis
190 New Zealand (NZL) Mahe Drysdale Rowing
191 Italy (ITA) Antonio Rossi Canoe / Kayak (flatwater)
192 Senegal (SEN)
193 Serbia (SRB) Jasna S(ekaric' Shooting
194 Seychelles (SEY)
195 Sierra Leone (SLE)
196 Cyprus (CYP) George Achilleos Shooting
197 Mexico (MEX) Paola Espinosa Diving
198 Lebanon (LIB)
199 Germany (GER) Dirk Nowitzki Basketball
200 Moldova (MDA) Nicolai Ceban Wrestling (Freestyle)
201 Monaco (MON)
202 Morocco (MAR)
203 Australia (AUS) James Tomkins Rowing
204 Zambia (ZAM)
205 China (CHN) Yao Ming Basketball
1 answer
The cast of The First 48 - 2004 includes: Joe Abdella as Himself - Detroit F.A.S.T. Joe Abdella as Himself - Detroit PD Joe Abdella as Himself - F.A.S.T. Unit, Detroit PD Joe Abdella as Himself - Sergeant Frazer Adams as himself Frazer Adams as Himself - Detroit Homicide Jovy Aguirre as Himself - Charlotte-Mecklenburg Homicide Mark Ahearn as himself Mark Ahearn as Himself - Dallas Homicide Abraham Alanis as Himself - Harris County Homicide Demarcus Alexander as Himself - Shooting Suspect Trish Allen as Herself - Officer Richard Alleyne as Himself - Miami PD Ivan Almeida as Himself - Latent Print Examiner Danny Alpiger as Himself - Louisville Homicide William Anderson III as Himself - Detroit Homicide Mark Anglin as Himself - DeKalb County Forensic Investigator Jo Ann Kinney as herself Jo Ann Kinney as himself Jo Ann Miller as Herself - Detroit Homicide Lee Ann Oehler as Herself - Charlotte-Mecklenburg Homicide Lee Ann Oehler as Herself - Charlotte-Mecklenburg Homocide Jamaal Ansari as Himself - Cleveland Homicide Erika Anthony as Herself - Birmingham Homicide Armando Aquilar as himself Toney Armstrong as himself Toney Armstrong as Himself - Lieutenant Toney Armstrong as Himself - Memphis Homicide Andy Arostegui as Himself - Miami Cold Case Robert Arredondo as himself Bill Ashton as himself William Ashton as Himself - Memphis Homicide Ron Avant as Himself - Cincinnati PD Everett Babcock as himself Everett Babcock as Himself - Kansas City, MO Homicide Pete Bailey as Himself - Dallas Deployment Unit Kurt Ballman as Himself - Cincinnati Homicide Kurt Ballman as Himself - Detective Troy Banks as himself Danny Barham as Himself - Memphis PD Robin Bass as himself Robin Bass as Himself - Detective Eddie Bass as Himself - Memphis Homicide Eddie Bass as Himself - Sergeant Robin Bass as Himself - Sgt. Andy Beach as Himself - Dallas County A.D.A. Ben Beall as Himself - Harris County Homicide Roderick Beasley as Himself - Louisville PD Raymond Beaudreault as himself Raymond Beaudreault as Himself - Sergeant Cameron Beedle as Himself - Homewood PD Orlando Benitez as himself Orlando Benitez as Himself - Miami Homicide Daniel Bernabe as himself Marcus Berryman as Himself - Memphis CSI Andy Betancourt as Himself - CSI Andy Betancourt as Himself - Miami PD Andy Betancourt as Himself -Miami PD Dwane Blackmon as Himself - Detroit Homicide Boux Bland as Himself - Dallas PD Kenneth Blank as Himself - Dallas PD Rob Blehm as Himself - Kansas City, MO Homicide Rob Blehm as Himself - KCMO Homicide Bill Boldin as Himself - US Marshall Trevor Bonner as Himself - CSI Fernando Bosch as himself Fernando Bosch as Himself - Detective Fernando Bosch as Himself - Miami Homicide Derrell Branch as himself Derrell Branch as Himself - Detective Terry Brandon as Himself - Charlotte-Mecklenburg Homicide Joe Briede as himself Joe Briede as Himself - Cincinnati Homicide Joe Briede as Himself - Sergeant Roy Bristow as Himself - Birmingham Homicide Roy Bristow as Himself - Detective LaTonya Brooks as Herself - Detroit Homicide Bruce Brueggeman as Himself - DeKalb County Major Felony Unit Roslyn Buckner as Herself - Officer John Buhrmaster as himself John Buhrmaster as Himself - Lieutenant John Buhrmaster as Himself - Miami Homicide John Buhrmaster as Himself -Miami Homicide Jessica Burton as herself Linnell Burton as Herself - DeKalb County Crime Scene Unit Jessica Burton as Herself - Sgt. Rupert Butcher as Himself - CSI Rupert Butcher as Himself - Finger Print Expert Rupert Butcher as Himself - Latent Finger Print Tech Rupert Butcher as Himself - Latent Fingerprint Tech Rupert Butcher as Himself - Latent Print Examiner Rupert Butcher as Himself - Latent Print Expert Rupert Butcher as Himself - Miami PD Latent Print Examiner Denny Butler as Himself - Louisville Homicide Denny Butler as Himself - Sergeant Stephen Cabler as Himself - Harris County Polygraph Examiner Andy Caceras as himself Corey Cadwell as Himself - Detective Cythia Calhoun as Herself - Latent Print Examiner (Birmingham) Shawn Carrizal as Himself - Harris County Homicide Debo Carson as herself Debo Carson as Herself - Memphis Homicide Debo Carson as Herself - Sergeant Carl Caruso as Himself - Detective Carlos Castellanos as himself Carlos Castellanos as Himself - Detective Carlos Castellanos as Himself - Miami Homicide Manny Castillo as himself Manny Castillo as Himself - Detective Manny Castillo as Himself - Miami Homicide Bruce Chamberlain as Himself - Dallas Homicide Bruce Chamberlain as Himself - Detective Cecilia Charron as herself Marty Chitwood as Himself - Kansas City, MO Police Satish Chundru as Himself - Medical Examiner Roger Clemons as Himself - Detroit Homicide Craig Clopton as Himself - Harris County Homicide Micky Cohn as Himself - Detective Mickey Cohn as Himself - Louisville Homicide Mickey Cohn as Himself - Louisville Metro Homicide Mickey Cohn as Himself - Louisville Metro Homocide Gary Conner as Himself - Cincinnati Homicide Garry Connor as Himself - Cincinnati Homicide Eunice Cooper as herself Eunice Cooper as Herself - Detective Eunice Cooper as Herself - Miami Homicide Eunice Cooper as Herself - Sergeant Dave Corlett as himself Warren Cotton as Himself - Birmingham Homicide Carl Counti as himself Don Crowe as Himself - Lieutenant Aaron Crowell as Himself - Louisville Homicide Aaron Crowell as Himself - Louisville Metro Homicide James Curless as Himself - Lieutenant James Currin as himself James Currin as Himself - Sgt. Linus Curtis as Himself - Suspect (The Ring) Robert Dance as Himself - Charlotte-Mecklenburg PD Stacey Davenport as Herself - Louisville Crime Scene Unit Cedric Davis as Himself - Lieutenant Ernestine Davison as himself Julia De La Garza as Herself - Medical Examiner Manny De La Torriente as himself Manny De La Torriente as Himself - Detective Carlos De Los Santos as himself Mario De Los Santos as himself Mario De Los Santos as Himself - Detective Mario De Los Santos as Himself - Miami Homicide Carlos De Los Santos as Himself - Miami Homicide Carlos De Los Santos as Himself - Sergeant Carlos De Los Santos as Himself - Sgt. William Delancy as Himself - CSI Willard Delancy as Himself - CSI Willard Delancy as Himself - Miami PD Jeleni Dew as Himself - Detroit PD Gary Diaz as Himself - Detroit Homicide Tammy Diedrich as herself Tammy Diedrich as Herself - Minneapolis Homicide Tammy Diedrich as Herself - Sergeant Sallie Dillian as herself John Dorer as Himself - Detective John Dorer as Himself - Tucson Homicide Pat Dorn as himself Eddie Douglas as himself Jermaine Douglas as Himself - Miami Homicide James Dousay as Himself - Harris County Homicide Jeff Downing as himself Kristen Downs as herself Kristen Downs as Herself - Detective Kristen Downs as Herself - Louisville Homicide Ken Ducker as himself Rick Duggan as himself Rick Duggan as Himself - Dallas Homicide Rick Duggan as Himself - Detective Nancy Dunlap as herself Nancy Dunlap as Herself - Minneapolis Homicide Barbara Eckert as herself Barbara Eckert as Herself - Kansas City, MO Homicide Barbara Eckert as Herself - Sergeant Paul Ellzey as himself Paul Ellzey as Himself - Dallas Homicide Paul Ellzey as Himself - Detective Larry Elmhurst as Himself - Latent Fingerprint Examiner Larry Elmhurst as Himself - Miami Latent Print Examiner Rich Emberlin as Himself - Senior Corporal Darren Emfinger as Himself - Fugitive Apprehension Unit Tim Entenok as Himself - Cleveland Homicide Bob Ermatinger as himself Bob Ermatinger as Himself - Dallas Homicide Bob Ermatinger as Himself - Detective Jacqueline Exceus as Herself - Miami PD Keith Fangman as Himself - Officer Frank Fede as Himself - Cincinnati PD Dave Feldhaus as himself Dave Feldhaus as Himself - Cincinnati Homicide Dave Feldhaus as Himself - Detective Alex Femenia as Herself - Detective Alex Femenia as himself Alex Femenia as Himself - Detective Laz Fernandez as Himself - CSI Lance Fernandez as Himself - CSI Lazaro Fernandez as Himself - CSI Alberto Fernandez as Himself - Miami PD Frank Fey as Himself - CSI Timothy Firchau as Himself - Detroit Homicide Blair Fitch as Himself - Charlotte Mecklenburg Homicide Eno Fite as Herself - Dallas Homicide Bruce Folkens as himself Marquis Fomby as Himself - U.S. Marshall Ervens Ford as Herself - Detective Ervens Ford as himself Ervens Ford as Himself - Detective Ervens Ford as Himself - Miami Homicide Ervens Ford as Himself - Sergeant Erick Fors as himself Domenic Frontino as Himself - Graphic Arts Unit Laura Fulginiti as Herself - Medical Examiner Aura Fynes as Herself - Miami PD Christopher Gaiters as himself Christopher Gaiters as Himself - Minneapolis Homicide Christopher Gaiters as Himself - Sergeant Christopher Gaiters as Himself - Sgt. Cindy Galamba as Herself - Medical Examiner Ken Gardener Angela Garrison as Herself - Kansas City, KS Homicide Gil Garza as Himself - Detective Gil Garza as Himself - Sergeant Nathan Gathright as Himself - Finger Print Tech. Greg Gehring as Himself - Cincinnati Homicide Greg Gehring as Himself - Detective Pat Genovese as Himself - Fingerprint Expert Fernando George as Himself - Birmingham Homicide Roger Gilubski as himself Kevin Gladden as Himself - Dallas PD Matthew Gnatek as Himself - Detroit Homicide Larry Godwin as himself Rod Golding as Himself - Charlotte-Mecklenburg Homicide Rod Golding as Himself - Charlotte-Mecklenburg Homocide Russell Gonzales as Himself - Harris County Homicide Chiqui Gonzalez as himself Confesur Gonzalz as himself Confesur Gonzalz as Himself - Miami Homicide Confesur Gonzalz as Himself - Sergeant Dion Graham Dion Graham as Himself - Narrator Dion Graham as Narrator Jose Granado as himself Jose Granado as Himself - Miami Homicide Jose Granado as Himself - Sergeant Jose Granado as Himself - Sgt. Chris Granger as himself Daniel Guell as Himself - Miami PD Tracy Gutterman as herself Byron Guynn as Himself - Officer Armando Guzman as Himself - Miami Special Operations Linda Haley as Herself - Harris County Latent Print Examiner Deron Hall as Himself - Cincinnati PD Gordy Hampton as Himself - Detroit Homicide Barry Hanks as himself Barry Hanks as Himself - Memphis Homicide Bill Hanson as himself Bill Hanson as Himself - Tucson Homicide Jeff Hanus as himself Kevin Hanus as Himself - Detroit Homicide Jeff Hanus as Himself - Sgt. Mamie Hardy as herself Bo Hardy as Himself - Memphis Aviation Unit Herman Harris as Himself - Birmingham Homicide Tim Harshbarger as Himself - Detective Jill Haslam as herself Jimmy Hawthorne as Himself - Detroit Homicide Tim Helldorfer as himself Tim Helldorfer as Himself - Memphis Homicide Tim Helldorfer as Himself - Sergeant Michael Hellerman as Himself - DeKalb County Major Felony Unit Dionne Henderson as Herself - Secretary, Memphis PD Tomas Hernandez as Himself - Suspect David Herron as Himself - Suspect Kurt Hibbets as Himself - U.S. Marshall Kurt Hibbets as Himself - US Marshall Bill Hilbert as himself Bill Hilbert as Himself - Cincinnati Homicide Bill Hilbert as Himself - Detective Cordell Hines as Himself - Suspect Herman Hinton as Himself - Birmingham PD Mike Hobel as himself Donie Hoffman as herself Lionel Holliday as Himself - Harris County CSU Billy Holmes as Himself - Detective John Holthusen as himself John Holthusen as Himself - Minneapolis Homicide Lee Huelsenbeck as Himself - F.A.S.T. Unit Detroit Amelia Huffman as herself Jim Hughs as Himself - Detective Eric Hutchison as himself Vern Huth as himself Eddie Ibarra as himself Eddie Ibarra as Himself - Dallas Homicide Eddie Ibarra as Himself - Detective Hector Infante as Himself - CSI Hector Infante as Himself - Miami PD Latiss Irons as Himself - Suspect Jody Jacobs as Himself - Birmingham Homicide Jody Jacobs as Himself - Detective Cliff Jewell as himself Mo Jimenez as Himself - Sergeant Ricardo John as Himself - Detective Ricardo John as Himself - Miami Homicide Lanesha Jones as herself Lanesha Jones as Herself - Sgt. Kari Jorganson as himself Connie Justice as herself Connie Justice as Herself - Memphis Homicide Connie Justice as Herself - Sergeant Chris Karakostas as himself Rafal Kawiorski as Himself - Miami Homicide Bill Kelhower as Himself - Detective Kathi Kelley as herself Kathi Kelley as Herself - Tucson Homicide Barry Kennamer as Himself - Birmingham Crime Reduction Team Tanya King as Herself - Investigator Collin King as Himself - Louisville Homicide Collin King as Himself - Louisville Metro Homocide Joanne Kinney as herself Keith Kirchhoff as Himself - Kansas City, MO Homicide Gary Kirkpatrick as himself Ann Kjos as Herself - Minneapolis Homicide Ann Kjos as Herself - Sergeant Darcy Klund as himself Patrick Kotecki as Himself - Sergeant Barbara Kozloff as Herself - Detroit Homicide Kyle Krewn as Himself - Detective Dan Krieter as Himself - Physical Evidence Wayne Kuhlman as Himself - Harris County Homicide Tommy Kulesa as himself Tommy Kulesa as Himself - Detective Alexander Kump as Himself - Detective Brian Kuriger as Himself - Detective Irma Labrice as Herself - Sergeant Leroy Larose as Himself - Offender Robert Laurenceau as himself Dane Lawrence as Himself - Video Forensic Technician (Louisville) Ray Lenoir as Himself - Detective Ray Lenoir as Himself - Kansas City, MO Homicide Emma Lew as herself Emma Lew as Herself - Medical Examiner Emma Lew as Herself - Miami-Dade Medical Examiner Jeffery Lewis as himself Doug Lindle as Himself - Cincinnati Homicide Doug Lindle as Himself - Detective Bob Liston as himself Bob Liston as Himself - Cincinnati Homicide Randy Loboda as himself Randy Loboda as Himself - Dallas Homicide Randy Loboda as Himself - Detective Vickie Logan as Herself - DeKalb County Special Victims Unit Myron Love as Himself - Detroit Homicide Leon Lubiejewski as Himself - Detective Fignole Lubin as Himself - Miami Homicide Jenny Luke as Herself - Cincinnati Homicide Jenny Luke as himself Dale Lundberg as Himself - Dallas Homicide Dale Lundberg as Himself - Detective Kevin Lundy as himself Kevin Lundy as Himself - Memphis Homicide Kevin Lundy as Himself - Sergeant Dan Lusty as himself Dan Lusty as Himself - Dallas Homicide Dan Lusty as Himself - Detective Kelly Maguire as Herself - Field Agent Susan Manassah as Herself - Charlotte-Mecklenburg Homicide Jeff Maness as himself Jeff Maness as Himself - Memphis Homicide Dominic Mangoni as Himself - Detective Lisa Mangum as Herself - Charlotte Mecklenburg Homicide Joe Marinella as himself Joe Marinella as Himself - Kansas City, MO Homicide Patricia Marnett as Herself - Detective Leigh Maroni as Herself - Detective Leigh Maroni as Herself - Louisville Homicide Leigh Maroni as Himself - Detective Michael Martel as himself Gil Martin as Himself - CSI Caroline Mason as herself Caroline Mason as Herself - Memphis Homicide Caroline Mason as Herself - Sergeant Caroline Mason as Herself - Sgt. Caroline Mason as himself Terry Mast as Himself - Detective Alfredo Matias as Himself - Miami PD Keegan Maull as Himself - Suspect (Last Drive) Carl Mauterer as Himself - Alabama Dept. of Forensic Science Terry Max as himself Terry Max as Himself - Memphis Homicide Sharon Maybon as herself Marcia McCleary as Herself - Evidence Tech Alex McCollum as himself Jacoby McCoy as Himself - Friend of Victim (Stepping Up Segment) Gary McFadden as Himself - Charlotte Mecklenburg Homicide Terry McGuffey as himself Terry McGuffey as Himself - Cincinnati Homicide Norma McKee as Herself - Charlotte-Mecklenburg Homicide Marshall McLemore as himself Marshall McLemore as Himself - Dallas CSI Latrelle McNairy as herself Joe McNulty as Himself - Dallas Homicide Joe McNulty as Himself - Detective Keith McQuilkin as Himself - DeKalb County Major Felony Unit Bo McSwain as Himself - Charlotte-Mecklenburg Homicide Sherri Meisel as Herself - Detective Louis Melancon as Herself - Sergeant Louis Melancon as himself Louis Melancon as Himself - Miami Homicide Tim Melbourne as Himself - Sergeant Tim Melbourne as Himself - Tucson PD Troy Meyer as Himself - Officer: Tactical Unit Bill Michael as Himself - Kansas City, KS Homicide Tony Miguelez as himself Tony Miguelez as Himself - Detective Priscilla Miller as Herself - CSI Priscilla Miller as Herself - Miami PD Jack Millward as himself Jack Millward as Himself - Sergeant Jennifer Mitsch as Herself - Cincinnati Homicide Gerardo Monreal as Himself - Dallas PD Esteban Montenegro as Himself - Dallas Homicide Milton Montes de oca as himself Romero Moran as Himself - Sergeant Charles Moreland as himself John Morell as himself John Morell as Himself - Detroit Homicide Mayree Morin as herself Mayree Morin as Herself - Detective Michael Morrin as Himself - Lieutenant Field Morton as Himself - Birmingham Homicide Dudley Mosworthy as Himself - Officer Reinhard Motte as Himself - Medical Examiner Tony Mullins as herself Kelly Mullins as Herself - Detroit Homicide Tony Mullins as himself Tony Mullins as Himself - Memphis Homicide Tony Mullins as Himself - Sergeant Tony Mullins as Himself - Sgt. Dennis Mumford as Himself - Detective Roxann Murray as Herself - Birmingham CSU Vivian Murray as Herself - Memphis Homicide Dave Needham as Himself - Detective Merilyn Nelson as herself Mariline Nelson as Herself - Detective Fabrice Nelson as Himself - CSI Fabrice Nelson as Himself - Miami CSI Rusty Neville as Himself - Cincinnati PD Doug Niemeier as himself Doug Niemeier as Himself - Kansas City, MO Homicide Doug Niemeier as Himself - KCMO Homicide Doug Niemeier as Himself - Sergeant Sam Noblitt as Himself - Birmingham Homicide Sam Noblitt as Himself - Sergeant Paul Noel as Himself - Officer Joe Noguera as Himself - Harris County Crime Scene Unit Joe Noguera as Himself - Harris County CSU Brian Nunn as Himself - Sergeant Mitch Oliver as himself Mitch Oliver as Himself - Memphis Homicide Mitch Oliver as Himself - Sergeant Dale Ordogne as himself Steve Orona as Himself - Detective Manuel Orsa as himself Dave Osorio as Himself - Charlotte-Mecklenburg Homocide George Pajor as Himself - Detroit PD Henry Palacios as Himself - Harris County Homicide Roderick Passmore as himself Roderick Passmore as Himself - Miami Homicide David Pauch as himself David Pauch as Himself - Detroit PD Joe Peel as Himself - Memphis Homicide Joe Peel as Himself - Sergeant Charles Pelts as Himself - Dallas PD Laura Penrod as Herself - Detective Ken Penrod as himself Ken Penrod as Himself - Dallas Homicide Darin Penrod as Himself - Detective Ken Penrod as Himself - Detective Fidel Perez as Himself - Detective Ramiro Perez as Himself - Suspect Joseph Petkac as Himself - Fugitive Task Force John Piakis as Himself - Forensic Dentist Kelly Pike as Himself - Tucson Homicide Greg Pinkins as Himself - Harris County Homicide Nathania Polak as Herself - Detective Freddy Ponce as himself Freddy Ponce as Himself - Detective Freddy Ponce as Himself - Miami Homicide Cory Pool as Himself - Harris County Homicide Luis Porras as Himself - Minneapolis Homicide Scott Praytor as Himself - Birmingham Homicide Tim Purdy as Himself - Charlotte-Mecklenburg Homicide Tim Purdy as Himself - Charlotte-Mecklenburg PD Mundy Quinn as Himself - Memphis Homicide Mundy Quinn as Himself - Sergeant Mario Quintanilla as Himself - Harris County Homicide Bart Ragland as himself Bart Ragland as Himself - Memphis Homicide Phil Rainwater as Himself - Charlotte Mecklenburg Homicide Tommy Raley as Himself - Dallas Homicide Tommy Raley as Himself - Detective Lorena Ramirez as Herself - Miami Homicide Bob Randolph as Himself - Cincinnati Homicide James Raynard as Himself - Cleveland Homicide Mark Rewalt as himself Kris Reynolds as Herself - Forensic Scientist (Minneapolis) Luna Rocha as Himself - Suspect Darrell Rocker as himself David Rockett as Himself - Birmingham Crime Scene Unit Sandy Rodriguez as herself Mike Rojas as Himself - Miami Homicide Olga Rome as herself Olga Rome as Herself - Detective Jeremy Rosenthal as himself Jeremy Rosenthal as Himself - Detective Ken Rossiter as Himself - Detective Archie Rudd as himself Kevin Ruggiero as herself Kathleen Ruggiero as Herself - Detective Kevin Ruggiero as himself Kevin Ruggiero as Himself - Detective Kevin Ruggiero as Himself - Miami Homicide John Rusinque as Himself - Miami Homicide Vikki Saine as herself Ross Salverino as Himself - Sgt. Frankie Sanchez as Himself - Miami Homicide Susan Sarvis as Herself - Charlotte-Mecklenburg Homicide Susan Sarvis as Herself - Charlotte-Mecklenburg Homocide Scott Sayers as himself Scott Sayers as Himself - Dallas Homicide Scott Sayers as Himself - Detective Jeff Schare as himself Jeff Schare as Himself - Cincinnati Homicide Jason Schecterle as Himself - Detective Joe Schillaci as himself Joe Schillaci as Himself - Sergeant Mike Scoggins as Himself - Dallas Homicide Dwight Scrutchin as Himself - Evidence Tech John Shallue as Himself - Detective Scott Shea as Himself - Detroit Homicide Charles Sherek as Himself - Detective Lynn Shuler as Himself - DeKalb County Major Felony Unit Ernie Sierra as Himself - Miami Detective Rene Sigala as himself Rene Sigala as Himself - Dallas Homicide Ronnie Simpson as Himself - Lieutenant Constance Slappey as Herself - Detroit Homicide Mike Smallman as himself Roy Stalvey as Himself - Louisville Homicide Steve Steinbach as himself Keith Steinbach as Himself - Kansas City, MO Homicide Greg Stopcynski as Himself - Officer Ellen Sue Venzer as Herself - Judge William Suter as Himself - Cincinnati PD Brian Tabor as Himself - Dallas Homicide Brian Tabor as Himself - Detective Emiliano Tamayo as himself Emiliano Tamayo as Himself - Detective Emiliano Tamayo as Himself - Miami Homicide Armando Tamez as Himself - Harris County Crime Stoppers Unit John Tanks as Himself - Birmingham Homicide Rafael Tapanes as himself Leo Tapanes as himself Leo Tapanes as Himself - Detective Leo Tapanes as Himself - Miami Homicide Dirk Tarpley as Himself - FBI Frank Theye as Himself - CSI Frank Theye as Himself - Miami CSI Frank Theye as Himself - Miami PD Dwayne Thompson as himself Dwayne Thompson as Himself - Dallas Homicide Chris Thomsen as himself Chris Thomsen as Himself - Minneapolis Homicide Scott Thurmond as Himself - Birmingham Homicide Scott Thurmond as Himself - Sergeant Eric Torrence as Himself - Birmingham Homicide Eric Torrence as Himself - Detective Javier Trabazo as Himself - Officer Kevin Trees Kevin Trees as Himself - Louisville Homicide Brian Trotta as Himself - Cincinnati PD Sal Tufano as Himself - Cincinnati Homicide Bob Turcot as himself Karen Vance as herself Maria Varker as herself Maria Varker as Herself - Dallas PD Colin Vaughn as himself Colin Vaughn as Himself - Cincinnati Homicide Mike Vega as Himself - Detective Mo Velasquez as Himself - Sergeant Moises Velazquez as Himself - Detective Moises Velazquez as Himself - Sergeant Matthew Vertheim as himself Juan Viramontes as Himself - Harris County Homicide Steven Voisin as Himself - Harris County Forensic Video Unit Steven Voisin as Himself - Technical Investigator Marcel Walker as Himself - Birmingham Homicide Marcel Walker as Himself - Detective Jerry Wallerich as himself Jerry Wallerich as Himself - Sergeant Roger Wedgeworth as Himself - Harris County Homicide Gerhard Wehr as himself Gerhard Wehr as Himself - Sergeant Brenda Wescott as Herself - Detective Brenda Wescott as Herself - Louisville Homicide Brenda Wescott as Herself - Louisville Metro Homicide Eddie Wescott as himself Johnell White as Himself - Detroit Homicide Jennifer Whitfield as Herself - Detective Jennifer Whitfield as Herself - Tucson Homicide Keith Wilke as Himself - Gulf Coast Violent Offenders Task Force Barry Wilkerson Barry Wilkerson as Himself - Lieutenant Barry Wilkerson as Himself - Louisville Homicide Barry Wilkerson as Himself - Louisville Metro Homocide Kyle Willett as Himself - Detective Kyle Willett as Himself - Louisville Homicide Torey Williams as Herself - Alabama Dept. of Forensic Science Altarr Williams as himself Altarr Williams as Himself - Miami Homicide Altarr Williams as Himself - Sergeant Tavares Williams as Himself - Shooting Suspect Ernie Wilson as himself Avon Wilson as Himself - CSI Ernie Wilson as Himself - Detroit Homicide Keith Witherell as himself Dennis Wolfford as Himself - Harris County Homicide Marlon Wright as Himself - CSI Arnold Yang as Himself - CSI Jerry Yarbough as Himself - CSU Arnold Yem as Himself - CSI Michael Yeric as Himself - Dallas Homicide Mike Zwick as Himself - Cincinnati Homicide Chuck Zwicker as Himself - Detroit Homicide Chuck Zwicker as Himself - Officer Mike Zwike as himself
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