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Yagnas are not at all useful for ozone repairing. They are just myths.

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Yes , cow dung is used in Yagnas or Religious Fire . Usually Yagnas are carried out inside of temples or sacred places only. Thus you can usually find dry cow dung stored inside temples.

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Rutwick or Rutwicka as it is more commonly known is sanskrith literature is a name given to the group of people who perform yaagaas and yagnas to appease the gods on holy occassions. They are learned men who worship the almighty in various forms and ways and hence very highly respected as well.

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Two books containing essays on various aspects and variations of the Mahabharata text ... Thus, Ramaswamy deals only with the imaging of women in Tamil traditions ... He describes some non-Mahabharata episodes, not all (that is done by ...

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Pushtimarg (The Path Of Grace) is one of the many sects in the Hindu religion. Pushtimarg was founded by Shrimad Vallabhacharya Mahaprabhu. Shri Vallabhacharya is one of the five main Acharyas of the Hindu Religion . The other four being Shankaracharya, Shri Ramanujacharya, Shri Madhavacharya and Shri Nimbarkacharya. These acharyas have a very significant contribution towards the revival of the Bhakti movement and upbringing of the Hindu Religion. Shri Vallabhacharya was born into a very noble and learned Brahmin family in South India in what is today called Andhra Pradesh. His ancestors had a very staunch religious background and included learned Brahmins like Shri Yagnanarayan Bhatt and Shri Ganapati Bhatt. They wrote several books on religion and devotion. Shri Vallabhacharya was the second son of Lakshman Bhatt and Yallammagaru. Their ancestors had performed several Soma-yagnas and Shri Lakshman Bhatt completed 100 Somyagnas. Shri Yagnanarayan was blessed by Lord Vishnu, that on completion of 100 Soma-yagnas, God himself would incarnate in his family. Thus when 100 Soma-yagnas were complete, Lakshman Bhatt went to Kashi to accomplish his vow of feeding 1.25 lakhs Brahmins. He could not complete this task as there were political disturbances in Kashi. He took his pregnant wife Yallammagaru and on his way southwards he halted at a place called Champaranya. Where his wife gave birth to a still baby which they kept under a tree and proceeded ahead. On the same night Lakshman Bhatt heard a celestial voice ordering him to go back to the baby and pick it up as it was misunderstood to be a still born. That baby was no ordinary one, but by the grace of God, Shri Vallabh had taken birth through Yallammagaru's womb. On reaching the spot where they had kept the baby, they found the baby encircled by a divine fire as a protecting spirit. Shri Vallabh was a brilliant and extra-ordinary child. He finished studying all the Vedas and all the prominent scriptures at a very early age. At the age of 11 he started his all India pilgrimage. During this tour he came to Vijaynagar where he came to know about a sensational debate that was being conducted in the court of King Krishnadevraya. The debate was between the different Acharyas over the question whether God is dualistic or non-dualistic. Shri Vallabh entered the court and with his unopposed arguments proved that God is non-dualistic. The details of which can be known in a book named "Vallabh Digvijay" During the second pilgrimage, Lord Krishna appeared in the form of Lord Shrinathji in front of him and ordered him to reestablish Pushti Marg and propagate the pushti kind of devotion among the chosen ones and bring them back to their original state in God's own domain. i.e. Vaikuntha or Golok-dham . But the question in Shri Vallabh's mind was that the divine souls in this world too are highly influenced by the materialistic world and their souls and body have lost the kind of purity that is needed for their reunion with the Supreme entity i.e.. Lord Krishna.

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In the course of its eventful history Buddhism which began as a departure from the ritualism of the Hindu religion gradually adapted and absorbed many Hindu ideas and practices to the point that at times, the lines of distinction between the two religions (the parent and the offspring) were blurred. The objective of Nirvana towards which every Buddhist is supposed to strive is undoubtedly an adaptation of the Hindu concept of Moksha. The difference is that for the attainment of Moksha righteous behaviour and the conformation of duties as assigned by the caste into which a person has been born is necessary, while for the attainment of Nirvana a person has to be free of all desires. But the essence of both concepts is the release from the cycle of re-birth. The daily of life of the Buddhist Bhikkus (missionary ascetics) was evidently inspired by the concept and practice of Sanyasa which was the last phase of life a Hindu during which he was supposed to be free of al1 desires and to roam from place to place in search of spiritual enlightenment while spreading the gospel of righteousness among the people.

The first break in Hinduism, when a section of the Hindus declared that the performing a Yagna sacrifice - where many animals were originally offered - was an act of apostasy and that the Vedas were not the true embodiment of knowledge. These breakaway Hindus later became the Jains, who for the first time in India (after perhaps the Indus or Saraswati valley civilization) introduced the worship of Images. One instance of such worship is that of the image of the Bahubali who was the son of Rishabha Deva, the first tirthankara. Such Jain shrines with images are found at many places all over India, some of these places are Shravanabelagola, Palitana and Sammed Shikhar.

The Jains like the Hindus (today) practice Moorti Puja (Image Worship). In fact, Moorti Puja is a gift of the Jains to Hinduism. In the Vedic age, Hindus did not practice Moorti Puja. The Gods were the forces of nature who were not personified and they were propitiated through the yagnas.

However, though the Jains were the first to split from the Hindu mainstream, nowadays there is observed among the Jains, a sub-conscious tendency to move into Hinduism. Many Jains allow themselves, whether by indifference or set purpose, to be described as Hindus. Though Jainism, like Buddhism arose as a reform movement directed at the then prevailing form of worship that made up Hinduism. It has in modern times shown a stronger tendency for being reabsorbed into the mother faith from which it sprang.

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Answer 1

The main reason would be that most people from Devanga / Iyer community eat non-veg and hence others from Brahmin community like - Iyengars, Smarthas and Madhavas dont consider them to be Brahmins.

To conclude Trimatasta includes only Iyengars, Smarthas and Madhavas.

Answer 2

I think, it doesn't matter who believes in this fact or not.

Devangas are (/were) the purest community (Deva Bhramana) and lived extremely close to Vedas and Hindu Gods.

The world should know this hidden fact, 'Gayathri Mantra' was formed by "Devangas" (Devanga Rishis), with the extreme power and blessings of "Devi Gayathri' (Five Faced Hindu Goddess).

Answer 3

They believe it or not ,both communities get along well together since ancient times and are together in education and temple and religious rituals. only difference is that brahmins are able to do upanayana before 5years age of boy,where as devangas due to financial inability merged thread ceremony during marriage before tieing the knot since few centuries back.All devanga community men where yagnopaveeta and are ardent followers of mata Gayatri and the thread made of 27 tatvas as per brahma sutra.

Devangas do not engage Brahmins for all rituals like weddings,sraddhas,pujas as there are pujaris, Vedpandits,jyotishkulu available from same community and all yagnas&pujas are done by people from same community since ages. To cite an example the pagalankarana ritual ( Clothing of Gods) for Lord Shiva in Srisailam (One of the jyotirlingas) is done only by Devangas only and during this time even pujaris are not allowed to see the ritual. They are ardent Shivites even today most names of people are those of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. Some siblings of Devala Maharshi(Devala Manu Brahma) took to Vaishnavism with the blessing of Narada Maharshi.Devangas are not considered as brahmins because they were dealing with other communities for completion of silk cloth or cotton cloth.For silk cloth with sourastrians and for cotton cloth with dye manufacturers.Because of interaction with these people devangas used to consume non vegitarian food and some people used consume alcohol in ancient India.SACRED thread was worn even with gayathri mantra But daily sandya vandan is not religiously followed.Could be because of these devangas are not considered as brahmins but as Deva brahmins.

1 answer

Oh, dude, it's like this whole caste system thing is such a mess, right? So, technically, Devanga is considered a Brahmin community, but over time, due to various social, economic, and historical factors, some individuals or groups within Devanga might have been categorized as Sudras. It's like a game of musical chairs, but with social status.

4 answers

In reality, all belief systems can't be true, because they contradict one another. So it would be a beautiful thing if all religions could blend perfectly. But this is foolish thinking. Here are comparisons on certain important topics of 3 major world religions compared to Christianity.

The Existence of a Personal God.

- Buddhists deny the existence of a personal God.

- Hindus believe in two major gods, Vishnu and Siva, as well as in millions of lesser gods.

- Muslims believe in one God named Allah.

- Christians believe that God is a being who created humans in his own image and who loves them and wants to have a personal relationship with them.

The Subject of Salvation.

- Buddhists believe salvation is by self-effort alone.

- Hindus believe you achieve salvation by devotion, works, and self-control.

- Muslims believe that people earn their own salvation and pray for their own sins.

- Christians believe that Jesus Christ died for their sins. If people turn from their sins and follow Jesus, they can be forgiven and have the hope of being with Jesus in heaven.

The Person of Jesus Christ.

- Buddhists believe that Jesus Christ was a good teacher, though less important than Buddha.

- Hindus believe that Jesus was just on of many incarnations - or sons - of God. Yet they also assert that Christ was not the unique Son of God. He was no more divine then any other man, and he did not die for people's sins.

- Muslims believe that Jesus Christ was the greatest of the prophets below Muhammad. In addition, they do not believe that Christ died for people's sins.

- Christians believe that Jesus is God as wel as man, that he was sinless, and that he died to redeem mankind.

So, it is evident that you cannot simply believe in all of the major beliefs, because each religion eventually contradicts Christianity.

~Prince Lion - A True Christian.

Source: Self-knowledge and the Holy Bible.

9 answers

The first break in Hinduism, when a section of the Hindus declared that the performing a Yagna sacrifice - where many animals were originally offered - was an act of apostasy and that the Vedas were not the true embodiment of knowledge. These breakaway Hindus later became the Jains, who for the first time in India (after perhaps the Indus or Saraswati valley civilization) introduced the worship of Images. One instance of such worship is that of the image of the Bahubali who was the son of Rishabha Deva, the first tirthankara. Such Jain shrines with images are found at many places all over India, some of these places are Shravanabelagola, Palitana and Sammed Shikhar.

The Jains like the Hindus (today) practice Moorti Puja (Image Worship). In fact, Moorti Puja is a gift of the Jains to Hinduism. In the Vedic age, Hindus did not practice Moorti Puja. The Gods were the forces of nature who were not personified and they were propitiated through the yagnas.

However, though the Jains were the first to split from the Hindu mainstream, nowadays there is observed among the Jains, a sub-conscious tendency to move into Hinduism. Many Jains allow themselves, whether by indifference or set purpose, to be described as Hindus. Though Jainism, like Buddhism arose as a reform movement directed at the then prevailing form of worship that made up Hinduism. It has in modern times shown a stronger tendency for being reabsorbed into the mother faith from which it sprang.

4 answers

To understand and appreciate this Lila of Lord Ram we would need to appreciate the values held sacred by the Vedic culture that the Ramayana demonstrates. The Vedic culture considers all relationships and all positions as opportunities for sacred service, service to God and to all his children.

In Vedic culture King to be able to effectively rule the people, the king himself has to be exemplary and that exemplariness has to be a manifest expression in all walks of his life. King and queen used to be an exemplary couple for the citizen, they should be spotless. So spotless that even rumours are not possible about such a person. We have been raised in a culture where what to speak of rumours, even when evidence are there, the administrators, the politicians, the kings don't care and they continue to hold on to their post and to do their irreligious, corrupt and immoral activities. So it's very difficult for us to comprehend this level of morality, we have absolute no experience of such exemplary personalities.

At that time, it was a culture that woman should not spend a night out of the house and this rule had no exceptions, and woman in Ayodhya started doing this with the excuse and reference of mother Sita. So to protect dharma Lord Ram has to take this step and show an example of detachment to protect dharma.

When Lord Rama heard the accusations being leveled against his consort, this situation constituted an ethical crisis. In an ethical crisis, one has two choices, both moral, unlike in a moral crisis, when one has two choices, one moral and the other, immoral. To resolve an ethical crisis, one needs profound wisdom to recognize the higher moral principle and adjust the lower moral principle accordingly. So, through this incident, Lord Rama, who was God incarnate playing the role of an ideal human being, taught us how to wisely resolve ethical crises. As an ideal husband, the Lord was duty-bound to protect his wife. But as the ideal king, he was also duty-bound to exemplify and teach his citizens, whom he loved like his own children, the path to spiritual advancement.

Ordinarily, people are very attached materially to a spouse, children, house, wealth. So, the king is duty-bound to demonstrate to his citizens the principle of detachment so that they become inspired toward detachment and thus make spiritual advancement. That's why Lord Rama considered his duty as an ideal king more important than as the ideal husband and so sacrificed his love for his wife for the sake of his love for his children (citizens).

Some people say that for the sake of His own reputation, He gave up His wife. But at best a reputation can give a person only material pleasure so if material pleasure was all that was His interest and if reputation was all that was His interest then He could always have preserved the reputation by having some other wife, but he never did that.

At the time of their marriage, He had promised Sita that He would take an ekapathni vrta, He would not accept any other wives and His fidelity to Sita is seen through His keeping that vrta and further if we see although when yajnas are to be performed, the husband and wife have to sit together. Now although there was no one who could substitute for Sita unless Lord Ram married and there was pressure on Him that if He had to perform ashwameda and other yagnas, He had to have a queen with Him, so then He made golden image of Sita and that image was what sat with Him. The fact that He went to the extreme of doing that indicates that he was not irresponsible or immoral just concerned about worldly pleasure through reputation or enjoyment. Lord Ram himself was very principled. So what He is exhibiting through sending Sita away from His palace are not irresponsibility or immorality but detachment and exemplary conduct. So detachment means that as far as setting up the dharma is concerned one is not ready to compromise at all. One is ready to sacrifice any pleasure that is required for the setting up of dharma. So this is from Lord Ram's perspective.

So Lord Ram had a conflict in between His duty as a family member, as a husband and duty as a king and He did His duty as a king by exemplifying detachment and He did His duty as a husband by ensuring that Sita cared for although She was not cared for directly in His palace by Him, but She cared in His kingdom through His representatives, sages who were there and elderly hermits that were there in the sage's hermitage.

Now we might argue that actually if Sita had been at fault then all this might have been ok

So you could say what was Sita's fault that She had already gone through the agni pariksha and She had already proven Her chastity, first of all, She had maintained Her chastity despite all the allurements of Ravana. Both Ravana had threatened Her as well as tempted Her. So She maintained her chastity despite it all and then She proved Her chastity by going through the agni pariksha and then even after that She had undergone the mortification of being rejected by Lord Ram?

So now the most agonising and to some extent emotionally difficult to accept this is from Sita's perspective.

So certainly this is very heart rending and firstly we have to understand that in every scripture there is a story line, there is philosophy and there is a rasa. There is an emotional experience that that scripture suppose to offer and that emotional experience is purifying, uplifting and eventually liberating. So in the Ramayan, the primary emotional experience that is offered is called as "Karuna rasa". Karuna rasam is not exactly compassion. we can't have compassion for the Lord or His associates, but the idea is that normally compassion is invoked when we see somebody else suffering. So seeing the Lord suffering and the Lord gracefully accepting that suffering that inspires attraction to the Lord within us and that emotion which arises is purifying.

In Vaishnava acharyas especially in the Sri sampradaya, they have actually taught that Lord Ram's exiling mother Sita was to invoke this karunya rasa, Jiva Goswami also talks about it and from the rasa point of view there is a higher experience also that love in separation is higher than love in union in the sense that the emotions become intensified. They say that "the heart grows fonder in the absence of the beloved". So Lord Ram wanted to give Sita that highest experience of love in separation and for that purpose, this happened.

So overall we can understand this at multiple levels,

  1. At first level from the administrative point of view as a king, Lord Ram had to set the example of complete detachment so that He could exemplify dharmic detachment for His citizens and He did that
  2. On the other hand, Lord Ram as a husband was not irresponsible, He arranged for the care of His pregnant wife.
  3. Then from the still higher perspective of the Ramayan, it exemplifies to us how even the Lord undergoes suffering with grace and inspires us to accept whatever suffering we undergo in our lives because of our past karma to also accept it gracefully.
  4. It also increases emotional attraction towards the Lord in our hearts
  5. And lastly, it enables Sita and Ram to taste the supreme rasa of love in separation which is the highest emotional experience between lovers.

Unfortunately, all of us, for whose sake he did this glorious sacrifice, fail to appreciate him.

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