der wus diz gaym cald the xbox dat wus in der i nevr plaid et but i herd is wus good
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The plural form of the name "Wu" is spelled as "Wus."
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yeh he wus, he wus nevah a blood. but he had connections tah almost all tha crip gangs in compton whish iz why dre nd snoop[ thought he wus a trader. but he wusnt. so yeh he wus a crip mane. i went tah high skool wit him.
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wus isnt an English word. do you mean was? if you do, then the conjugation will depend on which past tense it is used in in the sentence (preterite, imperfect, etc). Also, it will depend on who was doing the action (yo, ella, el).
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Not sure but I think China
To be specific, Taiwan.
It was used then for fiber
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crown and cowboy hat crown f@h 10 Wus =Work unit Cowboy hat: 10,000 points on f@h but i dont know how much WUs
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the food in the 1800s are rashened the food in the 1800s are rashened
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You would weigh 38 pounds if you were 100 pounds.
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telling your parents that you are being bullied, that doesn't make you a wus. Tell them! telling them would probably make the matter better, and if you don't tell them. then tell a guidence counsular at school or a teacher anybody will help.
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telling your parents that you are being bullied, that doesn't make you a wus. Tell them! telling them would probably make the matter better, and if you don't tell them. then tell a guidence counsular at school or a teacher anybody will help.
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"Wus-sup" is a playful slang term combining "what's" and "up", commonly used as a casual greeting to ask someone how they're doing or what they're up to. It's a more informal way to say "what's up" or "how are you."
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first... the correct spelling... worcestershire. according to the dictionary: wust-er-sure but most people here say: worse-teh-shy-er
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Well my first kiss wus by surprise nd all I did wus smile BLUSH nd then kiss him bak the next day nd we've been kissin since so I guess u shud b thankfull/happy for ur first kiss
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stop being a wus and race to get everything
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Yes, yes you can. therefore Maria Andrade was correct and Maubrisio Arias wus wrong :D
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Roughly 1,000 years ago in China- we do not know an exact date due to lack of records.
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The slang term is usually spelled wuss (a weak, timid person, lacking in courage).
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Rose was a fictional character in the movie, but is described as being 17 years old when she sailed on the Titanic.
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yo wussup mang wus gud mang how ya doing. dude im black. what did yo expect word
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No!! She was like 13 in 2001 and he wus 9. I dont think Daryl's mom would be so happy dating at such a young age.
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Bodiam Castle was built by Sir Edward Dalyngrygge in the 14th Century.
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I believe the United States Marine Corp were formed during the the American Revolutionary War to combat the British, in particular the British Royal Marines.
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My boyfriend never showed me his thing! All we've done is make out nd kinda rub eachother's thighs nd it wus hot nd we liked it so pshshshshsh
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when she meet rob fusari he wus looking for a singer to bring in cash he got lady gaga that's ware her mainstream carer started but she has been singing in clubs since 114
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Argentina and britain did cus they wanted there countrie back cus i really belong to deeem cus it wus like a couple mins a ways frrom da countirre! yuu get meh? godd.
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no, i just got some in my mouth and i looked it up and the people from staples said it wasnt so its all good oh yah n it wus lik AP sertifyed so yah
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it did becuze the ppl wus always bein a pain n da axx real nikkua shid and dey always on symbdy d***
~wrote by Bezzy
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too tell u the truth, there some scary ass kids, wit the exception of some of there ogs there all some fakers. they wont bang on u unless there in a group and wen u catch um alone they hoe up. an im from the SOUTH but i live by there hood so i know wat im talkin bout.....but that's wats up wit um
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