the dwarves were captured by thorn and the wood elves long enough for bilbo to help them escape
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Bilbo kept from being captured by the Wood Elves in Mirkwood by using The Ring to turn himself invisible. He slipped in after the company of Elves that had captured the other members of The Company (namely, the twelve dwarves) as the Elves were escorting the dwarves into the Elven fortress.
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All elves have pointed ears. They are supposed to be beautiful and elegant, except for house elves. Their other characteristics depend on their race; Wood Elf, Light Elf, and Dark Elf.
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They were tired and hungry with no food or water. At least with the elves, they were fed.
Because they had lost their way in Mirkwood and were on the brink of starvation.
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The Wood Elves' palace typically has multiple entrances, often blending with the surrounding forest for camouflage and protection. The exact number of entrances can vary depending on the design and secrets of the palace.
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No. There would be some reference to the Elves and Men mixing there. But there is not. They are separate races, and though they trade, they are not related.
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The wood elves have not actually participated in many wars. But they did have a few conflicts over the years. As the assassination of King Borgas of Skyrim during the Wild Hunt. And opposition to the imperial realm.
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In the Hobbit, King Thranduil of Mirkwood, the Wood Elves' king, liked his wine from Dorwinion. His wine was also imported by the Elves of Mirkwood in barrels down the Forest River from Long lake.
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Silvan Elves (wood elves) are an ethnic group of Elves in J. R. R. Tolkien's fictional universe of Middle-earth, mainly the Elves of Mirkwood and Lothlórien.
In the First Age the Elves of Ossiriand, or Laiquendi, were also referred to as wood-elves.
Silvan Elves are a multicultural society; mainly Nandorin descent but also mixed with Avari, Sindar and Noldor and governed by Sindarin rulers. Examples of these rulers are Thranduil king of northern Mirkwood, AmdÃr, and his son, Amroth, the last Sindarin prince of Lórien before the rule of Galadriel and Celeborn (of Noldorin/Telerin and Sindarin descent, respectively).
Silvan Elves are described as being less wise than other Eldar, and some of them almost are indistinguishable from the Avari, those who never joined the Great Journey.
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They escape in barrels sent downriver to be filled.
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I think it was Bilbo Baggins
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In The Hobbit, they are simply identified as "Wood Elves". Later, they were further identified as being Silvan Elves led by the Sindar, Thranduil (who is the father of Legolas).
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He doesn't. Instead, he puts on his Ring and sneaks unseen with the captive dwarves in with them.
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Because they fight against evil. They say it at a moment in the story.
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Because they fight against evil. They say it at a moment in the story.
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From a Ogre Kingdoms player and a general fantasy player, Wood Elves are reviwed as one of the weaker armies as they have next to no armor and rely heavily on skirmishers and cavalry, which were both nerfed with the new rulebook, and their best units are flammable, which is bad seeing most competitive bulids are running Banner of Eternal Flame ( although due to regeneration). So in my opinion, wood elves are not the best army, but a skilled player can wield them to some success.
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as Bilbo was wanting to make peace so there is no war
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Elves that live in the woods (Lorien and Mirkwood mainly). They consist of mostly Silvan elves, meaning they never made the journey to the blessed realm, or Beleriand. Their leaders though, are of Noldorin or Sindarin descent.
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They took them to the halls of the Elven King in his hall, a large cave at the edge of Mirkwood. The wood elves of Mirkwood, in the Hobbit, took the thirteen dwarves to their king's halls, where they were locked in by cellars and a magic gate.
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Elves on Shelves are not real elves. They are elves that you place on a shelf to help kids get excited about Christmas.
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Floating in barrels downriver.
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This question is difficult to answer, since they aren't always mentioned as individuals. In several scenes, we are simply told that elves were doing something, without being told how many.
The number of elves at Rivendell is probably not all that great, since it is described as a single house (although presumably a large one). The wood elves are rather more numerous, sending an impressive army to the lake and the mountain after the dragon is slain.
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The High Elves are those elves that back in the First Age followed the summons of the Valar and sailed from Middle-earth to the Undying Lands. Some of these elves returned later in the First Age to fight against Morgoth and a few of those settled again in Middle-earth. Their native language is Quenya, but they rarely use it. Most often they speak Sindarin. Most of the elves at Rivendell are High Elves.
Because the other elves did not fully follow the summons in the First Age, but instead stopped along the way they are considered Lesser Elves. They have a variety of native languages depending on where they stopped and settled. The two most common of these languages are Sindarin and Woodelven. The elves in Mirkwood are a variety of Lesser Elves called Woodelves or Silvan Elves.
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There is no medicine for elves because elves do not exist. Maybe they do lala land but not in reality. If anyone tells you that elves are real don't believe them because elves do not exist.
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There is no specific collective noun for elves, in which case a noun suitable for the situation can be used, for example, a party of elves, a crew of elves, a staff of elves, etc.
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Elves, in real life, are just people who are 'small' or a 'midget' because of some disease or condition. They do NOT have pointed ears and do NOT work for Santa. They are just normal people.
Santa elf: North pole
Out door: woodland areas
in the north pole
at the north pole. You can't live in a pole.
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Alfheim is home to the elves. Svartalfheim is home to the dark elves.
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The reason why Thorin didn't want the elvenking to know about their quest is because the wood-land elves are selfish and love gold, the dwarves are trying to get their gold back, but if the elves find out, they will want to help them, but get some of their treasure!
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The plural possessive form of "elf" is "elves'." In this case, the apostrophe comes after the plural form "elves" to indicate possession. This construction is used when showing that something belongs to multiple elves.
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The elves worked tirelessly to prepare toys for Christmas Eve.
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the five kinds of elves are magic shelf pocket giant and mischievous elves.
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No, blood elves are not vampires, in fact they are not even elves but a particular type of goblin.
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