Yes, the silent letter in the word "wonk" is the "w." It is not pronounced when saying the word.
2 answers
that would be Welcome To Woop Woop
1 answer
Dalt Wonk has written:
'The riddles of existence' -- subject(s): Riddles
'French Quarter fables' -- subject(s): American Fables, Fables, American, Fiction
1 answer
It says " I love you " This know you "
1 answer
Wonk uoy naht noitceffa erom deen I is part of a song called sanctuary by utada hikaru. I figured this out listening to the song backwards. its sung and spelt backwards, and is reall, "I need more affection than you know.
1 answer
It basically means there was an error in the game and you need to close and reopen it .
1 answer
Wonk uoy naht noitceffa erom need I
(I need more affection than you know)(its reversed)
In you and I there's a new land,
Angels in flight
Wonk uoy naht noitceffa erom need I
(I need more affection than you know)
my sanctuary, my sanctuary, now
Where fears and lies melt away
Music will tie,
Wonk uoy naht noitceffa erom need I
(I need more affection than you know)
What's left of me
What's left of me now
I watch you fast asleep,
All I fear means nothing
In you and I there's a new land,
Angels in flight
Wonk uoy naht noitceffa erom need I
(I need more affection than you know)
my sanctuary, my sanctuary, yeah
Where fears and lies melt away
Music will tie,
Wonk uoy naht noitceffa erom need I
(I need more affection than you know)
What's left of me
What's left of me
snwod DNA spu ynam OS
(So many ups and downs)
My heart's a battleground
snoitome eurt deen I
(I need true emotions)
Wonk uoy naht noitceffa erom need I
(I need more affection than you know)
snoitome eurt deen I
(I need true emotions)
You showed me how to see,
That nothing is whole and nothing is broken,
In you and I there's a new land
Angels in flight
Wonk uoy naht noitceffa erom need I
(I need more affection than you know)
my sanctuary, my sanctuary, yeah
Where fears and lies melt away
Music in time
Wonk uoy naht noitceffa erom need I
(I need more affection than you know)
What's left of me
What's left of me now
My fears, my lies
Melt away...
Wonk uoy naht noitceffa erom need I
(I need more affection than you know)
1 answer
Type your answer here...
Omoidasu ba haruka haruka Mirai wa (wonk uoy naht noitceffa erom deen I) doko made mo kagayaiteta Kirei na aozora no shita de Bokura wa (wonk uoy naht noitceffa erom deen I) sukoshi dake obieteita
Natsukashii iro ni Mado ga somaru
Mae wo muitereba Mata aemasu ka Mirai wa (wonk uoy naht noitceffa erom deen I) Doko e demo tsuzuiteirunda Ookina kanban no shita de Jidai no (wonk uoy naht noitceffa erom deen I) utsuroii yo miteitai na
Nido to aenu Hito ni basho ni Mado wo hakeru
Omoidasu ba haruka ha haruka Mirai wa (wonk uoy naht noitceffa erom deen I) doko made mo kagayaiteta Kirei na aozora no shita de Bokura wa (wonk uoy naht noitceffa erom deen I) Itsuma demo nemutteita
Zutto mae ni suki datta hito Fuyu ni kodomo ga umareru sou da Mukashi kara no kimari goto wo Tama ni utagaitaku naru yo Zutto wasurerarenakatta no Nengajou wa shashin tsuki kana Watashitachi ni dekinakatte koto wo Totemo natsukashiku omou yo
my fears my lies
aozora no shita
(wonk uoy naht noitceffa erom deen I)
1 answer
Going by some politics it can be thought that Geeks are more revolutionary than the conservative Wonks.
Wonks write history
Geeks make history.
1 answer
wonk t'nod I
1 answer
fallin for you-heather headly
ya da man-robyn Sykes
came to dance-erica king
wonk wonk-A lexx and B-uneek
let cha know-tawny dahj
when i close my eyes-casper
off the chains-LAX
do me-MD says
grove me-king Floyd
somethin this good-eyan
do to you-Kenny moten
(uh) yeah dat-knitwit
gotta get me some of you-robyn Sykes
1 answer
She is saying wonk uoy naht noitceffa erom deen I.
Reversed it says I need more affection than you know.
1 answer
There are 16 dictionary recognized words from the letters in "unknown". Those words are unwon, known, wonk, noun, know, won, own, now, wok, nun, wo, un, ow, on, nu, and no
1 answer
Freez-penis shattering is when in very cold part of Russia yyou will take ur pants of and have a wonk then put some cold water on ur dick and after few minutes u will no what that means!! Gd luk)))
1 answer
it does make sense
The sentence is grammatically correct. However, you should be aware of the distinction between "The Census Bureau" (a government agency) and "The Consensus Bureau" (a wonk rock band with satirical lyrics).
1 answer
The character on Charlie Brown that did not speak is Snoopy, the beloved beagle who communicates through thought bubbles and actions rather than words.
3 answers
The Texas State Bar Association offers an attorney referral listing. www.texasbar.com ....Index Item.....Additional Information For The Public. wonk I suggest you call Mr. Rentea http://www.rentealaw.com/rentea.cfm 512-472-6291 Good Luck
1 answer
The crowned crane makes a variety of sounds, including honking calls, trumpeting calls, and rattling calls. They are known for their loud and distinct calls, especially during displays or when communicating with other cranes.
3 answers
Knew, know and kowtow begin with the letter k and end with the letter w.
4 answers
FDR's New Deal created higher taxes on the rich and the Social Security System, making the Federal government stronger.
2 answers
ang kahulugan ng arkeolohiya
ang panget ni sir Orlando barachina
4 answers
dweeb, nerd, dork, geek, loser, idiot, tool,jerk, moron, doofus, spaz,fool,lame, dick,twit, spazz, gamer, freak,uncool,noob, nerdy,goober, dumb,wonk, weirdo, trekkie, techie, teachers pet, stoner, square, poser, punk, odd knob, clueless.
1 answer
About the same as any repo. The impact is that you couldn't complete the agreement for whatever reason.
Same as a repo. A repo is a repo is a repo.
That is correct, there is no difference in voluntary and involuntary. Stays on your credit report for 7 years. Don't let it happen to you.
It is not that bad ....in fact you can probably get another car just at a higherinterest rate... besides someone has to keep wonk and clay in business.
1 answer
Have you asked/demanded that she return it? Have you sent her a certified letter demanding the return? IS her name on the title? Lots of questions a reputable repo compnay will ask. email me @ wonk at 14ma dot com if you need more help IF the car is titled in YOUR name, you can just go get the car. IF you are the lienholder on the title, you can hire a repo compnay to pick it up.
1 answer
king, kings, town, wont, stow, owns, sing, song, ting, tong, wing, wings, inks, wink, winks, stink, twos, tows, towing, stowing, wins, twin, twins, gins, gown, gowns, sown, tins, tongs, know, knows, knowing, knowings, knot, knots, sink, sowing, owning, wink, winks, wonk, wonks
1 answer
Glenda the Good Witch from "The Wizard of Oz"
Sharpay or Gabriella from High School Musical.
Any of the Disney PrincessesEdward Scissor Hands, A St. Trinian, Batman, Superman, Wonder Women, an incredible, Kick-ass, Shrek, Fiona, Donkey, Puss In Boots, a spartan, Troy (the film not the 'high school musical' one), willy wonka, an umpalumpa, the kids from williy wonk (can't remember all there names sorry), a chipmunk (alvin, simon, or theodore), ponelope, disney princesess, garfield and a doctor (from dr dolittle).
Read more: Ideas_for_movie_characters_to_dress_up_as_for_a_fancy_dress_party
1 answer
1 answer
It depends on your finances.If you can continue to pay for the car and keep itinsured yes keep on paying the loan.If the lender auctions the car you lose all the money you spent on the vehicle and then the lender can seek a judgment against you for the balance of the loan.And if they are successfulwith the judgment the lender can garnish your wages.All of which looks alot worse on your credit then a simple repo.Repos are much more common than theyused to be(have you seen the kind of car Wonk drives??)so having one on yourcredit is not the end of the world.
AnswerTo sum up the last post, if you're going to pay for it anyway, might as well be driving it.1 answer
be late with a payment and you have violated your loan agreement: at this point the lender can repo the vehicle.They usually wait about 30-45 days to give you a chance to catch up;remember they don't have to do this and some lenders don't.Also you must have insurance on your vehicle so if your ins.lapses that is a violation of your agreement and the lender can repo. Most lenders will call you to find out what the problem is.... TALK to THEM most will work with you to help you catch up. So in conclusion: Step 1)violate your loan agreement(variety of ways to do this the most common mentioned above) Step 2)Wonk pays you a visit(which isn't so bad because he's one of the nicer repo guys out there)
1 answer
The cast of Los paranoicos - 2008 includes: Jorge Booth as Medico Maria Carolina Guzman as Mucama Fausto Collado as Portero Miguel Dedovich as Dodi Susana Falcone as Graciela Cecilia Gispert as Marta Daniel Gorga as Mozo Restaurant Daniel Hendler as Luciano Gauna Walter Jakob as Manuel Sinovieck Daniel Jeng as Hijo de Wonk Cristina Marti as Off Madre Victoria Moreteau as Off fundacion Elvira Onetto as Off Madre de Manuel Veronica Perdomo as Rocio Tori Ruiz as Off Gauna en la serie Santiago Schefer as Voces 3D Diego Sima as Cantante Farmacia
1 answer
Point them in direction of someone who you think would know the answer.
NEVER LIE, tell them "wonk t'nod I" they'll understand your not a human computer.
Redirect, if you hate sounding stupid. Talk about another brand or a similar product you know more about or think is better.
If your really feeling desperate, tell them you'll be back in a second and use the ever helpful Google.
2 answers
!aaeeeY !lla me' hctac attoG !lla me' hctac attoG !lla me' hctac attoG !lla me' hctac attoG !lla me' hctac attoG !nomekoP uoy hcaet ll'I DNA em hcaet uoY hguorht su llup lliw egaruoc ruO eurt OS straeh ruO --lla me' hctac attoG !nomekoP dnefed tsum ew dlrow a nI dneirf tseb ym er'uoy ,hoooO !nomekoP ynitsed ym s'ti wonk I em DNA uoy s'tI --lla me' hctac attoG !nomekoP maerd ruo neeb syawla s'tI thgif eht niw ll'ew mra ni mrA maet retteb on s'erehT thgir si emit eht em htiw emoC ecalp lufthgir ym mialc oT yadyreve elttab lliw I ecaf nac I egaruoc htiW yaw eht gnola egnellahc yrevE .aaeeY !lla me' hctac attoG !lla me' hctac attoG !nomekoP uoy hcaet ll'I DNA em hcaet uoY hguorht su llup lliw egaruoc ruO eurt OS straeh ruO --lla me' hctac attoG !nomekoP dnefed tsum ew dlrow a nI dneirf tseb ym er'uoy ,hoooO !nomekoP ynitsed ym s'ti wonk I em DNA uoy s'tI --lla me' hctac attoG !nomekoP edisni s'taht rewop ehT dnatsrednu ot nomekoP hcaeT ediw DNA raf gnihcraeS dnal eht ssorca levart lliw I esuac ym si meht niart oT tset laer ym si meht hctac oT saw reve eno on ekiL tseb yrev eht eb annaw I
1 answer
95 words total
For textrapolis app from itunes
1 answer
Well, First of all, it would have been a lot easier to include it in the bankruptcy. You'll now have to do a "voluntary reposession". You call the lien-holder and tell them that you can no longer afford the vehicle. They may force you to keep the car until it's 60 or 90 days late, in which they perform a regular repossession. You need to realize that the loan company now has the right to go after you to make up the difference between what they sell the car for, and the principal left on the loan. Had you included it in your bankruptcy, this would not be a problem... I'd recommend you try to sell the car privately or at a car lot under consignment and pay off the bank. Why was the car not included in the Bankruptcy??????That is illegal it should have been included you cannot favor one debtor over another.See if you can amend your filing and fast!!!!Good luck....just for the record there is no such thing as a voluntary repo... as wonk says a repo is a repo .......
1 answer
SNOWFLAKE a, aw, awe, ale(s), as, an, en, flake(s), fake(s), flask, flan, flaw(s), false, fan(s), flak, flow(s), flea(s), flew, few, foe(s), folk(s), ken, kale, know(s), knew, lake(s), leak(s), lo, low(s), lea(s), lawn(s), lean(s), lane(s), law(s), now, no, noes, nose, o, on, ow, oak(s), own(s), oaf(s), of, snow, slake, sake, snake, sneak, soak, sale, seal, sole, sow, saw, sew, sea, wake(s), weak, wan, wane(s), won, wonk, woe(s), weal(s), wale(s), woke
4 answers
4-letter words
wabs, wack, wade, wadi, wads, wady, waes, waff, waft, wage, wags, waif, wail, wain, wair, wait, wake, wale, walk, wall, waly, wame, wand, wane, wans, want, wany, waps, ward, ware, wark, warm, warn, warp, wars, wart, wary, wash, wasp, wast, wats, watt, wauk, waul, waur, wave, wavy, wawl, waws, waxy, ways, weak, weal, wean, wear, webs, weds, weed, week, weel, ween, weep, weer, wees, weet, weft, weir, weka, weld, well, welt, wend, wens, went, wept, were, wert, west, wets, wham, whap, what, whee, when, whet, whew, whey, whid, whig, whim, whin, whip, whir, whit, whiz, whoa, whom, whop, whys, wich, wick, wide, wife, wigs, wild, wile, will, wilt, wily, wimp, wind, wine, wing, wink, wino, wins, winy, wipe, wire, wiry, wise, wish, wisp, wiss, wist, wite, with, wits, wive, woad, woes, woke, woks, wold, wolf, womb, wonk, wons, wont, wood, woof, wool, woos, word, wore, work, worm, worn, wort, wost, wots, wove, wows, wrap, wren, writ, wych, wyes, wyle, wynd, wynn, wyns, wyte
4 answers
The alphabet is a series of letters that is used to form words. The term comes from the Greek letters alpha and beta. The "Latin" or "Roman" alphabet, as used in the US and UK, contains 26 letters which have upper and lower cases but no regular diacritics. There are several other alphabets used by other world languages.
Letters (upper case, capitals):
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z.
Letters (lower case)
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
6 answers
In you and I there's a new land Yeah
Angels in flight
My sanctuary, my sanctuary now
Where fears and lies melt away
Music inside
What's left of me
What's left of me now
I watch you fast asleep
All I fear means nothing
In you and I there's a new land Yeah
Angels in flight
My sanctuary, my sanctuary now
Where fears and lies melt away
Music inside
What's left of me
What's left of me now
My heart is a battleground
You show me how to see
That nothing is whole and nothing is broken
In you and I there's a new land Yeah
Angels in flight
My sanctuary, my sanctuary now
Where fears and lies melt away
Music inside
What's left of me
What's left of me now
All fears and lies melt away
wonk uoy noffectia deen I
3 answers
Carbon is the sixth most abundant molecule and has the ability to form four covalent bonds, lending it the properties needed to connect other molecules to form complex chains. Complex DNA molecules can encode information about heredity, and complex amino acid chains can form enzymes. Silicon has the same valence, but due to it's larger size the bonds are not as strong and larger molecules are less stable.
6 answers
barb, you will need to prove that the repoman pulled your car in park. Why??? Because he could have unlocked the door, opened the hood and pulled the shift cable off, then put it out of gear. That only takes about a minute and a half. The fact that it was 2 weeks before it broke makes me at least wonder. However, the LENDER is ultimately responsible for any damages incurred during and after repo.
The tow company is responsible for any damage incurred during and after while it is in THEIR possession.
I am very curious to who "Roosta" is and wherein he has received his knowledge of Repossessions? Barb, I would check your local state statutes and also your contract. Contrary to what you are being told the repossession company or finance company are not responsible for the damage unless they were PURPOSEFULLY NEGLIGENT. Most State Statutes would call your situation "An Asumption of Risk". In otherwords, you assume the risk of possible damage by allowing yourself to be put in a position to be repossessed. As far as my knowledge? I own a repossession company, sat on our state association board for 2 years and average 150 repossessions a month. Be cautious who you take advice from.
by roostaI don't know when you posted this, but if you see it, feel free to email me wonk at 14ma dot com. Do you think the opposing counsel will not show the repo company PURPOSELY NEGLIGENT for pulling a car in park??? Once you hook the car, YOU assume responsibility for damages. That's why Prime, ect. make money. Repo companies that cant/wont invest in equipment to do the job properly. As to your other point about the lender, the lender is the one who ordered the repo, so they have to pick up the ball if you fumble it. Thank you for your reply.
I own a repo company and on our repo order we have what is called a ''''hold harmless agrement'''' witch is a legal document stating that the lender gave me permition to repo a vehicle and will be held harmless for and against any and all claims,losses,and actions, except unlawfull acts of our firm. Which means the lender hired us as a contractor to recover the said vehicle and not be held responsible but the lender is. But don't count your chickens yet.. This is lenders we are talking about and they don't want to pay for anything, so in your contract you signed when you bought your car it probobly says that if this happens you will be the one to pay for it because you are in default of a signed contract.
1 answer
Depends on what state you are in. In many states it's 10 days. Once your vehicle is repossessed the recovery agency notifies your financial institution and they send out a 10 day letter notifying you that you have this amount of time to contact them and work out arrangements. Legally this is a common scenerio and in many states required to allow for due process to take place. If you do not contact them in the alotted time period then they have the option to sell the property at a public auction. Again in most states they are required to notify the debtor of the time and place of the sale so that they have the option of bidding on the vehicle. Any moneys owed that are not collected in the sale of the property is called a deficiency and the debtor is still legally liable for that amount. Any money over the amount owed that is collected from the sell of the property is (in many states) owed back to the debtor and cannot be kept by the financial institution. But that is very rare. In several states you receive a notice that says you have 20 days to cure the defaulted loan BEFORE they call Tank and Wonk. Once the car has been picked up, you no longer have any right to get it back. If you get to the bank with cash before they have turned it over to a wholesaler and ask nicely, they could let you have it. In some states, that Right to Cure letter tells you that the lender only needs to send the letter the FIRST TIME a payment is 45 days late and if that payment is made within the 20 days and you go 45 days late again, they can get the car without giving you any further notice. Someone needs to READ the laws before answering questions. In Mississippi, for certain, AFTER the car is repoed, state law gives you 10(ten) days to redeem it. Now, how that fits into your explanation, I cant figure out. Most lenders wont move the car to the auction until those 10 days are up. Go figure. I am not familiar with the repo laws in Mississippi, but I am responsible for the computer programs that spit out these letters for several banks in Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Colorado and several other states. Thank you for explaining your "viewpoint". Could you figure out how to get folks to post what state they are in we dont have to give such general answers that possibly confuse them??? Actually, the correct answer for ANY state is "Read the documents you signed when you got the loan." Actually,not many of the loans spell out your rights since the loan companies are not really interested educating the borrowers about their rights....go figure.
1 answer