the symbol for the word weeks is very simple. it is wks. that is the symbol. wks. i hope this helps
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Because that's the original pregnancy time (40 wks) but most women only make it to 38 wks. So 40 wks is like the goal
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Food Baby!
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Pregnancy lasts for 40wks or 280 days typically. The norm is from 38 wks to 42 wks.
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feed it dog food in water. Do NOT feed it any worms. Keep it in a cardbord box.
get a cage when it can climb the box. use a wiffle ball for a toy. do NOT let it go.
18 days=first drink (in dinner plate)
21 days=starts to fly
4-7 wks eats from dish or ground
6-10 wks=eats on it's own.
8 wks=starts to molt
20 wks adalt feathers
15-30 wks starts talking
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Well the regular weeks used to be 40 wks pregnant, but most women only up to 38 wks
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I went to the doctor yesterday and I am 11 wks and the sonogram said 10 wks and 2 days. She said that was completely normal and that the baby will catch up and grow fast one month and then may slow down and grow slower another month. She said the growth sperts help the baby to catch up. She said as long as you are in a one week time frame of where your suppose to be at its okay.
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The number of weeks your team scored the most points.
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If you have had no cramps or spotting it is unlikely that you will have lost the baby between 6 and 8 weeks.
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Just about 19 years or so, give and take a few leap years. It's a simple division of 1024 wks in total divided by 52 wks/annum. 1024/52= 19.69.
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Depends on how you feel, there are no set rules on it.
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It could be an infection. You should talk to your doctor about it. He might prescribe some antibiotics.
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It is possible. The pullout method is not 100% effective.
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My hcg levels measured low with my second pregnancy. 5 wks: 116, 6 wks: 609, 7 wks: 1502, 8 wks: 1412. I knew they were low because my OB kept sending me for more blood work week after week. I did an internet search to find out where they should be and saw that they didn't fall into the expected range. Plus, they weren't doubling every 2-3 days. At 8 wks, the day before I had the last blood test, I started spotting. 2 days later I had an ultrasound which confirmed no heartbeat and that I'd likely miscarry. The next day I miscarried. It was sad but knowing my hcg levels weren't as they should be helped prepare me emotionally for that outcome.
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It can take 10 days for the egg to implant, and sperm can live inside you for 5 days. Either could be the dad. You better get an amnio, that can give you paternity now.
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hair starts to grow a few wks after treatment is finished
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Yes, pregnancy does not always involve pain.
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None before checking this out with your doctor or pharmacist.
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A vet will provide you with an accurate answer but I think it is at 6-8 wks.
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If it's an abbreviation, try mos. or wks.
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If you suspect pregnancy, you should see your doctor or go to the ER ASAP!
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$16.83/hr...assuming that you work a 40 hr wk and are working all 52 weeks of the year. If you assume you work 50 wks (2 wks sick/vacation), it comes out to $17.50/hr
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Most likely, between the 5th and 10th of March. If you want an exact date, however, you should ask your doctor, clinician, etc. They will be able to pretty much pin-point the exact day.
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YES, It's called a missed miscarriage. I had one several years ago and didn't know until I went in for my first ultrasound at 9 wks. They couldn't find the heartbeat and when looking further... the fetus only registered at 8 wks.
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You can have a false negative but not a false posative. I would go to have a doc perform a test on you if you're concerned at all, better safe than sorry :)
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