The Mayan calendar is an ancient calendar created by the Mayan civilization, a pre-columbian civilization in what is now Mexico. It included the long count, tzolkin, and Haab. The long count is a mixed-base representation of a 4-part number, and the number repeats itself every 394 years. The Tzolkin counts ever 13 days and names every 20 days, which repeats every 160 days. Haab is a 365 day calendar consisting of 18 20-day months and then 5 days at the end of the cycle. In order to name a date, the Mayans used 4 numbers from the long count, a number and a word from tzolkin, and a number and a word from haab.
The Mayans believed that, much like their calendars, the universe was cyclical. They calculated the day that this world ends and make way for a new one, and that day matched up with December 21, 2012 on the Gregorian calendar.
The Mayan Calender is a clock-type calender that predicts accurate accountancy such as the end of the world possibly on December 21, 2012. Because of this public pondering about this type of happening , it even came out with a 2009 movie based on the Apocalypse in 2012 and called it : "2012."
The mayan calender is a calender used by the mayan people in america about 2000-5000 years ago. it says thet the world will end in 21. of december 2012.
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