Patrick Wey is number 56 on the Washington Capitals.
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Werner Wey has written:
'Tonsillenkrebs' -- subject(s): Tonsillar Neoplasms
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Waldemar Wey was born on December 13, 1918, in So Paulo, SP, Brazil.
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The River Wey has played a major role in the life of Guildford from the earliest times. The town itself grew up at a crossing point in the Wey, created where the river had cut through the North Downs. It saved the town from economic decline in the 17th century, through the construction of the Wey Navigation.
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Klaus-Georg Wey has written:
'Umweltpolitik in Deutschland' -- subject(s): Environmental protection, History
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Mieke van der Wey was born on August 2, 1954, in Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands.
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The cast of PanCam - 2013 includes: Sarah Donald as Li Li Liam Dryden as Wey Wey
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NHL player Patrick Wey was born on 03-21-91 and as of the end of the 2013-2014 season is 23 years old.
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no se wey pero Angie tiene la pipi chikita wey like no mames ta chiskiada
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Wey is a Mexican slang word used in the way an American would use buddy, i.e. an affectionate term for a friend. Wey can also be used in a derogatory way to call or refer to someone as lacking or ignorant. The word comes from buey which is the name for a gelded ox.
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"aver wey dime suegra otra vez" does not make sense in Spanish. "A ver" means "let's see," "wey" is slang for "dude," and "dime" means "tell me," while "suegra otra vez" means "mother-in-law again." It seems like a combination of random words.
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Tu Madre Wey!
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Yes. The Cherwell, Wey and Medway are the main tributaries.
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La palabra "wey" es un término coloquial utilizado en México para referirse a un amigo o conocido de forma informal. También puede utilizarse de manera despectiva o como un insulto, dependiendo del tono y contexto en que se emplee.
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