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because its fun

1 answer

WAHS was created on 1975-11-10.

3 answers

Camera probably disposable if you wont have electricity, swimsuit, flashlight, bug spray, tamons/ pads, sunscreen, snacks, MP3 not an ipod because an ipod has to be charged but Mp3 player take batteries, batteries, hygeine products, towels, wahs rags, blankets, money, water bottle, a phone, and blankets and clothes.

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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern ---WAHS. That is, seven letter words with 4th letter W and 5th letter A and 6th letter H and 7th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are:


1 answer

it was hard because over 1000 people entered and she was one of the 208 people selected and she didnt just get picked because she was a girl she was picked because of her skills and she reallyu wanted people to understand that and make it less stressful trying to tell everyone that so she got friends to help spread it and then she was able to work harder

3 answers

Yes you can. I have been doing it for years. Just watch out, you will lose 90% of bass response while its on. Kick it off, and its normal again. Might I recommend the Dunlop Original Crybaby. Its my personal favorite of all guitar wahs to use.

2 answers

In Hindu mythology he should not wear any thing just naked living brings him/her the expected results. Naga sadhus live like that in India.

as a short story goes like a penitent wore a small cloth around his groin

daily he use to change this piece of cloth and wahs it and dried in the shade

a rat/mouse made holes in the cloth so he brought a ct to keep the rat/mouse away.Cat need milk he brought a cow to feed the cat. Now cow to be fed with grass and a helping hand needed in the form of woman to

look after cow/cat etc. The woman need a man to look after her needs. A good family to feed and this penitent woke from his troubles and discarded his loin cloth which caused this . Did we need cloths Yes to guard our body

from weather. If we are in search of total submission to god by soul then we have to discard this mortal body. Then no need to clothes.

Hope am clear. If people do not agree wear white loose robes which will not irritate while u are meditating

meaning of penitent=feeling or expressing remorse for one's misdeeds or sins. n.

  1. One who is penitent.
  2. A person performing penance under the direction of a confessor.

    Perugu Balasubramanyam


2 answers

One nautical mile is equivalent to 1.2 statute miles. Other units can be found below.

Agate Lines 1000000

Alen (Danish) 3000

Aln (Swedish) 3100

Angstrom Stars 1.9000000000000E13

Angstroms 18520000000000

Arpents (French Canadian) 32

Arshins (Russian) 2600

Astronomical Units 1.2E-8

Barleycorns 220000

Bohrs 3.5000000000000E13

Bolts 20

Braccios (Italian) 2600

Brazas (Spanish) 1100

Braças (Portuguese) 840

Button Measures 2900000

Cables 10

Cables US (navy) 8.4

Caliper (modern) 1852000000

Caliper (traditional) 73000000

Cape Feet 5900

Cape Roods 490

Centimetres 185200

Ch'ihs (Chinese) 5200

Chains (Gunter) 92

Chains (Irish) 72

Chains (Ramsden) 61

Chains (Scottish) 82

Charrières 5556000

Cicero 410000

Covados (Portuguese) 2800

Covidos (Arabic) 3900

Cubits (Biblical) 4100

Cubits (Roman) 4200

Cubits UK 4100

Daktylos (old Greek) 97000

Data Miles 1

Decempedae (Roman) 620

Decimetres 18520

Degrees 1.7E-2

Dekametres 190

Diamonds US 3800

Digits 97000

Douzièmes (Swiss) 9900000

Ells (English) 1600

Ells (Scottish) 2000

Estadios (Portuguese) 7.1

Estadios (Spanish) 11

Exameters 1.9E-15

Falls (English) 270

Falls (Scottish) 330

Famn (Swedish) 1000

Fathoms 1000

Fathoms US (surveyor) 1000

Favne (Danish) 980

Feet 6100

Feet (Greek) 6000

Feet (Jersey) 6600

Feet (Roman) 6300

Feet (manual) 5600

Feet US (surveyor) 6100

Fermis 1.9E18

Fingerbredd (Swedish) 100000

Fingers 16000

Fists 18000

Fjärdingsväg (Swedish) 0.69

Fod (Danish) 5900

Fot (Swedish) 6200

Frenches 5556000

Furlongs 9.2

Furlongs (Irish) 7.2

Furlongs (Scottish) 8.2

Gauge (plastic film) 7300000000

Geographic Meiles (German) 0.25

Gigametres 1.9E-6

Gigaparsecs 6.0E-23

Goads 1400

Gonglis (Chinese) 1.9

Great Lugs 290

Great Paces 1200

Gutenbergs 520000000

Hands 18000

Hectometres 19

Hubbles 2.0E-22

Hvatis (Croatian) 980

Inches 73000

Inches (Jersey) 80000

Inches (Scottish) 73000

Irons 3500000

Kabellængde (Scandinavian) 10

Kairis (Japanese) 1

Kens (Japanese) 1000

Kerats (Arabian) 65000

Kilofeet 6.1

Kilometres 1.9

Kiloparsecs 6.0E-17

Kiloyards 2

Klafters (Austrian) 980

Klafters (Swiss) 1000

Kvarter (Danish) 12000

Kvarter (Swedish) 12000

Kyus 7408000

Land Leagues 0.38

Land Miles 1.2

Leaps (Welsh) 900

Legoas (Portuguese) 0.3

Leguas (Argentine) 0.37

Li (metric Chinese) 3.7

Li (traditional Chinese) 2.9

Lieues (French) 0.46

Light Days 7.2E-11

Light Hours 1.7E-9

Light Minutes 1.0E-7

Light Seconds 6.2E-6

Light Years 2.0E-13

Lignes (Swiss) 820000

Lines 870000

Lines (button) 2900000

Linier (Danish) 850000

Links UK 9200

Lugs 370

Marathons 4.4E-2

Megalithic Inches 89000

Megalithic Yards (Thom) 2200

Megametres 1.9E-3

Megaparsecs 6.0E-20

Meiles (Austrian) 0.24

Metres 1852

Metric Miles 1.2

Microinches 73000000000

Microns 1852000000

Miglias (Italian) 1.2

Mil (Danish) 0.25

Mil (Norwegian) 0.19

Mil (metric Swedish) 0.19

Mil (old Swedish) 0.17

Mil. Paces US (double time) 2000

Mil. Paces US (quick time) 2400

Miles 1.2

Miles (Irish) 0.9

Miles (Roman) 1.2

Miles (Scottish) 1

Miles US 1.2

Milhas (Portuguese) 0.89

Millas (Spanish) 1.3

Milles (marine French) 1

Milles (traditional French) 0.95

Millimetres 1852000

Milliparsecs 6.0E-11

Mils 73000000

Mkonos (East African) 4100

Mondo Points 1852000

Myriameters 0.19

Nails 32000

Nanometres 1852000000000

Nautical Leagues 0.33

Nautical Miles UK 1

Palmos (Portuguese) 8400

Palmos (metric Spanish) 9260

Palmos (traditional Spanish) 8900

Palms 24000

Palms (Dutch) 18520

Paris Points 277800

Parsecs 6.0E-14

Pas (Haitian) 1600

Passi (Roman) 1200

Perches 370

Perches (French Canadian) 320

Perches (French) 320

Perches (Irish) 290

Pes (Roman) 6200

Petametres 1.9E-12

Picas (typographical) 440000

Picometres 1.9E15

Pieds (metric French) 6200

Pieds de Roi (French Canadian) 5700

Pieds de Roi (French) 5700

Pies (Italian) 6200

Pies (Spanish) 6700

Planck Lengths 4.6E37

Plethra (old Greek) 60

Podes (old Greek) 6000

Points (English-American) 5300000

Poises (French) 950

Polegadas (Portuguese) 67000

Poles 370

Pouces (French) 68000

Pulgadas (Spanish) 80000

Punkt (mainland Europe) 4926320

Pus (Chinese) 1000

Pés (Portuguese) 5600

Quarters (cloth) 8100

Ridges (Welsh) 300

Ris (Japanese) 0.47

Rod (Irish) 290

Rods 370

Roedes (Dutch) 190

Sadzhens (Russian) 870

Sea Leagues 0.33

Shackles UK 68

Shakus (Japanese) 6100

Shots US 68

Skeins (cotton yarn) 17

Smoots US 1100

Spans 8100

Spats 1.9E-9

Stadia (Roman) 10

Stadia (old Greek) 10

Steg (Swedish) 2100

Sticks US 610

Stundes (Swiss) 0.39

Survey Feet US 6100

Sømil (Scandinavian) 1

T'suns (Chinese) 52000

Terametres 1.9E-9

Threads (cotton yarn) 1400

Toises (French) 950

Tommer (Danish) 71000

Tu (traditional Chinese) 1.1E-2

Tum (metric Swedish) 73000

Tum (old Swedish) 75000

Twips 100000000

Unciae (Roman) 75000

Varas (Portuguese) 1700

Varas (Spanish) 2200

Vehrsty (Russian) 1.7

Verges (French) 2000

Vershki (Russian) 42000

Wahs (Thai) 926

X Units 1.8E16

Yards 2000

Yottametres 1.9E-21

Zettametres 1.9E-18

Zoll (Swiss) 62000

2 answers