i belive it is either 1st or 3rd i am pretty sure its 3rd but it vould be first
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vould nouyytgrde sss sorry i not no entislu joiuld sns oijuns skspma anajq qnfasss
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u could pretend u going to the park then when u go. u go back and make sure u have a bat with u then u vould hit the princepel
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he asked about a "beastie" and Ralph denied its existence to not make him worry or comfort him.... this is based off a summary I've heard earlier this week on the book so i vould be wrong. i am sure it's a "beastie"
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It depends how you think about it. You vould be skinny, but jiggly. And you can be fat, but have a hard stomach. If you're attracted to fat people, I suppose you can say that jiggly is good. If you're attracted to skinny people, then I'm guessing that you like rock hard abs :)
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try asking nintendo....
i have a THEORY. maybe we could convert a game to a m4a file, it vould probably start a loop. then a code could possibly run.
The SD card slot in the DSi cannot access any of the DSi's gaming or computing components, there's no connection to them. It is simply incapable of running code, signed or unsigned.
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In theory, anyone can be listed on the title to a home. That is a totally separate issue from the lender reporting the payment history to the credit bureaus. I am a mortgage broker and based on your question, I have no idea how your credit score vould be improved WITHOUT you being on the loan. Why are you not on the mortgage but on the title? That gives you a lot of power over that home without any liability.
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It's terrible when your BFF does that to you! Isn't it!?
Next time when she does this say ''Hey, I thought we were friends, and friends don't keep secrets.'' If she still does it, I would stop being best friends with this girl. I would give it a week or so and see if she continues it.
It vould be the ''I have a crush on Josh'' kind of secret. Or it could be the ''OMG! Mary is so ugly today'' secret.
Give it some time and tell me how it goes. Hope it helps!
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unplug your crank sensor and see if your gauges start to work some of the time the crank sensor will short and cause a lot of problems if the gauges start to work replace the crank sensor if not look at the 3 wire sensors map tps and o2 sensors one of these vould be the problem also but when you unplug the sensor cycle the key off then on and give it a second and see if your gauges come back if they do mostlikely the last sensor you unpluged is the problem
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Rabbits show affection through grooming each other. They will lick each other's faces, ears, and heads as a way of bonding and showing care. This behavior is an important aspect of their social interactions and relationships.
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Check the environment to ensure it is not too loud or stressful for your hamster. Monitor for any signs of illness such as lethargy, wheezing, or discharge from the nose or eyes. To be safe, consider consulting a veterinarian who specializes in small animals.
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and like i said this guy did not hold my hand tonight and i just feel like the spark is gone we talked and stuff but we did not talk as much as we used to. maybe he lost intrest in me due to the lack of spark, and i was just wondering if any of u guys have gone trough this and if there was anyway to bring the spark back? i live in a different country and am leaving in 28 days and i doubt we would have a long distance relationship but i want our relationship to at least last till i leave. and b4 we even went out i thought i vould imagine spending a very long time w/ this guy and maybe even marrying him in the future not tht i told him about the marriage thing but i honestly doubt our relationship could last w/ the lack of spark. please help me i even keep getting paranoid tht hes gonna dump me. sorry if this was too long. thk u :)
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Bullying is a learned behavior. It is NOT a mental illness. The person doing the bullying has gotten the mistaken idea that bullying another person is an appropriate way to handle differences of opinion. They have learned how to bully by watching another member of their family do it and get away with it. It vould be a father or mother mother or brother or some other member of their family. It is an imbalance of power between two people. Theren are many different reasons why someone will bully. But it IS something that they have leaned how to do.
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Even if the Japanese would not have attacked Pearl Harbor (which is why the U.S. entered the war), we probably still would have gotten involved once we saw what Hitler was really capable of. But if we didn't enter all together, Hitler may have completed his goal of world domination, with western Europe falling, leading into Greenland and then Canada, which then would have been too late for the U.S. to stop them. After that, Hitler would probably taken over America, and we might all be speaking German today. So even though Pearl Harbor was a devastating attack that lost many innocent American lives, it probably saved millions of other civilian and military lives that would have been needlessly taken by the German army.
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