The Venetians - Australian band - was created in 1982.
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People from Venice are called "Venetians". During the Republic of Venice, the ruling class of Venetians were called 'Patricians" or "Patricians of Venice". Today, Venetians are also just recognized as "Italians".
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To flee the invading Lombards from the north
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Venetians are the best at blocking out sun light.
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Because the Venetians understand the value of it for tourism.
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Yes, most Venetians speak Italian as it is the official language of Italy. However, the Venetian dialect, a variation of the Italian language known as Venetian, is also spoken by some residents in Venice and the surrounding areas.
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Yes because , Marco Polo tells the story of a young Venetians adventurous life .
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Early Venetians abandoned the mainland for the swampy lagoon islands due to increasing invasion threats from barbarians and the Huns in the 5th century. The islands provided natural defenses and allowed for easier defense against potential attacks. Additionally, the marshy environment of the lagoon helped in supporting the early Venetians' maritime trade and fishing activities.
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Venetian Masquerade masks come from Venice, Venice is on the north east coast of Italy.
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Primarily Venice and Byzantium. The Venetians were supported by knights from other European Kingdoms.
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The Venetians in Shakespeare's time are the same thing as the Venetians are today--people who live in Venice. Only in Shakespeare's time, Venice was a powerful independent country with a lot of overseas holdings, especially in Dalmatia and the Greek islands, and was the main resistance to the expansion of the Ottoman Empire (Turkey).
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dont you means vegetarians and turkeys wait wait wait...... vegetarians dont eat turkeys do they?
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so far i just know that they were powerful rich people
because they were good at trading
they were well respected in Othello
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The Venetians considered themselves blessed by Saint Mark because his remains were brought to Venice in the 9th century, making him the patron saint of the city. They believed that his intercession brought protection and prosperity to Venice, leading to their faith in his blessings.
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Isabella d'Este
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The Parthenon was completed in 438 B.C. It was destroyed on September 26th, 1687, by an ammo dump which got ignited by the Venetians.
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In Shakespeare's time, Moors were often depicted as exotic, mysterious, and foreign in his plays, with Othello being one of the most famous examples. Venetians were seen as sophisticated and experienced in matters of politics and power, as depicted in "The Merchant of Venice." Both groups were often portrayed according to common stereotypes and perceptions of the time.
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Early Venetians abandoned the mainland for the swamp lagoon islands due to increasing threat of invasion by barbarian tribes. The islands were easier to defend and provided natural protection against attacks. Additionally, the islands offered access to the sea, facilitating trade and eventually leading to the flourishing of Venice as a maritime power.
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Not much random people from all over Europe joined the crusades but Venetians did sack Constantinople in the 4th crusade.
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They are people from Venice, a city in Italy built in a swamp at the north end of the Adriatic Sea. Everyone in Othello except Othello and Cassio is a Venetian.
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United Italy did not control European Trade with Asia, the Most Serene Republic of Venice (now a part of Italy) controlled the European Spice Trade.
The Venetians were able to do this since they had done business with Muslims for centuries, they had a special relationship. In addition to that, the Venetians used their powerful navy to control the trade on the Mediterranean and did not allow other Europeans to take part in it.
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In the fourth crusade the Christian Byzantine Empire was attacked by Italian sailors (the Venetians). It was not a true crusade; no Muslim powers were attacked.
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Venice was, in the sixteenth century, a significant and powerful state with a large empire, although not as large as it had been. The Venetians had been an important component of the Battle of Lepanto in 1570 which had halted the expansion of the Ottomans in the Mediterranean. However, Venetian political and economic power was on the wane as a result of the development of trade routes through the Atlantic by the Spanish. Portuguese and even the English which made Venetian control of the Mediterranean less important.
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I do no think one individual is noted for its invention. However, the hourglass was created by the Venetians. Its recognition goes back as far as the 14th century. It is also called a sandglass.
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Venetians like all music and are well known for their music festivals. How wonderful they have blended the old and the new music. In Venice you will enjoy the Opera and Operetta.
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They wanted the Crusaders to take over the town of Zara near the Adriatic sea. Zara was a commercial rival of Venice and it was also a good naval base.
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Mon amour in French is "my love" in English.
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Silks and spices were prized during the Middle Ages. The trade was largely controlled by the Venetians. More indirectly, for most Europeans, it was controled by Arabs and the Byzantines.
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Guillaume Caoursin has written:
'The siege of Rhodes' -- subject(s): History
'The history of the Turkish War with the Rhodians, Venetians, Egyptians, Persians, and other nations' -- subject(s): History
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Venice has been flooded for a long time, so most of the city has canals instead of streets. As such they need the gondoliers, which have shallow drafts and can pass easily through the narrow canals, to get around.
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The context of the story is a time when Venice was at war on and off with the Ottoman Empire, and while the Venetians were in control of the island of Cyprus: in other words between 1473 and 1570. The Venetians lost the island to the Turks well within living memory of the older people watching the play for the first time, less than 40 years previously, so the events could have been considered to have been in the recent past, as the events of the 1970s would appear to people in the second decade of the 21st century.
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Venice gained so much wealth after the crusasdes because Venetians women were so
hot. They either became sex slave or prostitute and made a lot of money :)
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Venice is built on the Italian coast. The building of ships was a natural thing for them to do since they were one of major banking, shipping, and the most powerful city state. Cruise ships today port in Venice.
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It was destroyed during a battle between Venice and Turkey in the 17th century.. The Turks hid their ammo in the Parthenon and the Venetians hit it and it blew up!!! BUT REALLY IT WASN"T DESTROYED IT JUST GOT A BIG GAP BLOWN OUT OF IT!!!!!!!!!!
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It is highly unlikely. The Ottoman Empire invaded Cyprus in 1570 and captured it from the Venetians. Although Shakespeare might have travelled during the lost years 1585 to 1592, he would not likely have gone to a place held by the Turks if he did.
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In terms of origin, coffee came to Europe through Turkish trading with the Venetians. However, the tradition of adding milk and sweeteners to coffee to make it more palatable to Europeans, is a result of French experimentation. This is why many of the types of coffee, such as lattes have French names.
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The Arabs & Venetians controlled the Spice Trade.
The Spice Trade was a two-part endeavor. Arab merchants went to the Indian subcontinent or sailed to Indonesia to buy spices from local merchants and brought them to the Levantine ports like Jaffa, Tyre, Sidon, and Byblos. Or, they would be brought to the major Turkish cities like Istanbul and Bodrum. At all of these port cities, Venetian merchants would purchase the spices from the Arab merchants and redisperse them in Venice to various European States. As the Venetians were the most effective shipbuilders in the Mediterranean, they prevented the rise of any European attempting to cut into the trade. (Venice is now part of Italy, but it was independent until the 1800s.)
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Venice and the Ottoman Empire had a long and drawn-out conflict over the centuries. The Ottomans were able to capture Cyprus in 1570 which the Venetians had previously held for eighty years. So we can imagine the events taking place between 1490 and 1570 sometime.
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