No, only vandalistic graffitti from early visitors.
1 answer
While this question may seem, at first, like a simple-minded, logically challenged,
vandalistic inquiry, it in fact points up a fundamental principle of mathematics,
one that can be used by everyone, and applied in a number of life situations
that is virtually unlimited:
(100 of anything) plus (another 100 of the same thing) is equal to (200 of them).
1 answer
A PDA and a laptop computer share many of the same features, yet they are quite different. A PDA is outstanding for its light weight and portability. The laptop is portable, but is heavier and somewhat more cumbersome.
A PDA is lightweight - more so than the laptop.
The PDA has much less memory.
Another advantage of the small PDA memory is that you have less to sort through when you want to open a program or look up a file. The laptop holds so many files that it takes awhile to find the one you want and bring it up. So, it is a matter of speed versus volume.
For a detailed outlook on both refer to this site -http://ezinearticles.com/?Do-You-Know-The-Major-Differences-Between-Laptops-And-PDAs?&id=942172
5 answers