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The Urial inhabits Afganistan and other nearby regions.

1 answer

Urials are a type of wild sheep with a number of subspecies. Born after 150-160 days gestation. Females reach maturity at 1.5 years. Young ewes produce a single lamb with older females producing 2-3 lambs per season. Individuals live for 8-12 years on average.

1 answer

poaching, people hiding in Urial's habitat kill them for food, not enough green olives, (their fav food) and plants. Older Urial bucks wont let the younger ones graze.

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in eroup and america

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A urial is a wild sheep species found in the mountainous regions of central Asia. They are known for their impressive curved horns and thick woolly coat to survive in their harsh habitat. Urial are herbivores and usually form small herds for protection against predators.

2 answers

It is a urial. We knew of it it because it's an animal in a Fisher Price "Little People" set. I found this addition inforamtion on the net... "The Urial is a medium-sized wild sheep and as such is considered a member of the goat antelope subfamily." Hope that helps!

2 answers

urial |ˈoŏrēəl|

noun ( pl. same)

a wild sheep with long legs and relatively small horns, native to central Asia. • Ovis vignei, family Bovidae.

1 answer

Urial primarily consume grasses, herbs, and shrubs as their main food source. They may also browse on leaves, fruits, and twigs. In winter, they may resort to digging through snow to feed on grass and other vegetation.

2 answers

U-Spot Wrasse, Uakari, Urial but there are lots of others.

3 answers

Urial, a species of wild sheep.

1 answer

A wild sheep is called a Urial... I think.

2 answers

An Afgan wild sheep or Ram is called a Urial.

1 answer

urial (a wild sheep)

umbrella bird

urutu (snake)

ural owl

1 answer



1 answer

The Punjab urial or (Ovis orientalis punjabiensis) is the provincial animal of the Punjab province of Pakistan.

1 answer

Uakari, uguisu, umbrellabird, uaru, uliodon and urial are animals. They begin with the letter U.

1 answer

Umbrellabird Urial (species of wild sheep) and Utah prairie dog are animals. They begin with the letter u.

1 answer

The Punjab Urial or (Ovis orientalis punjabiensis) is the provincial animal of the Punjab province of Pakistan.

2 answers

Shapoo, Urial, Hyan, Tibetan wild sheep, Bharal, Marchopolo sheep etc. -Sent by varang bombaywala

4 answers

there are several,(even though this is a mystical animal it would still be an animal) 1. an unicorn. 2.uakari. 3.urial. 4. urutu and an urchin! i hope this helped! :)

1 answer








•Uromastyx maliensis

•Uromastyx spinipes










2 answers

Ural Owl, Unicorn Fish, Uganda Kob (a type of antelope found in Africa), Underwing (a moth), Urial (species of wild sheep) and Utah prairie dog are animals. Uliodon (vagrant spider) and unlined giant chafer beetle are insects.

1 answer















Orang Utan












1 answer

The Provincial symbols of the Punjab are as the following:

* Punjab urial (Ovis orientalis punjabiensis) - Provincial animal

* Asiatic peacock (Pavo cristatus) - Provincial bird

* Devil's trumpet (Datura metel) - Provincial flower

* Athel pine (Tamarix aphylla) - Provincial tree

1 answer

The Ucayali Spiny Mouse is a rodent species in Peru. The Uniform Crake is a bird species in Peru.

3 answers

The blackbuck (Antilope cervicapra) is the state animal of Punjab, Republic of India.

3 answers

There are many different animals in Afghanistan. Snow Leopards, Marco Polo sheep, and the Asiatic black bear are some of the mammals that are considered endangered or threatened. There are also Ibex, Urial, Lesser Horseshoe bat, Markhor, Pikas, and Stone martens, among many other animals.

1 answer

Ural Owl, Unicorn Fish, Uakari , Uganda Kob (a type of antelope found in Africa), Uganda Woodland-warbler, Uguisu (bird), Ulysses Butterfly, Umbrellabird, Underwing (a moth), Urial (species of wild sheep) and Utah prairie dog are animals. They begin with the letter u.

1 answer


































1 answer

Some animals that start with the letter "U" include the umbrella bird, the urial (a type of wild sheep found in Asia), and the uakari (a type of monkey found in South America).

3 answers

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 5 words with the pattern U--AL. That is, five letter words with 1st letter U and 4th letter A and 5th letter L. In alphabetical order, they are:






1 answer

Ibis, Iguana, Ibex, Irish setter, Irish wolfhound, Inca Dove, Indian Pond Heron, Indigo Bunting and Ivory-billed Woodpecker are animals. Ural Owl, Unicorn Fish, Uakari , Uganda Kob (a type of antelope found in Africa), Uganda Woodland-warbler, Uguisu (bird), Ulysses Butterfly, Umbrellabird, Underwing (a moth), Urial (species of wild sheep) and Utah prairie dog are animals.

1 answer

The Urials will eat most any leaves from trees and bushes, but they prefer the tender grasses of the slopes below the timberline, and any grains that they can find. The populations are scattered across Turkey, Iran, India, and other countries of the area. The global numbers of the six subspecies have not been estimated, they are listed as "vulnerable" by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, or the IUCN Red List, with a population trend "decreasing" posted. For more details, please see the sites listed below.

1 answer

Y: Yak, Yaffle, Yard Ant, Yapok, Yearling, Yellow Belied Marmot, Yellow Belly Lizard, Yellow Hammer, Yellow Jacket, Yellow Legs, Yellow Throat, Yeti, Ynambu, Yorkshire Terrior, Yosemite Toad,Yucker, U: Umbrella Bird, Uakkari, Urchin, Urial, Uganda Kob, Uinta Ground Squirrel, Umbrette, Unau, Ungulate, Unicorn,

4 answers

Ultrasauros Utahraptor * Uberabatitan * Udanoceratops * Ugrosaurus - probably junior synonym of Triceratops * Uintasaurus - junior synonym of Camarasaurus * Ultrasauros - junior synonym of Supersaurus * Ultrasaurus (H. M. Kim, 1983) * "Ultrasaurus" (Jensen, 1985) - preoccupied name, now known as Ultrasauros * Umarsaurus[6] - nomen nudum; Barsboldia * Unaysaurus * Unenlagia * "Unicerosaurus" - nomen nudum, actually a fish * Unquillosaurus * Urbacodon

4 answers

Aardvark, baboon, cheetah, duiker, elephant, fox, giraffe, hyena, impala, jaguar, klipspringer, leopard, monkey, nyala, ostrich, puff adder snake, quail-plover, rhinoceros, serval, tiger, Uganda kob, vervet monkey, warthog, xavier's greenbul, yellow-nosed albatross and zebra are animals in Africa. They begin with the letters a-z.

6 answers

Ural Owl, Unicorn Fish, Uakari , Uganda Kob (a type of antelope found in Africa), Uganda Woodland-warbler, Uguisu (bird), Ulysses Butterfly, Umbrellabird, Underwing (a moth), Urial (species of wild sheep) and Utah prairie dog are animals. They begin with the letter u.

9 answers

  1. yak
  2. rat
  3. rabbit
  4. quail
  5. kangaroo

V - vole, verdin, vixen, vermin, vespid, viper, viscacha, vulture.

R - rat, rattle snake, raccoon, rodent, robin, ram, ratite, raven, redpoll, red-tailed hawk, rough-legged hawk, reedling, reindeer, rhebok, ringdove, roach, rooster, roebuck, rotche.

J - jay, jersey, jackdaw, junco, june-bug, jabiru, jacamar, jacana, jacobin, jaguar, jurel.

K - kagu, karakul, kea, kuvasz, keeshond, kestrel, keitloa, killdeer, kingbird, kitten, krill, kudu.

Q - quahog, quokka.

U - umbrette, unau, ungulate, urial, ursa.

W - warbler, wagtail, waler, walrus, wanderoo, wasp, warsaw, warthog, walleye, waxbill, waxwing, whale, weever, weevil, weka, wolf, whelk, whelp, weasel, whydah, widgeon, wirehair, woodcock, woodlark, wurzel.

Y - yapock, yaud, yeanling, yearling.

1 answer

So, I guess Ca1 and Do6 are out of the question. Armadillo

Bear Cat Dog Eagle Fish Gators or Goat Hyena Iguana

Jackal Kangaroo Llama Mouse Narwhal whale or Newt Ostrich Pig Quail Raptor or Rhinoceros

Snake Tiger Urchin or Ultrasauros Vulture Whale or Warthog Xenops or Xylophone

Yak or Yellowjacket Zebra

Hope this helps!

3 answers

The only one listed is the Ultimate Mastiff, which is not an AKC breed.

It is a cross between the Dogue de Bordeaux and the Neapolitan Mastiff.

Ultimate Mastiff is a large powerful dog. It is a hybrid breed between the Neapolitan Mastiff and Dogue de Bordeaux.

7 answers

Here is a list of animals from A-Z with about 3 animals in each letter.

A- alligator, antelope, aardvark

B- bat, bear, bintorung

C- cheetah, camel, catfish

D- dog, dolphin, devil fish

E- elephant, eagle, eel

F- falcon, firefly, frog

G- gorilla, giraffe, goat

H- hyena, hippopotamus, howler monkey

I- iguana, impala, ivory-billed woodpecker

J- jaguar, jackal, jellyfish

K- koala, kangaroo, kakapo

L- lion, leopards, lobsters

M-meerkat, manatee, millipede

N-needle fish, newt, nematode

O- octopus, orangutans, ocelot

P- penguin, possum, panda

Q- quail, quoll, quahog

R- rhino, rabbit, red deer

S- squid, sea turtle, swan

T-tiger, tasmanian devil, turkey

U- umbrella bird, ungulate, urial

V-vampire bat, vulture, vole

W-walrus, warthog, whale

X- x-ray fish, xenopus, xanclomys

Y-yak, yellow belly lizard, yard ant

Z-zebra, zorilla, zethus wasp

1 answer

There are many Highlands in the World. Here is just a couple with the applicable animals:

Highlands, Great Britian

· Red deer

· Red Squirrels

· Roe Deer

· Otters

Highland Wildlife Park, Scotland

· Afghan Urial

· Arur tiger

· Arctic Fox

· Bactrian Camel

· Bharal

· Bractrian Wapiti

· Capercaillie

· Carpathian Lynx

· Chinese Grey Goral

· Common Crane

· Domesticated Reindeer

· Domesticated Yak

· Eagle Owl

· European Bison

· European Beaver

· European Elk

· European Forest Reindeer

· European Wolf

· Fox

· Himalayan Monal Pheasant

· Himalayan Snowcock

· Himalayan Tahr

· Japanese macaque

· Japanese Serow

· Kiang or Tibetan Wild Ass

· Penguin

· Pine Marten

· Polar Bear

· Ptarmigan

· Przewalski's Horse

· Mishmi Takin

· Red Deer

· Red Panda

· Red Squirrel

· Scottish Wildcat

· Snowy Owl

· Turkmenian Markhor

· Vivarium (Common Lizard, Slow Worm, Palmate Newt)

Cape Breton Highlands National Park of Canada - 40 species of mammals

· Birds - bald eagles, cormorants, gillemots, gulls, grouse, hawks, owls

· Canada Lynx

· Coyote

· Fish - brook trout, Atlantic Salmon, Atlantic Cod, Shark - blue and basking

· Gaspe Shrew

· Harbour seals

· Moose

· Pilot Whales

· Rock Vole

· Snowshoe Hare


1 answer

1. Uriel Sepim does not have armor. he has a robe. 2. You can get it 3. This is how: As soon as you get out of the sewer in the beginning, do not do anything for the main quest. Head straight to the shrine of Varemina near cheydinhal. You need an offering of a black soul gem, which can be found by doing the necromancer's moon quest in the mages guild. Use the soul gem as an offering, and do the quest. Note: This may be difficult at level 1, so level up a little. Now, once you get the skull of corruption, you have 2 choices: 1. if you have the shivering isles expansion, get the remains to all of the ghosts on suicide hill. this gets you the greater power risen flesh, which re-animates a body. The other option is to complete the mages guild questline. once you do that, the final quest is to fight mannimarco, the king of worms. Defeat him and take his staff. then go back to the sewers, to where the emperor died. Since you did nothing to further the main questline, he should still be there. use whatever re-animate spell you have to revive him. You can't just take his stuff, as the guards stop you. now, use the skull of corruption on him. the clone will attack the emperor's body. Kill the clone, and just as he falls down, save. then load the save and press "a" rapidly on the loot clicking thing to enter his inventory. then, you can take his stuff, which includes 2 pairs of red shoes, and his robe. if he has anything that says , don't take it. if you try to drop it, your game will crash. you now have the emperor's robe and shoes.

1 answer

2-letter words

ae, ai, al, ar, as, el, er, es, is, la, li, re, si, us

3-letter words

ail, air, ais, ale, als, are, ars, ear, eau, els, era, ers, ire, lar, las, lea, lei, leu, lie, lis, ras, rei, res, ria, rue, sae, sal, sau, sea, sei, sel, ser, sir, sri, sue, use

4-letter words

ails, airs, ales, ares, aril, earl, ears, eras, ilea, ilia, ires, iris, isle, lair, lari, lars, lase, lear, leas, leis, liar, lier, lies, lieu, lira, lire, lues, lure, rail, rale, rase, real, reis, rial, rias, riel, rile, rise, rues, rule, ruse, sail, sale, sari, saul, seal, sear, sera, sial, sire, slue, slur, suer, sura, sure, urea, ursa, user

5-letter words

aisle, ariel, arils, arise, arles, aurei, aures, auris, earls, ileus, lairs, lares, laris, laser, lears, liars, liers, lieus, liras, lures, rails, raise, rales, reals, rials, riels, riles, rules, serai, seral, sieur, slier, sural, uraei, urase, ureal, ureas, urial, ursae

6-letter words

ariels, liaise, resail, sailer, saurel, serail, serial, urials

155 words found.

1 answer

Urial, uromastyx, and urubu are animals whose names begin with the letter "u" in French. The first, second, and third examples respectively reference the wild sheep also known as mouflon sauvage (wild sheep, Ovis orientalis vignei), the lizard also known as fouette-queue (spiny- or whip-tailed lizard, Uromastyx spp), and the black vulture also known as vautour noir (Coragyps atratus). The respective pronunciations will be "yoo-ryal," "yoo-ro-ma-steeks," and "yoo-ryoo-byoo" in French.

9 answers

97 sort mammallia ,357 sort bird,97 sort fish, more 15000 invertebrate animal Have in Azerbaijan.I can not say native but Characteristic animals of Azerbaijan : Eastern Caucasian billy goat, Caucasian deer, Caucasian perches bear,toğlugötürən(not translate),golden eagle,Caucasian falcon,Caucasian tetra (not tanslate)... etc I gave only less information to you.

3 answers

A rubber stamp applies ink to a surface according to the pattern of the stamp. Rubber stamps are commonly used in offices to print unvarying details or dates. The story of the rubber stamp begins in the jungles of South America.

• Spanish explorers observed South American Indian tribesmen playing with a ball that bounced. Some tribes used this stuff to attach feathers to their bodies. Charles Marie de la Condamine sent a sample of rubber to the Institute de France in 1736.

• In 1770, it was found that this stuff could erase pencil marks from paper, although due to its cost, most people preferred to use breadcrumbs.

• In 1839, Charles Goodyear invented the process of vulcanization, whereby rubber loses its weakness to temperature.

• L.F. Witherall invented the rubber stamp, working for a manufacturer of wooden pumps. Items were marked with brass or copper stencils and paint. Paint would run under the stencils, which caused blotching, so Witherall cut stencils from thin sheets of rubber. He says he tried thicker rubber glued to a bedpost to make a stamp of his initials. Witherall claimed to have later lost this stamp. He set up a factory in co-operation with his brother and a man called D.A.Dudley. The royalties demanded by the Dental Rubber Syndicate made this venture unproductive, and the factory was sold.

• James O. Woodruff also invented the rubber stamp between 1864 and 1866. He visited a maker of washtubs where information was printed to the tubs with a curved wooden block mounted with rubber letters.

• Woodruff's uncle was Urial Woodruff, a dentist very familiar with rubber, which was used to mount false teeth where previously gold had been used. The two worked together to produce stamps, and a factory was established.

• Unfortunately, the inks then used dissolved rubber. The business was bought by Roland Dennis

• Henry C. Leland was the third person to have invented rubber stamps. He sold metal hand stamps. A broom manufacturer suggested a stamp that could be roller around a broom handle to print a label.

• A relative Leland worked with sold the secret to “some novelty people” for “a petty sum”.

There will be a need for rubber stamps until such time as society becomes paperless. Signature and return address stamps are not likely candidates for computerization. You can keep abreast of developments in the office stamp industry with the publications Stamp Manufacturer’s Journal, Stamp Trade News, Marking Devices Journal, and Marking Industry Magazine.

1 answer