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i was born in 90 and got it at 15.5 rumor has it that you can't get it until 16, that is just an unpassed law, so you can get it at 15.5 if you werwe born in 91

2 answers

The President can use a "pocket veto", if a bill comes to the White House to be signed close to the time Congress is due to conclude their current session. If it isn't signed by the time they get out of session, the bill will die unpassed, unless carefully worded otherwise. This is sometimes used with unpopular bills, or ones the President does not want to be seen to reject or support.

1 answer

The President can use a "pocket veto", if a bill comes to the White House to be signed close to the time Congress is due to conclude their current session. If it isn't signed by the time they get out of session, the bill will die unpassed, unless carefully worded otherwise. This is sometimes used with unpopular bills, or ones the President does not want to be seen to reject or support.

1 answer

You can take him to a vet, but he'll tell you what I'm about to share: this too shall pass. As with all critters, what goes in must come out. Pantyhose being made of synthetic material is not digestible, so will exit much as they entered. That isn't to say precautions shouldn't be taken. You'll need to monitor your dog's stools. He's not likely to pass it in a bunch, but likely more strung out. It would be uncomfortable and dangerous for him to trail around half of your knickers dangling from his anus. So, keep a pair of scissors handy. When you find strings hanging unpassed, clip them off. Be careful not to pull or you can knot up his bowels and cause serious injury. Eventually, the last of it will move along.

2 answers