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There are many programs available which claim specifically to be able to 'unerase' deleted computer files. Some products such as Symantec's Norton 360 Antivirus also have the 'unerase' feature as part of the standard software.

1 answer

AnswerAt first you should check your Recycle Bin. If you find deleted files there:

# Left click on the file you have deleted and want to restore.

# right click on it and click restore

# file is recovered.

Otherwise you should use a special unerase application.

Some such tools can work directly with different media types: hard drives, memory sticks, digital camera memory cards etc. The program has a preview feature that supports quite a number of popular formats, including Microsoft Office documents, OpenOffice documents, images, audio files, archived files etc. Thus you can make sure that the files in question are recoverable without registering the program.

1 answer

Yes. Third party downloads are available over the web. Most of them require a fee, but you can still find reputable sources for free. Another way to cheaply recover lost data is investing in an external hard drive and saving all delicate information to it.

5 answers

There was a period when if files got deleted and Trash directory was emptied, all the data would be disappeared completely with no opportunity of return. For nowadays Macs, on the other hand, there can be many of file undelete options. You will need to install a proper backup service in place to resolve this kind of commotion.

Apart from the apps that Apple itself can provide, a couple of additional applications that can be selected that can offer same services also exist. This short article includes a look at data recovery as a whole along with cool advise.

When your system deletes a document, the thing the operating system really does is label the storage on the hard drive that the data takes as free space. The information is still present there, but your Mac is fully happy to put new data over of it, at which point the recovery process will be much more complex. This shows you should do as little actions as possible before you find the information you are looking for, since each time you download a new file, or each time the system writes something to your hard drive, your chance of undeleting the data decreases.

You likely need to get a high quality recovery apps if you do not use one currently.

Check out the following:

Data Rescue II offers a neet graphical interface that will help you with your information recovery needs

photorec.png: this tool can be operate via terminal or command prompt.

Following the installation of the application that you wish to use to unerase the lost document, you have to start scanning the HDD for the lost file or files.

This procedure varies and depends on the tool you have, but the main principle is identical for most of them: simply direct the application at the hard drive or place that was holding your erased information and commence the search.

As soon as the search is complete, you are going to get a huge list of various file names.

Generally files on the list are no more than temporary cash that your system used for common operation, and you do not need to think about them. You are just looking for the file type and name that corresponds to what you deleted.

As soon as you find the information you were searching for, save it to a different disk.

The section below lists a couple of of various programs that can be utilized if you by accident wipe document.

Mac Recovery: To unerase the documents that has been erased after drive formatting, use a previous backup or run a Mac File Recovery app.

Macintosh Recovery remains one of the known apps that can restore wiped files from Mac HDDs.

This app works on most OS variations.

It is a simple app that includes a variation of complex recovery principles.

TimeMachine: All Macs purchased after November 2007 already have with the up-to-date OS, the Leopard.

Time Machine is part of this OS, which is a application that can undelete your files with ease.

Simply bring up the app and go back to the point where you want to access your file; then click Restore, and it will automatically be placed in its original folder like before being removed.

MacKeeper: among lots of different MacKeeper capabilities, the Undelete utility is a powerful data restoration solution used to undelete deleted files even after trashing.

Undelete can bring back a wide range of file types from disk.

FileSalvage: this app lets you to back up and retrieve lost documents easily.

Bring up the tool and choose the settings to your liking; after that it will be possible to navigate back and see where the needed information is.

Stellar Phoenix Mac data recovery is an advanced software to recover deleted, formatted and unmounted data from MacBook Pro, Air, iMacs and Mac Mini computers. It supports HFS, NTFS & FAT file system.

Now a days it is not a serious matter to recover your deleted files on Mac just search for a Mac data recovery app download it and install on your HD then start scanning with the software for your lost files found and saved.

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tranche, grenade, chartae, foxfire, parolee, license, obscene, deplume, flambee, retinue, rulable, tactile, immerse, catlike, zincite, nebulae, beehive, brewage, durable, limeade, wartime, barbate, stenose, quivive, unclose, jubilee, vedette, genette, cursive, amputee, cockade, unevoke, vouchee, uricase, cyclase, pinbone, nymphae, pastime, swipple, isotone, librate, diocese, evictee, lionise, unawake, threose, cockeye, suasive, cowhide, praline, pinnate, ragtime, gazelle, endnote, audible, elegise, prelude, restate, dilutee, ficelle, magnate, confide, hoelike, analyse, puggree, compile, fissile, systyle, factive, essence, eroteme, sunrise, domitae, abilene, cubicle, sockeye, fissure, restage, airwave, brownie, repique, layette, baggage, devisee, pentose, surbase, despise, caprice, unerase, splodge, cordate, upstage, implore, livable, restive, ozonise, recurve, outrace, cuticle, oxazine, improve, mistime, pinkeye, wrestle, atomize, flotage, leisure, passive, glycose, giraffe, obelise, unshade, eserine, bauxite, epicure, lairage, stipple, urodele, chappie, skatole, drizzle, insigne, cartage, repulse, silicle, galilee, salvage, venture, idolise, suzette, fordyce, enthuse, squeeze, offtake, maniple, fusible, unreeve, whiffle, enounce, trainee, pronase, nacelle, propene, biotite, primite, amissae, crunode, onshore, neurone, turgite, perfuse, wantage, enolase, auspice, recycle, ambrite, primine, dialyse, wouldbe, guttate, sardine, surmise, promise, cuisine, dyeline, lactate, flexure, scabble, credere, reverse, vigoure, lattice, ossicle, jasmine, jawbone, plumate, fouette, spicule, pustule, teacake, hermite, piscine, entwine, baroque, puerile, globose, kokanee, taphole, lunette, cyanate, parvule, novenae, imburse, spinule, sterile, pothole, windage, deicide, brassie, recline, adenose, chordee, pendule, vorlage, utilize, diamine, pipette, divulse, harmine, subrule, extreme, kimchee, massive, gisarme, scruple, pleurae, lappage, malaise, rejoice, bezique, tropate, vamoose, proline, backhoe, cognate, pawnage, pismire, chortle, enroute, maltese, nongame, cystine, ironise, turbine, chancre, iterate, partite, serosae, treacle, bullate, naturae, gummite, dunnage, granule, profane, armhole, batiste, spatule, dioxane, stative, friable, abusive, chelate, steride, dioxide, vendace, forgave, givable, enclose, celeste, tamable, doglike, marquee, abjudge, yperite, overlie, examine, affaire, unfroze, reframe, sayable, unprune, whistle, beelike, anilide, compone, costume, torsive, grimace, tremble, engorge, haplite, cuvette, ababise, rupture, stickle, bristle, alveole, fictive, globule, propane, unshare, cloacae, poustie, septile, shuttle, nictate, obviate, useable, bagpipe, dictate, intimae, germane, foliage, insulae, dribble, outpace, gradate, boomage, reticle, floozie, implode, manlike, approve, statute, picrate, kernite, alewife, edifice, involve, bergere, bereave, pervade, detinue, flavine, lindane, noctule, amidase, wheelie, potiche, summate, snuffle, caviare, sucrose, collate, datable, trustee, vaginae, fatigue, laicise, concede, phenate, revalue, presage, terrace, marlite, concise, judaise, ratline, they're, plosive, calorie, synapse, inflame, torture, culture, glimpse, quayage, poleaxe, scatole, cristae, celebre, convoke, nervine, sperate, dockage, stowage, partake, corpore, pancake, whoopee, sturine, respire, pondage, emblaze, leakage, pennate, amylene, sulcate, cezanne, cariole, obovate, demesne, apatite, latrine, andante, unfence, burgage, unissue, manmade, cirrose, exclude, courage, measure, tritone, hyalite, sorbate, cleanse, salmine, romaine, virgule, macaque, challie, gemlike, ukelele, soubise, urinate, brumbie, benzene, unhinge, areolae, inclose, wattage, stylize, realise, science, conchie, overdye, occlude, aphthae, attache, sativae, papoose, devotee, lozenge, expense, canidae, evasive, lactose, anodyne, taeniae, conchae, leonine, fedayee, bedsore, relieve, haptene, nitrate, incline, pectise, subsume, surname, seepage, ebonise, piccage, emanate, forgive, epicyte, tutelae, oxytone, manacle, agitate, midlife, vulpine, unserve, galeate, machine, zoolite, gavotte, tardive, petiole, broomie, untwine, draftee, prepuce, mutable, rissole, vantage, violate, gemmule, saccade, addible, glycine, estrade, hostile, choanae, itemize, restore, unaware, fadable, calibre, bullace, cadette, uncrate, aureate, ignoble, malease, acolyte, spinose, anisole, guanase, ferrule, standee, dowable, unplace, passade, labiate, fixable, outface, hydride, dehisce, ecocide, upgrade, purpose, luggage, spindle, cervine, machete, dryable, earache, unnerve, furtive, armlike, bicycle, amesace, haulage, grabble, wriggle, obverse, pierage, ventage, irksome, steeple, calcine, pirogue, bascule, soignee, bromine, cranage, grizzle, extrude, abaxile, someone, quinine, reprice, missile, onetime, namable, trestle, tropane, swindle, wayside, syncope, diaxone, evirate, package, precise, scourge, asperse, latrope, hawkeye, marline, example, eucaine, amative, foxlike, festive, lignite, imamate, lastage, stabile, medusae, savante, vampire, sistine, neopine, foliate, inspire, confuse, cupulae, calcite, bivalve, clippie, disrate, protide, amniote, radiate, enhance, seattle, ecotone, leafage, soluble, phoneme, achieve, doomage, euphroe, tankage, commute, crinkle, ingrate, refugee, interne, crowdie, ecorche, volente, gallate, supreme, adverse, profile, vinasse, ukraine, carouse, retable, castile, valuate, camerae, scalage, pectize, contuse, gumtree, cabbage, textile, collide, fanzine, absence, gefilte, outgone, weblike, cologne, isodose, rejudge, fixture, wrangle, lyddite, apocope, pyrrole, costive, tunnage, dinette, potable, chemise, unmerge, manrope, incense, expiree, tribune, sausage, tunable, cineole, bespoke, forsake, houhere, brittle, idolize, porcine, brickle, uranide, prelate, agarose, pickaxe, extimae, indorse, overage, cicadae, epoxide, adoptee, uridine, tangere, unswore, previae, valvate, leprose, predate, outsize, console, pileate, demerge, centime, epimere, olivine, emirate, astable, diverge, fenagle, ichnite, affable, bernese, godlike, boxlike, whangee, prendre, stature, granite, gambade, prorate, offence, manatee, acetone, ballade, getable, prozone, failure, hircine, advance, garbage, apelike, pauline, regrate, penance, vocable, votable, factice, peptone, vulture, impinge, pantile, stylite, henbane, corsage, payable, losable, detrude, offeree, condyle, depside, netsuke, exergue, acerose, comrade, nowhere, tektite, rundale, staithe, mixture, hostage, obtrude, peptide, septate, enplane, triable, marmite, begrime, laminae, guipure, keynote, jadeite, herniae, caprate, crackle, enchase, hidable, platode, vehicle, stibine, untitle, destine, flounce, fertile, amylase, verdure, abscise, connate, impaste, sheathe, thorite, cicalae, reprobe, impasse, nitrile, guardee, catenae, lactone, baptize, confine, upraise, upsurge, altrose, contume, trapeze, diazine, prezone, permute, glucose, brusque, coronae, unvoice, sunwise, requite, forbade, cowhage, judaize, hatable, eatable, habitue, heptose, septime, riblike, disable, unglaze, carinae, manhole, espouse, misfire, trireme, hittite, vaccine, fragile, ululate, guayule, quinone, scopine, phocine, pectase, benzine, promote, replace, vulvate, pelisse, dariole, drabble, nervate, hygiene, mistake, goodbye, outsole, terpene, anytime, bricole, bonfire, tropine, radiale, histone, surface, texture, goondie, unshame, penuche, wreathe, scumble, auberge, bullose, arenite, erotise, garotte, unforce, instate, trample, isozyme, lowlife, souffle, filiate, tallage, pittite, pentene, fisheye, sensate, furcate, sweetie, anymore, primage, carbide, ductule, plumule, traduce, swaddle, oxamide, agamete, miracle, inquire, feoffee, meltage, revoice, dapsone, palette, salable, systole, grantee, atomise, aconite, corneae, osazone, spyhole, majeure, excrete, stubble, cyclone, deforce, stopple, truckle, outline, glumose, gibbose, grockle, endwise, twiddle, libelee, hydrase, bandage, noisome, brigade, heptane, rimulae, spireme, furnace, precede, decuple, disease, vesicle, cripple, upheave, dogbane, javelle, emulate, vomicae, neurine, yardage, reroute, tarsale, doggone, shuteye, realize, brioche, durance, emplane, dominie, outwore, itemise, tunicle, protege, cenacle, missive, cogence, sniffle, philtre, capture, exudate, mammose, gestate, syringe, toylike, heroise, caudate, dislike, mintage, macrame, secrete, coelome, corrade, scrapie, titmice, compute, waftage, polyene, debride, soccage, outride, pealike, seeable, bedtime, crankle, mcenroe, dupable, anodise, tzigane, hoglike, quibble, oxalate, refroze, peonage, hotzone, amoebae, caseose, deprive, truffle, teenage, they've, legible, accurse, narcose, khanate, exuviae, thimble, flowage, gahnite, picture, quickie, dracone, flyable, freckle, pentode, cognise, radicle, elusive, neonate, trochee, dyeable, schappe, cyanide, rewrote, staddle, crappie, diverse, absente, valvule, corkage, sinuate, caroche, dispute, traipse, sextile, servile, gunfire, enforce, gemmate, burmese, crinite, radulae, slovene, costate, unprove, mandate, referee, observe, addable, brokage, reargue, cellule, joyrode, saltine, ferrate, rehinge, buoyage, linguae, fascine, skyline, griddle, outrage, pensile, globate, misgave, deserve, haybote, episome, biotype, expunge, bramble, acquire, deplete, arrange, footage, polacre, hessite, stipule, buckeye, fiancee, commere, lucille, duotone, smuggle, scuffle, elocute, risible, cirrate, prisere, feculae, frizzle, peerage, escuage, recrate, invitee, tartare, chimere, spuddle, offense, selvage, pedicle, apostle, untrace, gracile, tailage, portage, cyanine, believe, wordage, donatee, meataxe, pliable, reclame, kyanize, panache, defense, pyocele, peltate, unbrace, thistle, alumnae, axoneme, operate, subsale, cladode, fungate, cauline, balance, likable, college, intense, cornute, immense, retitle, connive, alcalde, soutane, thecate, spangle, unraise, pectose, bolshie, outlive, declare, melange, timbale, voltage, tintype, ascribe, curette, profuse, pregame, haltere, commode, tunicae, zebrine, unalike, solvate, callose, erudite, ordinee, trigone, acetate, hirable, overate, deprave, revenge, sordine, chamade, hipbone, citrine, boldine, earlike, ovulate, educate, reunite, average, variate, skydive, unpoise, etagere, hotcake, pectate, eyesore, epidote, terrane, niblike, thwaite, neotype, chaetae, scutate, faculae, cascade, engrave, orifice, devoice, biplane, warfare, lineage, plumose, obscure, twinkle, weirdie, tannase, plicate, oxidise, subtype, barmote, reweave, smartie, wadable, massage, carmine, seconde, reissue, verbose, carbine, notable, regrade, ironize, prattle, reprove, unamuse, reprise, unguide, equable, elevate, ratione, stumble, antique, tribute, corvine, endorse, evacuee, carline, soilage, bowlike, toluene, felsite, uranite, invoice, roseate, strumae, inflate, electee, actuate, larvate, curtate, survive, emplace, abridge, capsize, footsie, choline, chicane, compose, foldage, trouble, unshave, estrone, residue, scalade, axillae, coterie, declive, fictile, outvote, chuckle, unitize, lagenae, filiate, raclage, regauge, chargee, methane, bagasse, cuprite, cowpoke, sondage, smoodge, limbate, haglike, neglige, coracle, seclude, keyhole, reshape, antlike, thermae, oversee, rentage, brucine, sorbose, emigree, inverse, rhizome, knittle, grumble, taurine, indulge, fibrose, crevice, apolune, precipe, maleate, sporule, hirsute, railage, quixote, gazette, ductile, ungrade, ratbite, barbone, forgone, utricle, riposte, outcome, situate, pronate, pontile, novelle, denture, cringle, gouache, archine, ozonide, ambsace, siamese, condole, revolve, earlobe, ebonite, ennoble, deplore, nitrite, suzanne, aporiae, tetrode, obligee, faience, romance, netlike, evolute, caliche, genappe, nuclide, rankine, sucrase, tonnage, unbribe, necktie, uterine, redline, ratable, gadidae, oxysome, boscage, cuspate, ghillie, luddite, retrude, anodize, vandyke, diabase, cornice, tollage, bondage, estrepe, bornite, adenine, pinnace, termite, coinage, warpage, rampage, obelize, scissle, nominee, lucerne, diorite, abalone, adamite, grandee, reverie, impulse, vifgage, tannate, cowbane, vintage, flexile, zonulae, retinae, vacuole, aureole, chorale, sparkle, combine, beguine, equinae, adjudge, reglaze, dogvane, safrole, deciare, reforge, arcuate, askance, message, octuple, lovable, seaside, saclike, copulae, unloose, picotee, utilise, auricle, laicize, rehouse, derange, sectile, capsule, ferrite, setline, matinee, banshee, cordite, citable, upscale, apyrase, oatcake, diffuse, animate, relapse, commune, expiate, caboose, coniine, artiste, charlie, tussive, detente, hyaline, release, confute, charade, terrine, joyance, shuffle, mileage, vibrate, oblique, deviate, ebonize, heroine, funicle, klumpke, protyle, raphide, posture, actable, primate, batture, foliose, outmode, pollute, turdine, perlite, maldive, jawline, fortune, glucide, astride, endgame, finagle, towrope, spackle, foresee, overuse, apprize, subside, vesicae, cellose, menacme, isoline, embrace, casease, legatee, caseate, quorate, outtake, erosive, peptize, biocide, unsolve, tetrose, carpale, knuckle, restyle, capable, retiree, barrage, apanage, fleecie, brindle, preside, inshore, cestode, sincere, expanse, outside, imagine, lactase, tensile, grapple, sizable, strange, spectre, overawe, linkage, hormone, lockage, demeure, provide, placate, ecotype, theatre, acinose, auguste, coppice, beeline, solfege, premise, athlete, reserve, reflate, pasture, topside, roulade, eremite, migrate, tussore, anguine, scutage, garrote, prepare, awesome, febrile, academe, bengale, shootee, indicae, takable, saltire, suffice, scoriae, debacle, convene, philate, sylvite, seakale, agonize, codeine, acreage, cesurae, village, sceptre, unverse, enclave, viscose, ternate, adenase, frigate, ballute, sprague, anonyme, testate, rapture, baccate, divorce, daytime, explode, centile, subbase, hospice, calotte, advowee, delaine, pulsate, pensive, movable, splurge, ovocyte, springe, seaware, swizzle, condone, zoisite, airfare, elative, taxable, crustae, dominae, service, sucrate, lecture, reawoke, unitise, kidlike, inulase, unquote, erasure, peptise, aggrade, perique, crenate, citrate, tentage, gumlike, jussive, talcite, cathode, pistole, ampoule, degrade, undrape, tillage, phonate, hayride, monocle, agraffe, suffuse, bouchee, lineate, frazzle, zincate, adipose, sclerae, episode, collage, oophyte, bornane, haywire, hectare, palmate, wiglike, megasse, hemline, blackle, eclogue, oospore, rosette, porkpie, offside, squamae, fatlike, serrate, sublime, pentane, decease, ingenue, dogface, tenable, hachure, leucine, carfare, caleche, shackle, torulae, curable, lettuce, chordae, sniggle, premune, plumage, scuttle, hipline, dispose, paranee, semayne, gamboge, shawnee, manille, treadle, concave, daycare, knobble, unhorse, epicene, spicate, vesture, amylose, mannose, innerve, ensnare, presume, keelage, suspire, breathe, dourine, routine, palpate, drayage, awardee, deplane, glutose, falcate, eyehole, pledgee, pebrine, teatime, azotise, subfile, epergne, walleye, absolve, ralline, cagoule, visible, dwindle, pectore, rewrite, lissome, pinhole, thymine, valence, olefine, cuneate, remorse, durante, sigmate, skiable, foxhole, stemple, literae, quinate, microbe, loricae, shingle, unblame, adulate, thuggee, depurge, warlike, glossae, levance, devalue, hellene, ellipse, ozonize, nitride, seriate, seizure, braille, avarice, neurite, lacunae, toluate, cyanite, allonge, receive, captive, conduce, khedive, ungulae, sowable, regulae, whittle, unweave, savable, finance, cremate, hydrate, misname, forbode, sharpie, cupcake, imitate, private, errhine, swingle, subrace, require, wheedle, trundle, oarlike, fanfare, isotope, vitiate, blintze, styrene, dealate, accrete, conjure, wastage, compere, entente, strophe, tannage, enmasse, trounce, perigee, potence, kaoline, explore, rondure, brocade, reptile, perfume, crumple, gruyere, unlease, appease, chorine, rawhide, sessile, ciliate, vestige, picrite, connote, betaine, justice, isolate, postage, regorge, pickage, oxidize, unframe, isagoge, panicle, itinere, prickle, enlarge, sanicle, frisbee, trickle, burette, retrace, epistle, couvade, closure, towable, nonvote, bowline, suicide, inosine, cayenne, spokane, climate, clavate, nightie, dormice, parable, prithee, astilbe, replete, collude, suppose, foveate, pillage, umbrage, nonlife, englobe, recluse, placque, laplace, carnage, screeve, ocreate, archive, kunzite, avenine, dornase, terrene, spondee, aliunde, enflame, subsere, dispone, saprobe, grackle, roofage, crumble, saccate, liquate, austere, fibulae, garpike, midwife, tempore, felidae, intrude, shamble, prename, opaline, saccule, sheltie, beguile, eccrine, yangtze, placode, galeage, bromide, deterge, procure, twosome, phytase, tonsure, hoecake, fulsome, naivete, maltose, dentine, chalone, goldeye, canulae, genuine, neptune, anisate, upstate, tinware, narrate, scalene, aminate, ukulele, linable, jawlike, verbile, entitle, seville, guanine, gravure, outdare, cardiae, kyanise, draggle, gutlike, divulge, tribade, snuggle, censure, grannie, calycle, budlike, pillute, revenue, berbice, escapee, prolate, formine, cottage, ropable, produce, diseuse, hygrine, licence, couture, outdate, rummage, skiffle, corrode, elegize, startle, escribe, padrone, deceive, gunwale, lunulae, vallate, falange, propose, amiable, preemie, eclipse, alienee, exclave, asinine, patriae, cadelle, winsome, overdue, syenite, enquire, compete, article, scrooge, pottage, epigene, gesture, inweave, tontine, sinedie, outrode, wrinkle, spicule, besiege, brummie, bedside, ruglike, beseige, outdone, gradine, abusage, faldage, decline, esquire, crusade, calicle, afforce, compare, mislike, hastate, spavine, include, herbage, prairie, freebie, cortege, fasciae, maltase, soakage, ekpwele, twaddle, liplike, lawlike, riptide, disrobe, zeolite, groupie, vexatae, beltane, devolve, compote, pappose, carcase, bromate, enslave, analyze, ligulae, makable, emotive, biotope, unstate, variole, because, delouse, etamine, silence, execute, assuage, necrose, emetine, respite, cocaine, dioptre, violone, exparte, tagmeme, titrate, valance, cocotte, gribble, cadence, bahaite, epibole, blanche, misgive, resolve, welfare, gumshoe, virgate, chalice, acylase, reawake, seducee, deflate, tadpole, doyenne, dentate, anemone, druggie, gentile, aniline, diazole, welcome, feature, mundane, cloture, raftage, joyride, apprise, bordure, brickie, airtime, kainite, mediate, flavone, caprine, cordage, misrule, gristle, skittle, exegete, ribcage, spittle, lionize, virtute, striate, vitrine, speckle, vouchee, agonise, nurture, pontine, preface, percale, passage, baptise, caddice, pannage, fribble, alanine, ostiole, maypole, perjure, finesse, fellate, signore, provoke, forbore, currare, pinnule, villose, snaffle, satiate, voluble, maculae, chinese, sullage, vespine, despite, epitome, exarate, unitive, anywise, oxidase, macabre, accidie, probate, bizarre, airline, storage, formate, defence, consume, stylise

1 answer