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You underestimate my power.
Do not underestimate the deliciousness of tea.
2 answers
Underestimation means to consider the lower figure of your possible results whereas overestimation means to consider the higher figures. For example, you are asked to estimate the number of students in your class just by taking a glance. You are told to underestimate. Say there are 29 students in your class, you underestimate by stating there are about 25 or 20, depending if you are estimating by 5's or 10's.
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It appears you underestimate your ability to answer this question.
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Advantages and disadvantages of overestimate and underestimate
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Many people underestimate the impact of regular exercise on overall health and well-being.
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Most people would estimate that as 6 (an overestimate) + 4 (an underestimate) which would estimate the answer as 10, which is an underestimate.
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Don't underestimate Your Enemy,
Don't underestimate the Enemy, or
Don't underestimate Enemies, or Don'tunderestimate your opponent
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No. People who underestimate people normally have to high of an ego!
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Don't Underestimate My Love for You was created in 1985-11.
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Never Underestimate the Power of a Woman was created in 1981.
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If you have rounded up, it will be an overestimate. If you have rounded down, it will be an underestimate.
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Yes, the word underestimate is a noun as a word for an estimate that is too low.
The word underestimate is also a verb meaning to perceive that something or someone is of a lower value than it actually is.
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This saying emphasizes the strength and influence of an individual woman. It serves as a reminder not to underestimate her capabilities, determination, and ability to make a significant impact.
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Most people would estimate that as 6 (an overestimate) - 4 (an underestimate) which would estimate the answer as 2, which is an overestimate.
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Colonizers tended to underestimate the importance of their technology in enabling them to colonize other countries.
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Dadabhai Naoroji in 1876. His was an underestimate, but offered a basis for later work.
Dadabhai Naoroji (1876). His was an underestimate, but offered a basis for later work.
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You know if an answer is an over or underestimate because if the last 2 # is 5 and over, it is an overestimate. If the last 2 # is 4 and under, it is an underestimate. Ex: 345 answer if you were estimating 350 over. Ex: 232 if you were estimating your answer would be 230 and that is under.
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If you rounded up, it's an overestimate, if you rounded down, it's an underestimate. If you did both, whatever you did more of will prevail.
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If someone were to overestimate or underestimate based on how it would make them feel, they would certainly overestimate their wealth and underestimate their weight.
But for what's most helpful depends on what one is calculating.
It's best to underestimate one's income so they can enjoy a little extra without fearing debt.
It's best to overestimate one's spending for the same reason.
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To estimate too highly; to overvalue., An estimate that is too high; as, an overestimate of the vote.
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underwear, underworld, understudy, underestimate
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The underestimate comes to mind.
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