you have to have an encyclopedia and you have uncode the braille.
1 answer
I don't know what kind of question this is but what is an uncode? Like is this some typo?
1 answer
You need to uncode all of the lables on the keys using the code chart on the bottom right of the screen.
1 answer
In one of the mission's the key to the rooftop is in his drawer you have to uncode the letters to see which one says rooftop!
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a poetic cryptogram is a poem that you have to uncode
th esp ri ng isv ery su nn y
the sping is very sunny
1 answer
a poetic cryptogram is a poem that you have to uncode
th esp ri ng isv ery su nn y
the sping is very sunny
1 answer
its a different number every time go to the ski hill and look at the sign i think with circles and uncode it and that's the number of socks he has
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under the tree in faerieland is what I got, but I feel as though I'm missing a part of the message. Roll Bread Muffin Baguette Under The Tree In Faerieland is what you get if you skip a letter and then uncode backwards but the beginning just did not make sense to me.
1 answer
It was a device developed pre WWII by German industry to code communications to protect trade secrets. It looks like a typewriter with dials at the top that can be set to effect the coding of message as it is typed in. The capture of the Enigma device from a partially sunk submarine of Coast of Africa was a big big deal for allies who used the device to uncode German communique unbeknownst to the Germans.
1 answer
Look very carefully at them there is bound to be some resemblance to the normal alphabet, still stuck? some unown look very different from there actual letters like B or G. Psst in the monean chamber there is a question mark unown and in the viapois chamber there is a exclamation mark unown both are rare to find.
1 answer
OF COURSE!!! A lot of people use hieroglyphics... It only depends what kind you are talking about. hieroglyphics is coded (which is not coded if you uncode it!) writing such as English. Hieroglyphics is not just any writing though. It is a writing or enscripture that you would find on stone that is made up of many pictures. The pictures represent words. So it pretty much is coded writing... but not really - Shadow.cobra
2 answers
Today, hieroglyphics are only used as decorations, particularly to convey an Egyptian theme.
4 answers
it's easy!
go to the pet shop then find somewhere you see a note.
it has secret handwriting on it.
go to the bottom, right corner.
click there.it will give you a list of the secret handwriting.
work it out, then remember the words.
then go to the sports shop and type it in.
there you go!
8 answers