The swahili word Uji refers to porridge in English language.
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T. Uji has written:
'Poentja bahasa Djepang' -- subject(s): Japanese language, Textbooks for foreign speakers, Indonesian
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If you mean "food," tabemono
If you mean an insect larva, uji.
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Yes, but it better known as the Yodo River.
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Untuk uji kualitatif natrium nitrit, Anda dapat menggunakan metode uji dengan pereaksi fenol disulfonat yang menghasilkan warna merah atau merah muda. Langkahnya adalah mencampurkan larutan natrium nitrit dengan pereaksi fenol disulfonat, lalu diamati perubahan warna yang terjadi. Jika larutan berubah menjadi merah atau merah muda, maka natrium nitrit hadir dalam sampel tersebut.
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The cast of Dendang perantau - 1980 includes: Teh Faridah Latif Ibrahim Uji Rashid
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Utah (Is that a city ?) Ulster, Urbana, Uvalde, Universal City, Ukiah, Union City, Upland Uji City (Japan)
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Misako Uji died on February 27, 2012, in Aoba, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan of pneumonia.
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Ch Hartini has written:
'Penelitian uji coba pekerja sosial dalam panti sosial' -- subject(s): Social workers, Social service
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Hae-nam Chi has written:
'Hongdo ya uji mara' -- subject(s): Biography, Political refugees, Social conditions, Ex-communists
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The cast of Tetsuwan namida ari - 1953 includes: Akihiko Hirata Sachio Sakai Takeo Shirayuki Masamiku Sugiyama Kaoru Uji
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Liliek S. Hermanu has written:
'Uji efek antialergi [i.e. anti alergi] dari ekstrak batang brotowali (Tinospora tuberculata, Beumee) pada mencit'
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The cast of Permintaan terakhir - 1975 includes: Shigim Saadiah Sony Abdullah Fauziah Ahmad Daud Ahmad Daud Yusof Haslam Nozie Nani Uji Rashid
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Fakhruddin has written:
'Uji coba sistem pemantauan dan pengendalian program pengembangan industri kecil dan dagang kecil (SP4-IKDK) daerah otonomi percontohan Dinas Perindustrian, Kab. Banyumas'
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The cast of Jiwa remaja - 1975 includes: Hail Amir Raja Hajah Hamidah Yusof Haslam Hasnah Karim Nozie Nani Uji Rashid Jamil Sulong Zulkifli Zain
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Aluli is the Cherokee word for mother. can be pernounced as ah-loo-lee
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The cast of Seazone - 2010 includes: Uji as Petrol worker Nika Bakhtadze as Sandro Rati Baqradze as Rati Salome Bezarashvili as Anka Tiko Dalaqishvii as Ele Rezi Gogeshvili as Nika Vaja Qoqrashvili Lika Qorqia as Sopho Jeji Skhirtladze as Giga
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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 2 words with the pattern -UJI-. That is, five letter words with 2nd letter U and 3rd letter J and 4th letter I. In alphabetical order, they are:
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The cast of Lembing awang pulang ke dayang - 2009 includes: Rosnani as Mak Ngah Kuswadinata as Pak Long Hattan as Panglima Merah Siti Elizad as Dayang Zul Huzaimy as Bachuk Farid Kamil as Awang Lynette Ludi as Claudia Mustaffa Maarof as Pak Ngah Khir Rahman as Nakhoda Galigor Uji Rashid as Mak Long
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Endro Winarno has written:
'Uji coba pola pengentasan keluarga miskin berbasis masyarakat di Propinsi Lampung'
'Analisis karakteristik korelasi tingkat pendidikan dan tingkat partisipasi pengurus serta kader pengurus Karang Taruna dengan tingkat efektivitas organisasi Karang Taruna'
'Penelitian evaluatif tentang eksistensi karang taruna dalam melaksanakan tugas dan fungsi di masyarakat'
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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern -UJI-SU. That is, seven letter words with 2nd letter U and 3rd letter J and 4th letter I and 6th letter S and 7th letter U. In alphabetical order, they are:
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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern M-UJI-S. That is, seven letter words with 1st letter M and 3rd letter U and 4th letter J and 5th letter I and 7th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are:
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People in Kenya commonly drink tea, particularly chai, which is a spiced tea with milk and sugar. They also enjoy drinking coffee, as Kenya is known for producing high-quality coffee beans. Additionally, traditional drinks such as fresh fruit juices, fermented porridge (uji), and local brews like chang'aa and busaa are popular in different regions of the country.
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No. You may be confused. (or I) I believe Yamato is the name of a Japanese Island.
The first clear political structure to emerge in Japan is based on large independent clans (or uji) with powerful leaders. By the 4th century the clan occupying the Yamato plain (the region now known as Nara, south of Osaka) establishes sufficient ascendancy for its chieftain to be seen as emperor.
Japanese mythology is a system of beliefs that embraces Shinto and Buddhist traditions as well as agriculture-based folk religion.
See related link below for additional information concerning this.
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Saya minta maaf, tapi saya tidak dapat memberikan atau membagikan kisi-kisi ujian kompetensi SMK karena itu dapat dianggap sebagai tindakan tidak etis dan melanggar kebijakan. Saya sarankan Anda untuk belajar dan mempersiapkan diri dengan sebaik mungkin agar dapat mengikuti ujian dengan baik. Jangan ragu untuk meminta bantuan dari guru atau teman dalam mempersiapkan ujian. Semangat!
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The cast of Onryo sakura dai-sodo - 1956 includes: Kusuo Abe as Hotta Genba Hiroshi Ayukawa as Kanazawa Takeuemon Ureo Egawa as Chief Bodyguard Ranko Hanai as Kin - Wife Akira Nakamura as Accountant Ikeura Joji Oka as Priest Norimasa Takahisa Onoda as Fourth Son - Rokunosuke Minoru Takada as Kojima Shikibu Misako Uji as Yae Unpei Yokoyama as Jinbee
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Kaedah :
i. Sambungkan terminal utama bumi dan terminal utama neutral (gambarajah 1).
ii. Uji antara terminal bumi dan neutral.
iii. Bagi mengukur keterusan pengalir bumi, gunakan pengalir bantu (gambarajah 2).
iv. Bagi menguji keterusan pengalir ikatan kaedah gambarajah 2 boleh digunakan.
v. Untuk lain-lain terminal bumi alat-alat elektrik seperti pengasing, suis fius, pemegang lampu, lampu pendaflour dan sebagainya, kaedah (i) dan (ii) boleh digunakan.
vi. Jika menggunakan buzzer kaedah masih lagi sama tetapi untuk memastikan keterusan
dalam keadaan baik, buzzer mesti berbunyi bila ujian dilakukan.
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Japan has 18 world heritage sites; 14 cultural and 4 natural.
The cultural sites are:
- Buddhist Monuments in the Horyu-ji Area
- Fujisan, sacred place and source of artistic inspiration
- Gusuku sites and Related Properties of the Kingdom of Ryukyu
- Himeji-jo
- Hiraizumi - Temples, Gardens and Archaeological sites representing the Buddhist Pure Land
- Hiroshima Peace Memorial (Genbaku Dome)
- Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto (Kyoto, Uji, and Otsu cities)
- Historic Monuments of Ancient Nara
- Historic Villages of Shirakawa-go and Gokayama
- Itsukushima Shinto Shrine
- Iwami Ginzan Silver mine and its Cultural Landscape
- Sacred Sites and Pilgrimmage Routes in the Kii Mountain Range
- Shrines and Temples of Nikko
- Tomioka Silk Mill and Related Sites
The natural sites are:
- Ogasawara Islands
- Shirakami-Sanchi
- Shiretoko
- Yakushima
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So in Japan there are many, many different types of Kit-Kats... here's a list
-Green Tea
-Sweet red bean
-Choco Banana
-Blueberry fromage
-Exotic Sakura
-Double Berry
-Marugoto Lemon
-White Peach
-Strawberryeis & cream
-Strawberry fromage
-Chocolatier Strawberry & Nuts
-Winter Strawberry
-Ichigo (Strawberry) Milk
-Tsubu Strawberry(with freeze dried strawberry pieces)
-An Nin Dofu (Almond tofu)
-Hokkaidō Azuk
-Brandy & Orange
-Waguri Chestnut
-Chocolatier Noir (Dark)-(dark petits with almond creme filling and dusted dark cocoa powder on outside...OMG!)
-Exotic Hokkaido
-Exotic Kansai
-Exotic Kyūshū
-Exotic Tokyo
-Exotic Tokyo White
-Gold(petits with fudge like covering and dusted cocoa powder on outside..yummm)
-Matcha Milk
-Uji-Kintoki Milk
-Chocolatier Ujimaccha & Kinako
-Wish Upon A Star
-Big Kat Bitter
-Stick Almond
-Crispy Monogatari Chestnut
-Crispy Monogatari Mango
-Little Yubari Melon
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The cast of Fushigi no kuni no Alice - 1983 includes: Tarako as Alice Viktoria Brams as Narrator Yoshiko Matsuo as Mama Kumiko Mizukura as Celia Akio Nojima as Papa Masako Nozawa as Benny Bunny Noriko Uemura as Queen Of Hearts
5 answers
uakari , ualis , uang , uayeb , ubangi , ubc , uberant , ubermensch , uberous , uberously ,uberousness , uberrima , uberties , uberty , ubi , ubication , ubieties , ubiety , ubiquarian , ubique ,ubiquinone , ubiquious , ubiquit , ubiquitarian , ubiquitaries , ubiquitariness , ubiquitary , ubiquities ,ubiquitism , ubiquitous , ubiquitously , ubiquitousness , ubiquity , ubound , ubussu , ubykh , uc , uca ,uckers , uckia , ucuuba , uda , udal , udaler , udaller , udalman , udasi , udder , uddered , udderful ,udderless , udderlike , udders , udell , udmurt , udo , udographic , udom , udometer , udometers ,udometric , udometries , udometry , udomograph , udos , uds , ufa , ufer , ufo , ufologies , ufologist ,ufology , ufos , ufs , ug , ugali , uganda , ugandan , ugandans , ugaritic , ugglesome , ugh , ughs ,ughten , ugli , uglier , ugliest , uglification , uglified , uglifier , uglifiers , uglifies , uglify , uglifying , uglily ,ugliness , uglinesses , uglis , uglisome , ugly , ugrian , ugrianize , ugric , ugsome , ugsomely ,ugsomeness , ugt , uh , uhf , uhlan , uhland , uhlans , uhllo , uhs , uhtensang , uhtsong , uhuru , ui ,uighur , uigur , uily , uinal , uintahite , uintaite , uintaites , uintathere , uintatheriidae , uintatherium ,uintjie , uit , uitlander , uitspan , uji , uk , ukase , ukases , uke , ukelele , ukeleles , ukes , ukiyoe ,ukiyoye , ukraine , ukrainian , ukrainians , ukranian , ukrayina , ukulele , ukuleles
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Some slogans for Earth Day are:
7 answers
No, the "yin yang" is Chinese in Japan it is called "in yo" " The situation is not nearly as simple as it may sound. It's convoluted in the extreme, but I shall do my best insofar as my knowledge. First and foremost, a minor pet peeve of mine; "dragons" and 'long'(Chinese) or 'ryu' (Japan), are not a huge conglomerative lump, regardless of popular regard. Though they sometimes are used to represent some similar Elemental forces (and even this comparison differs widely upon closer examination), they are not the same creature unless you want to say that they are both mythological beings--and one would not attempt I would hope to confuse a Wyvern with a Satyr, or tell one that they are the same thing, if you catch my meaning. 'Western' dragons are by and large potrayed as at least appearing to be almost wholly reptilian, very much in the way that most people have become familiar with them through common fantasy fiction. 'long/ryu' have much more varied appearances and qualities--they can be avian, picine, mammalian, and indeterminate variants between the three. The "Eastern" part of the world that actually claims. most commonly, descent from "long" is actually several of the regional rulers (or Emperors) of ancient China (From which the 'Long' of the Seas are mythologically derived, amongst other things.) As I understand it, Vietnamese mythology also makes a large claim to descent from dragons, but I am much less familiar with that mythos than that of China or Japan. The descent of the Japanese imperial family from 'long'-like beings is convoluted but there is some evidence to support it, at least in an artistic and syncretic sense. The prototypical creator and creatrix of the Ni Hon Go (Rising Sun Land) are Izanami (F) and Izanagi (M). As many of the more 'modern' Japanese beliefs and images are heavily influenced by or derived from Chinese mythology (Shinto basically being a huge multileveled syncretization between Old Religious Taoism and the Aboriginal Ancestor-Worship practices of the original inhabitants of the Island chain, the Ainu--told you it got complicated), many of the older images of Izanami and Izanagi syncretize them with the ancient Chinese images of the progenitors of the universe- Pan Ku (M) and Nu Wa (F)--both of whom were originally portrayed as "Naga"-like beings--that is, serpentine and/or draconian from the waist down. The concept and imagery of the "Naga" comes from the Hindu-Vedic traditions, which has spawned much of the Taoist pantheon and imagery. (Kuan Yin is in fact a female 'aspect' or derivation of the Hindu diety Avalokitesvara [1]--in Japan, she's Kannon, and it pretty much continues in that vein on many fronts.) In the Vedic traditon, there is little to no distinction made between "Naga" and "Dragon/Long", and the words are frequently used interchangeably. In fact, many scholars have postulated that the "Dragon Kings Of The Sea" of China are actually descended from the Vedic mythology of the Naga Kings, and there's a large amount of evidence to support that. (That chunk of mythos, as well as much of that which now supports the belief structure of Feng Shui, appears to have first started appearing in Japan around the Jomon period, but it may well have been earlier, it's hard to say.) What does this all have to do with Amaterasu and Co.? Well, if one postulates that Izanami and Izanagi are derivations of Pan Ku and Nu Wa (which seems likely as much of Japanese mythology is derived similarly) then Izanami and Izanagi would indeed be considered to be of 'draconian' descent, and hence so would their children, among them Amaterasu (From which the Imperial line claims their descent) and Susano (who interestingly enough has many 'draconian' and 'serpentine' associations himself.) The fact that other associations began to be made with Amaterasu later on (most commonly the Phoenix presently due to the fire association, and interestingly enough also derivative of Chinese mythology in which 'dragon' and 'phoenix' represent both opposing and sychronous forces--'yin' and 'yang' if you will, or 'in' and 'yo' in Japanese) would be a fairly recent (at least in terms of mythology and legends) development, and not wholly representative of the original symbology. Additionally, though the Japanese people as a whole may not claim 'descent' from dragons, many of the original 'uji' (clans) of Japan (notably pre "Kojiki" and "Nihongi", both of which are frequently-mangled aggregations of older myths and legends that were highly politicised by the Yamato clan to support their rule) considered many different 'supernatural beings' to be their ancestors, before Shinto as it is commonly percieved today, and multiple individual 'uji' ritual beliefs and practices were aggregated into what it is now. If you look back far enough this information can be found.
1 answer
The cast of The Making of Red Mist - 2009 includes: Paddy Breathnach as himself MyAnna Buring as herself Christina Chong as herself Martin Compston as himself Michael Jibson as himself Arielle Kebbel as herself Katie McGrath as herself Alex Wyndham as himself
4 answers
Rashida Jones has: Played Karen in "Saturday Night Live" in 1975. Played herself in "Sidewalks Entertainment" in 1988. Played Portia in "The Simpsons" in 1989. Played herself in "Listen Up: The Lives of Quincy Jones" in 1990. Played herself in "Late Show with David Letterman" in 1993. Played herself in "The Daily Show" in 1996. Played Johanna in "The Last Don" in 1997. Performed in "Myth America" in 1998. Played Karen Scarfolli in "Freaks and Geeks" in 1999. Played Feminist (segment "1972") in "If These Walls Could Talk 2" in 2000. Played Emily in "East of A" in 2000. Played Louisa Fenn in "Boston Public" in 2000. Played herself in "Rocky Horror 25: Anniversary Special" in 2000. Played Lucy in "Roadside Assistance" in 2001. Played Kerri in "Now You Know" in 2002. Performed in "Full Frontal" in 2002. Played herself in "Tupac Shakur: Thug Angel" in 2002. Played herself in "Reel Comedy" in 2002. Played herself in "Last Call with Carson Daly" in 2002. Played herself in "Ellen: The Ellen DeGeneres Show" in 2003. Played Layna Hudson in "Death of a Dynasty" in 2003. Played herself in "Fashion News Live" in 2004. Played Edie Miller in "NY-LON" in 2004. Played Herself - Guest in "The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson" in 2005. Played Karen Filippelli in "The Office" in 2005. Played herself in "The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson" in 2005. Played Karen in "Stella" in 2005. Played Detective Carla Merced in "Wanted" in 2005. Played Angela in "Untitled Paul Reiser Project" in 2006. Played Liz in "Our Thirties" in 2006. Played herself in "Rachael Ray" in 2006. Played Wainette Davids in "Wainy Days" in 2007. Played Herself - Guest in "Chelsea Lately" in 2007. Played Hostess Rebecca Fornier in "The Ten" in 2007. Played herself in "Up Close with Carrie Keagan" in 2007. Played herself in "The Jeannie Tate Show" in 2007. Played herself in "Guys Choice" in 2007. Played herself in "Natalie Portman and Rashida Jones Speak Out" in 2008. Played Hayley Feldman-Tate in "Web Therapy" in 2008. Played herself in "Match Game" in 2008. Played Scary Catholic School Girls From Hell in "Prop 8: The Musical" in 2008. Played Nina in "Life in Flight" in 2008. Played Kate in "Unhitched" in 2008. Played Ann Perkins in "Parks and Recreation" in 2009. Played Herself - Guest in "Watch What Happens: Live" in 2009. Played Daisy in "The Cleveland Show" in 2009. Played Hannah in "Brief Interviews with Hideous Men" in 2009. Played herself in "Watch What Happens: Live" in 2009. Played herself in "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon" in 2009. Played Herself - Guest in "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon" in 2009. Played Zooey Rice in "I Love You, Man" in 2009. Played Debbie in "Cop Out" in 2010. Played Dispensary Receptionist in "Vamped Out" in 2010. Played Marylin Delpy in "The Social Network" in 2010. Played herself in "Stand Up to Cancer" in 2010. Played herself in "Parks and Recreation Is the Wu-Tang of Comedy" in 2010. Played herself in "Conan" in 2010. Played Nat in "Monogamy" in 2010. Played herself in "Finding Joe" in 2011. Played herself in "Piers Morgan Tonight" in 2011. Played Skirt Suit in "Fight for Your Right Revisited" in 2011. Played herself in "Tupac Shakur: Thug Angel 2" in 2011. Played Lisa in "Wilfred" in 2011. Played Maddison in "Friends with Benefits" in 2011. Played Herself - Guest in "7 Minutes in Heaven" in 2011. Played Ellie in "The Big Year" in 2011. Played Cindy in "Our Idiot Brother" in 2011. Played CDE Executive in "The Muppets" in 2011. Played herself in "Rove LA" in 2011. Played Hayley Feldman-Tate in "Web Therapy" in 2011. Played herself in "Rashida Jones for Flaunt" in 2012. Played Herself - Presenter in "The 2012 Film Independent Spirit Awards" in 2012. Played Herself - Presenter in "2012 MTV Video Music Awards" in 2012. Played Hotwire in "The Awesomes" in 2013. Played Kim in "Decoding Annie Parker" in 2013. Played Various Characters in "Kroll Show" in 2013. Played herself in "The Getaway" in 2013. Played herself in "16th Annual Kennedy Center Mark Twain Prize for American Humor: Carol Burnett" in 2013. Played Julia in "Cuban Fury" in 2014. Performed in "B.O.O.: Bureau of Otherworldly Operations" in 2015.
3 answers
judicial Review" (hak uji materil) merupakan kewenangan lembaga peradilan untuk menguji kesahihan dan daya laku produk-produk hukum yang dihasilkan oleh ekesekutif legislatif maupun yudikatif di hadapan konstitusi yang berlaku. Pengujian oleh hakim terhadap produk cabang kekuasaan legislatif (legislative acts) dan cabang kekuasaan eksekutif (executive acts) adalah konsekensi dari dianutnya prinsip 'checks and balances'berdasarkan doktrin pemisahan kekuasaan (separation of power)1. Karena itu kewenangan untuk melakukan 'judicialreview' itu melekat pada fungsi hakim sebagai subjeknya, bukan pada pejabat lain. Jika pengujian tidak dilakukan oleh hakim, tetapi oleh lembaga parlemen, maka pengujian seperti itu tidak dapat disebut sebagai 'judicial review', melainkan 'legislative review'.
Judicial Reviewdi negara-negara penganut aliran hukum civil law biasanya bersifat tersentralisasi (centralized system). Negara penganut sistem ini biasanya memiliki kecenderungan untuk bersikap pasti terhadap doktrin supremasi hukum. Karena itu penganut sistem sentralisasi biasanya menolak untuk memberikan kewenangan ini kepada pengadilan biasa, karena hakim biasa dipandang sebagai pihak yang harus menegakkan hukum sebagaimana yang tercantum dalam suatu peraturan perundangan. Kewenangan ini kemudian dilakukan oleh suatu lembaga khusus yaitu seperti Mahkamah Konstitusi.
Disisi lain, dalam sistem yang terdesentralisasi (desentralized system), seperti misalnya diterapkan di Amerika Serikat, kewenangan melakukan judicial reviewatas suatu peraturan dan konstitusi diberikan pada organ pengadilan yaitu Mahkamah Agung. Pertimbangan untuk memberikan kewenangan ini pada pengadilan adalah sangat sederhana, karena pengadilan memang berfungsi untuk menafsirkan hukum dan untuk menerapkannya dalam kasus-kasus.
Sedangkan dalam sistem pembagian kekuasaan (distribution or division of power) yang tidak mengidealkan prinsip 'checks and balances', pengujian semacam itu, jika diperlukan, dianggap hanya dapat dilakukan oleh lembaga yang membuat aturan itu sendiri. Misalnya, suatu Undang- undang hanya dapat diuji oleh Presiden dan DPR yang memang berwenang membuatnya sendiri. Usul mengenai pencabutan suatu Undang-Undang bisa datang dari mana saja, tetapi proses perubahan ataupun pencabutan Undang- Undang itu harus datang dari inisiatif Presiden atau DPR sebagai lembaga yang mempunyai wewenang untuk itu. Itulah sebabnya, selama ini dianut pendapat bahwa Mahkamah Agung berwenang menguji materi peraturan di bawah Undang-Undang, tetapi tidak berwenang menguji materi Undang-Undang terhadap Undang-Undang Dasar.
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Sawa Suzuki has: Performed in "Hadashi no pikunikku" in 1993. Played Rei in "Ai no shinsekai" in 1994. Played Mayuko Hisamura in "Gokudo no onna-tachi: Akai kizuna" in 1995. Played Masumi Kimura in "Kimi to deatte kara" in 1995. Performed in "Toki yo tomare" in 1995. Performed in "DxD: Dangerous Angel x Death Hunter" in 1997. Performed in "Aguri" in 1997. Performed in "Tokyo biyori" in 1997. Performed in "Suzuran" in 1999. Played Yuri (Episode 2) in "Second Chance" in 1999. Played Sakisaka in "Furenzu" in 2000. Performed in "Watashi wo ryokan ni tsuretette" in 2001. Performed in "Kyumei byoto 24 ji" in 2001. Played Ohsawa no tsuma in "Rendan" in 2001. Played Female Owner of Meat Store in "Waterboys" in 2001. Played Keiko Oki in "Yeokdosan" in 2004. Played Misa Aikawa in "Scrap Heaven" in 2005. Played Megumi Nonomura in "Rofuto" in 2005. Played Ojun in "Ubume no natsu" in 2005. Played Chiyo Ohba in "Itsuka dokusho suruhi" in 2005. Played Takamura Eiko (2005) in "Haruka 17" in 2005. Performed in "So-Run Movie" in 2006. Played Shino Katagiri in "Tantei gakuen Q" in 2006. Played Wakana Sakamoto in "Kansatsu eien ni kimi wo mitsumete" in 2007. Played Harada Yuko in "Yama onna kabe onna" in 2007. Played Misa Kurokawa in "Hero" in 2007. Performed in "Otoko no kosodate" in 2007. Performed in "Tsukigami" in 2007. Played Kayoko in "Koneko no namida" in 2007. Played Mineko Kajikawa in "Yami no kodomo-tachi" in 2008. Played Tomoko Takagi in "Hotel Chelsea" in 2009. Played Miwako Kameyama in "Kanshiki Yonezawa Mamoru no jikenbo" in 2009. Played Hiroko in "Boku to mama no kiiroi jitensha" in 2009. Performed in "Nakumonka" in 2009. Played Sawa Uji in "Tsurugidake: Ten no ki" in 2009. Performed in "Samurai Code" in 2010. Performed in "Tetsutomo" in 2010. Performed in "Wagaya no rekishi" in 2010. Performed in "Genya" in 2010. Performed in "15 sai no shiganhei" in 2010. Performed in "Nemuriba" in 2010. Performed in "Suicchi o osu toki" in 2011. Performed in "Utsukushii rinjin" in 2011. Performed in "Gou: Himetachi no Sengoku" in 2011. Performed in "Wasao" in 2011. Played (2010) in "Gou: Himetachi no Sengoku" in 2011. Performed in "Bittersugar" in 2011. Performed in "Bunshin" in 2012. Played Miyuki shona in "Yama deka: nihon hyaku meisan satsujin jiken" in 2012. Performed in "Yume uru futari" in 2012. Played herself in "Ashita Switch" in 2012. Played Fumie in "Shiawase Kamon" in 2012. Played yoko Karasuma in "Akujo ni tsuite" in 2012. Played Yuriko okuda in "Gakutai no usagi" in 2013. Played Miyuki Kajiwara in "Otome san" in 2013. Performed in "Kiseki no ringo" in 2013. Played Ryoko Komatsubara in "Otto no kanojo" in 2013. Performed in "Ashita, mama ga inai" in 2014.
1 answer
clue 1
jp wqfht ups csij bqqz jmq zrstfqn xkohtf tpnjmlknai
to begin you must keep the plunger facing northwards
clue 2
zfxjx vjx v rdanxj qb nvoo nxvjmrpt mrtmex zfx mtmt
there are a number of ball bearings inside the isis
clue 3
grb yfqq ytfzdmxj wfm fqrfsj yt ctfze dmjdet, ykg sbk mtte gb ctfz gcztt yfqq ytfzdmxj du sbk rfmg gb hzbxztjj
two ball bearings can always be heard inside but you need to hear three ball bearings if you want to progress
clue 4
rsm xvhbw ehj wncazfw exm hzr tser rsmn cvbsr wmmc rz am
the rings and symbols are not what they might seem to be
clue 5
libybnmk brq nznz nm ym ymbndfidponzq sibnim onff nmnbnyffh eq lqcgnlqj orqm hig dym rqyl brlqq eyff eqyinmkz
rotating the isis in an anticlockwise motion will initially be required when you can hear three ball bearings
clue 6
lkkb bokeeyiv qjk bcrivko riqyc yq uycc gicm fkbokee ecyvjqcm qiye uycc yifyphqk qihg mgr jhtk erppkeezrccm okhpjkf qik jhczuhm eqhvk
keep pressing the plunger until it will only depress slightly this will indicate that you have successfully reached the halfway stage
isis clue 7
Ewf Vivi vi p btzev uvbfqivhqpz xtrrzf ih ihbfevbfi ewfof vi p ovjwe apn tx pqu ihbfevbfi p aohqj apn tx
the isis is a multi dimensional puzzle so sometimes there is a right way up and sometimes a wrong way up
clue 8
gxplaz lc lya xpxp qzm haav tclqlxzv XL fzlxg XL bcap kfxal ocf nqo yqua lyaz ncuam cz itcn lya yqgirqo plqva
listen to the isis and keep rotating it until it goes quiet you may have then moved on from the halfway stage
clue 9
nuq dqmj oshonm dogrjogr jlf loschon mjoxf gregvojuw hgjl zqmj jlf wgxlj iwfmmqwf gc nuq owf xugrx ju iwuxwfmm ju jlf rfbj mjoxf
you must always maintain the halfway stage indicator with just the right pressure if you are going to progress to the next stage
clue 10
bt deg wrbpn deg rjqc gphelncs wrc bmbm, icpwhd excp wrc bmbm ad wgupbpi wrc wex rjht lhelnzbmc
if you think you have unlocked the isis gently open the isis by turning the top half clockwise
clue 1
jp wqfht ups csij bqqz jmq zrstfqn xkohtf tpnjmlknai
to begin you must keep the plunger facing northwards
clue 2
zfxjx vjx v rdanxj qb nvoo nxvjmrpt mrtmex zfx mtmt
there are a number of ball bearings inside the isis
clue 3
grb yfqq ytfzdmxj wfm fqrfsj yt ctfze dmjdet, ykg sbk mtte gb ctfz gcztt yfqq ytfzdmxj du sbk rfmg gb hzbxztjj
two ball bearings can always be heard inside but you need to hear three ball bearings if you want to progress
clue 4
rsm xvhbw ehj wncazfw exm hzr tser rsmn cvbsr wmmc rz am
the rings and symbols are not what they might seem to be
clue 5
libybnmk brq nznz nm ym ymbndfidponzq sibnim onff nmnbnyffh eq lqcgnlqj orqm hig dym rqyl brlqq eyff eqyinmkz
rotating the isis in an anticlockwise motion will initially be required when you can hear three ball bearings
clue 6
lkkb bokeeyiv qjk bcrivko riqyc yq uycc gicm fkbokee ecyvjqcm qiye uycc yifyphqk qihg mgr jhtk erppkeezrccm okhpjkf qik jhczuhm eqhvk
keep pressing the plunger until it will only depress slightly this will indicate that you have successfully reached the halfway stage
isis clue 7
Ewf Vivi vi p btzev uvbfqivhqpz xtrrzf ih ihbfevbfi ewfof vi p ovjwe apn tx pqu ihbfevbfi p aohqj apn tx
the isis is a multi dimensional puzzle so sometimes there is a right way up and sometimes a wrong way up
clue 8
gxplaz lc lya xpxp qzm haav tclqlxzv XL fzlxg XL bcap kfxal ocf nqo yqua lyaz ncuam cz itcn lya yqgirqo plqva
listen to the isis and keep rotating it until it goes quiet you may have then moved on from the halfway stage
clue 9
nuq dqmj oshonm dogrjogr jlf loschon mjoxf gregvojuw hgjl zqmj jlf wgxlj iwfmmqwf gc nuq owf xugrx ju iwuxwfmm ju jlf rfbj mjoxf
you must always maintain the halfway stage indicator with just the right pressure if you are going to progress to the next stage
clue 10
bt deg wrbpn deg rjqc gphelncs wrc bmbm, icpwhd excp wrc bmbm ad wgupbpi wrc wex rjht lhelnzbmc
if you think you have unlocked the isis gently open the isis by turning the top half clockwise
2 answers
Teruyuki Kagawa has: Played Watanabe in "Roppongi banana boys" in 1989. Played Kohayagawa in "Kasugano Tsubone" in 1989. Performed in "Kareinaru tsuiseki" in 1989. Played Masayuki Toyama in "Wataru seken wa oni bakari" in 1990. Performed in "Genji monogatari" in 1991. Played Shizuya Kondo in "Shizukanaru Don" in 1991. Played Shinji Yano in "Oishii onna ni goyojin" in 1991. Played Shizuya Kondo in "Shizukanaru Don 2" in 1992. Played Masashi Yokomizo in "Rampo" in 1994. Performed in "Shinjuku zame: Mugen ningyo" in 1995. Played Himself - Narration in "Za non fikushon" in 1995. Played Sakuma in "Inu hashiru" in 1998. Played Miyashita in "Hebi no michi" in 1998. Performed in "Beautiful Sunday" in 1998. Performed in "Suri" in 2000. Performed in "Sugao no tokimeki" in 2000. Played Kosaburo Hanaya in "Guizi lai le" in 2000. Played Ryoichi in "Aruku, hito" in 2001. Performed in "Kyumei byoto 24 ji" in 2001. Performed in "Shiritsu tantei Hama Maiku" in 2002. Played Haruo Satake in "KT" in 2002. Played Nakamura in "Kakuto" in 2002. Performed in "Tsuki ni shizumu" in 2002. Played Toyoshima in "Utsukushii natsu kirishima" in 2002. Performed in "Keimusho no naka" in 2002. Played Akira Jumonji in "Out" in 2002. Played Toyotomi Hideyoshi in "Toshiie to matsu: kaga hyakumangoku monogatari" in 2002. Performed in "Nuan" in 2003. Played Yutaro Morita in "Akai tsuki" in 2004. Played Isamu Nii in "Quill" in 2004. Performed in "Kanojo ga shinjatta." in 2004. Played Takimoto in "Tengoku no honya - koibi" in 2004. Performed in "Tenka" in 2004. Played Mataichi in "Warau Iemon" in 2004. Played Ogasawara in "Yuki ni negau koto" in 2005. Played Kazuo Murata in "Flic" in 2005. Played Kurazo Mochida in "Kita no zeronen" in 2005. Played Ihara in "Taga tameni" in 2005. Performed in "Oboeteiru" in 2005. Performed in "Tetsujin niju-hachigo" in 2005. Played Manager of Super Market in "Itsuka dokusho suruhi" in 2005. Played Hotel-shihainin in "Bashing" in 2005. Performed in "Unfair: Code Breaking" in 2006. Played Minoru Hayakawa in "Yureru" in 2006. Played Tetsu Takahashi (segment "Hagane") in "Kowai onna" in 2006. Played Jirozaemon Hirano in "Hana yori mo naho" in 2006. Performed in "Unfair" in 2006. Played Rokuheita in "Komyo ga tsuji" in 2006. Played Fumimasa Narahashi in "Taigan no kanojo" in 2006. Played Atsushi Kawamura in "Ashita no kioku" in 2006. Played Kashima in "Deguchi no nai umi" in 2006. Performed in "Eejanaika nippon miyagi hen kesennuma densetsu" in 2006. Played Hare in "Gedo senki" in 2006. Performed in "Shimane no bengoshi" in 2007. Performed in "Ju-yon-sai" in 2007. Played Strawberry Girl in "Kisaragi" in 2007. Played Yasaku Mayuzumi in "Hero" in 2007. Performed in "Tsukigami" in 2007. Played himself in "Bokura no jidai" in 2007. Played Sheriff in "Sukiyaki Western Django" in 2007. Played Kei Yagi in "Dou cha" in 2008. Played Uji in "Tsurugidake: Ten no ki" in 2009. Played Tanbara Tomomi in "Mr. Brain" in 2009. Played Shiki Masaoka in "Saka no ue no kumo" in 2009. Played Prince Asaka Yasuhiko in "John Rabe" in 2009. Played Narration in "Matsuda yusaku wa ikiteiru" in 2009. Played Himself - Guest in "A-Studio" in 2009. Played himself in "Last Days" in 2010. Performed in "Space Battleship Yamato" in 2010. Played himself in "The 33rd Annual Japan Academy Awards" in 2010. Performed in "W no higeki" in 2010. Played Takura Shinichi in "Shinzanmono" in 2010. Played Shinichi Tsuda in "Haru tono tabi" in 2010. Played Hoshino Eitaro in "Nankyoku tairiku: Kami no ryouiki ni idonda otoko to inu no monogatari" in 2011. Played Kazuo Sato in "Anfea: The Answer" in 2011. Played himself in "Tabi no chikara" in 2011. Performed in "SP: The motion picture kakumei hen" in 2011. Played Binz in "One Piece Film Z" in 2012. Played Aoki Hiroaki in "Shokuzai" in 2012. Performed in "Himitsu no Akko-chan" in 2012. Performed in "Yume uru futari" in 2012. Played Naoto Sakuma in "Saikai" in 2012. Played Tsukumo in "Scared of the Dark" in 2013. Played Ohwada in "Hanzawa Naoki" in 2013. Played himself in "The 36th Annual Japan Academy Awards" in 2013. Played Ohsugi in "Mozu" in 2014. Performed in "Leaders" in 2014. Performed in "Musashi Miyamoto" in 2014.
1 answer