In triploid organisms, there are three sets of chromosomes in each cell. This can lead to genetic imbalances and affect the organism's development and viability. Triploidy commonly occurs in plants, but can also occur in animals, including humans.
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Triploid endosperm nucleus is a result of double fertilization in angiosperms, where one sperm fertilizes the egg cell to form the diploid zygote and the other sperm fertilizes the central cell to form the triploid endosperm. The endosperm serves as a nutrient source for the developing embryo.
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The triploid stage of a flowering plant occurs during fertilization when the male and female gametes combine to form a triploid zygote. This triploid zygote then develops into the endosperm, which provides nutrients for the developing embryo in the seed. The triploid endosperm typically contains three sets of chromosomes, one from the male and two from the female parent.
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The triploid nucleus in the megaspore divides to produce endosperm, which provides the plan embryo in the seed with food.
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If the diploid number of the plant is ten, then its haploid number is 5. Since triploid refers to three times the haploid number, then a triploid plant would have 15 chromosomes.
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Triploid organisms are normally sterile as their lack of homologous chromosomes prevents pairing during meiosis. This can be useful to plant breeders, for example in banana cultivation: sterile triploid bananas can be propagated asexually and will not contain any seeds.
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Triploid indicates there are three sets of chromosomes within the nucleus. A plant with four sets of chromosomes is said to have a tetraploid nucleus.
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A triploid cell resulting from double fertilization becomes the endosperm, which provides nutrients to the developing embryo in plants.
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the triploid
The endosperm is a nutritive tissue which nourishes the developing embryo. The endosperm in angiosperm is triploid (3n) and it is a post - fertilization structure.
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If a diploid number is 42, then the haploid number is 21. A triploid number would be 63. But why would you have the chromosomes from 3 parents combining?
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No, triploid endosperm is in angiosperms only. Gymnosperm means "Naked Seed."
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An organism with the chromosome designation 3n is called triploid. Triploid organisms have three sets of chromosomes instead of the usual two sets found in diploid organisms. This can lead to infertility and developmental abnormalities in some species.
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Triploid chromosome (69 total chromosomes instead of 46) is not viable in humans and typically results in miscarriage. It is considered a lethal condition due to the abnormal number of chromosomes, which disrupts normal genetic function and development.
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The aleurone layer is the outermost layer of the endosperm. Therefore it is also triploid and same as the ploidy of endosperm.
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A triploid organism has three sets of chromosomes in each cell, compared to the usual two sets in diploid organisms. This means that triploids have an extra set of chromosomes, which can affect their physical characteristics and abilities to reproduce. The genetic makeup of triploids can make them infertile or less adaptable to their environment.
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Double fertilization in angiosperms produces a diploid zygote and a triploid endosperm. This process involves one sperm cell fertilizing the egg cell to form the zygote, while another sperm cell fuses with the central cell to form the endosperm.
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No, a triploid fish is a fish genetically altered at birth to not reproduce or to reach sexual maturity, so that insted of using energy to become sexually mature it uses that energy to keep eating and growing until it dies. Therefore they can grow MUCH larger than wild fish, although this is not always the case.
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No, Jonagold is a triploid variety. It cannot be used as a pollinator (and it requires a pollinator).
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You should find one half the number of chromosomes in sex cells (gametes) than in body cells.
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R. Johnstone has written:
'Production and performance of triploid Atlantic salmon in Scotland' -- subject- s -: Atlantic salmon fisheries
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we will get a zygote with triploid chromosomal content,but this case is inviable so the embryo will die after a certain period.
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If the chromosome number of a plant is 16, then the ploidy level of the microspore mother cell would be 2n=16 (diploid) and the endosperm cells would typically be 3n=24 (triploid), as they result from the fusion of a haploid sperm cell and a diploid central cell in double fertilization.
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Endosperm formation is triggered by fertilization because it involves the fusion of the two sperm cells with different nuclei in the embryo sac, leading to the triploid (3n) condition necessary for endosperm development. Without fertilization, the endosperm would not receive the necessary genetic contribution to develop properly and support the growing embryo.
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A triploid organism has three sets of chromosomes instead of the normal two sets. This can result from the fusion of two eggs with one sperm or one egg with two sperm during fertilization. Triploidy is a type of polyploidy, which can lead to abnormal development and often results in infertility in animals.
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James P. Clugston has written:
'Triploid grass carp for aquatic plant control' -- subject(s): Aquatic weeds, Biological control, Ctenopharyngodon idella
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an organism with more sets of chromosomes than is natural. IE a fruit is supposed to be diploid (2n), however some flies might gain another set of chromosomes to make it triploid (3n).
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Three copies of chromosomes are known as trisomy. This genetic condition can result in disorders such as Down syndrome (trisomy 21) when an individual has an extra copy of chromosome 21.
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The primary endosperm nucleus is triploid, containing three sets of chromosomes. It results from the fusion of one haploid sperm cell with the two haploid polar nuclei in double fertilization in angiosperms.
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The endosperm of gymnosperms is typically triploid, meaning it has three sets of chromosomes. This ploidy level is the result of a double fertilization process, where one sperm fertilizes the egg cell and forms a diploid zygote, while the other sperm fertilizes the central cell to form the triploid endosperm.
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In double fertilization, one sperm reaches the egg and fertilizes it. This produces a diploid zygote that will grow into the plant embryo. A second sperm fuses with the endosperm nuclei in the embryo sac and produces the triploid endosperm. This will nourish the developing seedling.
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HeLa cells are known to have a triploid karyotype, which means they have three sets of chromosomes instead of the usual two sets found in diploid cells. This results in HeLa cells having around 69-82 chromosomes.
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the end products of double fertilisation are primary endosperm cell and diploid zygote. When two pollen grains are taken by pollen tube and it reaches a ovule in the ovary. One germ cell fuses with egg and form zygote which later develops into embryo and other germ cell fuses with bi-nucleate cell and form primary endosperm cell which later develops into endosperm which provide nutrition to the growing embryo.
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Dispermy is a type of polyspermy that occurs when two sperm fertilize one egg. This results in an embryo with triploid (3n) chromosomes, which is typically non-viable and leads to developmental abnormalities or pregnancy loss.
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Cells go by the number of sets that are in the body. Like haploid has one set, diploid has 2 sets, triploid has three sets, tetraploid has four sets, pentaploid has five sets and polyploidy is for three or more sets of chromosomes.
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Triple fusion is a process in plants where three individual nuclei from the male gamete (pollen) join together with two nuclei in the female gamete (ovule) during fertilization. This results in the formation of a triploid cell which eventually develops into the endosperm of the seed, providing essential nutrients for the growing embryo.
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The term ploidy indicates the number of complete sets of chromosomes in a cell. This can be haploid (one set of chromosomes), diploid (two sets), triploid (three sets), and so on. For example, humans are typically diploid, with two sets of 23 chromosomes each.
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13 meiosis in 2n mmc to produce 52 pollen grains and 50 meiosis in 4n megaspore mother cell to produce 50 egg cells & embryo sacs in diffent ovules. The total of these meiosis divisions comes to 63.
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A resulting cell with an intermediate number of chromosomes, known as a triploid cell, is formed when a diploid and haploid gamete fuse during fertilization. This abnormal chromosome number can lead to developmental issues or be non-viable.
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Gymnosperms bear naked seeds on cones or cones-like structures, while angiosperms have seeds enclosed within fruits. Additionally, gymnosperms do not produce flowers, while angiosperms do.
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Assuming you mean sterile as in seedless (unable to reproduce), the majority of the ones you find in the store are. The plants tend to have 50% more chromosomes than normal (triploid). That makes them free of seeds and thus sterile. The black specks inside are not seeds. The way they propagate these are with clippings. So the majority of the bananas you eat of a specific cultivar have the same DNA.
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In dicot seeds, the endosperm is typically consumed during seed development and is often absent in mature seeds. Endosperm in dicot seeds is usually triploid, meaning it has three sets of chromosomes. It serves as a source of nutrients for the developing embryo.
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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 3 words with the pattern -RI-L-I-. That is, eight letter words with 2nd letter R and 3rd letter I and 5th letter L and 7th letter I. In alphabetical order, they are:
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A strawberry has more DNA than an onion. Strawberries are diploid organisms with more complex genomes, whereas onions are triploid with simpler genomes. This results in strawberries having more DNA overall.
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Either female, or triploid. A normal diploid mammal will have two X chromosomes if it is female, or an X and a Y if it is male. The genetic variant known as triploidy can result in animals with two X and one Y chromosome, which express male characteristics, or both male and female characteristics.
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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern T--PLO--. That is, eight letter words with 1st letter T and 4th letter P and 5th letter L and 6th letter O. In alphabetical order, they are:
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