The cast of I Lars von Triers rige - en mand og hans tv-serie - 1994 includes: Tove Jystrup as Herself - Technical coordinator, Zentropa Aase Kristensen as Herself - Spiritual consultant Lars von Trier as Himself - Director
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The cast of Triers element - 1991 includes: Nikolaj Buchardt as Himself - Interviewer Eddie Constantine as Himself (Cannes 1991 footage) Dennis Hopper as Himself (Cannes 1991 footage) Udo Kier as Himself (Cannes 1991 footage) Barbara Sukowa as Herself (Cannes 1991 footage) Lars von Trier as Himself - Director
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It is not expressed in exactly that way. It is said that "Jurors are the TRIERS of fact." Both the defense and the proseecution present the jury with the facts as the defense and prosecution see them. It is up to the jurors to decide which version they believe, and render a verdict accordingly.
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The cast of I Lars von Triers rige - 1999 includes: Jens Albinus as Himself (Cannes 1998 footage) Grevinde Alexandra as herself Bille August as himself Prinsesse Benedikte as herself Thomas Eje as himself Francis Ford Coppola as Himself (Cannes 1996 footage) Prins Henrik as himself Margrethe II as herself Prins Joachim as himself Michael Laudrup as himself Anne Louise Hassing as Herself (Cannes 1998 footage) Troels Lyby as Himself (Cannes 1998 footage) Trine Michelsen as Herself (Cannes 1998 footage) Louise Mieritz as Herself (Cannes 1998 footage) Thomas Vinterberg as himself Lars von Trier as himself Emily Watson as Herself (Cannes 1996 footage)
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US District Courts (trial courts) use juries as triers of fact. The Sixth Amendment guarantees the right to a trial by jury in criminal cases; however, the defendant also has the option of requesting a bench trial where the judge takes the place of the jury.
Appellate courts, such as the US Courts of Appeals Circuit Courts and the US Supreme Court, do not use juries because they are not triers of fact. Appellate courts only review cases to determine whether trials were conducted according to law and constitutional protections, in an attempt to ensure the party or parties in the case received a fair hearing.
5 answers
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 13 words with the pattern --IERS. That is, six letter words with 3rd letter I and 4th letter E and 5th letter R and 6th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are:
1 answer
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 12 words with the pattern -RIE-S. That is, six letter words with 2nd letter R and 3rd letter I and 4th letter E and 6th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are:
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The US Supreme Court heard Miranda v. Arizona, (1966) under its appellate jurisdiction (on appeal). Appellate courts are not "triers of fact," so they don't use a jury, but review the trial court decision in light of the question(s) raised on appeal. In other words, they only look at the specific issues the petitioner (the losing party who is appealing the case) claims resulted in an unfair decision. The US Supreme Court primarily considers cases involving constitutional rights.
The names of the jurors in the original trial are not available.
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It's not clear whether you're asking about the US Supreme Court's jurisdiction or the two broad categories of cases the US Supreme Court hears under appellate jurisdiction.
Types of Appellate Cases
Note that appellate courts are not triers of fact and do not determine guilt or innocence. When the Supreme Court reviews a case, the justices consider the questions the petitioner raised relative to the Constitution, federal law, or a US treaty.
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U.S. Const., Amend. VII:
"In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twentydollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law."
Amendment VII sets forth that:
1. the right to a jury trial in civil (i.e. non-criminal) matters remains inviolate, but qualified subject to the Twenty-Dollars clause; and
2. facts found to be extant by a jury constitute the findings of fact by the court.
Thus, juries, where constituted, are the triers of fact. However, juries need not be the triers of all facts in controversy, as the Reexamination Clause creates no such imperative, since the clause only applies to facts tried by a jury. Therefore, due process of law does allow, in some cases, for judges to make both findings of fact and conclusions of law. This is known as a bench trial. In addtion, judges can and do, in certain instances, set aside jury verdicts, for specific, and reviewable, reasons of law.
The Twenty-Dollars clause has given rise to amount-in-controversy requirements as conditions precedent to jurisdiction by certain State and federal courts. An example is the $75,000 amount-in-controversy clause of 28 U.S.C. §1332, which requires this amount to be in controversy before a federal court can take diversity jurisdiction (the other requirement for diversity jurisdiction is that adverse litigants be of differing State citizenship).
The "common law" are the decisions of judges made as stare decisis.
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Constantine the Great built his imperial capital on the eastern tip of north-eastern Greece. He redeveloped Byzantium and renamed after himself: Constantinople, which means City of Constantine. Rome had already ceased to be the capital of the empire under Diocletian, his predecessor. Diocletian created the tetrarchy (rule by four) in which the empire was rules by two senior emperors ans two junior ones. The also created an imperial seat for each emperor. These were Nicomedia (modern Iztmit, in north-western Turkey), Mediolanum (Milan, in northern Italy), (Sirmium (Sremska Mitrovica, near Belgrade, Serbia), and Augusta Trevorum (Triers, in south-western Germany .
In actual fact, Constantine shifted his capital slightly to the west. Constantinople was 60 miles to the west of Nicomedia, which had been the imperial seat of Diocletian.
4 answers
Jurisdiction means the power, right and authority to interpret and apply law. The two primary types of jurisdiction discussed in relation to the US Supreme Court are original jurisdiction and appellate jurisdiction.
The court that first hears a case, or holds a trial, has original jurisdiction. The trial judge or jury are "triers of fact"; they examine evidence, listen to testimony, and try to make a fair decision about whether the information they're provided is sufficient (in criminal cases) to find a defendant guilty "beyond a reasonable doubt."
If one party disagrees with the judge or jury decision at the trial level, he (or she) can appeal his case to the next higher court. Courts that hear appeals from trial courts have appellate jurisdiction. Appellate courts are not triers of fact; they don't look at evidence or hear testimony. Instead, they try to determine whether the trial or decision conformed with the law and constitution, and whether the trial procedures and jury instructions were followed correctly enough to allow a fair trial.
The US Supreme Court only has original jurisdiction over a small class of cases, and typically only considers disputes between the states under its original jurisdiction, while the lower federal courts handle the rest of the caseload. Conflicts between states don't occur very often, so these cases only represent a small portion of the Court's work.
Most of the cases the Supreme Court reviews were first tried in (for example) US District Court, and (usually) appealed to a US Court of Appeals Circuit Court. The Supreme Court then acts as the "court of last resort," or the final decision-maker (appellate jurisdiction), over cases it considers important to the national interest. This is what is meant by "the majority of cases to the US Supreme Court come through appellate jurisdiction."
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Michael Laudrup has: Played himself in "Match of the Day" in 1964. Played himself in "Hero: The Official Film of the 1986 FIFA World Cup" in 1987. Played himself in "La ronda" in 1991. Played himself in "Persones humanes" in 1993. Played himself in "Michael Laudrup - en fodboldspiller" in 1993. Played himself in "Extra Rosa" in 1997. Played himself in "Kongeriget" in 1998. Played himself in "I Lars von Triers rige" in 1999. Played Aussie Oblivious to the Fall of Paris in "The Auteur Theory" in 1999. Played himself in "Match of the Day 2" in 2004. Played Michael Laudrup in "Klovn" in 2005. Played Herself - Hostess in "Territorio Champions" in 2006. Played himself in "La tele de tu vida" in 2007. Played himself in "Banda sonora" in 2007. Played Michael Laudrup in "...Og det var Danmark" in 2008. Played himself in "Catalunya.cat" in 2008.
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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 72 words with the pattern T---R-. That is, six letter words with 1st letter T and 5th letter R. In alphabetical order, they are:
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Rome had already ceased to be the capital of the empire under Diocletian, Constantine's predecessor. He created the tetrarchy (rule by four) which was a co-emeperorship with two senior emperors (Augusti) and two junior ones (Caesars). Each emperor had an imperial seat. The four capitals were: Nicomedia(modern Izmit in north-western Turkey) f Sirmium(modern Sremska Mitrovica, near Belgrade, in Serbia) Mediolanum(modern Milan in Italy) and AugustaTrevorum(modern Triers in Germany). What these cities had in common was that they were close or relatively close to the frontiers of the empire. The empire had been attacked many times and the purpose of having the capitals close to the frontiers was to improve their defence. Rome was too far from the frontiers. Constantine ended the tetrarchy and become the sole emperor by winning two civil wars. He decided to have his own imperial seat and designated Byzantium for this, He redeveloped it and renamed it after himself - Constantinople means city of Constantine.Constantinople was only some sixty miles west of Nicomedia.
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Both trials have a judge and/or a jury as triers of fact. In a criminal trial it is the government, known as a prosecutor, that is actually "suing" the defendant, but instead of for money, it's for that person's freedom for the prescribed time the government wants that person incarcerated. If the prosecutor wins this case the defendant is considered to have been found guilty of criminal charges brought before him.
A civil case, on the other hand, is one in which an individual person or an entity is suing you for money. Civil cases are not punishable by any type of incarceration or fines. If the "prosecutor" in a civil trial wins the case, then the defendant is found to be liable in the amount that is awarded.
In both types of trials, the persons or entities bringing the case to trial are known as the plaintiff, and the opponents are known as defendants.
3 answers
Bille August has: Played himself in "Foreign Filmmakers in Hollywood" in 1989. Played Himself - Winner: Best Foreign Language Film in "The 61st Annual Academy Awards" in 1989. Played himself in "Talkshowet" in 1991. Played himself in "Besser als mein Haus je war" in 1993. Played himself in "Courage: Profiles in Creativity" in 1998. Played himself in "I Lars von Triers rige" in 1999. Performed in "Bernd Eichinger - Wenn das Leben zum Kino wird" in 2000. Played himself in "En sang fra Bille" in 2001. Played himself in "Cinema mil" in 2005. Played Bille August in "Klovn" in 2005. Played himself in "Meyerheim" in 2006. Played himself in "Aftenshowet" in 2007. Played Himself - Presenter in "The 2008 European Film Awards" in 2008. Played himself in "Reimers" in 2008. Played himself in "Det nye talkshow" in 2009. Played himself in "Janela Indiscreta" in 2010. Played Himself - Reviewer in "Tekst-TV" in 2011. Played Himself - Director in "Filmselskabet" in 2012.
1 answer
Emperor Diocletian created a tetrarchy (rule by four). He was a senior emperor with fellow general Maximian who was his co-emperor. Maximian was senior emperor in the west and Diocletian was senior emperor in the east. Two junior emperors were also appointed. They were subordinate to the senior emperors and took charge of areas of the frontiers which were under the greatest pressure from attacks from outside, the river Rhine in the west and the river Danube in the east. The four units were administrative units of a single empire. Diocletian stressed that the empire was indivisible. The arrangement was designed to improve the defence of the vast frontiers of the empire which were constantly attacked.
Four imperial capitals were created: Milan as the capital in the west, Nicomedia (in northwestern Turkey) as the capital of the east, Augusta Trevorum (Triers in Germany near the river Rhine) as the capital of the junior emperor who was responsible for Gaul, Spain and Britain and Sirmium (near Belgrade on the river Danube) as the capital of the junior emperor who was responsible for southeastern Europe. Maximian took charge of Italy and Africa and Diocletian took charge of Asia and Egypt. The new capitals were closer to the frontiers to be defended than Rome, which became only the nominal capital of the empire.
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Lars von Trier has: Played Lars in "Hemmelig sommer" in 1969. Played The Driver in "Menthe - la bienheureuse" in 1979. Performed in "Kaptajn Klyde og hans venner vender tilbage" in 1980. Played Schmuck of Ages in "Forbrydelsens element" in 1984. Played himself in "Cinema 3" in 1984. Played Cab Driver in "En verden til forskel" in 1989. Played Himself - Director in "Triers element" in 1991. Played Jew in "Europa" in 1991. Played himself in "Gomorron" in 1992. Played himself in "Eurotrash" in 1993. Played Himself - Director in "I Lars von Triers rige - en mand og hans tv-serie" in 1994. Played himself in "Riget" in 1994. Played himself in "I Am Curious, Film" in 1995. Played himself in "Riget II" in 1997. Played himself in "Tranceformer - A Portrait of Lars von Trier" in 1997. Played Himself - Winner (Best Picture) (pre-recorded message) in "Bodilfesten 1997" in 1997. Played Interviewer in "Idioterne" in 1998. Played himself in "Lars from 1-10" in 1998. Played himself in "Morten Korch - Solskin kan man altid finde" in 1999. Played himself in "De ydmygede" in 1999. Played himself in "Kopisten" in 1999. Played himself in "I Lars von Triers rige" in 1999. Played himself in "Foot on the Moon" in 1999. Played himself in "Store Klaus og lille Lars" in 1999. Played himself in "The Name of This Film Is Dogme95" in 2000. Played Himself - Director in "Breakfast" in 2000. Played himself in "De udstillede" in 2000. Played himself in "FreeDogme" in 2000. Performed in "Wag the Dogma" in 2001. Played himself in "Trier, Kidman og Cannes" in 2003. Played himself in "De lutrede" in 2003. Played himself in "Dogville Confessions" in 2003. Played himself in "Store danskere" in 2003. Played himself in "At the Movies" in 2004. Played himself in "Sunshine Airlines" in 2004. Played himself in "American Short" in 2004. Played Himself - Screenwriter in "Letters to Dear Wendy" in 2005. Played himself in "A Conversation with Lars von Trier" in 2005. Played himself in "Europa: The Faecal Location" in 2005. Played himself in "The Road to Manderlay" in 2005. Played Himself - Director in "A Conversation with Lars von Trier About the Europe Trilogy" in 2005. Played himself in "Cinema mil" in 2005. Played himself in "From Dreyer to von Trier: An Interview with Cinematographer Henning Bendtsen" in 2005. Played himself in "Lars von Trier Anecdotes" in 2005. Played Himself - Director in "Det danske dogmeri" in 2005. Played himself in "Klovn" in 2005. Played Himself - World Cinema Achievement Award Recipient in "The 2008 European Film Awards" in 2008. Played Himself - Director in "Antichrist: Confessions About Anxiety" in 2009. Played himself in "TV Festival Du Cannes 2009" in 2009. Played himself in "Antichrist: Chaos Reigns at the Cannes Filmfestival 2009" in 2009. Played Himself - Director in "The Sound and Music of Antichrist" in 2009. Played Himself - Director in "Antichrist: The Evil of Women" in 2009. Played himself in "The Three Beggars: The Animals of Antichrist" in 2009. Played himself in "The Visual Style of Antichrist" in 2009. Played Himself - Director in "Antichrist: Behind the Test" in 2009. Played himself in "Eden: The Production Design of Antichrist" in 2009. Played himself in "Bag i Klovn - The Movie" in 2010. Played himself in "TV Festival Du Cannes 2011" in 2011. Played Himself - Interviewee in "The Story of Film: An Odyssey" in 2011. Played Himself - Director in "2011 Samsung AACTA Awards" in 2012. Played himself in "MENTALLUSIONS: Radical Eclectic Films of Benjamin Meade" in 2012. Played himself in "Side by Side" in 2012. Played Himself - Interviewee in "Trespassing Bergman" in 2013. Played himself in "The Man Behind the Throne" in 2013.
1 answer
Diocletian created the tetrarchy (rule by four). He appointed fellow general Maximian as co-emperor who took charge of the western part of the empire, while he took charge of the eastern part. These two men became senior emperors (Augusti) with the creation of two junior emperors (Caesars). The latter two took charge of defending the troubled frontiers along the rivers Rhine and Danube respectively, which were under constant attack from outside.
This created four administrative divisions. Diocletian took charge of the territories in Asia. Maximilian took charge of Italy and Africa. One junior emperor took charge of Britain, Gaul and Spain and the other took charge of the Balkan Peninsula in southeastern Europe. This reform improved the efficiency of the defence of the vast frontier of the empire. It was not a division of the empire which, as Diocletian stressed, was indivisible. It was an administrative arrangement.
The tetrarchy was short lived because after Diocletian abdicated, these men started fighting each other.
Diocletian created four imperial capitals; Nicomedia (in north western Turkey) for the east, Milan for thewest, Augusta Treviri (Triers, Germany) and Smirnia (Serbia) for the junior emperors. The latter two stopped being capitals after the fall of the tetrarchy. Milan continued to be the capital of the west and the capital of the east was moved to Constantinople by Constantine I.
1 answer
No emperor decided to spit the empire into two parts. The empire was never divided.
Emperor Diocletian created a tetrarchy (rule by four). He was a senior emperor with fellow general Maximian who was his co-emperor. Maximian was senior emperor in the west and Diocletian was senior emperor in the east. Two junior emperors were also appointed. They were subordinate to the senior emperors and took charge of areas of the frontiers which were under the greatest pressure from attacks from outside, the river Rhine in the west and the river Danube in the east. The four units were administrative units of a single empire. Diocletian stressed that the empire was indivisible. Eastern and Western Roman Empire are terms coined by historians. The Romans had only one term: Roman Empire. The arrangement was designed to improve the defence of the vast frontiers of the empire which were constantly attacked.
Four imperial capitals were created: Milan as the capital in the west, Nicomedia (in northwestern Turkey) as the capital of the east, Augusta Trevorum (Triers in Germany near the river Rhine) as the capital of the junior emperor who was responsible for Gaul, Spain and Britain and Sirmium (near Belgrade on the river Danube) as the capital of the junior emperor who was responsible for southeastern Europe. Maximian took charge of Italy and Africa and Diocletian took charge of Asia and Egypt.
1 answer
Thomas Vinterberg has: Played himself in "TV-Avisen" in 1965. Played himself in "Cinema 3" in 1984. Performed in "Ung-TV" in 1986. Played Taxi Driver in "Festen" in 1998. Played himself in "I Lars von Triers rige" in 1999. Played himself in "19direkte" in 1999. Played himself in "The Name of This Film Is Dogme95" in 2000. Performed in "Wag the Dogma" in 2001. Played himself in "Once Upon a Time in Utah, Sundance" in 2003. Played himself in "De lutrede" in 2003. Played Himself - Drector in "Det danske dogmeri" in 2005. Played Himself - Director in "Letters to Dear Wendy" in 2005. Played himself in "The Fabulous Picture Show" in 2006. Played himself in "Aftenshowet" in 2007. Played Himself - World Cinema Achievement Award Recipient in "The 2008 European Film Awards" in 2008. Played Morten Bertelsen in "Deroute" in 2008. Played himself in "The Seventh Art" in 2012. Played Himself - Award Recipient in "The 2012 European Film Awards" in 2012. Played Himself - Nominee: Best Director in "Nestroy - Der Wiener Theaterpreis" in 2012. Played himself in "Jagten" in 2012. Played Himself - Interviewee in "Trespassing Bergman" in 2013. Played Himself - Nominee in "The Oscars" in 2014.
1 answer
There was not a capital of Gallia (Roman Gaul).
From its conquest in 50 BC to 314 AD Gallia was divided into three Roman provinces. Each had its own capital. The capital of Gallia Narbonensis (the south of France) was Narbo(Narbonne). To start with, the capital of Gallia Aquitania (the southwest of France up to the river Loire) was Mediolanum Santonum (Saintes). Later it was moved to Burdigala (Bordeaux). The capital of Gallia Lugdunensis (central France) was Lugdunum (Lyon). The capital of Gallia Belgica (Belgium, Northern France up to close to the river Seine, north-eastern France and the French speaking part of Switzerland) was Augusta Trevorum(Triers).
In 314 the emperor Diocletian subdivided Gallia into 13 new and smaller provinces. He also grouped them into two Dioceses. These were new administrative units which oversaw a group of the new provinces. The two dioceses were the Diocese of Galliae (northern and eastern France and French speaking Switzerland) whose capital was Augusta Trevorum, and the Diocese of Viennensis (southern France) whose capital was Vienna (Vienne). Later the Diocese of Viennensis was renamed Septem Provinciae (Seven Provinces).
Diocletian also included the provinces of Germania I (formerly Germania Superior) and Germania II (formerly Germania Inferior) into the Diocese of Galliae. Note that Galliae is the plural of Gallia and therefore the Diocese of Gallie meant the Diocese of the Gauls.
1 answer
It appears that a case was in a state court and was closed, which is why the upcoming court date is now being skipped. This could have been done since the federal court issued an edictment by a grand jury, and when the federal court is interested in a case, the state court basically hands it over.
A grand jury is just a presentation of evidence from the prosecution before a lot of people. Those people decide whether there is enough evidence for the defendant to be prosecuted. Evidence gathering, by the defense, is done once an indictment is made.
Note that, evidence gathering is much harder in federal court because there is far less rights to the legal discovery process, or gathering evidence from the other side. Because of that, at this point, the defendant should hold on to whatever documents your lawyer in the state court already acquired to hand over to the lawyer in federal court.
ANOTHER VIEW: The above answer is ASSUMING all sorts of facts that are not contained anyhere in the question!
The simple answer is, yes. There is no law that says the indictment process cannot be sped up.
Furthermore, what you are calling "evidence" is not necessary to bring a case before a Grand Jury. Grand Juries are not 'triers-of-fact' and no evidence is presented at an indictment presentment, only enough facts to give rise to the "probable cause" to believe that you were the one that committed the offense.
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Prinsesse Benedikte has: Played herself in "Kongehuset i tre generationer" in 1955. Played herself in "Frederik IX og hans tid" in 1972. Played herself in "Danmark 1995 - I ord og billeder" in 1995. Played herself in "Danmark 1996 - I ord og billeder" in 1996. Played herself in "Verden 1997 - I ord og billeder" in 1997. Played herself in "Kongehuset 1997 - I ord og billeder" in 1997. Played herself in "Kongehuset 1998 - I ord og billeder" in 1998. Played herself in "Danmark 1998 - I ord og billeder" in 1998. Played herself in "Med kongefamilien gennem 1999" in 1999. Played herself in "I Lars von Triers rige" in 1999. Played herself in "2000 komma 99" in 2000. Played herself in "2001 - I ord og billeder" in 2001. Played herself in "En kongelig familie" in 2003. Played herself in "Zulu Royal" in 2004. Played herself in "Koncert for Prins Henrik" in 2004. Played herself in "Kongeligt bryllup" in 2004. Played herself in "Kongehuset 2004" in 2004. Played herself in "Zulu Royal" in 2006. Played herself in "Kongeligt bryllup" in 2008. Played herself in "Joachim og Marie" in 2008. Played herself in "zHit-paraden" in 2008.
1 answer
Troels Lyby has: Performed in "Debut" in 1995. Played Rune in "Taxa" in 1997. Played Henrik in "Idioterne" in 1998. Played Himself (Cannes 1998 footage) in "I Lars von Triers rige" in 1999. Played Walter in "Edderkoppen" in 2000. Played Per in "Find dig selv" in 2000. Played Per Toftlund in "Den serbiske dansker" in 2001. Played Various Roles in "Alle tiders underholdning" in 2002. Played Kristian in "Okay" in 2002. Played Ole in "Annas dag" in 2003. Played Tobias Hikke in "Helligtrekongersaften" in 2004. Played Henrik in "Anklaget" in 2005. Played himself in "Meyerheim" in 2006. Played Dahlager in "Fidibus" in 2006. Played Erik Salin in "Forbrydelsen" in 2007. Played Tobias in "Fremkaldt" in 2007. Played himself in "Aftenshowet" in 2007. Played Svend Andersen in "Sommer" in 2008. Played Henrik Viingaard in "Deroute" in 2008. Played Jimmy in "Disco ormene" in 2008. Performed in "Pusling" in 2008. Played Hans Nielsen in "Blekingegade" in 2009. Played Troels in "Headhunter" in 2009. Played Arnold in "Anstalten" in 2011. Played Thomas in "Klassefesten" in 2011. Played Bo in "Over kanten" in 2012. Played Big J in "Julestjerner" in 2012. Played Hardy in "Kvinden i buret" in 2013. Played Thomas in "Klassefesten 2: Begravelsen" in 2014.
1 answer
Diocletian unleashed the worse persecution of Christians in the history of the Roman: the Great Persecution.
Diocletian subdivided the Empire into four administrative units and created the tetrarchy (rule by four). He appointed fellow general Maximian as co-emperor in 285. Maximian took overall control of the western part of the empire, while Diocletian took overall control of the eastern part. Then these two men became senior emperors (Augusti) with the creation in 293 of two junior emperors (Caesars) who were subordinates of the Augusti. Diocletian also created the four praetorian prefectures of Galliae(Gaul, Britannia and Hispania), Italia et Africa, Illyricum (the Balkan Peninsula except for Thracia, in the southeast, next to modern Turkey) and Oriens (Thracia, the territories in Asia and Egypt). . Maximian took charge of Italia et Africa and Diocletian took charge of Oriens. The Caesars Constantius and Galerius took charge of Galliae and Illyricum respectively. One of the tasks of the Caesars was to defend the troubled frontiers along the rivers Rhine and Danube respectively, which had been under constant attack from outside.
Diocletian also designated four cities ans new imperial capitals: Nicomedia (in north-western Turkey), Augusta Trevorum (Triers in Germany near the river Rhine) and Sirmium (near Belgrade on the river Danube).
2 answers
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 59 words with the pattern --IE--. That is, six letter words with 3rd letter I and 4th letter E. In alphabetical order, they are:
4 answers
They listen to the evidence given by both the prosecution and the defensive side, and then vote for if the witness is guilty or not
They listen to the defensive side and the prosecution side. They listen to evidence and make a decision. They elect one person to speak for the whole jury, called the foreman.
5 answers
Yes, US District Courts use juries to hear many cases. The Sixth Amendment provides a criminal defendant has the right to a public trial by jury; the Supreme Court limited that right to defendants who face the possibility of six months or more incarceration.
Juries are also used in certain federal civil cases.
6 answers
The Roman Empire was never divided into two parts. Western Roman Empire and Eastern Roman Empire are terms which have been coined by historians. The Romans had only one term: Roman Empire.
The emperor Diocletian created the tetrarchy (rule by four) which had two senior emperors and two junior ones. Diocletian subdivided the empire into four praetorian prefectures which were the main administrative units of a sole empire. Each of the four emperors was in charge of one of the praetorian prefectures and was given an imperial sea. Therefore, there were four "capitals": Nicomedia (modern Izmit in north-western Turkey), Sirmium (modern Sremska Mitrovica in Serbia), Mediolanum (modern Milan in Italy) and Augusta Trevorum (modern Triers in Germany). Rome ceased to be the capital of the Roman Empire.
Constantine the Great brought the tetrarchy to an end by winning two civil wars and became the sole emperor. He decided to mark this by establishing his own imperial seat. He redeveloped Byzantium and renamed it after himself: Constantinople (which means city of Constantine). Later, Valentinian I decided to share power with his brother Valens. The two brothers became co-emperors with Valens in charge of the west and with Milan as his imperial seat, and Valens in charge of the east with Constantinople as his imperial seat. However, this was not a division of the empire. The Roman Empire had had alternations between periods of co-emperorship (with two emperors who were either father and son or brothers) and periods of sole emperorship for 113 years by then.
1 answer
Anne Louise Hassing has: Played herself in "TV-Avisen" in 1965. Performed in "Jobbet och jag" in 1998. Played Susanne in "Idioterne" in 1998. Played Madam Birk in "Klinkevals" in 1999. Played Herself (Cannes 1998 footage) in "I Lars von Triers rige" in 1999. Played Madam Birk in "Juliane" in 2000. Played Inger in "Afsporet" in 2000. Played Marie Bovain in "Skjulte spor" in 2000. Played Herself - Actress in "DMA04 velkommen" in 2004. Played Herself - Participant in "Vild med dans" in 2005. Played Sofie in "Seks lag af depression" in 2005. Played herself in "Meyerheim" in 2006. Played Bibliotikar in "Far til fire - i stor stil" in 2006. Played herself in "Aftenshowet" in 2007. Played Mette in "2900 Happiness" in 2007. Performed in "Pusling" in 2008. Played Mor in "Beast" in 2009. Played herself in "Til middag hos..." in 2010. Played Sanne Rheinwald in "En familie" in 2010. Played Herself - Host in "Til middag hos..." in 2010. Played Mona in "Drik nu Agnes" in 2011. Played Agnes in "Jagten" in 2012. Played Susannah in "Goltzius and the Pelican Company" in 2012. Played Augusta Jacobsen in "Hvidsten gruppen" in 2012. Played Clara in "Over kanten" in 2012. Played Therese Madsen in "Badehotellet" in 2013. Played Mille in "Den perfekte middag" in 2013.
1 answer
First of all. Constantine did not move the capital form Rome to Byzantium. Rome had already ceased to be the capital of the Roman Empire under his predecessor, Diocletian. Diocletian had created the tetrarchy (rule by four) with two senior emperors and two junrio ones. Each emperor had an imperial seat. The four capitals were Nicomedia (Izmit in north-western Turkey) Mediolanum (Milan, in northern Italy), Sirmium (Sremska Mitrovica in Serbia) and Augusta Trevorum (triers in south-western Germany). These cities were close to the frontiers of the empire, which had frequently come under attacks. Rome was side-lined because it was far from the frontiers.
The fact that Constantine chose Byzantium (which was only some 60 miles west of Nicomedia) as his capital show that it was still important to have a capital closer to the frontiers. The fact that Constantine wanted his own capital shows his determination to be recognised as the sole rue of the empire and his sue of Propaganda to bolster this. He brought the tetrarchy to an end by winning two civil wars and became the sole emperor. He dediced to bolster this by creating his own capital, which he named after himself (Byzantium was renamed Constantinople, which means city of Constantine). His new capital showed that he was in charge and was used as a symbol of the new dawn his rule would bring to the empire. The city was also given he honorary titles of 'the eastern Rome', 'the new Rome', 'alma Roma' and 'Roma Constantiniana)
1 answer
Diocletian did not need to save the Roman Empire. The empire had already been saved earlier by Aurelian who defeated various peoples who were invading it (the Goths, Vandals, Juthungi, Sarmatians, and Carpi) and reunited it by defeating two breakaway parts of the empire: Palmyrene Empire and the Gallic Empire.
Diocletian realised that one man could not rule the Roman Empire on his own. There were conflicts in virtually every province of the empire. Therefore, he created what historians have called the tetrarchy (rule by four). In 285 he created a co-emperorship with himself in charge of the eastern part of the empire and his fellow general Maximian in charge of the western part. He designated Nicomedia (in north-western Turkey) as the imperial capital of the eastern part and Milan (in northern Italy) as the imperial capital of the western part. In 293 Diocletian appointed two junior emperors (Caesars) who were subordinates of the two senior ones (Augusti). Constantius was put in charge of Gaul (in the western part of the empire) and Galerius was put in charge European territories in the eastern part of the empire (the Balkan Peninsula). With this arrangement Diocletian was in Charge of the Roman territories in Asia and Egypt and eastern Libya and Maximian was in charge of Italy, Spain and Portugal and north-western Africa. The task of the two junior emperors was to defend the most troubled parts of the Roman frontiers: the river Rhine in the west and the river Danube in the east. Augusta Trevorum (Triers) in Gaul and Sirmium (Sremska Mitrovica) in Serbia were also designated as imperial capitals as the seats of the two Caesars.
1 answer
Thomas Eje has: Played Arne Smidt in "Matador" in 1978. Played Himself - Performer (1980-1981) in "TV i teltet" in 1980. Played Kasper, waiter in "Kurt og Valde" in 1983. Played Svend in "Andorra" in 1983. Played Lars Langhue in "Nissebanden" in 1984. Played Lars Langhue, Stemme i Radio in "Nissebanden" in 1984. Played Gustav in "Ikke lutter lagkage" in 1984. Played Erik in "Tukuma" in 1984. Played Croupier in "Walter og Carlo - yes, det er far" in 1986. Played Quark in "Valhalla" in 1986. Played Kjeldsen in "Station 13" in 1988. Played himself in "Reportageholdet" in 1988. Played Stub in "Skibet i skilteskoven" in 1992. Played himself in "Bag kulisserne med Linie 3" in 1994. Played The Man Behind in "Gufol mysteriet" in 1997. Played Boomer in "Nattens engel" in 1998. Played himself in "I Lars von Triers rige" in 1999. Played Helbig in "Klinkevals" in 1999. Played himself in "Hit med sangen" in 2000. Played Helbig in "Juliane" in 2000. Played himself in "Rundt om Rundrejsen 2001" in 2001. Played himself in "Vind boxen" in 2002. Played Julio in "Kokken" in 2002. Played himself in "Den 6. sans" in 2002. Played himself in "Aftenshowet" in 2007. Played himself in "Ole Henriksens Hollywood" in 2007. Played (segment "The Last Warrior") in "Wasteland Tales" in 2010. Performed in "The Last Warrior" in 2010. Played Himself - Participant in "Jarls quizshow" in 2012.
1 answer
Diocletian created the tetrarchy (rule by four) and subdivided the Empire into four main administrative units, the praetorian prefectures. He appointed fellow general Maximian as co-emperor in 285. Maximian took overall control of the western part of the empire, while Diocletian took overall control of the eastern part. Then these two men became senior emperors (Augusti) with the creation, in 293, of two junior emperors (Caesars) who were subordinates of the Augusti. The Caesars Constantius and Galerius.. One of the tasks of the Caesars was to defend the troubled frontiers along the rivers Rhine and Danube respectively, which had been under constant attack from outside the empire. Two of the emperors were in the west and two were in the east. Each of emperors headed one of the four praetorian prefectures. Galliae (Gaul, Britannia and Hispania), was headed by Constantius; Italia et Africa(Italy, Switzerland and north-western Africa) was headed by Maximian; Illyricum (the Balkan Peninsula except for Thracia, in modern eastern Bulgaria) was headed by Galerius; and Oriens (Thracia, the Roman territories in Asia, Egypt and eastern Libya) was headed by Diocletian. Galliae and Italia et Africa were in the west. Illyricum and Oriens were in the east. These were administrative subdivisions. Diocletian stressed that the four praetorian prefectures were administrative units and that the empire was indivisible.
Diocletian also created imperial capitals (or better imperial seats), one for each emperor: Nicomedia (Izmir, in north-western Turkey, for Oriens), Sirmium (near Belgrade on the river Danube) for Illyricum, Mediolanum (Milan, in northern Italy) for Italia et Africa, and Augusta Trevorum (Triers in Germany near the river Rhine, for Galliae).
2 answers
First of all. Constantine did not move the capital form Rome to Byzantium. Rome had already ceased to be the capital of the Roman Empire under his predecessor, Diocletian. Diocletian had created the tetrarchy (rule by four) with two senior emperors and two junrio ones. Each emperor had an imperial seat. The four capitals were Nicomedia (Izmit in north-western Turkey) Mediolanum (Milan, in northern Italy), Sirmium (Sremska Mitrovica in Serbia) and Augusta Trevorum (triers in south-western Germany). These cities were close to the frontiers of the empire, which had frequently come under attacks. Rome was side-lined because it was far from the frontiers.
The fact that Constantine chose Byzantium (which was only some 60 miles west of Nicomedia) as his capital show that it was still important to have a capital closer to the frontiers. The fact that Constantine wanted his own capital shows his determination to be recognised as the sole rue of the empire and his sue of propaganda to bolster this. He brought the tetrarchy to an end by winning two civil wars and became the sole emperor. He dediced to bolster this by creating his own capital, which he named after himself (Byzantium was renamed Constantinople, which means city of Constantine). His new capital showed that he was in charge and was used as a symbol of the new dawn his rule would bring to the empire. The city was also given he honorary titles of 'the eastern Rome', 'the new Rome', 'alma Roma' and 'Roma Constantiniana)
4 answers
The Roman Empire was never divided into two parts. Western Roman Empire and Eastern Roman Empire are terms which have been coined by historians. The Romans had only one term: Roman Empire. The emperor Diocletian subdivided the Roman Empire into four (not two) main administrative units, the praetorian prefectures, in 293. They were Oriens (The East, north-eastern Greece and eastern Bulgaria, the Roman territories in Western Asia and Egypt, which comprised Egypt and the coast of eastern Libya), Illyricum (the Roman territories in the Balkan Peninsula except eastern Bulgaria and north-eastern Greece), Italia et Africa (Rhaetia; that is, Switzerland and part of Austria and Bavaria, Italy, the coast of central and western Libya, Tunisia, and the coast of Algeria) and Galliae, (Galiae; that is, France, Belgium, Holland south of the River Rhine and Germany west of the Rhine; Hispaniae; that is, Spain, Portugal and northern Morocco; and Britannia; that is, England and Wales).
The emperor Diocletian created the tetrarchy (rule by four) which had two senior emperors (Augusti) and two junior ones (Caesars). Each of the four emperors was in charge of one of the praetorian prefectures and was given an imperial seat. Therefore, there were four "capitals": Nicomedia (modern Izmit in north-western Turkey) for the praetorian prefecture of Oriens, Sirmium (modern Sremska Mitrovica, near Belgrade, in Serbia) for the praetorian prefecture of Illyricum, Mediolanum (modern Milan in Italy) for the praetorian prefecture of Italia et Africa and Augusta Trevorum (modern Triers in Germany) for the praetorian prefecture of Galliae. Rome ceased to be the capital of the Roman Empire. Diocletian and Maximian, the two Augusti, were in charge of Oriens and Italia et Africa respectively. Galerius and Constantius, the two Caesars, were in charge of Illyricum and Galliae respectively
1 answer
Louise Mieritz has: Played Josephine in "Idioterne" in 1998. Played Herself (Cannes 1998 footage) in "I Lars von Triers rige" in 1999. Played Eva Lund in "Edderkoppen" in 2000. Played Elsebet in "Absolut Holberg" in 2000. Played Various roles in "Emmas Dilemma" in 2001. Played Various roles in "Gintberg, Bertelsen og alle de andre..." in 2001. Performed in "Kuren" in 2001. Played Vivi Lykke in "Hjerteafdelingen" in 2002. Played Herself - Host in "Bodilfesten 2002" in 2002. Played Jessica in "Skoda" in 2002. Played Sandra in "Nikolaj og Julie" in 2002. Played Ulla in "Se til venstre, der er en svensker" in 2003. Played Herself - Performer in "Freak Show 2003" in 2003. Played Nursing student in "Silkevejen" in 2004. Played Tina in "Tid til forandring" in 2004. Played Lisbeth Knudsen in "Simon" in 2004. Played Herself - Participant in "Vild med dans" in 2005. Played Anne in "Den store dag" in 2005. Played Pernille in "Anklaget" in 2005. Played herself in "9 ud af 10" in 2006. Played The Cleaning Lady in "Et andet sted" in 2006. Played Sidse in "Hvordan vi slipper af med de andre" in 2007. Played Ulla in "Max" in 2007. Played herself in "Skuespillerne for det hele" in 2007. Played Ulla in "Max Pinlig" in 2008. Played Herself - Guest host in "Live fra Bremen" in 2009. Played Ulla in "Max Pinlig 2 - sidste skrig" in 2011. Played Eva Ohser in "Lykke" in 2011. Played Jette in "Alting" in 2012. Played Emilie in "1864" in 2014. Played Anne in "Arvingerne" in 2014.
1 answer
Jens Albinus has: Played Tjener in "Sidste omgang" in 1993. Played H. C. Andersen in "Bryggeren" in 1996. Played Carsten in "Portland" in 1996. Played Teacher in "Anton" in 1996. Played Stoffer in "Idioterne" in 1998. Played Jeppe in "Din for altid" in 1999. Played Himself (Cannes 1998 footage) in "I Lars von Triers rige" in 1999. Played Tom Jacobsen in "Skjulte spor" in 2000. Played Zacharias Carl Borg in "Zacharias Carl Borg" in 2000. Played Hugo in "Hotellet" in 2000. Played Morty in "Dancer in the Dark" in 2000. Performed in "Wag the Dogma" in 2001. Played John in "Far from China" in 2001. Played Martin Gottlieb in "Gottlieb" in 2001. Played Richard Malmros som voksen in "At kende sandheden" in 2002. Played himself in "Bodilprisen 2003" in 2003. Played Chuck in "Dogville: The Pilot" in 2003. Played himself in "Spot" in 2003. Played Carsten in "Forbrydelser" in 2004. Played Himself - Actor in "Julekrybben: Helligaandskirken" in 2004. Played Himself - Presenter in "Bodilfesten 2004" in 2004. Played himself in "Clement direkte med Clement Kjersgaard" in 2005. Played himself in "Det gode liv" in 2005. Played himself in "Selvoptagelser" in 2006. Played Kunde in "Daisy Diamond" in 2007. Played himself in "Skuespillerne for det hele" in 2007. Played The Man in "Togetherness" in 2007. Played Halfdan in "Ibrahim" in 2007. Played Keld Buhmann in "Forbrydelsen" in 2007. Played himself in "The 2008 European Film Awards" in 2008. Played Chris in "This Is Love" in 2009. Played He in "Antichrist: Behind the Test" in 2009. Played himself in "The Visual Style of Antichrist" in 2009. Played Jon Berthelsen in "Borgen" in 2010. Played Jacob Falk in "Alting bliver godt igen" in 2010. Played Henk in "Sprinter - Haltlos in die Nacht" in 2012. Played S in "Nymphomaniac: Vol. I" in 2013. Played Michael in "Stille hjerte" in 2014.
1 answer
Grevinde Alexandra has: Played herself in "TV-Avisen" in 1965. Played herself in "TV2 nyhederne" in 1988. Played herself in "Danmark 1995 - I ord og billeder" in 1995. Played herself in "Alexandras Hong Kong" in 1995. Played herself in "Prinsessen fra Hong Kong" in 1995. Played herself in "Danmark 1996 - I ord og billeder" in 1996. Played herself in "Verden 1997 - I ord og billeder" in 1997. Played herself in "Kongehuset 1997 - I ord og billeder" in 1997. Played herself in "Danmark 1998 - I ord og billeder" in 1998. Played herself in "Kongehuset 1998 - I ord og billeder" in 1998. Played herself in "Dags dato" in 1998. Played herself in "Danmarks kronprins" in 1998. Played herself in "Med kongefamilien gennem 1999" in 1999. Played herself in "I Lars von Triers rige" in 1999. Played herself in "Alexandra - prinsesse i tiden" in 2000. Played herself in "2000 komma 99" in 2000. Played herself in "Kongeligt bryllup" in 2001. Played herself in "Stjerner i manegen" in 2001. Played herself in "2001 - I ord og billeder" in 2001. Played herself in "Alle tiders underholdning" in 2002. Played herself in "Kongehuset" in 2002. Played herself in "Hanne Varming" in 2002. Played herself in "Alexandras Asien" in 2003. Played herself in "Prinsessen i cirkus" in 2003. Played herself in "Kronprins af tiden" in 2003. Played Herself (from "TV2 Nyhederne") in "Zulu Royal" in 2003. Played herself in "Kongelig forlovelsesfest" in 2003. Played herself in "DR jul med Sigurd" in 2003. Played herself in "Prinsesse for en aften" in 2003. Played herself in "Stjernediamanter" in 2003. Played herself in "Zulu Royal" in 2004. Played herself in "Koncert for Prins Henrik" in 2004. Played herself in "Kongehuset 2004" in 2004. Played herself in "Prinsesse Alexandra: Mit hjem er mit slot" in 2004. Played herself in "Levade - Noble Horse Gala" in 2004. Played herself in "Mary Elizabeth Donaldson" in 2004. Played herself in "Kongeligt bryllup" in 2004. Played herself in "Zulu Royal" in 2006.
1 answer
Well, there were many. The most famous one is of course Rome, which was the capital until the fourth century, then for the whole fourth century Milan was the new capital, followed by Ravenna in 402 AD, and so on.
8 answers
triers triens tories retros rosier tonger tonier tongas rinser triage tonner trigos tonnes trigon trains rigors trines toning rogers rioter triose tronas ringer trones sanger starer senora sennit stager sortie sorter sering retorn sterna strain strang stoner stogie stingo senior sorner soring signor signet snarer singer sinter sinner signer sierra sonant sonnet soigne soarer sienna snorer striae string sagier tigers tigons terras terais tenors tensor tineas tinges rostra roster toners toeing tinner tisane tenons tennis satire sating satori tanner strong tangos targes taring saning tenias santir tarres sartor sarong rosing orangs gainer gainst gaiter gannet estrin erring nestor ergots eringo errant natron nation intros garner garnet intron irater ironer nasion narine irones eonian niters noting noters eating nosing oaring easing onagri onager oaters nosier egoist nitros ensign nitres nitons nonage nonart norite norias nonets garote garret groans gnarrs goiter goitre groats gitano ignore girons groins grison griots grates grater grains grants gratin gratis goners gorier greats ginner giants garter insert insane inners instar intern garron intone inters innate gaster genoas inanes inaner genros inerts ingate ingots ingest gators earing engirt renigs rasing raring resort raster airers raters reigns aristo angers ranter anting aigret rarest aroint ratine airest ratios rerigs anenst renins reagin argent aorist argons argots rating resign arisen antres ariose ration anions arrest organs regain astern orgeat agents orgies artier atoner ageist region orange Regina retina orates atones orient arsino arseno retags ranges agones ornate raiser retain origan reason arsine anoint
1 answer
www.colorvogue.com or www.cvooo.com
ColorVogue web is a new marketing media in Internet. It is not only a center for providing colorful famous brands from all over the world for customers, but also is an entire service platform of marketing and promotion which provides brand promotion, sales clue, market search and user club. All suppliers will provide free trial products for our members.
ColorVogue not only is luxury products website, but also a website that provides the users with free declaration of fashionable products, it is a platform for the users to communicate their experiences in using the products.
Unique marketing pattern helps ColorVogue web getting more than 1200000 faithful members within one year. And quantity of members is growing with the speed of 1000 new members every day. Among them 80% are active users, i.e. 80% members attend all kinds of trial activities every month. Most of these members are people with high diploma of 20-35 years old. They are leaders of modern commerce, tide of consumption culture and groups. In one word, they are the group who have better consuming ability and take active consumption.
Now products of ColorVogue web have covered every walk of life, including fields such as Famous watches / Brand leather products / Catering & hotel /Coffee & Tea, Nutrition & health care / Ordering for massage / Health Equipment / Furniture tendering, Beauty & skin care / Facial & body beauty / Personal cosmetics / Jewelry & ornaments, Fortune information / Master's training / Experts & masterpieces / Gifts & craftworks, Computer game / Global tourism / Telecom products / Brand name electronics. Besides trial of products, ColorVogue web still provides all sorts of exchange platforms for triers, including experience comment zone and trier bbs. Meanwhile, ColorVogue web will set a purchase special area in each cooperate special area. Thus members can feel ColorVogue products and purchase products directly with preferential price in ColorVogue shopping mall so as to get accumulating consumption score.
ColorVogue web takes One Day. One World as its enterprise tenet, hammering at becoming the largest brand league platform for Independent Business Owners and the best consumption website for international name brands, creating value for consumers, merchants and members and really realizing Goods go the whole world, Consumption creates wealth!
www.colorvogue.com or www.cvooo.com
1 answer
www.colorvogue.com or www.cvooo.com
ColorVogue web is a new marketing media in Internet. It is not only a center for providing colorful famous brands from all over the world for customers, but also is an entire service platform of marketing and promotion which provides brand promotion, sales clue, market search and user club. All suppliers will provide free trial products for our members.
ColorVogue not only is luxury products website, but also a website that provides the users with free declaration of fashionable products, it is a platform for the users to communicate their experiences in using the products.
Unique marketing pattern helps ColorVogue web getting more than 1200000 faithful members within one year. And quantity of members is growing with the speed of 1000 new members every day. Among them 80% are active users, i.e. 80% members attend all kinds of trial activities every month. Most of these members are people with high diploma of 20-35 years old. They are leaders of modern commerce, tide of consumption culture and groups. In one word, they are the group who have better consuming ability and take active consumption.
Now products of ColorVogue web have covered every walk of life, including fields such as Famous watches / Brand leather products / Catering & hotel /Coffee & Tea, Nutrition & health care / Ordering for massage / Health Equipment / Furniture tendering, Beauty & skin care / Facial & body beauty / Personal cosmetics / Jewelry & ornaments, Fortune information / Master's training / Experts & masterpieces / Gifts & craftworks, Computer game / Global tourism / Telecom products / Brand name electronics. Besides trial of products, ColorVogue web still provides all sorts of exchange platforms for triers, including experience comment zone and trier bbs. Meanwhile, ColorVogue web will set a purchase special area in each cooperate special area. Thus members can feel ColorVogue products and purchase products directly with preferential price in ColorVogue shopping mall so as to get accumulating consumption score.
ColorVogue web takes One Day. One World as its enterprise tenet, hammering at becoming the largest brand league platform for Independent Business Owners and the best consumption website for international name brands, creating value for consumers, merchants and members and really realizing Goods go the whole world, Consumption creates wealth!
www.colorvogue.com or www.cvooo.com
1 answer
Barbara Sukowa has:
Played Babsi Meyer in "Tatort" in 1969.
Performed in "Hauptsache, die Kohlen stimmen" in 1974.
Played Crystal Allen in "Frauen in New York" in 1977.
Played herself in "NDR Talk Show" in 1979.
Played Mieze in "Berlin Alexanderplatz" in 1980.
Played Marianne in "Die bleierne Zeit" in 1981.
Played Lola in "Lola" in 1981.
Played Patricia in "Un dimanche de flic" in 1983.
Played Hilde Wangel in "Baumeister Solness" in 1984.
Played Leisel Kolff in "Space" in 1985.
Played Rosa Luxemburg in "Rosa Luxemburg" in 1986.
Played Katharina in "Die Verliebten" in 1987.
Played Camilla, Duchess of Crotone in "The Sicilian" in 1987.
Played Katharina Hartmann in "Europa" in 1991.
Played Hannah in "Homo Faber" in 1991.
Played Herself (Cannes 1991 footage) in "Triers element" in 1991.
Played Jeanne Gallimard in "M. Butterfly" in 1993.
Played Regina in "Colpo di coda" in 1993.
Played Cousal General in "New York Undercover" in 1994.
Played Sister Maria Pulaski in "The Wright Verdicts" in 1995.
Played Anna Kalmann in "Johnny Mnemonic" in 1995.
Played herself in "Klavier im Stau" in 1996.
Played Anna Loeser in "Im Namen der Unschuld" in 1997.
Played Virginia Wingate in "Office Killer" in 1997.
Played herself in "The Port of Last Resort" in 1998.
Played Sheila Robinson in "Nightworld: Lost Souls" in 1998.
Played Rachel Singer in "The Lady in Question" in 1999.
Played herself in "Beckmann" in 1999.
Played Sophie Silvano in "Cradle Will Rock" in 1999.
Played Helen in "The Third Miracle" in 1999.
Played Clara - The Married Woman in "Urbania" in 2000.
Played Helen in "Thirteen Conversations About One Thing" in 2001.
Played herself in "Gero von Boehm begegnet..." in 2002.
Played Rosemarie in "Hierankl" in 2003.
Played Vera Glaubitz in "Die andere Frau" in 2004.
Played herself in "Thadeusz" in 2005.
Played Mrs. Deklava in "Veronika Decides to Die" in 2009.
Played Hildegard von Bingen in "Vision - Aus dem Leben der Hildegard von Bingen" in 2009.
Played Hannah Arendt in "Hannah Arendt" in 2012.
Played herself in "Der Bayerische Filmpreis 2012" in 2013.
Played Marquez in "El cielo es azul" in 2014.
1 answer
It made the empire easier to manage because responsibilities were divided among four people.
The creation of the tetrarchy followed the Crisis of the Third Century. This was a period of military anarchy in which military commanders were hailed as emperors by their own troops and were then challenged by other commanders who were hailed as emperors by their own troops. Many emperors were murdered, sometimes even by their own troops who had elevated them as emperors because they did not want to fight a civil war.
Diocletian realised that one man could not rule the empire alone. He shared power with Maximian, who he made his co-emperor. The former took charge of the east and the latter was in charge of the west. Diocletian then created two junior emperors (Caesar), Constantius and Galerius. Diocletian and Maximian became senior emperor (Augustusti). Constantius was appointed because of the need to suppress a rebellion in Britannia and northern Gaul. The junior emperors were given the task of defending the frontiers along the rivers Rhine and Danube respectively, which were vulnerable to attacks. Therefore, another aspect of the tetrarchy was the improvement of the defence of the frontiers of the empire.
4 answers
www.colorvogue.com or www.cvooo.com
ColorVogue web is a new marketing media in Internet. It is not only a center for providing colorful famous brands from all over the world for customers, but also is an entire service platform of marketing and promotion which provides brand promotion, sales clue, market search and user club. All suppliers will provide free trial products for our members.
ColorVogue not only is luxury products website, but also a website that provides the users with free declaration of fashionable products, it is a platform for the users to communicate their experiences in using the products.
Unique marketing pattern helps ColorVogue web getting more than 1200000 faithful members within one year. And quantity of members is growing with the speed of 1000 new members every day. Among them 80% are active users, i.e. 80% members attend all kinds of trial activities every month. Most of these members are people with high diploma of 20-35 years old. They are leaders of modern commerce, tide of consumption culture and groups. In one word, they are the group who have better consuming ability and take active consumption.
Now products of ColorVogue web have covered every walk of life, including fields such as Famous watches / Brand leather products / Catering & hotel /Coffee & Tea, Nutrition & health care / Ordering for massage / Health Equipment / Furniture tendering, Beauty & skin care / Facial & body beauty / Personal cosmetics / Jewelry & ornaments, Fortune information / Master's training / Experts & masterpieces / Gifts & craftworks, Computer game / Global tourism / Telecom products / Brand name electronics. Besides trial of products, ColorVogue web still provides all sorts of exchange platforms for triers, including experience comment zone and trier bbs. Meanwhile, ColorVogue web will set a purchase special area in each cooperate special area. Thus members can feel ColorVogue products and purchase products directly with preferential price in ColorVogue shopping mall so as to get accumulating consumption score.
ColorVogue web takes One Day. One World as its enterprise tenet, hammering at becoming the largest brand league platform for Independent Business Owners and the best consumption website for international name brands, creating value for consumers, merchants and members and really realizing Goods go the whole world, Consumption creates wealth!
www.colorvogue.com or www.cvooo.com
2 answers
4 answers