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trieing onward from the expectations

1 answer

this is what im trieing to find out

1 answer

my roblox always is updating when im trieing to play my game

1 answer

just keep trieing and soon enough you will have heaps to spend.

1 answer

Still have questions?
magnify glass

To be honest its about cheating and the girl trieing to apoligise to late

1 answer

Someone once claimed to have found a Pikachu forest.

1 answer

I would say the 1930's because people were trieing to steel people's money

1 answer

who was caught red handed trying to blow up parliament in 1905

2 answers

i realy dont know but im trieing to get in contact with him to hold down a cofferice with me for youth im 19 and need his help hes the best

1 answer

if you used an action replay...sometimes they screw up your game...

Also trieing to clone Pokemon messes the game data and you will either have nothing happen, your Pokemon will be gone, or you'll get two Pokemon

1 answer

For Alcohol, call the Lakeland chapter of Alcoholocs Anonymous (863) 687-9275. For narcotics, call (863) 683-0630. If neither of these are the sort of program you are looking for, the representative who takes your call can give you the number of the organization you seek. Good luck to you.

1 answer

If your good at it or you just wanna be famous practice singing alot and when you think your good enough go sing in front of people and see what happens. If nothing happens keep practicing. Then do it again. Remember if you want to be famous you have to keep trieing. So remember don't give up on it.....

1 answer

it can be prevented by watching what you eat and taking blood into a blood tester beacause it is not as harmful and you cant die from it but if you dont watch what you eat and dont know what your blood presser is then you go to type three four and so on. on the last type though and your still not trieing to prevent it then thats when it can be fatal

1 answer

Psychology is understanding the brain and trieing to undderstand why people do, say and react the way they do.

Philosophy is thinking about indepth things such as ,, does good exist or why we are here or if we are really here at all.

4 answers

well first ask your parent and see if you can clean the house stuff .then clean your room also clean the Padip if have one. vacuum also dust you can do dishes you can put stuff were it needs to be put in place. help some one with there garden umm. you also can wash clothes fold them hope this was helpful. im also trieing to save money .

1 answer

i belive cant give up now is a very insperational because the song is basicly telling you no matter how hard some thing gets you never give up. you get back up no mater what it is for example im a foster child amd im having trouble adjusting to things and i feel like im going to give up i just listen to the song and say i can do some thing i dont have to give no matter what the sercomstances are i just keep n trieing until i get it right

1 answer

The Office for National Statistics reported that there were 2.16 million registered businesses in the UK in the year to March 2008

56.9% were corporations

25.4% were sole traders

14.1% were partnerships

3.6% other

Man, this was the exact same question I had! too bad no one answered it.

9 answers

In a pure substance, all particles are the same and are arranged in a consistent pattern. This results in uniform properties throughout the substance. In contrast, a mixture consists of different types of particles that are not uniformly distributed, leading to varying properties at different points in the mixture.

6 answers

It is hard to find a definitive answer to where in the world the Harry Potter phenomenon is the most popular, because the term could refer to book sales or to enthusiasm for the world J.K. Rowling has created in general. Different population sizes means that wherever the most amount of books are sold cannot reflect the popularity, neither can Box Office sales (for the same reason). Based on interviews with actors involved in the films, and comments by the author, J.K. Rowling, there is large fan support in The United States of America and Japan, both being large contibutors to fanmail recieved. Whether that trend is due to popularity or having too much time on their hands, is another story all together...

2 answers

The most effective method of breeding a seaweed dragon is a water dragon (lv 10 left) and a plant dragon (lv 10 right). This has about a 44% success rate.

It takes 5 hours to breed, and another 5 hours to incubate. The egg has blue and green wavy vertical lines.

Other possibilities (listed left to right and at level 10)

Love + Water (10% chance)

Lightning + Swamp (26% chance)

Ice + Flower (9% chance)

Sakura + Fog (8% chance)

The seaweed dragon can also be purchased in the market for 250 gems.

4 answers

You and two friends could be the pink ladies from Grease.

You could be a dead cheerleader i's a lot cooler.

You could be a movie star and a friend could be your agent. Another friend could be the Paparazzi.

Being a bumble bee is another idea.

Other ideas are:

a witch

an animal, like a cat or a penguin

If you want to be unique, do not go as a witch, wizard, spider, ghost or devil. They are too common.

9 answers

If you find newborn baby rabbits, the best course of action is to contact a local wildlife rehabilitator or vet for guidance. It's important not to feed the rabbits or attempt to care for them yourself, as improper care can harm them. Keep them warm and dry in the meantime.

10 answers