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12,000 ft is the treeline in Colorado.

1 answer

As we watched, the deer slowly walked out from the treeline.

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Small branch plants grow above the treeline.

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Downhill from the treeline, it is warm enough for trees to grow. Uphill from the line, it is too cold.

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9,000-12000 feet.

California is a big state, obviously. Treeline drops by 1000 feet for every 600 miles north you travel, on average. Additionally, treeline is about 1500 feet lower on the west side of the Sierras than on the east side, due to the cooler summers caused by the nearby ocean.

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The treeline is the point above which trees do not grow on a particular mountain or group of mountains. Many mountains have bare summits, but many have large regions above the treeline where there is only rock, snow, and some plants such as lichens.

2 answers

A tree line also called timberline is referring on the stage where the trees stop growing. Tree line happens in frigid places.

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Trees grow at a certain temperature and have trouble above a certain level. That is called the timberline. It turns to grass or gravel at the timberline.

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A tree line also called timberline is referring on the stage where the trees stop growing. Tree line happens in frigid places.

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Juniperus tibetica is the highest tree species ever found in the northern hemisphere and Himalayas. It is located in southeastern Tibet at a maximum elevation of 16,000 ft. or 4,900 meters.

Generally, the treeline in other parts of the Himalayas ranges around 12-12,500 ft. or 3,700 meters.

There is some variation, depending on exactly which part of the Himalayas is being referred to.

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They live in dramatic temperautre extremes, from hot deserts of Arizona and south to near the treeline in extreme northern Canada and Alaska

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Putting dunes on beaches is a natural barrier against coastal erosion.

Having a thick treeline of sturdy trees can serve as a natural barrier against some tsunamis.

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"Tree line" used in the sense of terrain, is where trees start or stop growing. Above the tree line it is too cold and rocky, below the treeline is savannah.

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The greater kudu inhabits hilly brush country of E and S Africa, ranging to altitudes above the treeline. Members of this species are always found near water and are excellent swimmers.

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A pinewood forest is simply a forest whose trees are mainly coniferous. A thriving natural pineforest may be found above the treeline where other broadleaf trees would struggle to survive.

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The treeline made a boundary between my land and my neighbor's property.

Countries often fight over a boundary.

The boundary was marked with red flags.

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From some information found on the Denali National Park website:

Tundra is simply the land above treeline. Treeline varies with latitude, existing at about 18,000' at the equator, about 10,000' in Colorado, about 2700' in Denali and drops to sea level in the vicinity of the Arctic Circle. Tundra comes in two basic forms: dry tundra, which is usually found on well-drained mountain slopes and ridges, and moist tundra which is damp to downright boggy. The word tundra comes from a Lapp word meaning "marshy plain."

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The area where it becomes too cold, dry, and windy for trees to grow is known as a tundra biome. Tundra regions have short growing seasons and low temperatures, limiting the growth of trees to mostly shrubs and small plants.

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Lake Isabelle is located 2.1 miles from the Long Lake Trailhead in the Brainard Lake Recreation Area. It sits at treeline in an idyllic alpine valley framed by Navajo (13,409'), Apache (13,441'), and Shoshoni (12,967') peaks.

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On March 16, 2013 just before 8:00 PM, a snowmobile rider in Flamborough, Ontario swerved sharply to avoid a treeline and was thrown from his machine. Speed and alcohol were both factors in the fatality.

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The reason that the top of a tall mountain in a temperate (not temperature) forest resembles a tundra of taiga because of the extreme cold, snow, ice and lack of biodiversity above the treeline that can be found there.

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The Battle of Gettysburg was fought in slightly rolling, working farm land. YES, there were forests around the fields. General Lee watched from a forest treeline, as the disaster of Pickett's Charge across a freshly ploughed field into Union artillery played out.

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All mountains have trees, but only for so high. There is the treeline which, on a mountain, is the altitude line above which no trees will grow. Some species of trees (conifers, for example) may grow higher than broadleaf trees that thrive best lower down in the valleys.

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The edge of a habitat where trees are able to grow. * in which trees are unable to grow above the timberline, cause there is less oxygen in the air!

3 answers

Because it has temperate weather conditions for a region above treeline.

4 answers

Yes, but only in those areas where the summer thaw layer of permafrost was deep enough to allow digging into the ground and it wasn't too soggy. Tents in summer and snow houses ("igloos") in winter were a lot more common.

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John F. Mullins has written:

'Napalm dreams' -- subject(s): Fiction, United States, United States. Army. Special Forces, Vietnamese Conflict, 1961-1975

'Into the treeline' -- subject(s): Fiction, United States, United States. Army. Special Forces

1 answer

Content Management Systems - Alfresco, Xaraya

Document Management Systems - Ephesoft, OpenKM

Configuration Management - Subversion, OpenCM

Groupware - Kolab, OpenGroupware

Personal Information Managers - Ximian Evolution, TreeLine

ERP and Financial Software - NOLA, Compiere

Database Software - Firebird, Novinyl

1 answer

Kiwi have a thick layer of shaggy feathers. This layer is around 2.5 cm thick, helping to insulate the bird in cold weather. Most species of kiwi do not live in areas where snow falls regularly in winter. The Haast's Toloeka, which can inhabit elevations above the treeline, are able to burrow through the snow to reach their burrows in the winter.

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A tundra is a biome characterized by low temperatures and little precipitation, with plant life mainly consisting of mosses, lichens, and low shrubs. It is found in Arctic regions and at high altitudes where the conditions are too harsh for trees to grow.

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The temperature in the Antarctic tundra can vary widely, but is typically cold with temperatures often below freezing. In winter, temperatures can plummet to around -40°C (-40°F) and in summer, they can hover around 0°C (32°F).

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The subarctic is most of Canada and is the climate zone directly below the arctic. The Arctic has ice sheets, tundra, cold winters, cool summers. The subarctic has winters but the summers are warm enough for trees and much more life. It extends from the Yukon to Newfoundland.

A more informal use of the term has it referring to the area just south of the treeline and not including the prairies, or areas further south.

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Subalpine forests are characterized by cooler temperatures, high elevation, and shorter growing seasons, typically found below treeline in mountainous regions. In contrast, scrublands are dominated by shrubs, grasses, and small trees, usually in arid or semi-arid environments with poor soil conditions. Each ecosystem has unique plant and animal species adapted to their specific conditions.

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Denali, also known as Mount McKinley, is host to a variety of plant life due to its vast elevation range. At lower elevations, you may find spruce and birch forests, while higher up, alpine plants like saxifrage, lichens, and mosses thrive. Above the treeline, only hardy plants like dwarf willows and alpine azaleas can survive in the harsh conditions.

2 answers

From some information found on the Denali National Park website:

Tundra is simply the land above treeline. Treeline varies with latitude, existing at about 18,000' at the equator, about 10,000' in Colorado, about 2700' in Denali and drops to sea level in the vicinity of the Arctic Circle. Tundra comes in two basic forms: dry tundra, which is usually found on well-drained mountain slopes and ridges, and moist tundra which is damp to downright boggy. The word tundra comes from a Lapp word meaning "marshy plain."

3 answers

There are various open source software available, such as Ephesoft, OpenKM , TreeLine and many more and such open source software are vary useful for business industries for their business growth. Below are some advantages of Open Source Software -



Lesser hardware costs

Lower software costs

High-quality software

Fast deployment

Integrated management

Abundant support

2 answers

The alpine zone is mostly above the tree line, characterized by harsh weather conditions, rocky terrain, and sparse vegetation due to its high altitude. This zone is found on mountains and usually starts above the treeline, where trees are unable to grow. Wildlife in the alpine zone has adapted to the extreme conditions, such as cold temperatures and high winds.

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Brachiation means to travel through the treeline by swinging underneath branches. Chimps may climb into trees to get food or sleep, but they do not use such a manor of locomotion. They are much too heavy to brachiate. Even when chasing monkeys, they balance themselves on the top of large tree limbs. They primarily travel on the ground, hence the friction pads on their knuckles. A counter example is the gibbon ape. They are excellent at brachiation because they are smaller, have longer arms in relation to their body size, and hooked hands.

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Norway's geography is dominated by vast mountain rangesbroken up by valleys and fjords. Less than 10% of the country's area is arable, and the rest is mountainous. Glaciers are the major cause for erosion, so terrain in Norwegian mountains consists of plateaus and lakes with peaks. These areas have abundant and diverse fauna and flora.

The altitude of the treeline is in reverse proportion to the latitude; in northern Finnmark, it goes at sea level. The treeline is also lower near the coast and higher on the eastern part of the mountains.

Mountain ranges also form the main boundaries among Norway's districts. They typically run north-south. Several of the ranges have had road and railroad passes since historical times; some are newer; and many close for the winter.

Norwegian mountain ranges provide some of the most attractive recreational areas in Norway, both during the summer and winter. Cabins and trails are operated by the Norwegian Mountain Touring Association at intervals that allow for weeks of uninterrupted hiking or cross-country skiing in the mountains

6 answers

tree lines change during a period of time due to different causes. The first one and most noticeable is the cutting down of trees by the logging industry. Then we have overflowing rivers wich can weaken the tree line and not being able to support the trees and roots, they fall and go downriver, changing that particular treeline. Then there is another reason. Out of full grown trees, nature has it's ways to expars the seeds and new trees are born changing the tree line because of the growth of the tree population.

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After you have defeated the Elite 4 and obtained the National Dex, go to Valor Lakefront by flying to either Sunyshore or Veilstone City and walking there. Leave the lakefront, continuing up to Route 214, which on your map you will notice has a new extension to it. Go up towards Veilstone, you will pass a fat man on you right and go to the right of the fence above him following the treeline. Further upward, a new path will appear on your right. This is Spring Path.

Note: You will need a Pokemon who knows Rock Climb to reach Turnback Cave. You may also want to have a Pokemon who knows Defog once inside the cave.

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Some of Nunavut's vegetation are rare berries, lichens, arctic willows, moss, tough grass, and small willow shrubs.

but you can just type nunavut vegetation into google and the first result has this exact sentance.

6 answers

The kiwi's habitat varies depending on the species; subsequently, so does the climate.

The Kiwi is native to New Zealand, and its habitat ranges from the coast to low-alpine zones located 1,500 metres above sea level. While most species live in lower-level habitats, such as native forest, shrubland, wetlands and coastal dunes, the Haast Tokoeka kiwi lives in low-alpine tussock grassland between 1,000 and 1,500 m above sea level. In these areas, winter snow can stay above the treeline for weeks, burying kiwi burrow entrances, but the kiwi are able to tunnel through the snow.

3 answers

The kiwi's habitat varies depending on the species; subsequently, so does the climate.

The Kiwi is native to New Zealand, and its habitat ranges from the coast to low-alpine zones located 1,500 metres above sea level. While most species live in lower-level habitats, such as native forest, shrubland, wetlands and coastal dunes, the Haast Tokoeka kiwi lives in low-alpine tussock grassland between 1,000 and 1,500 m above sea level. In these areas, winter snow can stay above the treeline for weeks, burying kiwi burrow entrances, but the kiwi are able to tunnel through the snow.

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Neither one is "better" per say; each of them have their strengs and weaknesses.

Kayle is a hybrid; she can be built as an Off-Tank, Support, or Mage. Play her if your team already has a champion that deals a lot of physical damage.

Ashe is a ranged physical initiator; she is always build for attack damage, and her ultimate is great at initiating team fights (opening up with a large nuke and stun is always nice). Play her if your team needs physical damage, an initiator, or a solo champion (laning with no allies. This would be Top on Twisted Treeline or Middle on Summoner's Rift). Be careful when playing Ashe; she has the least health in the game (1 less than Ryze).

1 answer

In the strictest sense, the Arctic is all of the Earth north of the Arctic Circle, which is located at 66 degrees, 32 minutes North Latitude. However, there are other definitions to suit specific scientific or political interests. For instance, the U.S. Congress has decreed that all of the Bering Sea, which extends southward to about 53 degrees North Latitude, is part of the Arctic for internal U.S. planning and budgeting purposes. Others make use of the such markers as the southernmost extent of winter sea ice for oceanic boundaries of the Arctic, or the treeline for terrestrial boundaries.

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In the Tundra the sun shines 24 hours a day. The weather is cold even in the summer months. The Tundra has little plant life because of the dry conditions. The Tundra is like a snow desert.

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