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The possessive form is: the trick or treaters' candy.

1 answer

In 2007, there were an estimated 36 million trick-or-treaters in the United States.

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Determine how much money i will spend to satify 75 trick or- treaters.

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Yes, "Trick or Treaters" should be capitalized because it is a proper noun referring to individuals who participate in the Halloween tradition of going door-to-door to collect candy.

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Travel fast. Dont look backwards

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Blast the people with water pistols or hose pipe!

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Nope, sorry, no one is ready on the 29th for trick or treaters

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If you are getting trick or treaters around your place for the first time the best way to greet them is with a friendly smile and a bowl of candy. If they say trick or treat, give them a piece or two and tell them how nice their costumes are and send them on their way.

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Homeowners will have Halloween decorations adorning their houses during Halloween. Additionally, if a homeowner is still allowing trick or treaters they will have their lights on. This is a common signal to let children and parents know that they are still welcome to ring the doorbell.

1 answer

Homeowners will have Halloween decorations adorning their houses during Halloween. Additionally, if a homeowner is still allowing trick or treaters they will have their lights on. This is a common signal to let children and parents know that they are still welcome to ring the doorbell.

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Every Halloween, she enjoys staying home to dole out candy to the trick-or-treaters.

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No reason why you can't. This year, 2010, the Moon will be a waning crescent 8 days past the full, so trick-or-treaters won't be able to see the Moon; it won't be up yet. The Moon will rise about 1 AM, and trick-or-treaters need to be in bed long before then!

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scary decorations, scary music, dog, no lights

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Staying inside and telling ghost stories almost keeps trick-or-treaters away, too...

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· Make a Walk of Death. It must be the only for trick or treaters to get to your front door. This will save you money, because only the brave trick or treaters will be able to come down the walk of death and get your sweets.

· If you have and a movable garden archway, this will be good as an entrance for your walk. Stick bats and other scary things on the archway. But if you don't have an archway, then it doesn't really matter. Make a spooky signpost saying "entrance" on it, so the trick or treaters know where to go.

· Make spider's webs out of string and stick them with cellotape to your house.

· To make the walls of the Walk of Death, you must make, or buy, full-size zombies, vampires, and other things to make the walls of the walk. You don't need to buy so many that there is no spaces between them. You could make more spider's webs and hang them between the zombies. But you must make sure that there aren't any spaces for wimpy trick or treaters to escape out of.

· Get lots of black paper and cut out bat shapes, then hang them outside your house.

· If you have followed the instructions correctly, you should of made an alleyway, that is the only way to get to your door, and your sweets. The walls of the alleyway should not be brick, but made out of zombies and other Halloween characters, and there is no way for wimpy trick or treaters to get to your door, without having to go down the Walk of Death.

· If you enjoy scaring trick or treaters, then you could replace one of the zombies with yourself in a Halloween costume. You could jump out at the trick or treaters as they nervously edge down the Walk of Death!

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  1. Phosphorus, which can be used in fertilizer production.
  2. Biogas, which can be used as a renewable energy source.

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The cast of Doc Holiday the Movie - 2008 includes: Ashley Akers as Jamie Walsh Richard Alcorn as Santa Claus Parker Byrd as Trick-or-Treaters Brody Byrd as Trick-or-Treaters Tim Caldwell as Man Not Wearing Green Fred Daniell as Doc Holiday Chris Storck as Bar Fly 1

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The most popular place to trick or treat in Arizona is Scottsdale because they give away the most candy

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which day of the week it falls on, the age of the kids in your area, the weather, local safety issues.

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1. Digging up corpses

2. Bashing the Easter bunny

3. Dissecting pumpkins

4. Howling at children

5. Poisoning children

6. Hanging witches

7. Throwing eggs at doors

8. Giving leftover Easter eggs to trick or treaters

9. Acid baths for trick or treaters

10. Eating sweets

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According to Slashfood.com, Snickers candy bars top the list for the most popular Halloween candy since 2009.

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The purpose of Halloween is two scare you so bad you pee and then to make you very fat by eating all the candy you get or the left overs you have from handing the rest out to the trick or treaters.

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Many adults stay home and hand out Halloween candy to trick or treaters. Some go to Halloween parties and others take their younger children trick or treating.

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The record low temperature was set in 1993 for Halloween in Tulsa Oklahoma. Little trick or treaters set out in 19 degree weather to collect candy.

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For two reasons.

Older times - To make offerings and gifts to the spirits believed to come out on Halloween night.

More recent - For trick-or-treaters.

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The three children in The Nightmare Before Christmas are Lock, Shock, and Barrel. They are mischievous trick-or-treaters who work for Oogie Boogie.

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Kids like to eat candy but Halloween candy in the shape of skeletons may scare some of the younger trick or treaters. I recommend candy in the shape of witches and cats.

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Kit Kat candy is a popular candy distributed to trick-or treaters. King is a Halloween costume.

5 answers

NO! the only holiday that figures in the story is Halloween, E.T. goes as himself in a Halloween procession of trick-or-treaters. Whole story takes place in suburban California, not the most ( Christmassy) landscape.

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I would talk to someone at the retail outlet where you are interested in making your purchase. They often have traning in these areas, and should be able to assist you.

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Park your vehicle on the street with the words "FREE CANDY IN THAT HOUSE" with an arrow pointing to your house. also leave a trail of gummy bears to your basement then have a bowl of delicious candies with sleeping pills shoved in them. Then....

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Staying at home to pass out candy to trick-or-treaters is more fun when you do it in costume. The following three adult Halloween costumes are sure to scare mischievous young trick-or-treaters silly.

The Classic Autumn Scare Crow

Several weeks before Halloween, make a show of decorating your porch. Hang artificial cobwebs in the corners of doors and windows. Set out Jack-o-lanterns as centerpieces on patio tables. Store the deck chairs and place a few hay bales in their stead. Craft a life-sized scare crow using old clothing, work gloves and a large hat. On Halloween night, dress up as the scare crow and set on the porch with a bowl of candy. Trick-or-treaters will be scared stiff when you move suddenly, grab their hand or speak as they reach for a treat.

The Faux-Bottom Bowl Trick

Trick-or-treaters expect creepy things to be stuck in the candy dish on Halloween night. Most will not give a second glance to plastic spiders, severed hands or heads stuck in the candy dish. The faux-bottom bowl trick exploits the tendency trick-or-treaters have to ignore the creepy stuff that gets stuck in the candy dish to scare them.

Cut the bottom out of a large plastic bowl. Cut a matching hole from a cheap plastic card table and table cloth. Cover the table with the table cloth and place the bowl upon it, lining up all of the holes. Crawl underneath and poke your head through the bowl. Have a friend help you tape newspaper around the gaps to keep candy from pouring out once it is filled. Complete your costume with a scary zombie mask and practice your best undead moans. Trick-or-treaters will be spooked senseless when they discover that your candy dish is loaded with an extra scary surprise.

The Traditional Halloween Witch

The classic green skinned witch with a hook nose and pointy black hat can still scare the wits out of even sensible young children if the part is played right. Remember the story of Hansel and Gretel when getting into your role. Be sure to delight in giving out candy to your young guests, check to see if the cauldron is ready regularly and test every plump little finger that ventures through your door!

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For those who do celebrate it (though many do not), it is observed on the same day as Western cultures - October 31st. Halloween has only recently caught on in Italy. As a result, many of the older generation don't know how to respond to Trick-or-Treaters.

1 answer

this is strange that i know this but here goes...

On the first day of Hallowe'en

my true love gave to me

An owl in a rotten oak tree

On the second day of Hallowe'en

My true love gave to me

Two trick or treaters

And an owl in a rotten oak tree

On the third day of Hallowe'en

My true love gave to me

Three black cats

Two trick or treaters

And an owl in a rotten oak tree

On the fourth day of Hallowe'en

My true love gave to me

Four skeletons

Three black cats

Two trick or treaters

And an owl in a rotten oak tree

On the fifth day of Hallowe'en

My true love gave to me

Five scary spooks!

Four skeletons

Three black cats

Two trick or treaters

And an owl in a rotten oak tree

On the sixth day of Hallowe'en

My true love gave to me

Six goblins gobbling

Five scary spooks!

Four skeletons

Three black cats

Two trick or treaters

And an owl in a rotten oak tree

On the seventh day of Hallowe'en

My true love gave to me

Seven pumpkins glowing

Six goblins gobbling

Five scary spooks!

Four skeletons

Three black cats

Two trick or treaters

And an owl in a rotten oak tree

On the eighth day of Hallowe'en

My true love gave to me

Eight monsters shrieking

Seven pumpkins glowing

Six goblins gobbling

Five scary spooks!

Four skeletons

Three black cats

Two trick or treaters

And an owl in a rotten oak tree

On the ninth day of Hallowe'en

My true love gave to me

Nine ghosts a-booing

Eight monsters shrieking

Seven pumpkins glowing

Six goblins gobbling

Five scary spooks!

Four skeletons

Three black cats

Two trick or treaters

And an owl in a rotten oak tree

On the tenth day of Hallowe'en

My true love gave to me

Ten ghouls a-groaning

Nine ghosts a-booing

Eight monsters shrieking

Seven pumpkins glowing

Six goblins gobbling

Five scary spooks!

Four skeletons

Three black cats

Two trick or treaters

And an owl in a rotten oak tree

On the eleventh day of Hallowe'en

My true love gave to me

Eleven casks a-leaning

Ten ghouls a-groaning

Nine ghosts a-booing

Eight monsters shrieking

Seven pumpkins glowing

Six goblins gobbling

Five scary spooks!

Four skeletons

Three black cats

Two trick or treaters

And an owl in a rotten oak tree

On the twelfth day of Hallowe'en

My true love gave to me

Twelve bats a-flying

Eleven casks a-leaning

Ten ghouls a-groaning

Nine ghosts a-booing

Eight monsters shrieking

Seven pumpkins glowing

Six goblins gobbling

Five scary spooks!

Four skeletons

Three black cats

Two trick or treaters

And an owl in a rotten oak tree

4 answers

A popped Halloween treat is usually popcorn. People used to at one time, give out homemade popcorn balls as treats on Halloween. This is rarely done anymore. Now people may give out individual snack size bags to trick or treaters.

1 answer

Halloween is a fun holiday for both kids and adults. It is especially a wonderful day for children because it means lots of free candy. As a home owner, you can simply choose to turn off your porch lights. This will signal to trick-or-treaters that you are not giving away treats. However, if you like the Halloween atmosphere and enjoy the ambitious vibe of young trick-or-treaters, then giving away candy can be quite fun itself.

You have a plethora of choices on what kind of candy to give away. You likely want to be remembered as a home owner who gave away the "good stuff". The "good stuff" can be a lot of things, but there is one type of candy that they are absolutely not. They are not small pieces of generic hard candy that come in a wrapper. Mint and butterscotch are some examples. These are very unpopular even if you give them by the handful. If you give out this type of candy, trick-or-treaters will roll their eyes the minute they walk away.

If you choose to give away hard candy, there are several options that are popular. These include Blow Pops, Life Savers and Jolly Ranchers. Some other choices that children like include Tootsie Rolls, Sour Patch, Starburst, and Nerds. Chocolates that come in bite size are also popular. Go for the brands that everyone is familiar with, like Snickers, Milky Way, Reese's Pieces and Nestle Crunch.

If you would really like to be creative, you can purchase mini candy bags and put candy inside them. These bags are sold in bulk and usually come with some sort of Halloween design. You can place small confectionery like candy corn in them. Just seal them and they are ready to be given out.

Children love candy, and Halloween is a time for them to get lots of it. Be remembered by the trick-or-treaters as one of the people who gave away the "good stuff".

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Sally misses the Trick or Treat because she is with Linus in the pumpkin patch. After you bring her a bag of candy, she leaves. Violet is one of the trick-or-treaters, along with Lucy, Pigpen, and Charlie Brown. Neither is present at the very end of the quest.

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They are usually large but most of the time you can choose to have them made any size you prefer. Custom Halloween bags just means that you can make them look how you want them to look and say what you want them to say, most of the time they are used for Halloween parties or for trick or treating.

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You must mean Dum-Dum questions. You will probably find a lot of Dum-Dum questions on the site once we begin to approach Halloween. Dum-Dums are a very popular sucker, and not very expensive, which is why it is such a popular candy for people to hand out to Trick-or-Treaters.

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By giving an alternative to it, hold a party or disco at your local youth centre. If you dont like trick or treaters coming to your door then just put your lights out and go out for a nice meal somewhere. Or if your trying to persuade someone not to go you should take them out to a nice meal somewhere.

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Well, some might do the five days but most will do just the 31st(hopefully!)

2 answers

Glass Guys are professional window cleaners and treaters. If you were to ask them in person about window treatment ideas they should be able to give you some options or ideas that would suit your needs. They also have a 100% guarantee if you are not satisfied with their work.

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People of all sensibly and humanly possible ages go trick or treating!

Although you'll find that more children appear on the streets on Halloween, you are bound to find some adults and elders dressed up for fun and knocking at doors for some candy of their own.

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You can detain or order off people on your own property or the property for which you are responsible if they have not been invited.

However Trick or treaters, carol singers and similar are not quite the same. If you do not want such visits then you should clearly state that desire by prominent signs. Without them it is quite likely they could counter sue. And win.

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