The traction control system has sensors on each wheel to tell the computer when a tire is slipping. A good tire shop should be able to identify and repair the issue for you.
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You probabl need an alignment-
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what about it? if its on, your traction control is on & working. if its not, then its not!!
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if u turn off any other driver aids along with this u can normally slide the car
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As a general term, traction means pulling on part of the body.
Most often, traction uses mechanical force (sometimes generated by weights and pulleys) to put tension on a displaced bone or joint, such as a dislocated shoulder, to put it back in position and keep it still.
Traction is also used to keep a group of muscles (such as the neck muscles) stretched to reduce muscle spasms. This is called cervical traction.
InformationAs a treatment, traction will involve a certain amount of tension to pull the body part into another position, a length of time to use the tension, and a way to keep the tension.
2 answers