They were very funny! :P nahhh thoo! :P
1 answer
I go there two!(:On The First Of Aprill thoo;;right roundd the cornerr
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go to snow point city and try and get the boat ask the man in till he lets you have aride
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Zarathustra is typically pronounced "Zah-rah-thoo-struh" with the stress on the second syllable.
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Μέδουσα, pronounced me-thoo-sa [me(n)-th(at)-(ch)oo(se)-sa(nd)]
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Two. It's pronounced thoo-row. However, the similarly-spelled through has one syllable.
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Roughly "tooaha djae dhanan"
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Jean monet.. by his first wife camielle
idk if i spelt Monet's wifes name right thoo
alll welll
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he died on January 20th 1871
im doingg a project on himm :)
does anyone kno HOW he diedd thoo ? :S
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yeah go to the bacon then look thoo the tellascop then go to the beach and there will be rockhoppers ship then get on it there that is were you well find him
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Cthulhu has also been spelled as Tulu, Clulu, Clooloo, Cthulu, Cthullu, C'thulhu, Cighulu, Cathulu, C'thlu, Kathulu, Kutulu, Kthulhu, Q'thulu, K'tulu, Kthulhut, Kulhu, Kutunluu, Ktulu, Cuitiliú, Thu Thu According to Lovecraft,kə-thoo-loo is merely the closest that the human vocal apparatus can come to reproducing the syllables of an alien language
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yeah, there was one in conneticut, for abotu 2 years the leader got sentenced for 24 years! not sure what they did thoo! :) so who was the leader of the black hand gang????????????????????????????????????
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The stories of H.P. Lovecraft contain many wonderfully amazing creatures. But in my humble opinion I find that Cthulhu (kah-thoo-loo) was Lovecraft's best creature.
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noo, he wass actually prettyy weakk wen he was masked, it was cuz of his bro the undertaker he seemed stronng , hee iss muchh stronger noww thoo
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The cast of Love in Singapore - 1980 includes: Prathapachandran as Krishnan Nair Latha as Sudha Jayan as Suresh Prem Nazir as Premachandran Jose Prakash Madeline Teo as Madeline Steven Thoo
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In Irish (Gaelic) it's "tú" (singular/thou) and "sibh" (you plural/ye). Pronounced as "thoo" and "shiv". No formal/informal distinction is made.
Scottish Gaelic is "thu" (oo) and "sibh" (shiv) but the plural is used as a more formal form in the singular, as in French.
It's Irish
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Pain levels can vary from person to person, but generally a tongue piercing is rated around a 5-6 out of 10 in terms of pain. The discomfort is typically brief and manageable.
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I Belive That if the Government Abususes There Powers Then They should Un elect The Person that has been abusing it.. I Dont know For Sure.. Thoo
Ryan Kuhl + Brett Brisco!!
Ervin Middle School Hahahhahahaha
2 answers
Not Jacobs...Most supermarket brands of cream crackers are fine thoo :)
Nahh I'm joking DO NOT FEED YOUR GUINEA PIG CREAM CRACKERS...they are too dry and can clog up in its little inner tubes :L hope i helped :) x x
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Yes, unless you subscribe. You can do this by clicking the "get wooz" and following the instructions. I hope this helped. I want wooz and rich clothes like rares alot of rares stuff plus i want a colorble deadmau5 and thats all i want i want lott off woooz thoo ! like 999999 ! lol
1 answer
Kidda means How Are You? In india, mostly punjabi. Its not such a manerable way of saying it. You would say that to someone you know really well. To someone else you would say Thoo Teek Yu? ( too-teeek-Ya
2 answers
Black oysters are a type of edible mushroom that have a dark, velvety appearance with a distinct flavor profile. They are commonly used in culinary dishes for their earthy and rich taste. Black oysters are a popular choice for adding depth and complexity to various recipes.
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I think that song is by Pheo i fogot the title thoo ;3
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The pronunciation of "Is breá liom tú" is roughly "iss braw lum too" in English. The 'b' in "breá" sounds like a 'v', the 'l' in "liom" is similar to a soft 'y' sound, and 'tú' rhymes with "too."
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More common Irish expressions might be:
Go n-éirí do bhóthar leat; Go dtéidh tú slán; Go soirbhí Dia dhuit. (these are all to one person).
[guh ny-ree dhu wóhur lath] [guh djae thoo slawn][guh serivee djeea ghitch] pronounced as in Galway.
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Tír na nÓg Land of the young. (teer na nóg)
4 answers
Lots of people say, he deserves a personal life because he is only 13. butt tbfff if he wanted a personal life he shouldn't have joined diversity. so yeah this is the real addy and i have proof cause he has been on webcam to tuns.
kielyboy360@hotmail.co.UK <<<<<<<< dontt bee upset iff he don't accept thoo :/
3 answers
Vanessa, I'm sure is a bit unhappy with this but is trying to keep her cool and carry on with life. That's what we're hoping anyway. I thing because it's Ashley Tisdale she doesn't mind. THAT MEANS THAT SHE DONT TRUST ZAC WITH ASHLEY
2 answers
Why you asking dis sight for anyway ! Idk im pretty sure you don't know how bout you finish school and maybe you will know. Should ask an american government teacher, like mine (Mr. Robinson ) im preety sure someone like dat would know. N if Tcm is reading dis yes im referring to you! lol j/p but finish school thoo
1 answer
haha never ever ever in ur life krump to jsquad beats those are not what people krump to these days jsquad is wakk nd imma real krumper my bigg homie is under spade if u want traxx hmu on aim but here are some good 1nse thoo
search for traxamus,chez,jtight,roxomus,jrealz,alkemist,lil alkemist,or autotoon and for more hmu on aim flyn508 or email me flykidd56@gmail.com
1 answer
Cáide mar atá tú? / Conas atá tú? / Cén chaoi a bhfuil tú?
These are an example of the three common "canúint" or dialects in current Irish
They are Ulster/Munster/Connaught respectively
Leinster dialect is largly unused now and would have been closest to the Munster form "Conás atá tú - or - Conás tá tú"
3 answers
Only H. P. Lovecraft could really give an answer to that. The creature was his invention.
Here are quotes from two letters written by H.P. Lovecraft, courtesy of The H.P. Lovecraft Archive:
*The actual sound-as nearly as human organs could imitate it or human letters record it-may be taken as something like Khlûl'-hloo, with the first syllable pronounced gutturally and very thickly. The u is about like that in full; and the first syllable is not unlike klul in sound, since the h represents the guttural thickness. The second syllable is not very well rendered-the l sound being unrepresented. (to Duane Rimel, 23 July 1934)
*The best approximation one can make is to grunt, bark, or cough the imperfectly-formed syllables Cluh-Luh with the tip of the tongue firmly affixed to the roof of the mouth. (to Willis Conover, 29 August 1936)
To be more practical though, most people agree that most people pronounce it "kuh-THOO-loo", and since the word is from a fictional alien language and it is clearly stipulated that this language cannot be faithfully reproduced in ANY form of human language (written or otherwise), it should be fine to go with that one.
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How do you say: Welcome The new champion, Can I speak to you, Where are you from?, How can I do this, What time is it, how do I do it, why can't I do this,who is this?
And can you say some phrases like, "where is the bathroom at?"
And:"how are you"
And anything else insults swear words any info you can think of thanks.
(Just keep in mind that people have a good sense of humor and not to be afraid when it comes to learning a new language)
Phew! :) Let's see...
For the first few, it's most likely to be...
"Fáilte, an buaiteoir nua" - Welcome, the new winner/champion.
(faw-il-t'ye un boo-i-t'yor nnoo-a)
"An féidir liom labhair leat?" - May I speak to you?
(An fae-d-yir l-yum llou-ir l-yath)
"Cad as duit?" - Where are you from/Where do you come from?
(kodh oss dhit)
"Conas gur féidir liom é seo a dhéanamh?" - How can I do this?
(kun-uss gur faed-yir l-yum ae shuh a yaen-uv)
"Cén t-am é?" - What time is it?
(kaen thom ae)
"Cén fáth nach féidir liom é seo a dhéanamh?" - Why can't I do this?
(kaen faw nnoch faed-yir l-yum ae shuh a yaen-uv)
"Cé hé seo?" - Who is this?/Who have we here? etc.
(kae hae shuh?)
--- Useful phrases : ---
Dia dhuit/Haigh = Hello. (d-yee-a ghit) (hi)
Conas a tá tú? = How are you? (kunnuss athaw thoo)
Cá bhfuil an leithreas? = Where's the bathroom? (cawill a leh-russ?)
Slán = Goodbye. (slawn)
--- Insults---
Well, Irish is an old language so we haven't got a lot of slang or cursewords.
Dún do chlab! = Shut your mouth! (dhoon dhu chlob)
Is amadán tú! = It means "You're silly/stupid" or a good translation my cousin's teacher once gave him was, "You're a bit of a clown."
(Iss om-a-dhawn thoo)
Is duine gránna tú... = You're an ugly person. (Iss dhin-e grawnn-a thoo)
Ollphéist mór! = Big monster (Ull-paesht more)
Cac! = Shit
1 answer
they have it because they like change and feel like having a new heart. They like to get new hearts so they can eat there old ones. They taste very nice these days, especialy on a salad platter. so cut out your heart any days, u wont die.
3 answers
BUY A SD CARD IT HAS LYK NO MEMORY THOO! you should definitely buy the lg viewty it is easy to put songs on the phone with wondows vista u select mass storage on the phone connect and open folder to view files, you dont even need the software that comes with the phone the lg viewty has a great camera and video and music player my mum has the n95 and she hates it she is getting a different phone, the lg is a great phone and i love it u can even text like a computer keyboard, please buy it, it a great phone!!!!!!!!
1 answer
No, girls that are 7 don't have boobs
Actually, thats not true. When I was 7 I was a 30A. Now Im 11 and i stumbled across this wrong answer and had to update it. Anyway, yea so im 11 and im a 34C. TRUE. FACT. NOT LIE. So if your 7, and your boobs arent flat wear a sports bra and then most likely wen ur 8 wear a cup bra. ALWAYS START AT 8....Unless you dont wear a bra till ur lik 15...then start at usually B.
tht ones kindaa true...i dnt agree wit the 1st one thoo....at all...im 17 and im a 36G so wen i was 7 i was a 32AA.
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