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Put it in the orange,then the spotter thinger bajinger,then blue,then take off the spotter thinger bajinger.

1 answer

A thinger ma-jiger...

1 answer

you need to use ur Pokemon aopp thinger

1 answer

I beleive the rolling stones first started in April 1962. If not please give me a question thinger mabober

3 answers

Still have questions?
magnify glass

You have to slide the marbles in a particular order, and into the right colored slot thinger. When you get them all in, you go to the next level. After 3 levels, you'll receive a reward.

1 answer

yes of course

anyway if you want to be healthy try eating healthy food like chips, chocolate, candy and many other foods so you can have smooth and sexey thinger thaighs. So if you think this is realy stupid then you are an idiot

1 answer

im not sure if theyre the same in the us and uk, but in the us there is a wheel switch thinger to the right of the sunroof open/close control, which is located to the right of the steering wheel, it controls the brightness of all lights wired to it

1 answer

You have to head to the Burned Tower. Talk to Eusine there, head up by the ladder and you'll fight your Rival. After defeating him go down the ladder and approach the 3 Legendary Beasts. They'll run off and Eusine will come down to talk to you and then he'll run off. Morty will return to his Gym after this and then the guy blocking your way in the Gym will no longer be there.

2 answers

when u have made the stink bomb go near the pricipals door blow a bubble with the bubble gum and u'll get in the principals office she'll tell you to sit and be quiet u do and set off the stink bomb and u'll get her outof the room and go in her drawer ull go down and find a person he'll talk to you ull find the bell thinger and fix it and ur almost to the end !!!!!!!!

your helper karalynda

1 answer

you can buy it back from the repossess depot thinger yeah but you have to pay all your payments on it

The above answer is correct, but does not answer the question actually being asked; i.e., the guy/gal wants to go grab the car from the repo guy or car lot where the repo was delivered to.

My answer is YOU BETTER NOT TRY. That would be auto theft, grand larceny or theft over x hundred dollars. Why? Because you do not own the vehicle. Your grab-it and run plan would be the same as taking any car parked on the street.

1 answer

chances are your cylinoid is clogged up (the thingy under the battery that moves back and forth to engage/disengage the 4x4) ... easy fix really .... pop the hood, disconnect and remove the battery, battery tray, and maybe tray brace (depends on which Chevy chasis is used) ... you should see a thinger that's roundish on a bar .... and all sorts of gunked up .... wipe off the gunk .... put it all back together ... play with the 4x4. Works for me ....

In the future, avoid huge puddles in the middle of winter .... as fun as they are, this is a pain in the tush to take care of ...

best of luck

1 answer

[must have hookshot, must be able to last alot of monsters, i recomend getting the soup from grandma[use a fairy on her] and get some fairies, need power bracelets] THE MONSTERS WILL NOT GIVE ANY ITEMS OR RUPEES Remember outset island? that old thing that your sister got swiped from for being mistaken for zelda? yea, your not done there quite yet, use the balled of gales or sail there, go by your house, then go to the cliff with that giant HEAD on it, the big blue stone one, use your hookshot to grapple onto the tree up there, then lift the big head and throw it, fall down the hole, gather the fairies in the jar, now go down the next hole, MONSTERS! defeat them ALL then keep going down the holes, again and again and again, there are 3 main levels, the easy monsters, the medium, and the hard, mixed in with the rest, once you get past all the levels, you will reach a room with a big statue, and 2 floor decorationg thingies, stand on the blue one and play the wind changing song, then a chest should appear! open it! there is the map[now go to tingles tower thinger, and have him decode the map for an UNREASONABLE amout of rupees] if you want to continue...use the mirror shield in the light, and shoot it at the statue, trust me this is hard, you have to deal with parrot mages, black, silver, gold, and scarlet nights, insane amounts of chu-jellies and some others, your prize? alot'o'rupees, even more than the level dividers, im talking thousand+ the never ending cave has ended!

1 answer

When I installed a BOA remote start into my Alero it provided detailed instructions in their manual and on the site. Most sites also provide tech support and wiring guides. I can't speak for keyless entry, but the remote start took a good amount of work. First you pull the radio to get to the ignition harness. Now, going from memory you'll have I think: - 2 red constant 12v power wires (always test for positive voltage, no matter where the key is) - 2 acessory wires, voltage to these cuts off when the key is in crank position (I had to use 2 relays to split 1 acessory wire into two for my kit) - 2 ignition wires, has voltage when key is in crank and running position (I believe there is a pink and a greenish one) - 1 starter wire, has voltage when key is in the crank position only Then you'll need a DEI 555L bypass module to eliminate Passlock. There are 3 small wires near the ignition harness, a black, yellow, and white one. The black 555L wire connects to this small black wire. Cut the Yellow wire in half on this harness. The yellow 555L wire goes to the key side of the yellow wire, the yellow/black wire goes to the other end of the cut yellow wire. (that may be backwards, I can't remember, the manual explains it.) Next the blue 555L wire connects to the remote start units output wire that is designed for it. For me it was a blue wire. The 555L pink wire connects to the pink Ignition1 wire of the remote start module. Finally the red 555L wire connects to a constant 12V power source. you'll also want to hook up the brake shutoff if you have that with your remote start module. Take off the two plastic panels under the dash on the driver's side, which is easy to figure out. Next poke aroundd above the brake until you find a small harness coming off of the top of it. There'll be a light blue wire on this harness somewhere. You're going to splice the Remote Start brake input wire into this light blue wire, then put everything back together. Don't worry about the Alarm disarm wire, as the alero doesn't have a factory alarm. Also, for my remote start module, it only gave a - parking light output, and the Alero has + parking lights (or vice versa, I forget, again). To make the BOA remote start module work with your Alero parking lights you would need to hook up a relay as per the web site's instructions. I just bypassed this. Before trying your remote start, you must run the car for about 15 seconds so the 555L module learns the passlock bypass code thinger. Don't ask questions, just do it, heh. In case you run into trouble make sure all your connections are good. When I put mine in I had a loose ignition wire, so my car would only crank but not actually fire. If yours does that you have an ignition wire loose. If your car fires up for a brief moment, sounds like it'll go fine, but then dies, your passlock 555L module isn't hooked up right, check all connections, turn the car back on then off, and try it again. those are the only problems I can diagnose off the top of my head. Good luck, it's a lot of fun doing this install, lots of hard work too, but very worth it.

1 answer

The easiest way if to Recruit a Friend (or RAF). This way you will receive 3x experience therefore leveling up at a faster rate.


If you do not have recruit-a-friend, then the best way is still to quest, do dungeons, and grind it out. Also, if you happen to already have a high level character, and enough badges/stonekeepers shards, the investing in some BoA (Bind on Account) gear. If you get the chest and shoulders, this will give you 20% extra XP from killing mobs and completing quests. There is also a ring, for another 5%, but that is from the Kalu'ak fishing derby and is harder to get. Joining a guild can be helpful as well as generally guild mates will make gear and weapons, enchant, glyphs and other services for their guild members free or at a severely reduced cost.

9 answers