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testor models are testors of models and pocher models are reciprocals of tester models

1 answer

The coolant is low, probably from a leak. You need to have it checked with a pressure testor.

1 answer

bad testor, dirty or corroded connection points on the data link. hope it helps. duboff

1 answer

The feminine form of the Latin word 'testator' is testatrix. The word means 'one that makes a will'. It derives from the verb 'testor, testari', which means 'to give evidence of, to bear witness to, or to call to witness'.

1 answer

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The feminine form of the Latin word 'testator' is testatrix. The word means 'one that makes a will'. It derives from the verb 'testor, testari', which means 'to give evidence of, to bear witness to, or to call to witness'.

1 answer

No, a lay-witness to a will has no such responsibility, their only necessity is that they can testify to the fact that the person signing the will was, in fact, the testator, and that they signed it of their own free will. They have no other legal responsbiility.

1 answer

Well sometimes requires a dianostic testor or unplug the positive side of battery wait then plug it back on. Just like rebooting a computer at home.

1 answer

Now this is a real testor. I think it has to be a farce question. Anybody else living in the premises? Cold and/or hot water doesn't come out?

1 answer

it could be the odb-1 testor plug. that is the computer diagonistic plug. It is hard to say without seeing the engine compartment. hope it helps. duboff.

1 answer

spin the motor, if its raspy or rough, any play in it, replace it! i should have done that first! i went through 2 resistors. im bummed!

2 answers

Yes. The best way to change the beneficiaries in a will is to execute a new will. To make minor changes a codicil can be attached to the will. However, major changes in beneficiaries should be made in a new will. The first clause of any will should always include a statement that all other wills and codicils are hereby revoked.

1 answer

Check to see if fuel injectors clogged/ or fuel injectors getting power (requires special noid testor) . I take it you checked fuel pressure at fuel rail.

1 answer


Yes, use acrylic paint. Don't use enamel paint (like Testor's paints). Some popular brands use for painting miniatures are Citadel (games-workshop.com), Reaper (reapermini.com/Paints), and Vallejo (vallejopaints.co.uk). Primer is necessary as well. Read the bottle of primer to make sure it's okay for plastic.

1 answer

more than likely engine rings or valves. to find out either do a wet and dry compression test, or have a tech do one. this type of test will tell you which is the problem. the test is not difficult. you can check with the local parts store and they should be able to help. they will also try to sell you the tester. it is not an expensive testor. hope it helps. duboff

1 answer

Monica Reyes has: Performed in "Candela" in 1999. Played Steffi Testor in "Schnell ermittelt" in 2008. Played Polizistin in "Echte Wiener - Die Sackbauer-Saga" in 2008. Played Dr. Carmen Henckel in "Die Lottosieger" in 2009. Played Carmen in "Die Lottosieger" in 2009. Played Lady Macduff in "The Tragedy of Macbeth" in 2012.

1 answer

Esther, ester, fester, tester, and wrestler.
2 syllables:

bester, brester, chester, ester, esther, fester, hester, kester, leicester, lester, mester, mestre, nester, nestor, pester, questar, rester, tester, testor, trester, vestar, vester, westar, wester

3 syllables:

amvestor, investor, ivester, mclester, molester, requester, semester, sequester, silvester, sylvester, sylvestre, trimester

1 answer

First thing: pull th plug and check the gap and any extreme fowling. My first question to this problem-how do you know it is the #4 plug that is mis-firing?

If you are certain it is #4, pull the plug wire, insert a spark testor or an old plug, put on a glove that is well insulated (chore gloves work well dry), have somewone crank the engine, hold plug testor or plug about 1/4" from a well-grounded nut/bolt on the engine and check for spark. If the spark is blue, the spark is good. If it is an orange/yellow, it is weak-check the colil within the distributor.

Anther way to check spark is with a spark plug wire light-i use a lisle 19380

wire light-just put the groove area of the tester on the plug wire and it will light if the spark is strong enough.

1 answer

First make sure it's really not getting fire, go to sears and get a spark testor I think they're around $15. If it's really not getting spark to any of the cylinders, check the coil wire, then the coil, then the distributor cap and rotor. what is it doing ?? Is it fluding from too much nfuel when cranking over id there any spark? what do the plugs look like.

1 answer

Niyazi Er has: Performed in "Hayat cehennemi" in 1958. Performed in "Belali torun" in 1962. Performed in "Cilali Ibo ve kirk haramiler" in 1964. Performed in "Selahattin eyyubi" in 1969. Played Budala Testor in "Battal Gazi Destani" in 1971. Performed in "Arzu ile Kamber" in 1973. Performed in "Ferman" in 1975. Performed in "Yarinsiz adam" in 1976. Performed in "Kanli Nigar" in 1981. Played Imam in "Degirmen" in 1986.

1 answer

could be alot of different problem. best thing is to have it place on an obd2 testor and see if any codes come up. most parts stores will do it for you. they want to sell you parts to fix it. They what can cause it to happen are: bad crank sensor, bad idle sensor, computer malfunction. fuel pump relay, trottle body intake sensor not working properly. This sounds familiar. check the manufactor web site to see if there are any recalls. . hope it helps. duboff.

1 answer

Initially, I didn't think anything would happen as your battery duked it out with the grounding strap, sparking and heating up. I did a little research and found that people who switched the battery cables blew their ECU's and relays, or anything with a diode in it. Maybe it reversed the polarity in the rest of the car. If the rest of your car is okay, the engine starts, radio plays, etc., then I would check the convertible motor. Check the wire with a testor to see if it's getting juice to the motor. No juice, check the relay in the fuse box. Juice going to and from the relay, check the switch on the console.

1 answer

The cast of Battal Gazi Destani - 1971 includes: Kerim Afsar as Leon, Bizantine Emperor Aynur Akarsu as Faustina Erden Alkan Tarzan Baba as Physician Arap Celal as Tellal Muzaffer Civan as Castle Guard Gani Dede as King of Malatya Necati Er Niyazi Er as Budala Testor Nesrin Nur Turgut Savas Tevfik Sen as Bizantine Warlord Yusuf Sezer as Zindanci Baki Tamer as Tevabil Usta Ali Taygun as Polemon, Bizantine Lord Oktay Yavuz as Bizantine Warlord Reha Yurdakul as Hileryon

1 answer

The cast of Richtung Zukunft durch die Nacht - 2002 includes: Barbara Albert as Joggerin Veronika Albert as Kinobesucherin Karl Bretschneider Umut Dag Georg Friedrich as Barkeeper Gundula Geiger as Kinobesucherin Michael Glawogger as Kinobesucher Valentin Hitz as Kinobesucher Thomas Jonigk as Kellner Stefan Loskot as Tankwart Johanna Moder as Martha Nicholas Ofczarek as Biker Kathrin Resetarits as Anna Simon Schwarz as Nick Gregor Seberg as Biker Michael Tanczos as Biker Erik Testor as Kinobesucher Nicolas Wan Park as Vietcong

1 answer

Yes, in fact the attorney who drafted the will is in the best position to give that testimony. Presumably, the will was written according to the testator's desires, was reviewed by the testor to make sure it was correct and then signed. Sometimes wording chosen by the lawyer seems clear at the time but become ambiguous when taking into account facts that the lawyer didn't know about or that occurred after the will was signed. For example, if a testator tells the lawyer he wants to give his neice Nancy a bequest but doesn't tell the lawyer he has two neices named Nancy, the lawyer drafting the will may be able to clarify who was meant by testifying about their conversation.

1 answer

Its a pain in the but. but you have to undo the engine mount and take it off. try to put something under the motor to hold it up but be carefull of the oil pan. and it should be on the backside of the motor towards the back. also take the serpentine belt off. once you do that. there should just be a couple of bolts that hole it on, undo those, the wires, and wiggle it out. be sure to disconect the battery too to prevent any shorts from your alternator. now get the alternator tested. i had one that wasn't putting out charge, i did all of this to find out it was a little transistor (i believe that's what it is called) box that sits below the intake between the firewall and the motor. i just took out that box and we haven't had any problemswith it too. it'll also save you a lot of money. just go to autozone or a place with an alternator testor. they should do it for free

1 answer

First of all, the only ones that can't be studied for, is a pop quiz. You don't know that you're going to be quizzed. But if you study all subjects every day (I doubt people do this), you still are technically studying. For subjects? All subjects need studying. You somehow have to prepare for them. English prosse test? Start by reading prosses and reading over your notes and memorizing the elements, what questions you're likely to be quizzed at and reflect how you did the questions to intrpet your test. Just remember, all subjects need to be studied for a yest. Pop quizzes are barely an exception.

It also depends on your grade.

I think the person MIGHT have been asking a joke or riddle, and did not put it into the correct category.you cannot study for a blood test or a urine testOr a drug test

lol i think your hilarious... "Cant study for a Blood Test" =) ;) You just made my day!!!

1 answer

if the abs system is working. anti lock breaks. then the fault will be in the electrical system. you can go to the parts store and they will run a obdII testor on the system. usually they don't charge for the test. They want to sell you the parts to fix it. It could be several other things, but to have the test done will be the easiest way to find out what the problem is. The other thing that you can do is buy the tester. Some run as cheap as $30.00. From 96 on the connector was placed in the passenger compartment. usually by the left side kick panel, or somewhere around the steering coloum below the dash board, and instrument panel. Check the owners manual for the location, you can use a haynes manual specific to your vehicle, ask at the dealer. hope it helps. duboff

Incorrect. The scanner that auto part store has will not read abs codes. You must have some1 put a actual reader on it like a snap-on or solus.

1 answer

oil pressure problem with high mileage could be a clogged up oil uptake tube on the oil pump. bad oil pump. Check the timing belt, Most people don't change their when it is due,(including me). It should be changed every 60k miles. It could be that the motor is just wearing out. The car computer may have some information on what is happening. I am not sure if your vehicle has an obd-1 or and obd-2 link. might want to take it to the parts store, and see if they will run the test for you. most don't charge. they want to sell you the parts to fix it. You can buy a testor for it. I don't recommend it unless you are responsible for many vehicles. hope it helps. duboff

1 answer

To calculate the energy lost in the collision for truck 1, you can use the formula: Energy lost = initial energy - final energy. The initial energy of truck 1 before the collision can be calculated using kinetic energy formula 1/2 * mass * velocity^2. The final energy of the system after the collision can be calculated using the same formula with the final velocity and mass of both trucks combined. Subtracting the two will give you the energy lost in the collision for truck 1.

2 answers

The driving testor's instructions. You will be nervous as hell but must still follow instructions. Make a full and complete stop at any stop sign and look three ways before moving again. I learned the test route from previous applicants before my test but on the driving test the instructor said turn right here. That was not the normal route. I somehow made it from the left lane of a fourlane highway to the right hand street entrance and between vehicles in the right lane without wrecking my mother's car and got back to the Patrol testing Post. A full and complete stop at stop signs is a requirement for passing the test. Using turn signals is another important requirement. It is also a requirement for your continued longivity. It is very possible to miss seeing a moving vehicle that is moving towards the intersection you are at because of the color of the oncoming car blending with the background colors of the area it is coming from. Sad, but true. A full stop gives you more time to see or sense movement.

1 answer

Sounds like a basic tune-up is in order; spark plugs, wires,fuel filter,airfilter,PCV, cap and rotor need to be checked and replaced.This should get you running good again. Mark i have already done this check your compression, you might have bad rings, do you burn oil? answer. check the throttle body to make sure it is clean and has full movement. run a compression test, wet and dry on the motor and see it the pressures match on a 10 percent range. may indicate rings, or valves. check the cat. convertor to make sure it is functioning properly. if not the back pressure of the exhaust may cause. there is probably an obd1 test link in the engine compartment. some parts stores will run there testor and see if they can locate the problem. inside the distributor there are a couple of electrial components that may be the source of the problem. if that is the problem then replacing them should handle the problem. again parts stores usually will test the distributor. They want to sell you the repair parts. Where i am at, it was cheaper, to get a rebuilt distributor. It may not be the same there. hope it helps. duboff

1 answer

probably some type of blockage in the line or a bad fuel filter. start by depressorizing the fuel system. this is done by removing the fuel pump fuse and try to get the car to run. if not use the right tools to remove the filter. If you don't you may twist the fuel line. check the fuel pump relay if you vehicle has one. probably dose. check fuel flow before and after the filter. replace the filter and inline. Follow the line to the fuel rail. disconnect the line. replace the fuse. be careful gas and electric not a good combination.If the gas flow is good. reconnect the fuel line. Try and start the motor. if it works you are done. if not the problem is in the fuel rail or the injectors, or the computer module that controls it. your vehicle has a obd2 data connector under the dash some parts stores have the testor and will run the test. It is a good idea to make sure your system is right. it is usually free or cheap. they want you to buy the parts. you may want to check the net to see if there is a Chevy forum to help with questions. I am on the land rover site. Even i sometimes need some help. hope it helps. duboff

1 answer

get your local rules first and foremost!!!! read and understand them !!! the speed is in the wheels and axles and the car when finished it should weigh the maximum allowed most times it is 5 ounces. DO THE AXLES AND WHEELS FIRST TAKE YOUR UNCUT PINEWOOD DERBY BLOCK and put it in the oven for 1 hour at 200 degrees F to get rid of moistuer. the more time you spend DOES make a BIG difference. get the tools to help at your scout store get extra wheels too- the're cheap remove burrs from the axles, straighten then flare the nail head ( they have this tool at your local boy scout store)and polish the axles til they shine like a mirror. a drill press is great for this. start with 240 grit sand paper and contiue upwards to emery clothe. use the wheel mandrel in the drill press to to get rid of the bumps on the wheels and make it perfectly round. use the hub bevel inside and outside of the wheel. stuff the axle full of graphite using a testor model paint brush set aside. shape the car wedge cars win the most!! get some lead fishing weights or real car wheel weights to get the car up to weight. the car should weigh 4.3 ounces before paint and wheels. prime paint, let dry 24 hrs. lightly sand 800 grit and prime again, let dry 24 hrs. lightly sand paint, let dry 24, sand paint dry, sand paint dry, sand 2000 grit lightly. glue wheels, let dry test for straight drive and adjust as needed

1 answer

Frank Christi has: Played Frank in "Adventures of Wild Bill Hickok" in 1951. Played Sam in "Cavalcade of America" in 1952. Played Slot Machine Player in "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" in 1955. Played Stew Perkins in "Cheyenne" in 1955. Performed in "Tombstone Territory" in 1957. Played Officer Folson in "The DuPont Show of the Week" in 1961. Played Milo Pike in "The F.B.I." in 1965. Played Bill Wicks in "Mission: Impossible" in 1966. Played Prisoner in "Nevada Smith" in 1966. Played The Scrivener in "Batman" in 1966. Played Bradshaw in "Mannix" in 1967. Played Brastow in "Mannix" in 1967. Played Stone in "Mannix" in 1967. Performed in "Mannix" in 1967. Played George in "The Name of the Game" in 1968. Played Bodyguard in "Lancer" in 1968. Played Sam Reynolds in "My World and Welcome to It" in 1969. Played Nichols in "The Partners" in 1971. Played Lopez in "Cannon" in 1971. Played Mr. Forbes in "The Steagle" in 1971. Played Tony Testor in "Cannon" in 1971. Played Teale in "Terminal Island" in 1973. Played Harold Early in "The Don Is Dead" in 1973. Played Jack in "The Magician" in 1973. Played Perlman in "Griff" in 1973. Played Freddy DeSanti in "Toma" in 1973. Played Marty Clifford in "Kojak" in 1973. Played Phil Donnati in "The Story of Pretty Boy Floyd" in 1974. Played Vincent in "The Rockford Files" in 1974. Played Brill in "The Rockford Files" in 1974. Played Frank in "Baretta" in 1975. Played Thaler in "The Blue Knight" in 1975. Played Rick Palanzi in "The Invisible Man" in 1975. Played Premo in "Baretta" in 1975. Played Cafe Owner in "Delvecchio" in 1976. Performed in "Wonderbug" in 1976. Played Walt Mathes in "Delvecchio" in 1976. Played Lucas in "Serpico" in 1976. Played Joe Greene in "Blackjack" in 1978. Played Ted in "The Incredible Hulk" in 1978. Played Tony Packoe in "Supertrain" in 1979. Performed in "Nero Wolfe" in 1981.

1 answer

Home pregnancy test are notoriously inaccurate. Go to your doctor for a serum hcg test.

Over the counter urine pregnancy tests are actually quite accurate. They are not as accurate as the blood test that physicians can order, but newer urine tests can detect HCG in the urine as early as 8-10 days after conception - usually before the 1st missed period.

See the link below for more information.


home pregnancy tests claim to be around 99% accurate after a missed period. however, blood tests done at your doctor's office are able to detect levels of HCG much earlier. blood tests are considered around 100% accurate, where as home pregnancy tests are less due to possible errors in timing or errors in performing the test.

The answer preceding this one is accurate in that the blood test may be able to tell you if you are pregnant earlier - we can tell you within 3-5 days if you are pregnant. However, the actual utility of the increase in accuracy is questionable. Most people will not even suspect they are pregnant until they miss a period, by which time an over the counter urine test (which cost about 10 dollars) is just as accurate as a urine or blood test done in a doctor's office (and will cost you over 100 dollars, and possibly up to 500 dollars or more if you go to the Emergency department).

Bottom line: use a urine pregnancy test at home if you have missed your period and think you may be pregnant. If you are pregnant, see your OB/Gyn or Primary care physician for follow up. A blood test is only useful if you are having problems with your pregnancy to help us work out what may be going on.

3 answers

Molten rock, also known as magma when below the Earth's surface, is a mixture of molten minerals and gases. It forms beneath the Earth's crust due to high temperatures and pressures melting rock. When magma reaches the Earth's surface, it is called lava.

9 answers

Outside of your own home, "kosher" is not that "clear-cut". As an issue of deep

conviction to many people, it's a thing that's impossible to determine at a glance,

and those who hold it most deeply are unlikely to eat anything prepared outside

of their own homes.

A restaurant, or someone else's home for that matter, is not kosher because

they say it is. For those who actually care, the determination is always made

by a dis-interested third party, i.e. an authority or agency qualified to inspect

and monitor the restaurant, determine its adherence to standards of kosher

practice, and willing to certify the restaurant and rest his own reputation on it.

So, a kosher restaurant displays a dated document, issued and signed by the

certifying individual or agency, that certifies it as kosher.

Now to the real world . . .

The Jewish people are far from being a monolithic structure. There is no central human

authority and no network of human leadership in Judaism, and the Jewish propensity

for debate, even with gcd, and questioning of each others' opinions and practices,

is a staple of Jewish culture and folklore. Add to this the fact that Jewish philosophy

and culture evolved independently in up to 140 different countries during 2,000 years

of exile, and one might truly wonder how in the world there are any identifiable similarities

at all among Jews by now. (This is one of many facts that renders the conspiracy

theory of any worldwide "Jewish plot" so absurd.)

Jews of various ethnic, national, and cultural origins, as well as Jews with varying

levels of Judaic conviction and adherence, have different standards of kosher

acceptance and practice. They have ALL come together, and are rubbing shoulders,

in Israel. There are many different individuals and agencies monitoring and certifying

the kashruth of public facilities, partly because there is no single one whose

certification is acceptable to all in the marketplace who keep kosher. So a

restaurant that is 'kosher' to one group of Jews is not necessarily kosher to

another group.

That said, it's estimated that some certification from some individual or agency is

displayed by roughly 70% of the restaurants in Israel.

"Why not all of them?" you ask ? After all, Israel is a Jewish nation, Jews are the

majority of its population, and it has just recently passed the mark of being home

to more than 50% of the Jews in the world. So why are not all of its public

restaurants kosher ?

The answer is: Exactly because Israel is not a theocracy. There is no religious test

or requirement for citizenship, land or home or business ownership, school or

university admission, professional practice, elective office, or government service,

and Israel has no official state religion. Of all people, the people of Israel know

what religious discrimination smells like. The country has many laws that guarantee

the freedom to practice one's religion, but none that compel it. Your right to organize

an agency dedicated to the inspection, monitoring and kosher-certification of

restaurants is protected, as is your right to operate a strictly-kosher restaurant

if you can attract enough support from the marketplace to earn your living at it.

But so is your right to operate a restaurant without the business expense of

kosher certification, and serve the part of the resident and tourist marketplace

who just want to grab a quick double-bacon-cheeseburger, wash it down with

a vanilla shake, and go on with a hard day of shopping.

2 answers

Yes, they released top-secret government information

Another view...I disagree, and for rather a lot of reasons.

In order to explain my answer (and to rebut the above answer), I need to clarify a few points on how national security works.

After WW-II, the international security community had developed a staggering number of security classifications in what was a hierarchical attempt to sequester certain information. Unfortunately, information doesn't often fit into a rigid, pyramidal, hierarchical structure. There is no "man at the top" who can know everything, as even then, everything was beyond the scope of one person.

In an effort to address this, most of the classifications were removed, with only three remaining in the classified world: Classified, Secret and Top Secret. And of course not everything fit into these three. Some information was so important that it needed to be shared only with those that needed to know. And so Compartmentalized information was created. In this case, information that was sensitive was classified within a project or compartment name. So, for instance, your Top Secret clearance wouldn't get you anywhere near the "Ultra" information that had to do with Japanese encryption during WW-II. This sort of compartmentalization exists to this day.

Even with this simplification, however, problems existed. Think of the poor security officer tasked with developing classification. If he declassified something, there was a chance he'd get in a lot of trouble, if the datum turned out to be really sensitive. And if he declassified correctly, well… nothing. No awards for that. So quite naturally, a lot of information became or remained classified at higher levels than it needed (if indeed it needed to be classified at all). The result of this was that, entering into the 21st century, the US had a dazzling amount of stuff retained under security classification, that really didn't need to be classified at all. This caused a huge problem in terms of intelligence analysis and collaboration, highlighted by some of the investigations after 9/11, where data wasn't always passed for fear of compromising security.

Both the Bush and Obama administrations have made it a priority to declassify a huge amount of information held under legal classification. It's a great idea, has bipartisan support and no real opponents. The problem, of course, remains that, even with a presidential directive or edict in place, the job of declassification is both extremely difficult, politically dangerous and utterly unrewarding. The result is predictable: not nearly as much has been done as was mandated.

Enter WikiLeaks. In America and most democratic/republican governments, there is a requirement for openness in all matters of government. Naturally, this is offset by the requirements of national security, and everyone agrees with both these principles. The government needs accountability to the people, the people want it, and most good government does too. This doesn't mean every door is open, but most should be.

Over its existence, WikiLeaks has been presented with a wide array of information, often acquired from whistleblowers, declassification, news sources, etc. WL has shown a lot of care in what actually gets released, and how. The more controversial items in the last large release had been offered beforehand to the US Department of State (DOS), for them to vet what was potentially really critical and what wasn't. WL has, at government request, redacted documents. And they do maintain the 1st Amendment shield of the free press.

To date (2012 Feb), I cannot find a case where WL released data with a classification higher than Secret; no Top Secret data appeared in my search. Nothing in the areas of WMD's, encryption, satellite intel, COOP/COG, or C4I where released that I could see, and this is a good representative slice of what modern governments consider to be the holiest of holies. We do seem some opinions expressed by the DOS about foreign leaders that are somewhat derogatory and not what I'd like said about me, but then Americans are famous for being open about their political opinions. We see obsolete SpecOps "manuals", and budgetary talk about the Iraq war and Afghan action. We don't see the wing design of the B2 bomber (although Testor's Model Company, makers of plastic models of planes and ships, apparently has a pretty good handle on that).

In summary, while I haven't reviewed every jot and tittle released by WL, I haven't seen anything that would endanger the US national security at all. I have on the other hand seen the upholding of a great free tradition: government accountability to the people.

For these reasons, I would suggest that the WL leaks have helped the US far more than hurting us.
Yes and no.

The release of 'classified' information damages the security of the United States. The problem with people is that they don't realize this while they are cheering on Wikileaks. The damage can be as simple as a growing distrust between countries, which is a threat to US security as well as every western nation.

The release of 'non-classified' information could beneficial to the political processes of democracy.

1 answer

The cast of Schnell ermittelt - 2008 includes: Carl Achleitner as Hermann Kleeberg Trude Ackermann as Herta Strobl Johann Adam Oest as Dr. Udo Wolanig Therese Affolter as Petra Werner Tatjana Alexander as Micha Weber Gerald Alexander Held as Roland Anwatter Astrit Alihajdaraj as Johannes Kranz Verena Altenberger as Assistentin von Dr. Poschner Fanny Altenburger as Jenny Kirchner Xenia Assenza as Sybille Hannbaum Patricia Aulitzky as Valerie Lesky Wolf Bachofner as Harald Franitschek Kristina Bangert as Sandra Habertheuer Gabriel Barylli as Dr. David Meister Tatjana Batinic as Sonja Horvath Leon Baumgartner as Ferdi Wolfram Berger as Ing. Weismann Martin Bermoser as Horst Gaggl Stefano Bernardin as Klaus Klein Haris Bilajbegovic as Barkeeper Milica Bogojevic as Anna Haller Martin Brambach as Ullrich Golling Ruth Brauer as Mag. Caroline Pittov Konstanze Breitebner as Frau Wimberger Gottfried Breitfuss as Dr. Konrad Czermak Alexander Bruckner as Crime Scene Technician Julia Cencig as Susanne Huber Thomas Clemens as Sebastian Mahler Deniz Cooper as Karl Emily Cox as Diana Weininger Peter Davor as Manfred Fichtner Ciro de Chiara as Juan Martinez Ciro de Luca as Giulio Tomasi Christian Dolezal as Dr. Nossek Birgit Doll as Heidi Koller Gerti Drassl as Nicole Wondrak Darina Dujmic as Susanne Tramitz Michael Duregger as Justizwachebeamter Stefanie Dvorak as Amanda Thaler Mercedes Echerer as Frau Weismann Andrea Eckert as Klara Fuchs Rainer Egger as Florian Meier Dorit Ehlers as Schwester Claudia Christian Erdt as Michael Solm Martin Exel as Cobra-Mitglied Peter Faerber as Franz Hofer Silvia Fenz as Nachbarin Karl Fischer as Karl Schuller Ronja Forcher as Edona Kasapi Matthias Franz Stein as Konrad Horvath Michou Friesz as Cordula Meister Regina Fritsch as Dr. Andrea Rehberger Alina Fritsch as Tamara Morgenstern Phillippa Galli as Ines Ablinger Ulrich Gebauer as Norbert Steiner Melanie Gemeiner as Margarete Laub Nikolai Gemel as Niklas Herbst Berit Glaser as Bettina Klein Veronika Glatzner as Theresa Steiner Alexander Goebel as Georg Vitter Daniela Golpashin as Irene Weismann Carmen Gratl as Birgit Lehner Gerhard Greiter as Wachmann Christoph Grissemann as Christoph Bachmann Marisa Growaldt as Ulrike Konrad Gernot Haas as Kellner Silvia Hackl as Elsa Gorger Franziska Hackl as Miriam Ebner Sylvia Haider as Eva Schmitz Alfons Haider as himself Theresia Haiger as Anita Maly Harald Haller as Helmut Fried Andy Hallwaxx as Wedding Planner Assistent Markus Hamele as Zeuge Boris Hanreich as Polizist Maria Happel as Edeltraut Schmickl Maximilian Harnisch as Yanis Litani Dorothee Hartinger as Sarah Bogner Julia Hartmann as Claudia Roth Alma Hasun as Schwester Silvia Simon Hatzl as Dieter Wiesinger Sigrid Hauser as Gabriele Meyerhofer Fiona Hauser as Kathrin Schnell David Heissig as Heinz Max Herbrechter as Philipp Schwarz Lili Hering as Lisa Meyring Markus Hering as Martin Schuster Heinrich Herki as Hotelportier Pia Hierzegger as Karin Schwarz Maddalena Hirschal as Tina Robner Philipp Hochmair as Heinz Testor Barbara Horvath as Eva Steindl Aida Hossein as Sprechstundenhelferin Coco Huemer as Anna Weissenberger Xaver Hutter as Alexander Busch Aloysius Itoka as Nathan Mzanga Alexander Jagsch as Tausig Cherrelle Janecek as Erste Turmspringerin Brigitte Jaufenthaler as Gudrun Herbst Tini Kainrath as Erste Klosterschwester Melanie Kaltenbrunner as Dritte Turmspringerin Soogi Kang as Frau Wu Bianca Kanotscher as Graziella Bracci Isabel Karajan as Viktoria Throst Andreas Kiendl as Gregor Ogertschnig Lynne Kieran as Zweite Klosterschwester Andreas Knoll as Helmut Schafranek Roland Koch as Sebastian Karger Daniela Kong as Dr. Tianhui Gruber Harald Krassnitzer as Wilhelm Bruckner Veronika Kratochwil as Zweite Turmspringerin Noemi Krausz Noemi Krausz as Lucy Haller Brigitte Kren as Helga Sommerbauer Ulrike Kriegler as Karin Wiesner Johannes Krisch as Marco Wieland Susanne Kubelka as Gordana Hannbaum Dagmar Kutzenberger as Annabelle Fiedler Helmut La as Fritz Lotte Ledl as Emma Pribil Christian Leikam as Niko Hartmann Simon Licht as Georgyi Kundic Birgit Linauer as Regine Biro Andreas Lust as Stefan Schnell Sona MacDonald as Barbara Monowa Michael Maertens as Dr. Paul Poschner Ulli Maier as Walburga Keil Edita Malovcic as Sophia Reiser Erni Mangold as Frau Havliczek Eva Maria Neubauer as Antonia Tomasi Alexandra Maria Timmel as Major Julia Kleber Peter Matic as Herr Dorfinger Paul Matic as Hugo Dunfel Misel Maticevic as Ulrich Larsen Fanny Matschnig as Nora Juergen Maurer as Ulrich Haderer Yekaterina Medvedeva as Isolde Dinescu Michael Menzel as Oliver Dehne Claudia Messner as Maria Dorkmann Tamara Metelka as Sabine Meyring Robert Meyer as Monsignore Melach Susa Meyer as Simone Czech Max Meyr as Reschitz David Miesmer as Klaus Karner Marion Mitterhammer as Elisabeth Schwarz Mehdi Moinzadeh as Amin Litani Philipp Moog as Peter Feiler Thomas Mraz as Rainer Thaler Arben Murseli as Hans Brunner Gerhard Naujoks as Dr. Senger Adele Neuhauser as Dr. Carola Mickl Angelika Niedetzky as Miriam Liszt Merab Ninidze as Besim Kasapi Robert Notsch Martin Oberhauser as Streifenpolizist Cornelius Obonya as Karl Esch Catherine Oborny as Iris Sommerbauer Ferry Oellinger as Herbert Gorger Michael Ostrowski as Mario Wondrak Irene Paal as Dritte Klosterschwester Robert Palfrader as Dr. Johannes Kammerer Michael Pascher as Berti Schwarz Andreas Patton as Gernot Hartmann Walter Pepl as Rudolf Sommerbauer Heidelinde Pfaffenbichler as Gerda Leyrer Loretta Pflaum as Sonja Swoboda Olivia Pflegerl as Nina Kleeberg Chris Pichler as Clara Kirchner Katharina Pichler as Justizwachebeamtin Michael Pink as Tobias Lenk Christian Pogats as Roland Tuppi Hary Prinz as Klaus Meyerhofer Nina Proll as Nina Kranz Alexander Pschill as Roland Czerny Stefan Puntigam as Manuel Biedermann Peter Raffalt as Karl Netuschill Dominik Raneburger as Samael Peter Rapp as Jonas Wultz Gundula Rapsch as Dr. Ines Strahlhammer Seraphine Rastl as Maria Tiffner Tanja Raunig as Sophie Wimberger Bettina Redlich as Marlene Schwegler Lena Reichmuth as Julia Hofmann Konstantin Reichmuth as Lukas Bogner Kathrin Resetarits as Alice Reiter Lukas Resetarits as Gustav Demscher Monica Reyes as Steffi Testor Ruth Rieser as Agnes Hartmann Anna Rot as Lilith Rudi Roubinek as Vater Manuel Rubey as Alexander Berkowitsch Manuel Rubey as Herr Meier Laurence Rupp as Roman Havlik Gisela Salcher as Claudia Beneder Valentina Sauca as Alina Steiner Bernhard Schir as Helmut Meyring Chris Schlegel as Abschleppdienst Max Schmiedl as Hausmeister Gabriela Schmoll as Maria Servator Holger Schober as Johann Schuller Harald Schrott as Georg Throst Viktoria Schubert as Hilde Nedbal Rafael Schuchter as Thomas Pointner Simon Schwarz as Bernie Holpfer Bettina Schwarz as Bixi Leutgeb Dagmar Schwarz as Maria Morgenstern Libgart Schwarz as Rita Friedhelm Gregor Seberg as Alfons Drechsler Mark Seibert as Rainer Kaufmann Gery Seidl as Mark Marjan Shaki as Anna Siedler Wanyu Sheng as Wang Shu Hans Sigl as Thomas Frantek Johannes Silberschneider as Dr. Gregor Jagsch Simonetta Solder as Dr. Ana Sofia Pinero Nadja Soukup as Panja Kasapi Susi Stach as Maria Weissenberger Michael Steinocher as Sebastian Meyerhofer Katharina Stemberger as Ingrid Schafranek Dirk Stermann as Dirk Molina Thomas Stipsits as Marco Steiner Ursula Strauss as Angelika Schnell Daniela Streubel as Sabrina Zwick Alexander Strobele as Manfred Karner Franziska Sztavjanik as Dr. Monika Sattler Aglaia Szyszkowitz as Denise von Langheim Florian Teichtmeister as Markus Sommerbauer Melanie Teix as Dr. Meisters Assistentin Margarete Tiesel as Maria Gorger Victoria Trauttmansdorff as Maria Winter Elisabeth Trissenaar as Beate Berkowitsch Heinz Trixner as Dr. Sigismund Weber Maria Urban as Gerda Zieher David Valentek as Elias Wondrak Darko Vladetic Raphael von Bargen as Martin Glockner Julia von Juni as Laura Czerny Irma Wagner as Evelyn Frantek Thando Walbaum as Jean Batista Mukulele Raimund Wallisch as Robert Eichinger Irina Wanka as Margarete Hannbaum Christian Weinberger as Arbeiter Franziska Weisz as Franziska Albrecht Heinz Weixelbraun as Amtsrat Herbert Wasik Andrea Wenzl as Daniela Mittermaier Susanna Wiegand as Rezeptionistin Elke Winkens as Ingrid Schimanek Rafael Witak as Polizist Hubert Wolf as Herr Walke Susanne Wuest as Veronique Werner Wultsch as Ernst Krivanek Anna Yntema as Lisi Mautsch Johannes Zeiler as Dr. Markus Waldner Bibiane Zeller as Grete Netuschill Martina Zinner as Magda Haderer Johannes Zirner as Benni Friedhelm

4 answers

Philipp Hochmair has: Played Peter Altmann in "Tatort" in 1969. Played Jan Becker in "Tatort" in 1969. Played Lev in "Tatort" in 1969. Performed in "Bella Block" in 1994. Played Sebastian Hauser in "Ein starkes Team" in 1994. Played Hannes Jessen in "Doppelter Einsatz" in 1994. Played Chris in "Boomtown Berlin" in 1996. Played Golo Mann in "Die Manns - Ein Jahrhundertroman" in 2001. Performed in "Nachtfalter" in 2001. Played Die Wissenschaftler - Lars in "Das Experiment" in 2001. Played Golo Mann in "Unterwegs zur Familie Mann" in 2001. Played Hamlet in "Hamlet" in 2002. Played himself in "Zibb" in 2003. Played Erwin Obauer in "SOKO Donau" in 2005. Played Fipsi Galen in "SOKO Donau" in 2005. Played Xaver Brenninger in "Winterreise" in 2006. Played Policeman in "Memoryeffekt" in 2007. Played Dennis in "Polly Adler" in 2008. Played Heinz Testor in "Schnell ermittelt" in 2008. Played Mario in "Tag und Nacht" in 2010. Played Niki in "Die Vaterlosen" in 2011. Played himself in "Die Harald Schmidt Show" in 2011. Played Weynfeldt in "Arschkalt" in 2011. Played Harald Frantzen in "Blutadler" in 2012. Played Philipp in "Der Glanz des Tages" in 2012. Played Dr. Benedikt Brunner in "Paul Kemp - Alles kein Problem" in 2013. Played Stefan in "Talea" in 2013. Performed in "Clara Immerwahr" in 2014. Played Frank Ewington in "Die Geschlechtskriegerinnen" in 2014.

4 answers

Raymond Bagatsing has: Performed in "Dugo sa pakpak ng angel" in 1980. Performed in "Sgt. Clarin: Bala para sa ulo mo" in 1990. Performed in "Kahit singko ay di ko babayaran ang buhay mo" in 1990. Played Albert in "Maalaala mo kaya" in 1991. Performed in "Maalaala mo kaya" in 1991. Performed in "Tikboy Tikas at mga Khroaks Boys" in 1993. Played Eric in "Dog Tag: Katarungan sa aking kamay" in 1995. Performed in "Hatulan Bilibid Boys 2" in 1995. Performed in "Tagos sa laman" in 1995. Performed in "Sgt. Pantaleon" in 1996. Played Krankenpfleger Rajah in "Klinik unter Palmen" in 1996. Performed in "Sa bingit ng kamatayan" in 1996. Performed in "Kara kaakit-akit" in 1996. Performed in "Room for Rent" in 1997. Played Nardo in "Mula sa puso" in 1997. Performed in "Halik ng bampira" in 1997. Played Benneth in "Milagros" in 1997. Performed in "Bastardo" in 1997. Played Jess Santiago in "Goodbye America" in 1997. Played Rupert in "April, May, June" in 1998. Played Russel in "Marahas: Walang kilalang batas" in 1998. Played Serafin Geronimo in "Serafin Geronimo: Ang kriminal ng Baryo Concepcion" in 1998. Played Ric Valiente in "Suspek" in 1999. Played Dr. Jojo Morales in "Soltera" in 1999. Performed in "Ms. Kristina Moran: Babaeng palaban" in 1999. Played Mario in "Burlesk King" in 1999. Performed in "Ekis: Walang tatakas" in 1999. Performed in "Bayad puri" in 1999. Performed in "Malikot na mundo" in 1999. Played Mark in "Ibibigay ko ang lahat" in 1999. Played Santiago in "Doomsdayer" in 2000. Performed in "Sugo ng Tondo" in 2000. Played Brian in "Marital Rape" in 2001. Played Rufo in "Di kita ma-reach" in 2001. Played Alberto Montemayor (2001) in "Kung mawawala ka" in 2001. Played Dimas in "Huwag kang kikibo..." in 2001. Played Nonoy in "Sisid" in 2001. Played Benici in "Kamo" in 2001. Played Edwin in "Buhay kamao" in 2001. Played Entoy in "Tatarin" in 2001. Performed in "Hunger Strike" in 2002. Played Joaquin San Victores in "Narito ang puso ko" in 2003. Played Fr. Jess in "Sanib" in 2003. Played Boggs in "Kalabit" in 2003. Played Ipe in "Crying Ladies" in 2003. Played Orly in "Sukdulan" in 2003. Performed in "Alab ng lahi" in 2003. Played Host in "Nginiig" in 2003. Played Ramesh in "Filipinas" in 2003. Played Daniel in "Beautiful Life" in 2004. Played Emre (2005) in "Encantadia" in 2005. Played Himself (2005) in "Hollywood Dream" in 2005. Played Eddie Longo in "Eize Makom Nifla" in 2005. Played Emre in "Etheria: Ang ikalimang kaharian ng encantadia" in 2005. Played Vergel in "Saang sulok ng langit" in 2005. Played Dr. Cristi in "Komiks" in 2006. Played Emre (2006) in "Encantadia: Pag-ibig hanggang wakas" in 2006. Played Roy (segment "It Takes Two to Tango") in "Pandanggo" in 2006. Played Cousin Raymond in "Brown Soup Thing" in 2008. Performed in "Pornikula" in 2009. Played Kilo in "No. Four" in 2009. Played Jimmy Sandoval in "Sabel" in 2010. Performed in "Boundary" in 2011. Played Fred in "Time of My Life" in 2011. Played Datu Bugna in "Amaya" in 2011. Played Dario in "Magpakailanman" in 2012. Played Romeo Salcedo (2012) in "Temptation of Wife" in 2012. Played Rico Guevarra in "The Good Daughter" in 2012. Played Carlos in "One True Love" in 2012. Played Ian in "Freight Train" in 2012. Played Doc Leo in "Magpakailanman" in 2012. Played Pastor Miles in "Hope Cafe" in 2013. Performed in "The Guerilla Is a Poet" in 2013. Played Himself - Guest in "The Ryzza Mae Show" in 2013. Played Froilan Santos in "Mga Basang Sisiw" in 2013. Played Rashid in "Mumbai Love: The Movie" in 2014.

6 answers