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Gervase Markham has written:

'The Teares of the Beloued: (1600) and Marie Magdalene's Teares: (1601)'

'Countrey contentments'

'The second booke of the English husbandman'

1 answer

Richard Olmstead has written:

'Sions teares leading to ioy: or The vvaters of Marah sweetned' -- subject(s): English Sermons, Sermons, English

1 answer

William Hooke has written:

'New Englands teares, for old Englands feares' -- subject(s): American Sermons, Bible, Early works to 1800, Sermons

'The priviledge of the saints on earth, beyond those in heaven' -- subject(s): Bible, Commentaries, Early works to 1800, Sanctification

1 answer

John Lyons has written:

'Language, meaning, and context' -- subject(s): Philosophy, Semantics, Language and languages


'Linguistic semantics' -- subject(s): Semantics

'Deixis as the source of reference'

'New horizons in linguistics' -- subject(s): Linguistics, Language and languages, Aufsatzsammlung, Linguistik, Linguistique

'Kitchen raiders'

'Chomsky' -- subject(s): Generative grammar, Linguistic research, Linguistics, Research

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Thomas Jackson has written:

'Peters teares' -- subject(s): English Sermons

'Iudah must into captivitie' -- subject(s): Bible, Church of England, English Sermons, Sermons

'Dauids pastorall poeme: or sheepeheards song' -- subject(s): Bible, English Sermons, Sermons

'Darwin's error' -- subject(s): Evolution, Natural selection, Moral and ethical aspects

'The raging tempest stilled' -- subject(s): Bible, Church of England, Commentaries, Doctrines, Early works to 1800

'Elements of theoretical mechanics' -- subject(s): Mechanics

1 answer

John Featley was an English clergyman and author who is known for his religious writings, including works on theology and sermons. He was a prominent figure in the Church of England during the 17th century. Some of his notable works include "The Romish Fisher Caught and Held in His Own Net" and "Clavis Mystica, a Key Opening Diverse Difficult and Mysterious Texts of Holy Scripture."

3 answers

He uses commas to show Hamlet's sudden bursts of anger and confusion. He also uses it to lay emphasis on a relatively heavy topic. Shakespear uses the semi colons for a short break between two sentences with the similar theme or meaning

3 answers

Although it is popular for academics and even directors to focus on punctuation as having a lot of meaning in interpreting Shakespeare, the reality is that the punctuation was, like the spelling, put in by the typesetters, not Shakespeare. It varies considerably between Quarto and Folio and even between different copies of the Folio. Editors play with it all the time. It is therefore unsafe to rely on punctuation to draw any conclusions about what is going on.

e.g. From Hamlet, Act 1 Scene 2 (Quarto 2, 1604)

O that this too too sallied flesh would melt,

Thaw and resolve itself into a dewe,

Or that the euerlasting had not fixt

His cannon gainst seale slaughter,o God, God

How wary, stale, flat and vnprofitable

Seeme to me all the vses of this world?

Fie on't, ah fie, 'tis and vnweeded garden

That growes to seed, things rancke and grose in nature

Possess it merely that it should come thus

But two months dead, nay not so much, not two

So excellent a King, that was to this

Hiperion to a satire, so louing to my mother

That he might not beteeme the winds of heauen

Visite her face too roughly, heauen and earth

Must I remember, why she should hang on him

As if increase of appetite had growne

By what it fed on, and yet within a month,

Let me not thinke on't; frailty thy name is woman

A little month or ere those shooes were old

With which she followed my poore fathers bodie

Like Niobe all teares why she

O God, a beast that wants discourse of reason

Would have mourn'd longer, married with mine Vncle

Did you notice the absence of full stops? Eighteen commas, a question mark and a semicolon are all that appear. Here's the same from the First Folio (1623)

O that this too too solid flesh, would melt,

Thaw and resolue it self into a Dewe:

Or that the Euerlasting had not fixt

His Cannon 'gainst Selfe-slaughter. O God, O God!

How weary, stale, flat and vnprofitable

Seemes to me all the vses of this world?

Fie on't? Oh fie, fie, 'tis and vnweeded Garden

That growes to Seed: Things rank and grosse in Nature

Possess it meerely. That it should come to this:

But two months dead: Nay not so much; not two,

So excellent a King, that was to this

Hiperion to a Satyre: so louing to my Mother

That he might not beteene the windes of heauen

Visit her face too roughly. Heauen and Earth

Must I remember: why she should hang on him,

As if encrease of Appetite had growne

By what it fed on; and yet within a month?

Let me not thinke on't: Frailty, thy name is woman.

A little Month, or ere those shooes were old,

With which she followed my poore fathers body

Like Niobe, all teares. Why she, euen she,

(O Heauen! A beast that wants discourse of reason

Would haue mourn'd longer) married with mine Vnkle,

Twelve commas, six colons, two exclamation points, three question marks, three full stops and a pair of parentheses.

Good luck figuring out which the "specific punctuation" in this example Shakespeare used, never mind guessing what he intended it to say about Hamlet. Remember that Shakespeare did not intend that his plays should be published, and that any actor who was curious about Hamlet's state of mind just had to ask Shakespeare (we assume he acted as director of his own plays). He probably couldn't care less about punctuation.

1 answer

Francis Gregory has written:

'Etymologikon mikron, or, Etymologicum parvum' -- subject(s): Etymology, Greek language

'Nomenclatura brevis Anglo-Latino [sic] in usum scholarum' -- subject(s): Declension, Dictionaries, English language, Glossaries, vocabularies, Grammar, Latin language

'Onomastikon brachy' -- subject(s): Glossaries, vocabularies, Latin language, Declension, English language

'Teares and bloud, or, A discourse of the persecution of ministers, with motives to martyrdom and cautions about it' -- subject(s): Bible, English Sermons, Sermons

'A thanksgiving sermon for the deliverance of our King from the late intended assassination of his sacred person and of the Kingdom from the French invasion' -- subject(s): English Sermons, Thanksgiving Day addresses

'A modest plea for the due regulation of the press' -- subject(s): Freedom of the press, Letter to a member of Parliament, shewing that a restraint on the press is inconsistent with the Protestant religion, and dangerous to the liberties of the nation, Socinianism

'Onomastikon brachy' -- subject(s): Glossaries, vocabularies, Latin language, Declension, English language

'Onomastikon brachu, sive, Nomenclatura brevis' -- subject(s): English language, Glossaries, vocabularies, Greek language, Latin language

'The grand presvmption of the Roman Church in equalling their own traditions to the written word of God' -- subject(s): Catholic Church, Controversial literature

'Concio ad clerum, or, A visitation sermon preached at Great Wycomb within the diocess of Lincoln, May 13, 1673' -- subject(s): Bible, Church of England, Pastoral letters and charges, Sermons, Visitation sermons

'Concio ad clervm' -- subject(s): English Sermons, Visitation sermons

'Onomastikon brachy. Sive nomenclatura brevis, reformata' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, English language, Glossaries, vocabularies, Greek language, Latin language, Polyglot

'The right way to victory' -- subject(s): Bible, English Sermons, Sermons

1 answer

William Lithgow has written:

'The poetical remains of William Lithgow, the Scotish [sic] traveller' -- subject(s): Accessible book

'The totall discourse of the rare adventures & painefull peregrinations of long nineteene yeares travayles from Scotland to the most famous kingdomes in Europe, Asia and Affrica' -- subject(s): Accessible book, Description and travel, Early works to 1800, Voyages and travels

'The totall discourse of the rare aduentures, and painefull peregrinations of long nineteene yeares trauayles, from Scotland to the most famous kingdomes in Europe, Asia, and Affrica' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Voyages and travels

'The totall discourse, of the rare adventures' -- subject(s): Voyages and travels

'The gushing teares of godly sorrovv' -- subject(s): Poetry, Repentance, Sin

'A true and experimentall discourse, upon the beginning, proceeding, and victorious event of this last siege of Breda' -- subject(s): History

'The rare adventures and painful peregrinations of William Lithgow'

'A briefe and summarie discourse upon that lamentable and dreadfull disaster at Dunglasse. Anno 1640. the penult of August' -- subject(s): History, Poetry

'The poetical remains of William Lithgow the Scottish traveller, now first collected' -- subject(s): Accessible book

'Discourse of a peregrination in Europe, Asia, and Affricke' -- subject(s): Voyages and travels

5 answers

Ron Braithwaite has written:

'Hummingbird god' -- subject(s): Fiction, Historiography, History

'Skull rack' -- subject(s): Fiction, Inquisitor General (Spain), History, Historians

10 answers

Bernard has written:

'Herafter foloweth an Epistle of saynt Bernarde called the golden epistle, whiche he sent to a yong religious man whom he moche loued ... it is translated out of latyn in to Englysshe, ... Than after the sayd epistle folowe four reuelations of saynt Birget ..' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Religious aspects, Perfection, Catholic Church, Religious aspects of Perfection

'Des heiligen Bernhard, Abtes und Kirchenlehrers Gedanken und Betrachtungen gesammelt aus dessen Werken' -- subject(s): Christian life, Asceticism

'Bernard of Clairvaux, a lover teaching the way of love' -- subject(s): Catholic Church, Doctrines, Early works to 1800, Love, Religious aspects, Religious aspects of Love, Spiritual life

'Lo stimolo d'amore, attribuito a S. Bernardo, testo di lingua inedito'

'Della miseria umana'

'The love of God, and spiritual friendship' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Christianity, Love, God, Religious aspects, Worship and love, Spiritual life, Sermons, Bible, Religious aspects of Love

'Treatises II'

'L'Amour de Dieu'

'The medytacyons of saint Bernarde' -- subject(s): Meditations, Early works to 1800

'Opere di San Bernardo' -- subject(s): Collected works, Theology

'Sermons on Conversion'

'Opera omnia'

'Magnificat: Homilies in Praise of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Cistercian Fathers Ser. : No. 18)'

'The twelve degrees of humility and pride' -- subject(s): Humility, Pride and vanity, Sermons, Christianity

'Opera genuina, juxta editionem monachorum Sancti Benedicti'

'Oeuvres de Saint Bernard' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Theology

'Der Myrrhenberg des heilegen Bernhard von Clairvaux'

'The golden epistle of Saint Bernarde'

'Melliloquium Sancti Bernardi'

'Richard Whytford's The Pype or Tonne of the lyfe of perfection' -- subject(s): Christian life, Perfection (Catholic)

'Saint Bernard on the love of God' -- subject(s): Accessible book, Bible, Christianity, God, Love, Religious aspects, Religious aspects of Love, Sermons, Worship and love

'Diui Bernardi abbatis Clareuallis ..'

'Opera genuina, juxta editionem monachorum Sancti Benedicti'

'Conseils au Pape' -- subject(s): Papacy

'Life and times of Saint Bernard'

'Opera omnia'

'Saint Bernard, his Meditations: or, Sighes, sobbes, and teares, vpon our Sauiours passion' -- subject(s): Meditations, Early works to 1800

'Floretus in se continens sacre theologie & canonu[m] flores ad gaudia paradisi finaliter eos (qui se inillis exercitauerint) perducentes'

'Select treaties of St. Bernard of Clairvaux' -- subject(s): Pride and vanity, Humility, God, Worship and love, Sermons, Christianity

'On the Song of Songs I' -- subject(s): Sermons, Sermons, English, Translations into English, Sermons, Latin, Translations from Latin, Bible, English Sermons, Latin Sermons

'Del libero arbitrio, trattato di s. Bernardo' -- subject(s): Grace (Theology), Free will and determinism

'St. Bernard's Treatise on consideration' -- subject(s): Meditation, Kindness, Catholic Church, Papacy, Spiritual life

'The Nativity' -- subject(s): Nativity, Translations into English, Sermons, Latin, Christmas sermons, Latin Sermons

'Oeuvres de Saint Bernard' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Theology

'Life and works of Saint Bernard'

'Life and Death of St. Malachy, the Irishman'

'Life and Death of St. Malachy the Irishman (Cistercian Fathers Series No. 10)'

'Opera omnia Sancti Bernardi ... post Horstium denuo recognita ..'

'The letters of St. Bernard of Clairvaux'

'Song of Songs I' -- subject(s): Sermons, Bible

'Bernard of Clairvaux, Treatises III'

'Life and works of Saint Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux'

'Five books on consideration' -- subject(s): Papacy

'Sermons on the Canticle of Canticles'

'Sancti Bernardi... Opera' -- subject(s): Catholic Church, Collected works, Theology

'Bernardus De cura rei famuliaris [!]' -- subject(s): Prophecies, Scottish poetry, Family, Scottish poetry (Selections), Families

'Opera genuina, juxta editionem monachorum sancti Benedicti' -- subject(s): Accessible book

'Opera genuina, juxta editionem monachorum Sancti Benedicti'

'Bernard of Clairvaux on the Song of Songs III'

'Sermons for the seasons and principal festivals of the year' -- subject(s): Church year sermons, Translations into English, Sermons, Latin, Latin Sermons

'Li sermon Saint Bernart sor les cantikes' -- subject(s): French language, Commentaries, Old French, French prose literature, Bible

'Textes politiques' -- subject(s): Church and state, Christianity and politics

'\\' -- subject(s): Meditations, Passion

'Homilies in praise of the Blessed Virgin Mary' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Translations into English, Sermons, Sermons, Latin, Sermons, Medieval, Latin Sermons, Medieval Sermons

'Opera genuina, juxta editionem monachorum Sancti Benedicti' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Sermons, Sermons, Latin, Catholic Church, Latin Sermons

'S. Patris Bernardi Claravallensis... Operum..'

'Leben und Briefe'

'D. Bernardi ...Opervm'

'Opera omnia, post horstium denuo recognita, repurgata, et in meliorem digesta ordinem' -- subject(s): Collected works, Middle Ages, Theology, Catholic Church


'On grace & free choice =' -- subject(s): Grace (Theology), Free will and determinism

'The works of Bernard of Clairvaux' -- subject(s): Bible, Catholic Church, Doctrinal and controversial works

'Incipit tractatus primus De vijs vite Sancti Bernardi, Abbatis Clarauallensis, doctoris deuoti. [I[n]cipit s[e]c[un]d[u]s S[an]c[t]i Bernardi D[e] viis vite. Incipit tractatus S[an]c[t]i Bernardi, Abbatis Clarauallen[sis], De ordine vite [et] mor[um] institutione. Incipit tractat[us] S[an]c' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Christian life, Theology

'Corona Virginalis de laudibus deiparae virginis in litanias lauretanas' -- subject(s): Titles, Litany of Loreto

'Select treatises of S. Bernard of Clairvaux' -- subject(s): Christianity, Truth, Humility, God, Religious aspects, Worship and love, Religious aspects of Truth

'Chrestomathia Bernardina..' -- subject(s): Theology, Doctrinal, Doctrinal and controversial works, Catholic Church, Doctrinal Theology

'On the Song of Songs III' -- subject(s): Sermons, Bible

'En la escuela del amor'

'Of conversion' -- subject(s): Conversion, Asceticism, History

'A hive of sacred honiecombes, 1631' -- subject(s): Spiritual life, Catholic Church

'Oeuvres de Saint Bernard' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Theology

'Das Priesterideal des hl. Bernard ..'

'St. Bernard's sermons for the seasons & principal festivals of the year' -- subject(s): Sermons, Special occasions

'Love without measure' -- subject(s): Christian life

'The Steps of Humility and Pride (Cistercian Fathers Series, No 13a)'

'Epistola di S. Bernardo a Raimondo' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Family

'A compe[n]dius [and] a moche fruytefull treatyse of well liuynge' -- subject(s): Catholic authors, Early works to 1800, Christian life

'The life of Saint Malachy' -- subject(s): Biography, Bishops, Christian saints, Catholic Church

'Melliflui deuotiq[ue] doctoris sancti Bernardi abbatis Clareualle[n]sis Cistercie[n]sis ordinis Opus praeclarum' -- subject(s): Theology

'On the Song of Songs I (The Works of Bernard of Clairvaux, Vol 1)'

'On Grace & Free Choice (Cistercian Fathers)'

'St. Bernard's sermons on the Canticle of Canticles'

'On the Songof Songs'

'Divi Bernardi... Opera'

'A rule of good life, 1633' -- subject(s): Evangelical counsels, Monastic and religious life of women

'twelve degrees of humility and pride' -- subject(s): Catholic Church, History, Mysticism, Theology

'Li sermon Saint Bernart'

'Saint Bernard On loving God' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, God, Worship and love, Grace (Theology), Free will and determinism

'Sermones super Cantica Canticorum' -- subject(s): Bible, Catholic Church, Early works to 1800, English Sermons, Incunabula, Italian Sermons, Latin Sermons, Medieval Sermons, Sermons, Sermons, English, Sermons, Italian, Sermons, Latin, Sermons, Medieval, Specimens, Translations, Translations into English, Translations into French

'The Steps of Humility'

'Opera Bernardi'

'Le \\' -- subject(s): Spurious and doubtful works, Holy Name, Devotion to, Devotion to Holy Name

'St. Bernard's sermons on the Canticle of Canticles'

'Obras completas de San Bernardo' -- subject(s): Theology, History, Catholic Church

'The Twelve Steps of Humility and Pride (Christian Classics)'

'S. Bernard's pious meditations' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Meditations, Devotional literature

'Sancti Bernardi Abbatis Primi Clarae-Vallensis... genuina sancti doctoris opera quatuor prioribus tomis complectens'

'The steps of humility and pride' -- subject(s): Humility

'Sermons sur le Cantique'

'Sermons for Advent and the Christmas season' -- subject(s): Translations into English, Sermons, Latin, Christmas sermons, Advent sermons, Latin Sermons

1 answer