The area of Talpa de Allende is 2,685 square kilometers.
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Igor Talpa died on March 5, 2005, in Moscow, Russia of car accident.
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The cast of Talpa - 1982 includes: Raul Breton Ana Medina
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The phone number of the Talpa Community Center Library is: 575-751-1014.
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The cast of Talpa - 1956 includes: Alicia Montoya Lilia Prado as Juana Aurora Walker Amado Zumaya
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The address of the Talpa Community Center Library is: 4 Archuleta Rd, Ranchos De Taos, 87557 9756
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The cast of La talpa - 2005 includes: Antonio De Matteo as Guard Maurizio Donadoni as Antonio Franco Giraldi as Nonno Francesco Proietti as Paolo
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Yes there are many types of moles, the most common are Scalopus and Talpa europaea.
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The cast of Una talpa al bioparco - 2004 includes: Luca Angeletti as Libero Emanuela Barilozzi Emanuela Galliussi Adriano Giannini as Giovanni Fausto Maria Sciarappa as Ambientalista Francesco Mastrorilli as Antonio Jay Natelle as Carlo Diego Pagotto as Visitatore del Bioparco Sabrina Sirchia as Maria Giorgia Surina as Giorgia Guia Zapponi as Responsabile Bioparco
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A Talpa is a tibetan demon, though not native to only Tibet. In Yiddish a Talpa is called a golem. In other words, A talpa/golem is a manifestation created by an adept to accomplish a certain task or tasks. So with that said it could be assumed that a talpa is a hollow shell created by man that is then animated through some process then given instruction on how to behave or given certain tasks to perform.
"Once the tulpa is endowed with enough vitality to be capable of playing the part of a real being, it tends to free itself from its maker's control . . . . Tibetan magicians also relate cases in which the tulpa is sent to fulfill a mission, but does not come back and pursues its peregrinations as a half-conscious, dangerously mischievous puppet. The same thing, it is said, may happen when the maker of the tulpa dies before having dissolved it."
~ Alexandra David-Neel, With Mystics and Magicians in Tibet.
The saying "If you tell a lie big enough, long enough, and loud enough, it will become the truth." also applies. If enough people believe a thing to be real, then it will be real. If people think and believe whole heartedly that a place is haunted, then it will be. Thought is creative.
"Take a demon as a demon and it will harm you.
Know a demon is in your mind and you'll be free of it."
~ Jetsun Milarepa
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Andrzej Nowosad has written:
'Staphylinidae (Coleoptera) gniazda kreta-Talpa europaea L. w Polsce' -- subject(s): Moles (Animals), Nests, Parasites, Staphylinidae
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The word "taupe" comes from the French word for mole, which also refers to the color of a mole's fur. Taupe is a greyish-brown color that resembles the fur color of moles.
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I'm not sure what a "group" is, exactly. They're in order Soricomorpha (along with the shrews... soricomorphameans "shrew-form"), family Talpidae (the Latin for mole is talpa, which is also the name of one of the several genera of moles).
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Angela Melillo has: Played Herself - Host (1992) in "Scherzi a parte" in 1992. Played herself in "Quelli che... il calcio" in 1993. Played Elena Neccini in "Il maresciallo Rocca" in 1996. Performed in "La casa delle beffe" in 2000. Played Marina in "Don Matteo" in 2000. Played Valentina in "La palestra" in 2003. Played herself in "La talpa" in 2004. Played Herself - Winner in "La talpa" in 2004. Played Tiziana Palme in "Sottocasa" in 2006. Played Principessa Luisa di Carignano in "La figlia di Elisa - Ritorno a Rivombrosa" in 2007. Played Angela in "Impotenti esistenziali" in 2009.
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Alessia Ventura has: Played Eleonora Sorrenti in "Cento vetrine" in 2001. Played Roberta Dei Casati in "Carabinieri" in 2002. Played Roberta in "Carabinieri" in 2002. Played herself in "La talpa" in 2004. Played Herself - Host in "Fratelli di test" in 2007.
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Ludmilla Radchenko has: Played herself in "La talpa" in 2004. Played Era Fenis in "Il viaggio" in 2005. Performed in "R.I.S. - Delitti imperfetti" in 2005. Performed in "Hellequin" in 2008. Played Ragazza russa in "Scacco matto" in 2008. Played Anna Sedvik in "Backward" in 2010.
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Federico Davia has: Played Gasparo in "Rita" in 1962. Played Il Talpa in "Live from the Metropolitan Opera" in 1977. Played Bonafede in "Le monde de la lune" in 1980. Played Pistola in "Giuseppe Verdi: Falstaff" in 1982. Played Lillas Pastia in "Carmen" in 1985.
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Silvie Lumamba has: Played Prostituta in "Fughe da fermo" in 2000. Played herself in "La talpa" in 2004. Played Herself (2004-2005) in "Markette" in 2004. Played herself in "Markette" in 2004. Performed in "Ridere fino a volare" in 2012. Played Fatima in "The Temple Mount" in 2013.
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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 3 words with the pattern T--PA. That is, five letter words with 1st letter T and 4th letter P and 5th letter A. In alphabetical order, they are:
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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 8 words with the pattern -A-PA. That is, five letter words with 2nd letter A and 4th letter P and 5th letter A. In alphabetical order, they are:
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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 5 words with the pattern TA-P-. That is, five letter words with 1st letter T and 2nd letter A and 4th letter P. In alphabetical order, they are:
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Davide Ricci has: Played Cristiano Magri in "Cuori rubati" in 2002. Played Fabio in "Noi" in 2004. Played himself in "La talpa" in 2004. Played Luca Rebecchi, Sottocapo in "Gente di mare" in 2005. Played Luca Rebecchi - Sottocapo in "Gente di mare" in 2005. Played Charly in "Altromondo" in 2008.
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Franklin Santana has: Played Franklin in "Ricordati di me" in 2003. Played himself in "La talpa" in 2004. Played Pablo sanchez in "Scacco matto" in 2008. Played Rodrigo Osorio in "Squadra antimafia - Palermo oggi" in 2009. Performed in "Irreality" in 2011. Played Boss sudamericano in "Il regista del mondo" in 2011.
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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 2 words with the pattern T-LP-. That is, five letter words with 1st letter T and 3rd letter L and 4th letter P. In alphabetical order, they are:
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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 9 words with the pattern -ALP-. That is, five letter words with 2nd letter A and 3rd letter L and 4th letter P. In alphabetical order, they are:
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Guia Zapponi has: Played Responsabile Bioparco in "Una talpa al bioparco" in 2004. Played Insegnante in "Non aver paura" in 2005. Played Ragazza del treno in "Una sconfinata giovinezza" in 2010. Played Mamma autobus in "Di padre in figlio" in 2013. Played Theresa in "Sharkskin" in 2014. Played Margherita in "Sotto una buona stella" in 2014.
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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 15 words with the pattern TA--A. That is, five letter words with 1st letter T and 2nd letter A and 5th letter A. In alphabetical order, they are:
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Emanuela Barilozzi has: Played Luna in "Gangstacity" in 2001. Played Annalisa in "Buongiorno, notte" in 2003. Performed in "Una talpa al bioparco" in 2004. Played Billy in "Non riesco a smettere di vomitare" in 2004. Played Stella in "Sangue: La morte non esiste" in 2005. Played Elena in "Cose che facciamo per amore" in 2007. Performed in "Anastezsi" in 2007.
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The cast of La talpa - 2004 includes: Don Backy as himself Guido Bagatta as himself Jonis Bashir as himself Clarissa Burt as herself Karim Capuano as himself Roberto Ciufoli as himself Diego Conte as himself Samantha De Grenet as herself Alessandro Greco as himself Demetra Hampton as herself Mikael Kenta as himself Amanda Lear as Host (1st episode, substituted) Andrea Lucchetta as himself Silvie Lumamba as herself Alessia Mancini as herself Angela Melillo as herself Angela Melillo as Herself - Winner Denny Mendez as herself Raoul Meyer as himself Brigitte Nielsen as herself Paola Perego as Hostess Marco Predolin as himself Ludmilla Radchenko as herself Francesca Rettondini as herself Davide Ricci as himself Nadia Rinaldi as herself Marina Ripa di Meana as herself Franklin Santana as himself Marcus Schenkenberg as himself Gianni Sperti as himself Alessia Ventura as herself Julian Winding as himself
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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 18 words with the pattern TAL--. That is, five letter words with 1st letter T and 2nd letter A and 3rd letter L. In alphabetical order, they are:
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Francesco Mastrorilli has: Played Antonio in "Una talpa al bioparco" in 2004. Performed in "Nebbie e delitti" in 2005. Played The Boy at the police station in "Nebbie e delitti" in 2005. Performed in "R.I.S. - Delitti imperfetti" in 2005. Played Davide in "Boris" in 2007. Played Giulio in "Ubaldo Terzani Horror Show" in 2010. Performed in "Nostos" in 2011. Played Jerry in "Bloodline" in 2011. Performed in "Il gatto del Maine" in 2012.
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Marco Predolin has: Played Himself (1989) in "Una rotonda sul mare" in 1989. Played Epidermide in "Vogliamoci troppo bene" in 1989. Played Max in "Assolto per aver commesso il fatto" in 1992. Played himself in "Quelli che... il calcio" in 1993. Played himself in "Exclusiv - Das Star-Magazin" in 1994. Played himself in "La talpa" in 2004. Played himself in "Vita da Star: Cristiano Malgioglio" in 2008.
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Clarissa Burt has: Performed in "Casablanca, Casablanca" in 1985. Played Giulia Pascoski in "Caruso Pascoski di padre polacco" in 1988. Played Entreneuse in "Casa mia casa mia..." in 1988. Played Xayide in "The Neverending Story II: The Next Chapter" in 1990. Performed in "Sotto il cielo" in 2001. Played Silvia Detassis in "Natale in India" in 2003. Played herself in "La talpa" in 2004. Played Herself - Guest in "Icon News" in 2010.
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Denny Mendez has: Played Herself - Various in "Quelli che... il calcio" in 1993. Played Barbara Cifariello (2003-2005) in "Un posto al sole" in 1996. Performed in "Il ronzio delle mosche" in 2003. Played Chiara Ross in "Chiaroscuro" in 2003. Played herself in "La talpa" in 2004. Played Maria in "In This Life" in 2011. Played herself in "Enzo Mirigliani, Storia di un ragazzo calabrese" in 2012.
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1. s. fem. A big thing with no shape a big person. No se veía nada entre la mole de montañas apenas tuve un enfrentamiento con un tipo que parecía una mole.
2. s. masc. A Mexican dish made with "pasilla" chili, meat and some other ingredients. El mole es un platillo muy común en México.
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Antonio De Matteo has: Performed in "Mon Cher" in 2002. Played Fratello Chiara in "Buongiorno, notte" in 2003. Played Ted Argento - Silver nail in "Silver Nail" in 2003. Played Guard in "La talpa" in 2005. Played Ciro Colli in "La vita nuda" in 2008. Played Vittima in "Feisbum" in 2009. Played Eric in "Croma La Serie" in 2009. Played Roberto in "Passi el que passi" in 2011. Played Medico Scommettitore in "Bella addormentata" in 2012. Played Elia in "The Pyramid" in 2013. Performed in "Assolo" in 2014.
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Demetra Hampton has: Played Valentina Rosselli in "Valentina" in 1989. Played Kim in "Tre colonne in cronaca" in 1990. Played Linda in "Red Shoe Diaries" in 1992. Played Lisa in "Saint Tropez, Saint Tropez" in 1992. Played Kreola in "Kreola" in 1993. Played Sigourney in "Chicken Park" in 1994. Played Linda (segment "The Psychiatrist") in "Red Shoe Diaries 13: Four on the Floor" in 1996. Played Jessica in "Dio vede e provvede" in 1996. Performed in "Upright Affair" in 1998. Performed in "Vampire Blues" in 1999. Performed in "Gabriel" in 2001. Played herself in "La talpa" in 2004. Played Signora Officina in "Good as You" in 2012.
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Roberto Ciufoli has: Performed in "I ragazzi della 3 C" in 1987. Played himself in "Domani sposi" in 1988. Performed in "Klon" in 1994. Performed in "Don Matteo" in 2000. Performed in "Gian Burrasca" in 2001. Played himself in "La talpa" in 2004. Played Mr. Rodrigo in "Don Bosco" in 2004. Performed in "Diritto di difesa" in 2004. Performed in "Ciufoli tra le stelle" in 2006. Performed in "Lo stinco di natale" in 2006. Played Ispettore in "Notte prima degli esami - Oggi" in 2007. Played Mimmo Vallardi in "Liberi di giocare" in 2007. Played himself in "Effetto sabato" in 2008. Played Juan in "Crociera Vianello" in 2008. Performed in "The Place" in 2012.
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Emanuela Galliussi has: Performed in "Il maresciallo Rocca" in 1996. Played Carola in "Don Matteo" in 2000. Played Arianna in "Il terzo leone" in 2001. Performed in "Una talpa al bioparco" in 2004. Played Laura in "Arrivederci amore, ciao" in 2006. Performed in "Medicina generale" in 2007. Played Mariam in "Sono viva" in 2008. Performed in "I liceali" in 2008. Played Silvia in "Crimini bianchi" in 2008. Performed in "Baciami ancora" in 2010. Played Lia in "If Dogs Run Free" in 2011. Played Lacey in "The Liberation of James Joyce" in 2013. Played Girl in "Year of the Rat" in 2013. Played The Actress in "Caserta Palace Dream" in 2014. Played Laura Carmenucci in "Going Bongo" in 2014.
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Giorgia Surina has: Played herself in "Quelli che... il calcio" in 1993. Played Virginia Battaglia in "Un medico in famiglia" in 1998. Played Herself - Hostess in "TRL Italy" in 1999. Played Giorgia in "Una talpa al bioparco" in 2004. Performed in "R.I.S. - Delitti imperfetti" in 2005. Performed in "Love Bugs 3" in 2007. Played Italian TV Reporter in "Somewhere" in 2010. Played Giorgia in "Lezioni di cioccolato 2" in 2011. Played Isabella Leoni in "6 passi nel giallo" in 2012. Played Eliana in "Il commissario Nardone" in 2012. Played Cosima Bertone in "Das Geheimnis der Villa Sabrini" in 2012. Played Mirella in "Sono un pirata, sono un signore" in 2013.
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Diego Pagotto has: Played Visitatore del Bioparco in "Una talpa al bioparco" in 2004. Played Andrea in "Volevo solo dormirle addosso" in 2004. Played Davide in "La Tempeta" in 2006. Played Livio in "Overkilling" in 2008. Played Popeye in "Fuga dal call center" in 2008. Played Francesco in "Qualcosa da condividere" in 2010. Played Umberto in "Ultracorpo" in 2011. Played Mirco in "Accordo di grigio" in 2011. Played Lo Sdentato in "Undead Men" in 2011. Played Pupin in "Vacanze di Natale a Cortina" in 2011. Played Mario in "Coppia normalissima alla prima esperienza" in 2011. Played Prete in "Bella addormentata" in 2012. Played Smartass in "Fish Heads" in 2013. Played Cassiere in "Un boss in salotto" in 2014. Played Avventore 1 in "Il Leone di Vetro" in 2014. Played Fabio in "My Name Is Ernest" in 2014.
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'Deinacrida spp' is the scientific, Latin or binomial name of the giant weta insect of New Zealand. 'Deinacrida' is the genus name. It's Greek for 'terrible grasshopper'.
The letters 'spp' stand for 'species'. They can be replaced by the exact kind of giant weta, which is classified according to where it's found in New Zealand. Specifically, there are eleven [11] different species of giant weta:
1. 'Deinacrida carinata', or Herekopare giant weta;
2. 'D. connectens', Alpine scree giant weta;
3. 'D. elegans', Bluff giant weta;
4. 'D. fallai', Poor Knights giant weta;
5. 'D. heteracantha', Little Barrier Island giant weta;
6. 'D. mahoenui', Mahoenui giant weta;
7. 'D. parva', Kaikoura giant weta;
8. 'D. pluvialis', Giant weta;
9. 'D. rugosa', Cook Strait giant weta;
10. 'D. talpa', Giant mole weta;
11. 'D. tibiospina', Mt Arthur giant weta.
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Francesca Rettondini has: Played Ragazza Stazione Orte in "I ragazzi del muretto" in 1991. Played Sonia in "Ragazzi della notte" in 1995. Played herself in "Cuori e denari" in 1995. Played Donna Pentita in "Ninfa plebea" in 1996. Played Luana in "Un inverno freddo freddo" in 1996. Performed in "Una donna in fuga" in 1996. Performed in "Ladri si nasce" in 1997. Played Arianna in "Una donna per amico" in 1998. Performed in "La cena" in 1998. Performed in "Cronaca di un ricatto" in 1999. Played Claudia Martini in "Sei forte, Maestro" in 2000. Performed in "Valeria medico legale" in 2000. Performed in "Il conte di Melissa" in 2000. Played Simona in "Angelo il custode" in 2001. Played Francesca in "Ghost Ship" in 2002. Played Deborah in "Cronaca rosa" in 2003. Played Clelia Bussani in "Elisa di Rivombrosa" in 2003. Played herself in "La talpa" in 2004. Performed in "Intrigo a Cuba" in 2004. Played Stefania in "DeKronos - Il demone del tempo" in 2005. Played madre di Tiziano Marrese in "I Cesaroni" in 2006. Performed in "Border Line" in 2010. Played Maria Rita in "Baci Salati" in 2012.
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