according to the map above, which of these statementa is true?
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Test answers are currently unknown and will not be released until the following year.
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He has said that he would end anything that has teachers teaching to a test. I have not found any details.
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the taks is a test that tests you knowledge on that subject the taks is a test that tests you knowledge on that subject
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never! the taks is to test our knowledge to know if your ready for the next grade everyone except sencond grade and below has to take the taks never! the taks is to test our knowledge to know if your ready for the next grade everyone except sencond grade and below has to take the taks
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If your talking about the TAKS in Texas it stands for Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills
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Taks (Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills)
ELA (English Language Arts)
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If you get more than average score on your TAKS which means that you did better then most of the people
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It is called the star test. It will not be called the taks test anymore, but it will be called the star test.
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Because , it shows if the students are learning throughout the year or not , that's why they have benchmarks , and taks . To show if their intelligence is on the right track.
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I've taken both. The TAKS is harder by far. That's why it only takes like 3-4 days to do the crct and like almost 2 weeks to do the the TAKS. its harder and it has more questions.
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The TAKS tast should be banned because it gives people too much stress
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In 5th grade you have the math, reading, and science taks tests but you only have to pass reading and math
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In Texas, its mostly in 3rd grade when you take your fist two TAKS, such as the : Reading, and Math. From there you go on to taking more in the future.
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it taks care of it by staing close to each other and the dad taks care of the baby belga by looking for food and staing close.
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it depends on what its out of
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So you can learn more once you go to the next level in grade or if you do. You also take the Taks Test to tell teachers if you are ready to go to the next grade.
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The cast of Zombies Take the TAKS Test - 2011 includes: Shari Martino as Susanne Cheryl Martino as Zombie
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The acronym TAKS stands for 'The Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills'. It is a test for grades between 9 and 11 to assess skills like reading, writing and math.
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Taks isn't an English word. Do you mean "tacks" as in the thumbtacks that you pin things up with? Or maybe you mean "tax" as in money you pay the government?
fax, lacks, axe, acts, backs, Macs
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No, not at the 6th grade level. The TAKS (Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills) is designed to measure the extent to which a student has learned and is able to apply the defined knowledge and skills at each tested grade level. You will need to either pass the TAKS or the STAAR tests in order to graduate from high school in Texas.
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