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Success depends on opportunity. But both of these opportunity and character are the main factors to which one's success is depended on. If one's character is good, there is its no use of being success if one is not given an opportunity. So, success depends more on opportunity than on character.

1 answer

Success and excuses are not compatible because making excuses hinders progress and growth. If you want to achieve success, focus on taking ownership of your actions and finding solutions rather than making excuses. Excuses only serve as barriers to reaching your goals.

2 answers

Is when the RDP is success doing things for the community made things happen

1 answer

When we experience success, it often boosts our confidence, motivation, and belief in our abilities, creating a positive cycle that can lead to further success. This positive momentum helps to keep us focused, determined, and optimistic, increasing our chances of achieving our goals in the future.

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Success has many fathers while failure is an orphan

1 answer

  • French: succΓ¨s
  • Spanish: Γ©xito
  • German: Erfolg
  • Italian: successo

2 answers

while i know not that this is a question, success is 100 percent based on your own ability to go after it. go do it.

1 answer

Erfolg (german)

1 answer

NO, the verb form is succeed.

1 answer

Success can sometimes lead people to become complacent, arrogant, and disconnected from others. It can also create unrealistic expectations and increase pressure to maintain a certain image or level of achievement. Some individuals may struggle to handle the responsibilities and temptations that come with success, leading to their downfall.

1 answer

Success is counted sweetest

By those who ne'er succeed.

To comprehend a nectar

Requires sorest need.

Not one of all the purple host

Who took the flag to-day

Can tell the definition,

So clear, of victory!

As he, defeated, dying,

On whose forbidden ear

The distant strains of triumph

Burst agonized and clear!

by Emily Dickinson

2 answers

Arrhur Ashe said, success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome. This quote means that one should enjoy every moment of their life.

1 answer

its good to have this type of web site

1 answer

Success never comes without effort.

And not every effort can result in a Success either.

Picture this, say if you toss a coin, result will be a head or a tail.

But again it depends on an effort i.e. tossing the coin.

Life has got more aspects to it more than a head or a tail.

if you go on thinking too much about success which is also a concept frequently changing with your age, position or frame of mind.

You miss to toss that coin (no effort--> no result or not the desired result)

1 answer

Someone once said success is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration. Both are needed

2 answers

You can follow the following link for more support,


1 answer

2% chance of a successful marriage after marrying your affair partner

1 answer

AFL is Australia's most popular sport. The Sucess overtook NRL and Cricket.

1 answer

you have to go forward in life to accomplish a goal in other words ,yes

1 answer

Bill gates successful becasue of he working hard and hight desire.

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Success is achieved through consistent, daily actions that add up over time. It is the result of persistent effort and dedication to your goals, no matter how small each individual step may seem.

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The most basic definition of success is, obtaining what you desire. If your main desire in life is (as a random example) to work at a video arcade even if it doesn't pay much, and you finally get a job at a video arcade, then in your own eyes, you are a success. However, generally speaking, when people say another person is successful, they probably mean the person has a good (or more specifically, high paying) job and maybe a nice house, nice car, good marriage, or something like that.

1 answer

Successes and failures are considered to be part of development. In most cases, there will a number of failures before success is achieved.

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Well, isn't that just a lovely thought? Success is like a beautiful painting, requiring effort and determination to bring to life. Remember, every step you take towards your goals, no matter how small, is a brushstroke adding depth and beauty to your journey. So, let's pick up those brushes, roll up our sleeves, and create something truly magnificent together.

4 answers

I think major surgery to reconnect the tubes. Can be done I think.

I would find a specialist on the net and approach with questions.

1 answer

Earth Hour 2009 was considered to be a huge success. It was held across 25 time zones, in over 4000 cities within 88 countries worldwide. Hundreds of millions of people were involved. WWF International Director General James Leape was quoted as the website link below as stating, "Earth Hour 2009 was an incredible success." Not only was the "lights out" campaign successful in being picked up by so many cities, many people also took advantage of the opportunity to have their voices heard prior to the December 2009 Copenhagen Climate Change Conference by voting on Earthhour.org.

1 answer

I believe that is not true that success is the result of hard work because i played Halo 3 throughout the whole day and i got good results for my exams. Points For: * Working hard makes your mind more ready for the exam

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The success rate for liver shunt surgery can vary depending on the type of shunt and the individual case. Generally, success rates range from 60-90%, with factors such as the age and health of the pet, the specific type of shunt, and any underlying conditions affecting outcomes. Early diagnosis and appropriate post-operative care are crucial for a successful outcome.

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Success Academy's Integrated Science III Environmental Science is a course that focuses on the study of the environment, including topics such as ecology, climate change, sustainability, and conservation. Students will learn about the interactions between living organisms and their surroundings, as well as human impact on the environment and ways to address environmental challenges. This course aims to cultivate an understanding of environmental issues and inspire students to become environmentally responsible citizens.

2 answers

The success of Roman control over her subjects was due to many factors, but the army was the main one. In the territories and provinces the governor always had troops to police the area and enforce the laws. It did not take long for the conquered areas to begin to realize the benefits of Romanizing. Trade improved and along with it came prosperity. The standard of living was raised especially in the areas of education and health. The provinces also had to contribute troops to the army, which gave them a sense of "belonging" to the empire.

1 answer

It is difficult to define who a "successful person" is, as success can mean different things to different people. Some may define success by wealth, others by fame, and still others by happiness or personal fulfillment. Some examples of successful people in the world include business leaders such as Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg, political leaders such as Barack Obama and Angela Merkel, and cultural icons such as Oprah Winfrey and BeyoncΓ©.

learn more about the secrets of millionaires : 𝐑𝐭𝐭𝐩𝐬://𝐰𝐰𝐰.ππ’π π’π¬π­π¨π«πžπŸπŸ’.𝐜𝐨𝐦/𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐒𝐫/πŸ‘πŸ•πŸπŸ“πŸ•πŸ”/πŒπšπ§π’πŸπžπ¬π­π¨πŸ’πŸ“πŸ“/

2 answers

Gastric bypass surgery is a drastic weight loss surgery intended only for people who have an extreme amount of weight to lose and have exhausted all other options. Gastric bypass surgery has been proven to be very successful for the majority of patients who undergo the procedure. Weight loss is immediate in most patients. Many patients report being able to reduce medication for diabetes or high blood pressure before even leaving the hospital prior to surgery. It is very likely to lose over a hundred pounds quickly as the result of gastric bypass surgery. Success is likely with this procedure.

1 answer

The success story of Killer jeans is not by chance or by luck. behind its success there are lots of efforts and hardworkings. in 1989, when the company had launched its flagship brand Killer, they had a vision and commitment towards the community that to provide the best fits, washes, and fashion at a very affordable price. despite of many international brands available in the market, Killer is the only Indian denim brand which survived and still growing well. the idea of its survival in the market is to complete product development time by time, innovation by keeping its strengths which are the fits and the washes. none of the other brand can compete killer in terms of washes and the fits. apart from that Killer is continuously innovating the new fashion trends. Killer is the first brand in India which launched worn out jeans. this is the only reason Killer is still the highest selling denim brand in India. the first brand ambassador for killer was Rahul Dev and after that it was Arjun Rampal.

Nilabh Sah

1 answer

If you are a gamer, you know how important it is that you have all of the best equipment on the market today. How else will you compete with the other people who are on the internet, struggling to defeat you? One of the best things that you can buy to make sure that you have all of the success that you can is a Razer mouse. This infrared, 3G mouse is the best piece of mouse-related technology that has ever hit the market. You will be able to take your game to a whole new level with this in your possession.

1 answer


There are no successes from judicial activism. It is not within the jurisdiction of judges to use the law to fulfill their own political or ideological bent. Do the laws in question conform to the Constitution? This is within the jurisdiction of the courts. Do the laws say what either the appellant or the defendant are saying it means? This is within the jurisdiction of the courts.

Are the laws written poorly thus requiring a rewrite from the judges? This is not within the jurisdiction of the courts. In my opinion, from the Miranda ruling to Roe V. Wade, up to the present, the courts have regularly assumed more power than they have.

1 answer

He was killed by members of another African American group

5 answers

Sucess is good but takes 10 to 20 years to realize, is only indirect (as you did nothing against the other person) and you never get the satisfation of getting even.

Now please answer these:

If you are boiling with RAGE and seeking REVENGE?

Will the person be excited a chance to win big money?

Will you like it to know you will be the only person to know that if he or she is selected, he or she stands NOT a chance to win the money and that it did happen because of you?

And would you like to see his or her face in the "Loosers" Photo Gallery, with a tag saying "Looser" along with a photo (sent by him himself or her herself as a condition to enter the competition for the money)?

Then YOU NEED TO KNOW about an innocuous way to vent the steam off your system and still get your revenge and laugh from the moment you begin to act until you see the results months later and for the years to come.

Nominate each person a thousand times over (but at least twice!) to the "Sweet Revenge" Sweepstake [ http://sweetrevenge.110mb.com/instructions/index.html ] and you will feel much better, guaranteed!


1 answer

Mr. Prossert was very affable. He asked me a number of questions. I knew the job well enough and could have answered almost any intelligent question - I mean, the sort that a trained engineer would be likely to ask. As it was, I suppose I'd said for perhaps the third time, "I'm afraid I wouldn't know, sir. We haven't any calculations on that," getting a glance of mildly surprised disbelief, when Richards suddenly spoke up. "I think, about nine million cubic feet, sir," he said. He looked boyishly embarrassed. "I just happened to be working it out last night. Just for my own interest, that is. Not officially." He blushed.

"Oh," said Mr. Prossert, turning in his seat and giving him a sharp look. "That's very interesting, Mr. - er - Richards, isn't it? Well, now, maybe you could tell me about - "

Richards could. He knew everything. He knew to the last car the capacity of every switch and yard; he knew the load limits of every bridge and culvert, he knew the average rainfall for the last twenty years; he knew the population of the various straggling villages we passed through; he knew the heights of the distant blue peaks to the west. He had made himself familiar with local labor costs and wage scales. He had the statistics on accidents and unavoidable delays. He had figured out the cost of moving a cubic yard of earth at practically every cut and fill. All the way up Mr. Prossert fired questions at him and he fired answers right back.

When we reached the railhead, a motor was waiting to take Mr. Prossert on. Getting out of the gas car, he nodded absent-mindedly to me, shook hands with Richards. "Very interesting indeed," he said. "Very interesting indeed, Mr. Richards. Goodbye and thank you."

"Not at all, sir," Richards said. "Glad if I could be of service to you."

As soon as the motor moved off, I exploded. "Of all the asinine tricks! A little honest bluff doesn't hurt; but some of your so-called figures - "

"I aim to please," Richards said, grinning. "If a man like Prossert wants to know something, who am I to hold out on him?"

"I suppose you think you're smart," I told him. "What's he going to think when he looks up the figures or asks somebody who does know?"

"Listen, my son," said Richards kindly. "He wasn't asking for any information he was going to use. He doesn't want to know those figures. If he ever does, he has plenty of people to get him the right ones. He won't remember these. I don't even remember them myself. What he is going to remember is you and me."

"Oh yes?"

"Oh, yes," said Richards firmly. "He's going to remember that Panamerica Steel & Structure has a bright young man named Richards who could tell him everything he wanted to know when he wanted to know it - just the sort of chap he can use; not like that other fellow who took no interest in his job, couldn't answer the simplest question, and who's going to be doing small-time contracting in Cuba all his life."

"Oh, yeah?" I said. But it is true that I am still in Cuba, still doing a little work in the construction line.

4 answers

Data entry careers are all over the place, and you'd have to purposely avoid them to not see them. There are a number of reasons for this, but the most important one to consider is fairly simple. The reality is that most of these job postings you see online for data entry careers are the "work from home" type. While this might perk up your scam radar when you see the phrase "work from home," there are actually a lot of valid online work opportunities these days. In fact, there are a number of sources that have said recently that the trend of the future will see more people working at home in some capacity or another.

So, why are they hiring people to work at home? Well, the math is fairly simple on this and it makes quite a lot of sense. Traditionally, when an employer would hire on staff he or she would be taking on a number of "associated costs" to that hiring. More employees mean a larger business space, which translates into higher heating and electricity costs, which get compounded with larger rental fees, and the costs keep piling up. However, when an employer hires someone to work out of his or her home, then the employer is saving all of those associated costs.

Savings like this are why a lot of employers are posting data entry careers on employment sites as "work from home" opportunities. Data entry is a pretty cut and dry field of work, so it's not like your boss needs to be standing over you all day while you do it. As long as you present your boss with the work assigned to you in a timely and professional way, you will be able to work from the comfort of your home while also making a very competitive salary.

While jobs that let you work from home may have a sour connotation for some people, the reality is that it's nothing like it used to be. These are not schemes to get rich quick, they are legitimate jobs that require work in return for an honest day's pay.

1 answer

Success at means the goal. Success in means the result.

1 answer

Today, famous and successful sports professionals are always on the top of the rich who earn a huge amount of money every year more than people in other important occupations. It is always argued that whether or not athletes deserve with their huge incomes.

First of all, sport professionals practice and work very hard to achieve successes so it is not surprised when they earn a lot of money because they deserve with their contribution and devotion to sport. To get gold medals in Olympic Games or to be winners in big competitions, many athletes have to sacrifice their youth, appearances and happiness to play sports. In addition, they must obey strict diets, rules and difficult exercises that coaches give them. Some young sportsmen used to be far from home to attend long term training courses when they were small children and rarely visit their families. Furthermore, some of them are very busy with competitions held every month, so they spend most of their time for practice and do not have enough time for their families and friends as peers do. Nevertheless, they overcome all difficulties and obstacles in the path of success to win worthy championships.

However, some sports professionals are paid a great deal of money that is not meritorious with their contribution. For example, famous sportsmen, especially football players, make use of their reputation toearn a colossal sum of money easily. They can be paid from lucrative advertising contracts or shirt deals, even from their scandals. Despite the fact that athletes work and practice strenuously, it seems to be easier for them to earn money than other people in important occupations who also are very hard working.

In conclusion, although sports professionals are always considered as the rich who have huge incomes and comfortable life, they have to sacrifice a lot of valuable things in life to record great sportsachievements. I believe that if athletes work really hard and devote wholeheartedly themselves to sport, they fully deserve with their incomes.

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There are many ways to make a living, and one of the most common is in customer service. While this career does not necessarily require specialized training or an advanced degree, it does require a certain set of skills in order for a person to be successful in their field. Customer service professionals serve wherever there are customers. They are not only salespeople or retail clerks. They are also receptionists, phone operators, bank tellers, and managers.

Every business depends on exceptional customer service in order to survive. While professionals who interact directly with customers on a regular, daily basis may not be the most highly paid employees in a business, they are vital to every business operation. A customer service professional is the first point-of-contact for customers. The first impression sets the tone and expectation for every business transaction that follows. By having the right person in the customer service role, means satisfied customers and repeat business. Customer service professionals who perform their duties well are valued and rewarded appropriately.

The ability to listen and communicate effectively are the foundation of a rewarding career in customer service. Professionals need to be patient, analyzing the customer's needs as they are explained. Proper listening techniques require an open, non-judgmental mind-set so that the person listening gives the customer time to express his or her desires and wants. Proper listening also requires asking questions when appropriate, so that the customer is reassured that they are being heard, as well as that they are being understood. Empathy for the customer is not a learned skill, but it can be developed with practice.

Customer service professionals are aware of all the services their employer offers. Successful ones are able to tailor what they can offer to the customer's expectations, and communicate this effectively. By understanding everything the customer expects, customer service professionals act as ambassadors for their employer, giving customers the value they deserve, and promoting satisfaction with what the business can provide. A career in customer service is rewarding both monetarily and personally, by making everything go smoothly for everyone involved. Without good customer service, there would be no business.

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Education has become an extremely important component in presenting a balanced resume. Prospective employers are typically looking for someone with an undergraduate degree, or even an advanced degree. High school dropouts face an uphill battle for their entire life when it comes to competing in the workforce. All is not lost. It is still possible to complete a GED program, and then begin an undergraduate degree. Fortunately, there are online classes that can help the student prepare to take the GED exam.

Set a Deadline

When pursuing a goal of any sort, it is often best to create dates for progress and completion. Typically, the longer the gap between school and the next degree pursuit, the more difficult it is to stay motivated and complete your coursework. A deadline will help keep things on track. Mark the date on a calendar or set an e-mail reminder.

Choose a Practice Regimen

There are a number of websites that offer GED preparation. Review the websites carefully. Some will offer a free assessment as a basis to encourage signup for practice coursework. Start with the assessment, and move forward from there. Some websites will even offer a practice regimen tailored to the assessment results. Once the assessment is completed, select a practice program, and be certain to set aside study time. Remember that a small block of time consistently is often better than larger blocks of time sporadically.

Keep Your Eyes on the Prize

Successful completion of a GED program is inevitably going to open quite a few career doors. Take more than one assessment exam along the way and analyze the results each time. As practice hours add up, there may be temptation along the way to give up or be discouraged with progress. Remember that the pursuit of this certificate is unto a purpose. Practice, practice, practice. Study, study, study. Remember that nothing worth having is easy. Talk with friends and family about working towards the GED, and lean on them for encouragement along the way.

Cross the Finish line

After all of the studying has taken place, exam day has arrived. Remember that studying has helped to ensure success in this moment. Plan on arriving early at the test site in order to minimize rushing or test day anxiety. Answer each question carefully and thoughtfully. Avoid rushing through while also keeping in mind that the exam is timed.

1 answer

Success motivates to someone internally in effect this motivation lead to further success.

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the reverse of success is defeat because if there was no defeat there would be no success

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