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The comparative form of "subtle" is "subtler" and the superlative form is "subtlest."

2 answers

comparative -- more sensitive

superlative -- most sensitive

2 answers

Well if she doesnt show you, then you really dont know if she does like you or not. Every girl gives even the subtlest hints that they like a guy. Look for the really little things, and if you dont notice a difference, dont jump to conclusions.

1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 2 words with the pattern -UBTL---. That is, eight letter words with 2nd letter U and 3rd letter B and 4th letter T and 5th letter L. In alphabetical order, they are:



1 answer

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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 2 words with the pattern S-B--ES-. That is, eight letter words with 1st letter S and 3rd letter B and 6th letter E and 7th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are:



1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 2 words with the pattern S-B-L--T. That is, eight letter words with 1st letter S and 3rd letter B and 5th letter L and 8th letter T. In alphabetical order, they are:



1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern --BTLE-T. That is, eight letter words with 3rd letter B and 4th letter T and 5th letter L and 6th letter E and 8th letter T. In alphabetical order, they are:


1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern -UB-LE-T. That is, eight letter words with 2nd letter U and 3rd letter B and 5th letter L and 6th letter E and 8th letter T. In alphabetical order, they are:


1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 10 words with the pattern S--T-E-T. That is, eight letter words with 1st letter S and 4th letter T and 6th letter E and 8th letter T. In alphabetical order, they are:











1 answer

thsi probably means that he is flirting with you, in the subtlest of ways. So he may like you.

If this happens just once then it may not mean anything. Try putting your hand casually on his arm and see what he does. If he gets physically closer to you then he likes you. If he puts his hand on you, then he really likes you. If you want to encourage him, try sitting close to him in a short skirt, put your hand on his leg and he will most likely touch your leg in return. Good luck, have fun, be safe.

1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 41 words with the pattern SU----S-. That is, eight letter words with 1st letter S and 2nd letter U and 7th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are:










































1 answer

Large particles have a tendency to settle due to gravity, unless they are constantly agitated or mixed. When left undisturbed, these particles can separate from the liquid phase and accumulate at the bottom of a container. This settling process can be influenced by factors such as particle size, shape, and density.

4 answers

With its cyclical notion of time, Hinduism teaches that the material world is created not once but repeatedly, time and time again. Additionally, this universe is considered to be one of many, all enclosed "like innumerable bubbles floating in space." Within this universe, there are three main regions: the heavenly planets, the earthly realm and the lower worlds. Scripture goes into some detail as to the nature of these regions and their respective inhabitants.

Hinduism is therefore not predominantly earth-centred, and puts much emphasis on other "planes of existence" - various material abodes and the spiritual realm itself. This is reflected in Hindu stories and specifically through the concept of lila (divine pastime).These lilas take place in the spiritual world and are replicated at sacred locations on earth.

There is no one simple account of creation, and there are many detailed and inter-related stories. Central is the narration of the sacrifice of the primal being (purusha), found in the Rig Veda. On the metaphysical level, the universe is created from sound (vak). Sound corresponds to ether, the subtlest of the five material elements. According to such sankhyaphilosophy, the elements develop progressively from subtle to gross.

The atman, more subtle than any matter, generates his own successive material bodies.This world and its creatures are here to facilitate the soul's self-centred desires, and ultimately to enable his return to the spiritual world.

1 answer

Man is basically a social being. Communication is basically an essential part of our lives. Ever since we were born, we were exposed to people (actually, even before we were born, if you count the mother while in the tummy). Anyway, because of our social nature, we are affected in many ways through movements around us. Each person on earth has an effect on our lives, whether you know them or not, whether they know you or not.

For example, I'll tell you a story. Many years ago, there was a bully in a certain school. He kept beating little kids up. There was this one kid who got beaten up so bad that he vowed to become stronger, in all ways he can think of: physically and mentally. He then grew up, growing stronger as he had promised himself, making sure to remove everything he considered weak. He even forced his son to grow up aiming to be stalwart, removing any imperfections. That kid could now possible a teacher you once had, who never gave you good grades no matter how hard you worked on it. His standards have grown high that perfection will only merit a passing grade. And to think, that started with a bully many years ago.

Anyway, every person is important, mainly because of the effects I mentioned above, where every the subtlest movements can change an entire generation's fate. So by being aware of what's going on around, you will be able to understand what is happening and maybe even know what's going to happen. Knowing what's happening helps you appreciate everything on this earth.

1 answer

Here are some possible words:






















































































































































5 answers

In my opinion your going to need to take white and mix a little black in for grey. However there is another technique used by myself and other artists, which is simply diluting the black with purified water. the mix can start at 50/50 but you will find that is very dark still. i have cut black down to 15water 1 part black and achieved a very nice subtle ghosty grey.
Sometimes the grey your looking for can only be created by dilution . The downfall is it takes a somewhat experienced artist to deal with the thinner ink. Mixing with white allows you to retain the same consistency which makes it easier. Again though, it makes a "brighter" grey. Brighter greys can quickly turn a nice black and grey piece into a disaster by not blending AT ALL with traditional black and grey wash style tattooing. Of course you can avoid all this and just buy a 6 pack of grey wash shades at Element tattoo supply. I get alot of stuff from them and they rock. Happy Tattooing!!

2 answers

The best acting schools not only teach students how to act, they also teach them how to audition.

Although there are many acknowledged acting techniques - of which the Strasberg and the Stanislavski methods are possibly the most famous - it is a little known fact that there are also several audition techniques. Auditioning for the stage will be different from, for instance, auditioning for television, and the young actor should be instructed in the techniques relevant to auditioning for roles in, among other media, live theater, television, film and commercials.

Stage actors are usually taught to play to the back row, and their technique is, on the whole, much broader than that needed for film or television projects. Television actors need to be subtle - and film actors even more so - and it is often said that if an actor just thinks something, the camera will pick it up. Film, television and commercial auditions are, furthermore, usually put on tape, while stage auditions are live, and it would be fatal for a stage actor looking to work on-screen to use stage technique in his film or television auditions.

Subtlety is definitely the name of the game when auditioning for any project that’s going on film - except, perhaps, certain types of commercials - and, of film and television auditions, film auditions have to be the subtlest of them all. The reason for this is simple: a film screen is much larger than a television screen, and any unnecessary facial movement will be magnified a hundred times and will spoil an audience’s enjoyment of the story.

Television shows can be divided into situational comedies (sit-coms), dramadys, procedural episodics and soap operas, and, although all of these shows are destined for the small screen, an actor will be wise to audition for each type of show with a technique that suits the genre. There are, furthermore, several sub-divisions of these general categories including, for instance, the one-camera and the multi-camera sit-com styles, and actors must know how to audition for all of them.

Given the above, an acting school would be wise to teach audition techniques alongside Meisner and Chekhov.

1 answer

The narcissist knows to tell right from wrong. He is perfectly capable of anticipating the results of his actions and their influence on his human environment. The narcissist is very perceptive and sensitive to the subtlest nuances. He has to be: the very integrity of his personality depends upon input from others.

But the narcissist does not care. Unable to empathise, he does not fully experience the outcomes of his deeds and decision. For him, humans are dispensable, rechargeable, reusable. They are there to fulfil a function: to supply him with Narcissistic Supply (adoration, admiration, approval, affirmation, etc.) They do not have an existence apart from the carrying out of their duty.

True: it is the disposition of the narcissist to treat humans in the inhuman way that he does. However, this propensity is absolutely controllable. The narcissist has a choice � he just doesn't think anyone is worth making it.

It is a fact that the narcissist can behave completely differently (under identical circumstances) � depending who is involved. He not likely to be enraged by the behaviour of an important person (=with a potential to supply him narcissistically). But, he might become absolutely violent with his nearest and dearest under the same circumstances. This is because they are captives, they do not have to be won over, the Narcissistic Supply coming from them is taken for granted.

Being a narcissist does not exempt the patient from being a human being. A person suffering from NPD must be subjected to the same moral treatment and judgment as the rest of us, less privileged ones. The courts do not recognise NPD as a mitigating circumstance � why should we? Treating the narcissist specially will only exacerbate the condition by supporting the grandiose, fantastic image the narcissist has of himself.

By all means: be angry, be upset (for good and just reasons) � and don't hesitate to communicate your displeasure. The narcissist needs guidance (he is disoriented) and this is one of the best ways of providing him with one.

Based on my book "Malignant Self Love - Narcissism Revisited"

� 2003 Lidija Rangelovska Narcissus Publications

AnswerNarcissists are incurably immature. They are forever 5 years old. I liken my narcissist to a child who gets in the driver seat of a car and drives around town hitting people left and right. They can't even see, from where they're seated, what they're doing and have no idea of the damage they have done. If someone stopped this child to say "look how many people you have hurt" the 5 year old might have a glimmer of understanding that something bad had happened, but then they would hop back in the driver's seat and drive off. They're too young to place blame, but the damage is real. This is why narcissists are so dangerous. They don't look at all like a 5 year old. They LOOK like an adult and have the powerful tools of an adult: education, money, status. Put those tools in the hands of a 5 year mentality and LOOK OUT. AnswerYes. They know exactly what they are doing. All their stratgies are carefully thought and PLANNED. They are very manipulative and quite smart in that sense.

1 answer

ablest adjust amplest aptest artist august baldest ballast barest bassist biased biassed biggest blackest blandest blankest bleakest blindest blithest blondest bluest bluntest boldest brashest bravest breakfast briefest brightest briskest broadest brownest buddhist bummest bused bussed bust buttressed calloused callused calmest canvased canvassed caucused cellist centrist cheapest chemist choicest chorused cleanest clearest closest coarsest coldest compassed coolest coyest crassest crossest crudest cruelest cruellest crust cubist curtest cussed cutest cyclist czarist daftest dampest dankest darkest deadest deafest dearest deepest deftest deist densest dentist dimmest discussed disgust distrust doest drabbest driest druggist drunkest dullest dumbest dust earnest eldest encrust entrust ernest faddist faintest fairest falsest farthest fascist fastest fattest feeblest feudist fewest fiercest finest firmest fittest flattest fleetest flippest florist flutist focused focussed fondest forest foulest frailest frankest freest freshest fullest furthest fussed gamest gauntest gayest gentlest gladdest glibbest glummest grandest gravest grayest greatest greenest greyest grimaced grimmest grossest gruffest gust gymnast harassed hardest harnessed harpist harshest harvest herbst highest hippest hoarsest holist honest hottest hugest humblest idlest interest intrust jaundiced jointist jurist just keenest kindest lamest larcenist largest latest latticed laxest leanest leftist lewdest lightest linguist lithest littlest locust longest loosest loudest lowest lust lutist lyrist maddest mainmast marxist mayest meanest meekest menaced mildest mistrust modest moistest monist mussed must nearest neatest newest nicest nighest nimblest noblest nonplused nonplussed noticed nudest nudist numbest oddest oldest palest palmist papist pertest pinkest plainest plumpest plushest poorest poshest poulticed practiced prefaced premised primmest promised protist proudest psalmist purchased purest purist purposed quaintest queerest quickest racist rankest rapist rarest rawest realest reddest richest rightist ripest robust roughest rudest rust saddest sadist safest sanest sawdust sayest scarcest serviced sexist sharpest shiest shortest shouldest shrewdest shrillest shyest sickest simplest sleekest slickest sliest slightest slimmest slowest slyest smallest smartest smoothest smuggest snidest snuggest softest solaced soonest sophist sorest soundest sourest sparest sparsest spriest sprucest spryest squarest staidest stalest starkest statist steepest sternest stiffest stillest stoutest straightest strangest strictest strongest stylist subtlest supplest surest surfaced sveltest sweetest swiftest tallest tamest tannest taoist tartest tautest tempest tensest terraced tersest theist theorist thickest thinnest thrust tightest topmast toughest tourist trespassed trimmest tritest truest trussed trust typist unjust upthrust vaguest vilest wannest warmest weakest weirdest wettest whitest widest wildest wisest witnessed wouldest wrongest yahwist youngest
Never rest


1 answer

ablest adjust amplest aptest artist

august baldest ballast barest bassist

biased biassed biggest blackest blandest

blankest bleakest blindest blithest blondest

bluest bluntest boldest brashest bravest

breakfast briefest brightest briskest broadest

brownest buddhist bummest bused bussed

bust buttressed calloused callused calmest

canvased canvassed caucused cellist centrist

cheapest chemist choicest chorused cleanest

clearest closest coarsest coldest compassed

coolest coyest crassest crossest crudest

cruelest cruellest crust cubist curtest

cussed cutest cyclist czarist daftest

dampest dankest darkest deadest deafest

dearest deepest deftest deist densest

dentist dimmest discussed disgust distrust

doest drabbest driest druggist drunkest

dullest dumbest dust earnest eldest

encrust entrust ernest faddist faintest

fairest falsest farthest fascist fastest

fattest feeblest feudist fewest fiercest

finest firmest fittest flattest fleetest

flippest florist flutist focused focussed

fondest forest foulest frailest frankest

freest freshest fullest furthest fussed

gamest gauntest gayest gentlest gladdest

glibbest glummest grandest gravest grayest

greatest greenest greyest grimaced grimmest

grossest gruffest gust gymnast harassed

hardest harnessed harpist harshest harvest

herbst highest hippest hoarsest holist

honest hottest hugest humblest idlest

interest intrust jaundiced jointist jurist

just keenest kindest lamest larcenist

largest latest latticed laxest leanest

leftist lewdest lightest linguist lithest

littlest locust longest loosest loudest

lowest lust lutist lyrist maddest

mainmast marxist mayest meanest meekest

menaced mildest mistrust modest moistest

monist mussed must nearest neatest

newest nicest nighest nimblest noblest

nonplused nonplussed noticed nudest nudist

numbest oddest oldest palest palmist

papist pertest pinkest plainest plumpest

plushest poorest poshest poulticed practiced

prefaced premised primmest promised protist

proudest psalmist purchased purest purist

purposed quaintest queerest quickest racist

rankest rapist rarest rawest realest

reddest richest rightist ripest robust

roughest rudest rust saddest sadist

safest sanest sawdust sayest scarcest

serviced sexist sharpest shiest shortest

shouldest shrewdest shrillest shyest sickest

simplest sleekest slickest sliest slightest

slimmest slowest slyest smallest smartest

smoothest smuggest snidest snuggest softest

solaced soonest sophist sorest soundest

sourest sparest sparsest spriest sprucest

spryest squarest staidest stalest starkest

statist steepest sternest stiffest stillest

stoutest straightest strangest strictest strongest

stylist subtlest supplest surest surfaced

sveltest sweetest swiftest tallest tamest

tannest taoist tartest tautest tempest

tensest terraced tersest theist theorist

thickest thinnest thrust tightest topmast

toughest tourist trespassed trimmest tritest

truest trussed trust typist unjust

upthrust vaguest vilest wannest warmest

weakest weirdest wettest whitest widest

wildest wisest witnessed wouldest wrongest

yahwist youngest

1 answer

ablest adjust amplest aptest artist

august baldest ballast barest bassist

biased biassed biggest blackest blandest

blankest bleakest blindest blithest blondest

bluest bluntest boldest brashest bravest

breakfast briefest brightest briskest broadest

brownest buddhist bummest bused bussed

bust buttressed calloused callused calmest

canvased canvassed caucused cellist centrist

cheapest chemist choicest chorused cleanest

clearest closest coarsest coldest compassed

coolest coyest crassest crossest crudest

cruelest cruellest crust cubist curtest

cussed cutest cyclist czarist daftest

dampest dankest darkest deadest deafest

dearest deepest deftest deist densest

dentist dimmest discussed disgust distrust

doest drabbest driest druggist drunkest

dullest dumbest dust earnest eldest

encrust entrust ernest faddist faintest

fairest falsest farthest fascist fastest

fattest feeblest feudist fewest fiercest

finest firmest fittest flattest fleetest

flippest florist flutist focused focussed

fondest forest foulest frailest frankest

freest freshest fullest furthest fussed

gamest gauntest gayest gentlest gladdest

glibbest glummest grandest gravest grayest

greatest greenest greyest grimaced grimmest

grossest gruffest gust gymnast harassed

hardest harnessed harpist harshest harvest

herbst highest hippest hoarsest holist

honest hottest hugest humblest idlest

interest intrust jaundiced jointist jurist

just keenest kindest lamest larcenist

largest latest latticed laxest leanest

leftist lewdest lightest linguist lithest

littlest locust longest loosest loudest

lowest lust lutist lyrist maddest

mainmast marxist mayest meanest meekest

menaced mildest mistrust modest moistest

monist mussed must nearest neatest

newest nicest nighest nimblest noblest

nonplused nonplussed noticed nudest nudist

numbest oddest oldest palest palmist

papist pertest pinkest plainest plumpest

plushest poorest poshest poulticed practiced

prefaced premised primmest promised protist

proudest psalmist purchased purest purist

purposed quaintest queerest quickest racist

rankest rapist rarest rawest realest

reddest richest rightist ripest robust

roughest rudest rust saddest sadist

safest sanest sawdust sayest scarcest

serviced sexist sharpest shiest shortest

shouldest shrewdest shrillest shyest sickest

simplest sleekest slickest sliest slightest

slimmest slowest slyest smallest smartest

smoothest smuggest snidest snuggest softest

solaced soonest sophist sorest soundest

sourest sparest sparsest spriest sprucest

spryest squarest staidest stalest starkest

statist steepest sternest stiffest stillest

stoutest straightest strangest strictest strongest

stylist subtlest supplest surest surfaced

sveltest sweetest swiftest tallest tamest

tannest taoist tartest tautest tempest

tensest terraced tersest theist theorist

thickest thinnest thrust tightest topmast

toughest tourist trespassed trimmest tritest

truest trussed trust typist unjust

upthrust vaguest vilest wannest warmest

weakest weirdest wettest whitest widest

wildest wisest witnessed wouldest wrongest

yahwist youngest

ablest adjust amplest aptest artist

august baldest ballast barest bassist

biased biassed biggest blackest blandest

blankest bleakest blindest blithest blondest

bluest bluntest boldest brashest bravest

breakfast briefest brightest briskest broadest

brownest buddhist bummest bused bussed

bust buttressed calloused callused calmest

canvased canvassed caucused cellist centrist

cheapest chemist choicest chorused cleanest

clearest closest coarsest coldest compassed

coolest coyest crassest crossest crudest

cruelest cruellest crust cubist curtest

cussed cutest cyclist czarist daftest

dampest dankest darkest deadest deafest

dearest deepest deftest deist densest

dentist dimmest discussed disgust distrust

doest drabbest driest druggist drunkest

dullest dumbest dust earnest eldest

encrust entrust ernest faddist faintest

fairest falsest farthest fascist fastest

fattest feeblest feudist fewest fiercest

finest firmest fittest flattest fleetest

flippest florist flutist focused focussed

fondest forest foulest frailest frankest

freest freshest fullest furthest fussed

gamest gauntest gayest gentlest gladdest

glibbest glummest grandest gravest grayest

greatest greenest greyest grimaced grimmest

grossest gruffest gust gymnast harassed

hardest harnessed harpist harshest harvest

herbst highest hippest hoarsest holist

honest hottest hugest humblest idlest

interest intrust jaundiced jointist jurist

just keenest kindest lamest larcenist

largest latest latticed laxest leanest

leftist lewdest lightest linguist lithest

littlest locust longest loosest loudest

lowest lust lutist lyrist maddest

mainmast marxist mayest meanest meekest

menaced mildest mistrust modest moistest

monist mussed must nearest neatest

newest nicest nighest nimblest noblest

nonplused nonplussed noticed nudest nudist

numbest oddest oldest palest palmist

papist pertest pinkest plainest plumpest

plushest poorest poshest poulticed practiced

prefaced premised primmest promised protist

proudest psalmist purchased purest purist

purposed quaintest queerest quickest racist

rankest rapist rarest rawest realest

reddest richest rightist ripest robust

roughest rudest rust saddest sadist

safest sanest sawdust sayest scarcest

serviced sexist sharpest shiest shortest

shouldest shrewdest shrillest shyest sickest

simplest sleekest slickest sliest slightest

slimmest slowest slyest smallest smartest

smoothest smuggest snidest snuggest softest

solaced soonest sophist sorest soundest

sourest sparest sparsest spriest sprucest

spryest squarest staidest stalest starkest

statist steepest sternest stiffest stillest

stoutest straightest strangest strictest strongest

stylist subtlest supplest surest surfaced

sveltest sweetest swiftest tallest tamest

tannest taoist tartest tautest tempest

tensest terraced tersest theist theorist

thickest thinnest thrust tightest topmast

toughest tourist trespassed trimmest tritest

truest trussed trust typist unjust

upthrust vaguest vilest wannest warmest

weakest weirdest wettest whitest widest

wildest wisest witnessed wouldest wrongest

yahwist youngest

1 answer

Yes they know and they couldn't care less about hurting people ,they see people that have empathy,love and feelings as weak ,and that they ask to be hurt being so weak,thats what my ex N told me

5 answers

I doubt it cause that would not be normal for people do dream strange things before they die.

Some do, sometimes that person does not dream anything, but people around them do. Sometimes because of these dreams people get close to dying but do not diebecause something interferes, sometimes it can be prayers etc. I am not saying they did a study about it or anything but I haveve heard it happen to close relatives and friends so many times.

Yes, it seem likely that they do. We can not ask people who have actually died, whether they had any strange dreams just before dying, but we can ask people who came close to death and survived. Well-known dreams or hallucinations in these circumstances are often called "near-death experiences" or "out-of-body experiences". These are often so vividly real that the survivor really believes that he or she experienced them.

Researchers have found similar experiences occur in patients with low blood sugar, oxygen deprivation, reduced blood flow or temporal-lobe epilepsy, even when death was not imminent. Another common factor that leads to "near-death experiences" can be the belief that one is dying.



It seems self-evident that people dream strange things before they die; people dream strange things all the time. The challenge is to find a dream that makes perfect sense and that doesn't contain any strangeness at all. Human beings are psychologically well defended (in the sense of ego defense) and those among us who are not in possession of healthy ego defenses are usually mentally and behaviorally ill. Very few people get to have a "dry run" at death before the actual plunge, and most people would admit that the prospect of experiencing it is a cause for a little concern. That concern increases in frequency and intensity as we know that death is getting closer. We even pick up the subtlest things from the body language and vocal tone of friends, family and physicians. Some of these things help to inform us about approaching death, and help some of us to come to acceptance. Our egos seek wordlessly to make sense out of these later-life experiences, and our dreams can serve as a back-drop for some of this ego-defensive work. The dreaming process shuts down our waking inhibitions and logic processes, and some of the things that are on our minds can have free reign for a while; the mind processes in a new and often delightful way. In fact dreams sometimes offer to the dreamer a kind of peaceful resolution-- resolution that we didn't know we needed, to conflicts that we couldn't have put into words.

2 answers

The Bible says in the begining God created the Heavens and the earth.

==1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

On the first day God produced the blueprint of the universe and He worked out how to go about manifesting it. The expression "earth was without form, and void" indicates that the earth was just an idea in His mind. As Paramhansa Yogananda explains in his book "The Second Coming of Christ: The Resurrection of the Christ Within You" this indicates the "creative thoughts of God that are the ideational causes of all beginnings" (see Discourse 10).

Also, in these few lines, Moses explains to us that God plays with the universe for some time (which He calls 'Day') after which He rests for some time (which He calls 'Night'). The light that God created on the first day was not the visible light from stars (which was created on the fourth day), but is the "Cosmic Vibration's first expression of creation (concurrent with the sound of of Aum or Amen). It is the essence or building block of the trifold universe and man - ideational, the subtlest form of light as thought or idea; astral, the light of lifetronic energy; and material, the light of atoms, electrons, protons that structure all matter." (see Yogananda's book "God Talks With Arjuna - The Bhagavad Gita" chapter III, verses 14-15).


God created light.

On the first day of creation, God created the first day of creation:

'And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.' Gen 1:5.

2 answers

ablest adjust amplest aptest artist

august baldest ballast barest bassist

biased biassed biggest blackest blandest

blankest bleakest blindest blithest blondest

bluest bluntest boldest brashest bravest

breakfast briefest brightest briskest broadest

brownest buddhist bummest bused bussed

bust buttressed calloused callused calmest

canvased canvassed caucused cellist centrist

cheapest chemist choicest chorused cleanest

clearest closest coarsest coldest compassed

coolest coyest crassest crossest crudest

cruelest cruellest crust cubist curtest

cussed cutest cyclist czarist daftest

dampest dankest darkest deadest deafest

dearest deepest deftest deist densest

dentist dimmest discussed disgust distrust

doest drabbest driest druggist drunkest

dullest dumbest dust earnest eldest

encrust entrust ernest faddist faintest

fairest falsest farthest fascist fastest

fattest feeblest feudist fewest fiercest

finest firmest fittest flattest fleetest

flippest florist flutist focused focussed

fondest forest foulest frailest frankest

freest freshest fullest furthest fussed

gamest gauntest gayest gentlest gladdest

glibbest glummest grandest gravest grayest

greatest greenest greyest grimaced grimmest

grossest gruffest gust gymnast harassed

hardest harnessed harpist harshest harvest

herbst highest hippest hoarsest holist

honest hottest hugest humblest idlest

interest intrust jaundiced jointist jurist

just keenest kindest lamest larcenist

largest latest latticed laxest leanest

leftist lewdest lightest linguist lithest

littlest locust longest loosest loudest

lowest lust lutist lyrist maddest

mainmast marxist mayest meanest meekest

menaced mildest mistrust modest moistest

monist mussed must nearest neatest

newest nicest nighest nimblest noblest

nonplused nonplussed noticed nudest nudist

numbest oddest oldest palest palmist

papist pertest pinkest plainest plumpest

plushest poorest poshest poulticed practiced

prefaced premised primmest promised protist

proudest psalmist purchased purest purist

purposed quaintest queerest quickest racist

rankest rapist rarest rawest realest

reddest richest rightist ripest robust

roughest rudest rust saddest sadist

safest sanest sawdust sayest scarcest

serviced sexist sharpest shiest shortest

shouldest shrewdest shrillest shyest sickest

simplest sleekest slickest sliest slightest

slimmest slowest slyest smallest smartest

smoothest smuggest snidest snuggest softest

solaced soonest sophist sorest soundest

sourest sparest sparsest spriest sprucest

spryest squarest staidest stalest starkest

statist steepest sternest stiffest stillest

stoutest straightest strangest strictest strongest

stylist subtlest supplest surest surfaced

sveltest sweetest swiftest tallest tamest

tannest taoist tartest tautest tempest

tensest terraced tersest theist theorist

thickest thinnest thrust tightest topmast

toughest tourist trespassed trimmest tritest

truest trussed trust typist unjust

upthrust vaguest vilest wannest warmest

weakest weirdest wettest whitest widest

wildest wisest witnessed wouldest wrongest

yahwist youngest

7 answers

To name a few:

whitest, cleverest, divest, stoniest, subtlest, truest, quietest, finest, drowsiest, chest, rinderpest, toughest, rankest, modest, ripest, palimpsest, poorest, firmest, blindest, cest, shaggiest, fleshiest, fattest, ernest, unblest, hardest, thriftiest, disinvest, merriest, kindest, kest, funest, smokiest, sleepiest, loftiest, sparsest, vainest, foulest, harvest, baldest, reinvest, kindliest, vest, bucharest, frailest, cheesiest, forrest, fuzziest, saengerfest, fewest, incest, congest, invest, dearest, interest, budapest, hippest, greyest, realest, flattest, emptiest, blest, jest, revest, smallest, ablest, steadiest, gentlest, yellowest, greediest, cloudiest, idlest, horniest, handiest, earliest, overmodest, hastiest, imprest, freshest, simplest, safest, murkiest, blockiest, longest, readiest, easiest, foggiest, leakiest, nicest, plainest, disinfest, digest, tempest, sloppiest, weakest, prest, grossest, meanest, vilest, rightest, lowest, neediest, test, swiftest, surest, reforest, funniest, blandest, hillcrest, calmest, weariest, rosiest, brest, fairest, overearnest, houseguest, reddest, craziest, pettiest, tightest, healthiest, pinkest, severest, rudest, brightest, infest, sorest, leanest, rashest, deadest, inquest, snowiest, nastiest, footrest, boldest, anapaest, stupidest, dimmest, sou'west, softest, sickest, qwest, best, wisest, freest, direst, frankest, supraprotest, request, bravest, sunniest, hangnest, behest, handrest, indigest, strictest, wordiest, darkest, seediest, drest, iciest, prettiest, disinterest, mayest, talkfest, nearest, holiest, naughtiest, disforest, loveliest, wrest, deafest, palest, stoutest, everest, solidest, evilest, surliest, wealthiest, bloodiest, vaguest, roundest, abdest, humblest, dampest, merest, furthest, nest, outjest, strongest, sharpest, coafforest, alcahest, heaviest, hottest, happiest, unhonest, mildest, barghest, wriest, obtest, outwrest, grimmest, widest, moodiest, immodest, bequest, dirtiest, narrowest, wiliest, keenest, soberest, wildest, greatest, clumsiest, stalest, briefest, driest, est, slackest, liveliest, slugfest, circumvest, birdnest, hungriest, friendliest, hartbeest, sanest, stillest, manliest, thickest, newest, loosest, remotest, soonest, dullest, doest, quest, queerest, richest, mightiest, earnest, hammerfest, smoothest, forest, impest, winningest, west, scarcest, eldest, egest, bluest, brownest, suggest, slightest, loneliest, deforest, shortest, headrest, honest, contest, youngest, roomiest, raciest, dumbest, paltriest, thinnest, loudest, slowest, jauntiest, wittiest, choicest, mapquest, lustiest, biggest, squattest, starkest, sourest, queest, tiniest, spiciest, warmest, littlest, redigest, tannest, stablest, southwest, guest, kingliest, unpriest, hollowest, rarest, sorriest, reconquest, wildebeest, gest, ruddiest, fastest, smartest, damnedest, noblest, predigest, speediest, middest, conquest, clearest, afforest, hest, hugest, cruelest, commonest, rainforest, grandest, silliest, basest, laziest, guiltiest, veriest, wettest, grayest, weest, snuggest, strangest, hairiest, protest, windiest, gravest, hoarsest, grumpiest, barguest, busiest, bedrest, scrubbiest, trimmest, noisiest, ingest, tamest, muddiest, firecrest, latest, midwest, maturest, rawest, sexiest, saddest, broadest, northwest, arbalest, minutest, almagest, baddest, manifest, sparest, arrest, arest, faintest, regest, gabfest, gladdest, gloomiest, fanciest, squarest, disafforest, bluntest, filthiest, attest, devest, roughest, angriest, soundest, tersest, shoddiest, zest, stingiest, acquest, shyest, tallest, polychrest, stiffest, backrest, armrest, aest, mellowest, mest, chiefest, luckiest, shadiest, harshest, tenderest, coolest, coldest, dest, shiest, deepest, scurviest, hardiest, alkahest, lightest, cleanest, blankest, snappiest, straightest, songfest, rest, ugliest, dishonest, spriest, fullest, proudest, sternest, undervest, goldcrest, sickliest, archpriest, reafforest, pest, yest, priest, falsest, slimmest, teest, stormiest, gayest, highest, decongest, fest, fiercest, stickiest, oktoberfest, cutest, closest, cheapest, molest, quickest, slyest, anapest, largest, tidiest, sweetest, geest, bunchiest, greenest, oldest, worthiest, lamest, barest, hartebeest, purest, heartiest, furriest, lest, souwest, securest, bitterest, coarsest, farthest, pretest, campiest, sliest, maddest, nighest, inchest, fittest, neatest, detest, steepest, blackest, crest, sturdiest, octoberfest, sagest, unrest, sublimest, oddest

3 answers

According to Hindu Philosophy, the universe (or multiverse) never came to be at some particular point, but always has been, always will be, but is perpetually in flux. Space and time are of cyclical nature. This universe is simply the current one, which is in flux and constantly changing, when it finally ceases to manifest, a new one will arise. An interesting parallel to these ideas can be found in the ekpyrotic model of the universe.This concept is also accepted by Buddhist Dharma.

This is similar to the Cyclical Universe Theory in physical cosmology. The Big Bang is described as the birth of the universe (Brahma), the life of the universe then follows (Vishnu), and the Big Crunch would be described as the destruction of the universe (Shiva).

In a number of stories from the Puranas the continual creation and destruction of the universe is equated to the outwards and inwards breaths of the gigantic cosmic Maha Vishnu.

Hindu_Thesis_of_Creation">Hindu Thesis of Creation

Hindu scriptures hold that Lord Vishnu, the protector and caretaker of all creation, sleeps in the middle of a vast ocean on the giant snake Sheshnaga or ananta (which means un-ending or infinity. When the cycle begins, Lord Brahma is born out of the 'Anda', an allusion to the egg which is the origin of all life. This 'Anda' comes out of the navel of Lord Vishnu. The first sound of Lord Brahma is Om, the origin of all creation.

Hindu viewpoint of Modern Cosmology

There are many metaphorical parallels between modern cosmology and the Hindu theory of 'Shrishti'. The 'Anda' itself resembles the hypothetical energy point from which the Big Bang and hence the Universe emerged. The true intonation of Om is very long and drawn out, it is described as an all pervading sound. Its parallel is the cosmic nackground radiation, currently at a temperature level of 3 kelvins, which pervades the Universe.

Even string theory finds a place in the Hindu texts. The first thing that ever was and will be is 'Shabda' or sound. This energy is produced by vibrations in energy produced by the powers of the Trinity (Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva). Although at a very high level, this resembles the multidimensional vibrations of the infinitesimal strings which are said to be the basis of all creation.

The end of the Universe!

The ultimate fate of the Universe is still an open question. The final answer depends upon the mass-energy content of the system as a whole. If it is below a certain limit, the Universe shall expand forever. If it exceeds a certain limit, it will contract into what has been conjectured as The Big Crunch.

The Hindu viewpoint of the continuous cycle of creation, destruction and rebirth is attuned to the theory of Big Bang - Expansion - Contraction - Big Crunch. This 'oscillation' is portrayed in Hindu texts, especially in theBhagwad Gita as Shrishti followed by Vinaash. The period of Vinaash is one of extreme chaos where the very laws of Nature are described to fail. If the Big Crunch happens, the movement of galaxies towards each other will produce very strong gravitational fields which may make relativistic effects perceptible at a great magnitude. The physical phenomena which we are used to may change wildly or be non-existent.

3 answers

सफल आप एकाग्रता की आवश्यकता

मानसिक गतिविधि के हर स्तर पर, concerntration sucess.the छात्र केलिए महत्वपूर्ण है परीक्षा ले रहा है, लेकिन एक लोकप्रिय गीत के माध्यम से चल रहे अपने head.the व्यापार आदमी के लिए एक महत्वपूर्ण अनुबंधलिखने के लिए कोशिश कर रहा से विचलित है वह अपनी पत्नी के साथ थाएक तर्क से अधिक चिंतित है. न्यायाधीश उसे पहले प्रदर्शित होने के रूप में वह consentration के अपने स्वयं के son.lack जैसा दिखता किशोरी से विचलित है मतलब है ineffeciancy.but वाट आम तौर पर ज्ञात नहीं है किएक केंद्रित मन न केवल सफल है क्योंकि यह अधिक से अधिक प्रेषण केसाथ समस्याओं को हल है, लेकिन कर सकते हैं भी समस्याओं क्योंकि कुछअपनी केंद्रित ऊर्जा पहले गायब हो जाने वाली कैसे का एक तरीका भी हल होकी आवश्यकता के बिना,

एक केंद्रित मन अक्सर सफलता के लिए अवसरों को आकर्षित करती है कि,कम ध्यान केंद्रित व्यक्तियों करने के लिए सरासर luck.the एक है जो ध्यान केंद्रित से आ apper प्रेरणा प्राप्त करता है और इस बार एक दिव्य पक्ष के रूपमें बंद others.but ऐसे प्रतीयमान एहसान द्वारा सोचा जा बस के लिए कारणहैं एकाग्रता की शक्ति

एकाग्रता शक्तियों और उन्हें चैनल जागता है, हमारे रास्ते में बाधाओं भंग, कई मायनों में अवसरों के अंदर, और प्रेरणा को आकर्षित करने, एकाग्रता एक एकल सबसे महत्वपूर्ण सफलता की कुंजी है

इस योग practice.the मन में विशेष रूप से सच है, ध्यान में है, तो पूरी तरह से अभी भी है कि नहीं सोचा था की एक लहर it.god में प्रवेश करती है,subtlest reallity होना चाहिए, इसलिए योग के शिक्षण का बोलनाsilence.much में छोड़कर नहीं माना जा सकता है, techiques पर केंद्रएकाग्रता के विकास के लिए विशेष रूप से डिजाइन किए

एकाग्रता क्या है? एकाग्रता, का अर्थ है, पहले, पूछो एक

8 answers

NO. Never confront an abuser especially one who has demonstrated a violent history.

Never argue with her or disagree. Agree with him until he calms down. The only safe way out is to calm her down. Eventually no matter how enraged she is, she will run out of steam. Once he is either asleep or out of the house LEAVE. GET OUT. Do not try to reason with her because......

Abusers are predators, attuned to the subtlest emotional cues of their prey. Never show your abuser that you are afraid or that you are less than resolute. The willingness to negotiate is perceived as a weakness by bullies. Violent offenders are insatiable. Do not succumb to blackmail or emotional extortion - once you start compromising, you won't see the end of it.

The abuser creates a "shared psychosis" (follies-a-deux) with his victim, an overwhelming feeling of "the two of us against the whole world". Don't buy into it. Feel free to threaten her (with legal measures), to disengage if things get rough- or to involve law enforcement officers, friends, neighbours, and colleagues.

Here are a few counterintuitive guidelines:

The abused feel ashamed, somehow responsible, guilty, and blameworthy for their maltreatment. The abuser is adept at instilling these erroneous notions in his victims ("look what you made me do!"). So, above all, do not keep your abuse a secret. Secrecy is the abuser's weapon. Share your story with friends, colleagues, neighbors, social workers, the police, the media, your minister, and anyone else who will listen.

Don't make excuses for him or her. Don't try to understand her. Do not empathize with him - he, surely, does not empathize with you. She has no mercy on you - you, in return, do not harbor misplaced pity for him. Never give her a second chance. React with your full arsenal to the first transgression. Teach him a lesson he is unlikely to forget. Make her go elsewhere for his sadistic pursuits or to offload his frustrations.

Often the abuser's proxies are unaware of their role. Expose him. Inform them. Demonstrate to them how they are being abused, misused, and plain used by the abuser. Trap your abuser. Treat her as she treats you. Involve others. Bring it into the open. Nothing like sunshine to disinfest abuse.

There are a few techniques which work wonders with abusers. Some psychologists recommend to treat repeat offenders as one would toddlers. The abuser is, indeed, an immature brat - though a dangerous one, endowed as he is with the privileges and capabilities of an adult. Sometimes ignoring his temper tantrums until it is over is a wise policy. But not very often - and, definitely not as a rule.

Read these articles for tips and advice:

AnswerIt depends on the situation, the degree of your relationship (wife, daughter, sister, etc.), and whether confronting him or her would jeopardize your safety.

I did confronted my abusive father. I didn't have the nerve to do it in person, but I wrote him a letter that was 4 pages long and told him everything I ever wanted to tell him. And you know what? It feels great! I am freed from the responsibility of having to pretend, of feeling responsible for his happiness and/or unhappiness, and the burden that I carried is gone.

AnswerI say YES. My father crossed the line when I was 15 and again when I was 19. My 2 sisters knew of the 1st incident but we never really talked about it and never told anyone else. I never told my mother;I was afraid she wouldn't believe me or that I (it wasn't me but my father)would cause my parents to divorce. I'm now 48 and have never told a single soul..I was ashamed and didn't want anyone to know what a creep my father was. I've been going to counselling to learn to let go of the anger and move on with some sort of relationship since my parents are now 71. Unfortunately, one of my sisters, without my knowledge or consent, last week told my 71 year old mother. She accused me of being on drugs (I'm not) and has disowned me. So now instead of dealing with the abuse issue with a professional and in private, I'm dealing with absolute rage at my sister as well as suddenly being without my mother and father. My mother's reaction is exactly why I didn't tell her 33 years ago. AnswerIf you think confrontation will "fix" the abuser, get a clue and give it up. Confrontation, however, can be a declaration of independence for the abused. Abuse continues as long as the object of that abuse is convenient and reasonably risk-free for exposure of the abuser. A child is at risk if he decides to confront his adult abuser alone. That child should find the courage to tell an adult who is willing to get involved by believing the abuse is real and factual. An abuser will gauge the ability and strength of the confronter. How that abuser responds to confrontation depends on the opportunity available to him by strength and ability. The same is true of a woman confronting a physically abusive man...or one capable of physical abuse where it has not been present before confrontation. Confronters are always at risk and should never doubt the reaction of a predator who has been backed into a corner. He will try to escape by any method he perceives is available...even by accelerating the abuse to remove the accuser. When the abused one is no longer at risk by virtue of numbers or strength, it is healthy for the abused to confront the abuser... healthy for the abused one... to give back a sense of personal power which will have been damaged by his powerlessness to avoid the abuse...or his guilt for feeling as if, perhaps, he deserved to be abused for some unknown reason. Confrontation throws the light of day on whatever deterrent there was for the abused one to have defended himself against the attack in whatever form it assumed. AnswerI am 22 years old yet I can definetly relate with Debbie. I was also abused by my father but at a very young age. My abuse carried on for several years, until I was old enough to realise what was really going on and put a stop it. I never told a single soul, but this resulted in me developing an eating disorder (bulemia) and therefore being a "wild" teenager and even adult. I justify my crazy actions, like drugs, casual sex, drinking and driving with the whole factor of being abused. When my parents would try to discipline me I would laugh in their face. My mother never understood where my lack of respect and resentment came from, until one nite (when I was 19) coming home at 4 am completely entoxicated the truth all came out. This caused my whole family to disintegrate. My mother kicked my father out, my two brothers moved away. My father became very depressed, he even attempted suicide. My mother was lonely since it was only the 3 of us left in the country (My brothers went to different country). I continued to live with my mother and felt sorry for her and even for my father, so, I found it in my heart to forgive my father and let him come back to live with us. It has now been 3 years since this happened and things are pretty much back to normal. My mom forgave my Dad, they are presently happily married. To them it is as if it never happened. The sad part is Im screwed up for life, or until I get some intense counselling. Because of my abuse as a child, I have already been in an abusive relationship with a man that was verbal and physical. I got out of that one last December 2003. Now I am currently in a relationship, which by me reading your information on this website, have realised is a narsassistic abuse relationship. Constant put downs and humiliation followed my passion and love followed by demeaning comments. So, for me this is a vicious cycle. I hope one day, I can get past all this and are able to live my life with someone that loves me and appreciates me as much as I do them. Answeri told my abuser why i left him viA a text message while he was begging me back. i told him it was his need to CONTROL me, THE FEELING OF WORTHLESSNESS, the NEVER BEING ABLE TO DO OR SAY ANYTHING RIGHT, THE CONSTANT VERBAL ABUSE, ARGUEMENTS OVER NOTHING, THE PHYSICAL ABUSE BASICALLY THE WAY HE TREATED ME THAT MADE ME LEAVE. HE SAID HE WAS SORRY THAT IT WAS ALL HIS FAULT. THEN MET A GIRL ON THE INTERNET GOT ENGAGED IN 3 WEEKS TO HER. SHE CALLED ME TO SEE WHAT HE WAS LIKE WITH ME. SHES LEFT HIM. SO I GUESS CONFRONTING THEM IS ALL WELL AND GOOD YET. DOES IT REALLY MAKE A DIFFERENCE TO THEM I WOULD SAY NOT! Answer"Should you confront your abuser?"


AnswerLook, I have a friend who wasn't doing very well lately so i asked him if everythging was ok and he told me everything was, but i could see something in his eyes that wasn't right. It took me 2 weeks to get to the root of the problem. Apparently, his step-father was abusing him and i was the first person he told me about it. The mere fact that he could confide in me was very touching, so I had to find a way to help him out. I am in the proccess of working things out right now. Just a message to victim's of abuse: Do not under any circumstances let your abuser break you down whether its emotional, mental, or physical pain. People will respect the fact that you have the will to tell someone or do something about it yourself, and if anyone thinks otherwise, then they are not really your friends. AnswerI personally wouldn't. I learned from that mistake. I guess it really depends how bad the abuse is though. I was in a horrible relationship with this guy who was very abusive. When I confronted him it was the worst thing I could have done. He was furious & had hurt me worse then ever before. It was so bad that when I tried to leave he locked me in the bath room for a few days. Point is, just be careful, sometimes the best thing is to just plot the best way to leave & get away from the abuser & never turn back.

1 answer

abducent, aberrant, abetment, abradant, absonant, abstract, abstrict, abundant, abutment, accident, accredit, accusant, acerbest, acescent, achromat, acquaint, acridest, acrodont, activist, adducent, adeptest, adherent, adjacent, adjutant, adjuvant, adscript, aeroduct, aeronaut, aerostat, afferent, affluent, afforest, affright, airburst, aircraft, airtight, alarmist, alcahest, alertest, alienist, aliquant, alkahest, almagest, alphabet, alpinist, alterant, altruist, alumroot, amadavat, ambivert, ambulant, amethyst, anapaest, anchoret, angriest, annalist, antepast, antevert, anticult, antileft, antiriot, antirust, antismut, antistat, antsiest, aperient, aphorist, apiarist, apparent, appestat, appetent, aquanaut, aquarist, aquatint, aqueduct, arbalest, arbalist, arbelest, arborist, archaist, argonaut, argument, armament, arrogant, arsonist, artefact, artifact, artsiest, ashplant, aspirant, assignat, assonant, atticist, autocrat, avadavat, averment, aviarist, baccarat, bacchant, backbeat, backcast, backchat, backlist, backmost, backrest, backseat, baggiest, bailment, bakemeat, balkiest, ballonet, balmiest, banjoist, bankrupt, banneret, bareboat, barefoot, barghest, barguest, barkiest, barmiest, barniest, basement, basilect, bassinet, battiest, bawdiest, beadiest, beakiest, beamiest, becarpet, bedquilt, bedsheet, beechnut, beefiest, beeriest, beetroot, beknight, bellwort, bendiest, benedict, bergamot, besought, besprent, betelnut, bigamist, bilgiest, birdshot, bitsiest, bittiest, bivalent, blackest, blackout, blandest, blankest, bleakest, blindest, blindgut, blithest, blondest, blowiest, bluebeat, bluecoat, bluffest, bluntest, blurbist, boatlift, bobbinet, bodement, bodysuit, boggiest, boneyest, bongoist, bonniest, bookrest, boomiest, booziest, boskiest, bossiest, botanist, bouffant, boughpot, bowfront, bowsprit, bracelet, bractlet, braggart, braggest, brakiest, brashest, brassart, breadnut, breakout, brickbat, briefest, briniest, briskest, broadest, brooklet, browbeat, brownest, brownout, bruskest, buckshot, buffiest, buggiest, bulgiest, bulkiest, bulliest, bullpout, bullshot, bumpiest, burgonet, burliest, burriest, bushgoat, bushiest, bustiest, buxomest, bystreet, cabalist, cabernet, cachalot, cachepot, calamint, campiest, camshaft, canniest, canoeist, canonist, canzonet, carburet, carcanet, carryout, casement, castanet, catalyst, catapult, cataract, cattiest, cellaret, centrist, ceramist, cerement, cervelat, chariest, chartist, chastest, cheapest, checkout, chestnut, chevalet, chewiest, chiefest, chiliast, chillest, chirkest, chitchat, choicest, chokiest, chuffest, claimant, clarinet, classist, clayiest, cleanest, clearcut, clearest, closeout, cloudlet, clubfeet, clubfoot, clubroot, coaliest, coarsest, coassist, coattest, cobbiest, cockboat, cockiest, cockloft, cockshut, cocoanut, codirect, coeffect, cognovit, coherent, coinfect, coinvent, colewort, collaret, colonist, colorant, colorist, comfiest, compleat, complect, conflict, confront, conjoint, conjunct, conodont, conquest, constant, contempt, contract, contrast, coparent, copyedit, copyleft, corkiest, corniest, corselet, corybant, coscript, cosecant, cotenant, couchant, couldest, couthest, covalent, covenant, coverlet, crabmeat, crackpot, crankest, crassest, craziest, creodont, crepiest, crescent, crispest, crockpot, crookest, crosscut, crossest, crosslet, crotchet, crowfeet, crowfoot, cruelest, cryostat, cucurbit, cuppiest, curdiest, curliest, curviest, cushiest, daffiest, damewort, damndest, dandiest, danegelt, danewort, darndest, dashiest, daubiest, daylight, deadbeat, deadbolt, debutant, decadent, decedent, decrepit, deediest, deferent, deforest, demivolt, democrat, demonist, demotist, demurest, deponent, derelict, deselect, desinent, destruct, diallist, dickiest, dictiest, diffract, digamist, dilatant, diligent, dingiest, dinkiest, diplomat, dippiest, diriment, dirtiest, discount, discreet, disherit, dishiest, disjoint, disjunct, dismount, dispirit, displant, disquiet, distinct, distract, distrait, district, distrust, ditheist, ditsiest, ditziest, divalent, divinest, dizziest, document, dodgiest, dogfight, doggiest, dominant, doomiest, doorpost, dorkiest, dormient, dosseret, dottiest, doughnut, dowdiest, downbeat, downcast, downiest, drabbest, dragonet, dribblet, drollest, dropshot, dropwort, druggist, drumbeat, drunkest, drupelet, drypoint, dubonnet, duckiest, duellist, duettist, dumpcart, dumpiest, dungiest, durndest, duskiest, dustiest, dwarfest, dynamist, eagerest, earliest, earthnut, earthset, easement, efferent, effluent, eggfruit, eggplant, electret, elephant, eloquent, emergent, emigrant, emptiest, endocast, endpoint, entrepot, epiblast, equitant, erumpent, escapist, escargot, eschalot, esculent, essayist, esurient, ethicist, eucalypt, eugenist, eulogist, euphuist, evacuant, evillest, exactest, excitant, exhalant, exhalent, existent, exorcist, explicit, exponent, exsecant, extranet, exultant, eyepoint, eyesight, fabulist, facelift, faddiest, faineant, faintest, falconet, faltboat, fanciest, fanlight, farthest, fatalist, fattiest, fawniest, feculent, feeblest, feminist, fenniest, ferniest, ferninst, ficklest, fiercest, fieriest, figurant, filament, filmiest, finalist, finniest, fireboat, firebrat, firriest, fishbolt, fishiest, fizziest, flagrant, flakiest, flameout, flamiest, flatboat, flatfeet, flatfoot, flattest, flautist, flawiest, flaxiest, fleawort, fleetest, fleshpot, flippant, flippest, floodlit, floweret, flukiest, flushest, flutiest, flysheet, foamiest, fogfruit, foggiest, foldboat, folkiest, folkmoot, footiest, footrest, forecast, forefeet, forefelt, forefoot, foremast, foremost, forepart, forepast, forewent, forkiest, forklift, forspent, foveolet, fragment, fragrant, frailest, frankest, freakout, freeboot, frequent, freshest, frontlet, frostbit, fruitlet, fubsiest, fuggiest, fumigant, funkiest, funniest, furriest, furthest, furziest, fussiest, fustiest, futurist, fuzziest, gabbiest, gadabout, galavant, galivant, gallipot, gammiest, gappiest, gaslight, gassiest, gastight, gatepost, gauchest, gaudiest, gauntest, gauntlet, gauziest, gawkiest, geekiest, gemmiest, gentlest, germiest, giddiest, gigawatt, gimpiest, ginniest, girliest, gladdest, gladiest, glariest, glaziest, glibbest, glummest, goalpost, godliest, goofiest, gooniest, goopiest, goosiest, gorsiest, goutiest, gradient, grandest, grapiest, greatest, greenest, greenlet, greenlit, grievant, grimiest, grimmest, gripiest, grodiest, grossest, gruffest, grummest, guardant, guitguit, gulfiest, gulpiest, gummiest, gunfight, gunflint, gunkiest, gunpoint, gushiest, gustiest, gutsiest, guttiest, gyrostat, habitant, haftarot, haftorot, hagadist, haggadot, hairiest, halachot, halakhot, halakist, hammiest, handcart, handfast, handiest, handlist, handwrit, hangnest, happiest, hardboot, hardiest, harshest, hastiest, hazelnut, headhunt, headiest, headmost, headrest, heaviest, heavyset, hedgiest, hedonist, heelpost, heftiest, helicopt, helilift, heliport, hellbent, helpmeet, hemostat, hempiest, herbiest, hesitant, hilliest, hindmost, hinkiest, hippiest, hissiest, hoariest, hoarsest, hobbyist, holdfast, homilist, honewort, honeypot, hoofbeat, hookiest, hootiest, horniest, hornpout, hornwort, horsiest, hotchpot, housesat, housesit, huffiest, hulkiest, humanest, humanist, humblest, humorist, humpiest, huskiest, hygieist, idealist, idiolect, idyllist, ignorant, immanent, imminent, immodest, implicit, impotent, impudent, impurest, incident, incitant, indecent, indevout, indicant, indigent, indirect, indolent, inerrant, inexpert, inflight, influent, infought, inhalant, inherent, innocent, insanest, insolent, inspirit, instinct, instruct, insulant, insurant, interact, intercut, interest, intermat, intermit, intimist, intranet, intromit, inundant, irritant, isograft, itchiest, jackboot, jaggiest, jailbait, jazziest, jerkiest, jettiest, jiggiest, jingoist, johnboat, jolliest, joltiest, jowliest, jubilant, judgment, juiciest, jumpiest, jumpsuit, junkiest, kabalist, keelboat, kickiest, kilovolt, kilowatt, kingbolt, kingpost, kinkiest, kittlest, knockout, kookiest, lakeport, lamppost, lancelet, lankiest, lanneret, lapidist, lardiest, larkiest, lathiest, layabout, leadiest, leadwort, leafiest, leakiest, leariest, leaviest, ledgiest, leeriest, leftmost, legalist, leggiest, libelant, libelist, lickspit, lifeboat, ligament, lightest, lilliput, limbiest, lingiest, linguist, liniment, lintiest, lippiest, litigant, littlest, loamiest, lobbyist, localist, lodgment, loftiest, loggiest, longboat, looniest, loopiest, loppiest, lorikeet, lousiest, lovefest, loveseat, lowliest, loyalest, loyalist, luckiest, luculent, luminist, lumpiest, lungwort, lustiest, lutanist, lutenist, lyricist, mainmast, makefast, malapert, maledict, malemiut, malmiest, maltiest, maltreat, mangiest, manifest, manliest, mantelet, marabout, marliest, marmoset, martinet, masscult, massicot, massiest, maturest, maxicoat, mealiest, meatiest, medalist, medicant, megavolt, megawatt, melanist, melodist, merchant, merriest, meshiest, messiest, metalist, micklest, microdot, midnight, midpoint, miffiest, milepost, militant, milkiest, milkwort, miltiest, minciest, mingiest, mintiest, minutest, miquelet, mirkiest, misadapt, misagent, misallot, misbegot, misbuilt, miscount, misdealt, misdoubt, misevent, misgraft, mislight, mispaint, misplant, mispoint, misprint, misspelt, misspent, misstart, mistiest, mistreat, mistrust, mistryst, mobocrat, modelist, moistest, moldiest, monocrat, monodist, monoglot, monotint, monument, moodiest, mooniest, moonport, moonshot, moonwort, mooriest, moorwort, moralist, mossiest, mothiest, motliest, motorist, mousiest, movement, muckiest, muddiest, muggiest, multijet, muniment, muralist, murkiest, murrelet, muscadet, mushiest, muskiest, muskroot, mussiest, mustiest, muzziest, myoblast, naggiest, nakedest, nanowatt, nappiest, nastiest, nativist, nattiest, naturist, nauseant, navicert, neediest, nepotist, nerviest, nescient, nettiest, newsbeat, newscast, newsiest, niellist, niftiest, nihilist, nimblest, nippiest, nittiest, nobbiest, noisiest, nonadult, nonelect, nonevent, nonguilt, noninert, nonprint, novelist, nubbiest, nutrient, nutsiest, nuttiest, obedient, obeisant, obstruct, obtusest, occident, occupant, oceanaut, octuplet, offprint, offshoot, oftenest, oghamist, oiltight, ointment, oneriest, oologist, opaquest, oppilant, opponent, opticist, optimist, oreodont, organist, ornament, orpiment, oscitant, osculant, outbleat, outboast, outbuilt, outburnt, outburst, outcheat, outcount, outfeast, outfight, outfloat, outleapt, outpaint, outpoint, outright, outshoot, outshout, outsight, outskirt, outslept, outsmart, outsmelt, outspelt, outspent, outstart, outstunt, outswept, outvaunt, overbeat, overcast, overcoat, overedit, overfast, overgilt, overgirt, overheat, overhunt, overjust, overlent, overmelt, overneat, overpast, overpert, overplot, oversalt, overshot, oversoft, overtart, oviposit, pacifist, paganist, palliest, palmiest, pamphlet, panelist, pantalet, pantsuit, pappiest, parakeet, parament, paraquat, paraquet, parashot, parodist, paroquet, parroket, passport, pastiest, patulent, pavement, pawkiest, peakiest, peartest, peatiest, peckiest, pederast, pediment, peetweet, penchant, penitent, penlight, penpoint, peppiest, perkiest, permeant, peskiest, pettiest, petulant, phallist, phantast, phaseout, phattest, pheasant, phoniest, photoset, pickiest, piecrust, piedfort, piedmont, pieplant, piggiest, pilewort, pinkroot, pinpoint, pitchout, pithiest, plainest, planchet, plangent, plantlet, platelet, platiest, playlist, playsuit, pleasant, plumelet, plumiest, plummest, plumpest, plushest, pockiest, podgiest, poignant, pokeroot, polemist, politest, polyglot, populist, porkiest, portrait, postheat, postriot, posttest, pottiest, poutiest, praefect, praelect, preadapt, preadmit, preadopt, preadult, preallot, preaudit, prebuilt, precinct, predraft, preelect, preenact, preerect, preexist, prefight, pregnant, prelimit, preplant, preprint, presplit, preterit, pretreat, previsit, priciest, primmest, printout, priviest, prohibit, prosaist, prosiest, prospect, protract, proudest, prurient, psalmist, pudgiest, puffiest, puggiest, pugilist, puissant, pulpiest, pulsejet, pulsojet, punkiest, punniest, purplest, pursiest, pursuant, purtiest, purulent, pushcart, pushiest, pussiest, pussycat, pyrostat, quadrant, quakiest, queerest, quickest, quickset, quietest, quietist, quitrent, quotient, raincoat, rainiest, rallyist, rammiest, randiest, rangiest, rapidest, raspiest, rattiest, reaccent, reaccept, reactant, readdict, readiest, readjust, reanoint, rearmost, rearrest, reascent, reassert, reassort, rebought, recarpet, recement, recommit, recreant, recusant, redefeat, redefect, redigest, redirect, redolent, redreamt, redshift, redshirt, redstart, reediest, reefiest, reekiest, reenlist, reexport, referent, refluent, reforest, reformat, refought, regiment, reimport, reindict, reinduct, reinfect, reinject, reinsert, reinvent, reinvest, rejacket, relaxant, relearnt, relevant, relucent, remanent, remarket, remotest, renitent, reobject, reorient, reoutfit, rerepeat, rescript, resculpt, reselect, resident, resonant, resought, resprout, restrict, resubmit, retarget, retaught, reticent, retirant, retroact, retrofit, revehent, revenant, reverent, rheostat, ribbiest, ricochet, ridgiest, rightest, rightist, rigorist, ringbolt, riskiest, ritziest, roborant, rockiest, roiliest, rondelet, rookiest, roomiest, rootiest, roseroot, roughest, roundest, roundlet, roupiest, rowdiest, royalist, rubaiyat, ruddiest, rudiment, ruminant, rummiest, runabout, runniest, runtiest, ruralist, rushiest, rustiest, rutilant, ruttiest, saggiest, sailboat, salariat, saltiest, saltwort, samizdat, sandiest, sandwort, sapphist, sappiest, sarcenet, sarkiest, sarodist, sarsenet, sassiest, satanist, satirist, saturant, saucepot, sauciest, savagest, savviest, scaliest, scandent, scantest, scarcest, scariest, schizont, scilicet, sciolist, scramjet, scrimpit, seacoast, seacraft, seafront, seamiest, seamount, seascout, seatbelt, seatrout, securest, sedatest, sederunt, sedgiest, sediment, seediest, seepiest, semimatt, semisoft, semitist, sennight, sentient, serenest, sergeant, serjeant, setenant, severest, shadiest, shakeout, shakiest, shaliest, sharpest, sheepcot, sheerest, sherbert, shiniest, shipment, shoalest, shootout, shoplift, shortcut, shortest, shouldst, showboat, showiest, sibilant, signpost, silkiest, silliest, siltiest, simonist, simplest, simplist, simulant, sinciput, sissiest, sitarist, skylight, slackest, slatiest, sleekest, slickest, slimiest, slimmest, slipknot, slugfest, smallest, smartest, smokepot, smokiest, smuggest, snakepit, snakiest, snapshot, snellest, snowbelt, snowiest, snowmelt, snowsuit, snuggest, soapiest, soapwort, soberest, sodalist, soggiest, solecist, solidest, solleret, somerset, somewhat, songfest, sonorant, sonsiest, soothest, sootiest, soppiest, sorriest, soundest, soupiest, spaciest, sparklet, sparsest, spiciest, spikelet, spikiest, spiniest, spiriest, sprocket, sprucest, spumiest, squarest, stablest, staggart, stagiest, stagnant, staidest, stakeout, stalwart, standout, standpat, stardust, starkest, starwort, stedfast, steepest, sternest, stickout, stiffest, stillest, stinkpot, stockist, stockpot, stolport, stoniest, stoutest, straight, strawhat, strident, strumpet, subabbot, subadult, subagent, subdepot, suberect, sublimit, subshaft, subtlest, subtract, succinct, suckiest, sudsiest, sulfuret, sulkiest, sunburnt, sunburst, sunlight, sunniest, superhit, superjet, supplant, supplest, surfboat, surfiest, surliest, surmount, surprint, sveltest, swankest, sweetest, swellest, swiftest, swimsuit, symbiont, tabouret, tackiest, tailcoat, talkiest, tangiest, tardiest, tarriest, tartiest, tastiest, tattiest, tawniest, teariest, techiest, teeniest, tegument, telecast, teleport, teletext, tenement, tenorist, tentiest, tercelet, testiest, theocrat, theorist, thewiest, thickest, thickset, thinnest, thrawart, thumbnut, thymiest, tightest, timidest, tinniest, tippiest, tipsheet, tipsiest, tiredest, titubant, tolerant, tommyrot, totalist, totemist, toughest, toxicant, transact, transect, transept, transmit, trapnest, trawlnet, triggest, trimmest, tubbiest, tuftiest, turbojet, turfiest, turncoat, turnspit, twilight, twiniest, twinight, typecast, ultrahot, ultraist, umbellet, unbonnet, unbought, unbright, uncaught, underact, undercut, undereat, underlet, underlit, underset, undevout, undreamt, undulant, unexpert, unforgot, unfought, unionist, uniquest, unitrust, unlearnt, unpliant, unripest, unsilent, unsought, unspoilt, untaught, untruest, unweight, unwisest, upmarket, uppercut, upthrust, urbanest, urbanist, urticant, usufruct, valvelet, vampiest, vastiest, vealiest, vegetant, vegetist, vehement, veiniest, veinulet, velveret, vesicant, vestment, vetivert, viewiest, vigilant, virulent, viscount, visitant, vitalist, vividest, vivisect, vocalist, volitant, votarist, vuggiest, wackiest, wainscot, waitlist, warcraft, wartiest, washiest, waspiest, wastelot, watchout, waterjet, waxplant, waypoint, weariest, webbiest, wedgiest, weediest, weeniest, weepiest, weirdest, weldment, wenniest, westmost, whinchat, whiniest, whiteout, whitiest, whittret, whodunit, wiggiest, willyart, windiest, wingiest, wispiest, withiest, wittiest, womanist, wombiest, wonkiest, woodchat, woodiest, wooliest, wooziest, wordiest, workboat, wormiest, wormroot, wouldest, wristlet, wrongest, yahrzeit, yeshivot, yoghourt, yolkiest, youngest, yuckiest, yukkiest, yummiest, zappiest, zestiest, ziggurat, zikkurat, zingiest, zippiest

1765 words

1 answer

4-letter words

bast, best, bust, cast, cist, cost, cyst, dost, dust, east, erst, fast, fist, gast, gest, gist, gust, hast, hest, hist, host, jest, just, kist, last, lest, list, lost, lust, mast, mist, most, must, nest, oast, oust, past, pest, post, psst, rest, rust, test, tost, vast, vest, wast, west, wist, wost, xyst, zest

5-letter words

adust, agist, alist, angst, avast, beast, blast, blest, boast, boost, burst, canst, chest, clast, coast, crest, crust, curst, deist, didst, doest, drest, durst, egest, exist, feast, feist, first, foist, frost, geest, ghast, ghost, glost, grist, guest, hadst, heist, hoist, horst, hurst, joist, joust, karst, least, maist, mayst, midst, moist, neist, odist, prest, prost, quest, reest, roast, roost, roust, sayst, shist, toast, trust, tryst, twist, verst, waist, weest, whist, worst, wrest, wrist, wurst, yeast

6-letter words

ablest, accost, adjust, ageist, aghast, airest, almost, amidst, anenst, aorist, aptest, arrest, artist, assist, attest, august, aurist, barest, basest, behest, bemist, bluest, breast, bypast, cohost, coyest, cubist, cutest, degust, delist, demast, desist, detest, devest, dicast, digest, direst, divest, driest, dryest, dynast, egoist, eldest, encyst, enlist, fewest, feyest, finest, fliest, forest, freest, frowst, funest, gainst, gamest, gayest, halest, holist, honest, hugest, iciest, idlest, impost, incest, infest, ingest, inmost, insist, invest, jurist, lamest, latest, laxest, legist, likest, livest, locust, lowest, lutist, lyrist, mayest, merest, modest, molest, mongst, monist, mutest, mysost, newest, nicest, nudest, nudist, oblast, oboist, obtest, oddest, oftest, oldest, oocyst, palest, priest, purest, purist, racist, rapist, rarest, rawest, recast, relist, renest, repast, resist, retest, revest, rifest, ripest, ripost, robust, rudest, sadist, safest, sagest, sanest, sayest, schist, serest, sexist, shiest, shyest, sliest, slyest, sorest, surest, tamest, tanist, theist, thirst, thrust, truest, tubist, typist, unjust, unrest, upcast, upmost, utmost, verist, vibist, vilest, volost, whilst, widest, wisest, wriest, wryest, yarest

7-letter words

abreast, accurst, achiest, acquest, acutest, addrest, aeriest, aftmost, against, agonist, airiest, airpost, altoist, amongst, amorist, amplest, analyst, anapest, animist, aridest, armrest, artiest, ashiest, atavist, atheist, athirst, atomist, auldest, baddest, baldest, ballast, baptist, bassist, becrust, becurst, bedfast, bedpost, bequest, biblist, biggest, boldest, bombast, boniest, boxiest, bravest, brawest, bummest, bundist, busiest, cagiest, cakiest, calmest, cambist, casuist, cellist, chemist, chicest, chutist, chymist, cineast, closest, coexist, coldest, combust, compost, congest, consist, contest, coolest, copyist, cosiest, cosmist, couldst, cowiest, coziest, crudest, cultist, curtest, cyclist, czarist, dadaist, daftest, dampest, dankest, darkest, deadest, deafest, dearest, deepest, defrost, deftest, densest, dentist, dewiest, dialist, diarist, diciest, dimmest, disgust, dismast, dopiest, dotiest, dourest, doziest, dualist, duelist, dullest, dumbest, dunnest, durmast, earnest, easiest, edgiest, eeliest, eeriest, egotist, elegist, elitist, elmiest, encrust, endmost, entrust, entwist, epeeist, etatist, evenest, evilest, exhaust, faddist, fainest, fairest, falsest, fantast, fascist, fattest, fauvist, featest, fellest, feudist, fideist, firmest, fittest, florist, flutist, flypast, fondest, foulest, foxiest, foziest, fuguist, fullest, fumiest, gabfest, gamiest, gashest, gjetost, gluiest, gnomist, goldest, gooiest, goriest, gravest, grayest, greyest, gymnast, haddest, hardest, harpist, harvest, haziest, heliast, highest, hippest, hokiest, holiest, homiest, hornist, hottest, hygeist, hymnist, ickiest, idylist, iffiest, imagist, imprest, inanest, inburst, incrust, inkiest, inquest, intrust, intwist, iratest, ironist, jimpest, jokiest, judoist, jujuist, keenest, kindest, laciest, lakiest, lambast, lankest, largest, laziest, leanest, leftest, leftist, lewdest, liefest, lievest, limiest, limpest, liniest, lithest, logiest, longest, loosest, loudest, luniest, lushest, maddest, maziest, meanest, meekest, metrist, midmost, mildest, miriest, mirkest, miscast, mitiest, mopiest, murkest, naivest, narcist, nearest, neatest, nighest, noblest, nonpast, nosiest, numbest, oculist, offcast, oiliest, ologist, onanist, ooziest, openest, oralist, orbiest, otocyst, outcast, outfast, outlast, outmost, outpost, paliest, palmist, peltast, persist, pertest, pianist, pietist, piniest, pinkest, pipiest, plenist, pokiest, pollist, poloist, poorest, poshest, precast, pretest, protest, protist, provost, prowest, puniest, punkest, querist, raciest, rankest, rashest, realest, realist, reddest, request, retwist, revuist, richest, rimiest, ropiest, rosiest, rubiest, rummest, sacrist, saddest, sagiest, saltest, sawdust, searest, sexiest, sickest, siziest, slowest, snidest, softest, soloist, soonest, sophist, sourest, sparest, spriest, spryest, suavest, subsist, subtest, suggest, sunfast, tachist, tallest, tannest, tartest, tautest, teleost, tempest, tennist, tensest, tersest, tidiest, tiniest, titlist, toniest, topmast, topmost, tourist, tritest, tsarist, tubaist, typiest, tzarist, ugliest, unblest, undrest, untwist, utopist, vaguest, vainest, veriest, viniest, violist, waniest, wannest, wariest, warmest, wattest, waviest, waxiest, weakest, wettest, whitest, wildest, wiliest, winiest, wiriest, wouldst, zaniest

8-letter words

acerbest, acridest, activist, adeptest, afforest, airburst, alarmist, alcahest, alertest, alienist, alkahest, almagest, alpinist, altruist, amethyst, anapaest, angriest, annalist, antepast, antirust, antsiest, aphorist, apiarist, aquarist, arbalest, arbalist, arbelest, arborist, archaist, arsonist, artsiest, atticist, aviarist, backcast, backlist, backmost, backrest, baggiest, balkiest, balmiest, banjoist, barghest, barguest, barkiest, barmiest, barniest, battiest, bawdiest, beadiest, beakiest, beamiest, beefiest, beeriest, bigamist, bilgiest, bittiest, blackest, blandest, blankest, bleakest, blindest, blithest, blondest, blowiest, bluffest, bluntest, boggiest, bongoist, bonniest, bookrest, boomiest, booziest, boskiest, bossiest, botanist, braggest, brakiest, brashest, briefest, briniest, briskest, broadest, brownest, bruskest, buffiest, buggiest, bulgiest, bulkiest, bulliest, bumpiest, burliest, burriest, bushiest, buxomest, cabalist, campiest, canniest, canoeist, canonist, catalyst, cattiest, centrist, ceramist, chariest, chartist, cheapest, chewiest, chiefest, chiliast, chillest, chirkest, choicest, chokiest, chuffest, classist, clayiest, cleanest, clearest, coaliest, coarsest, coassist, coattest, cobbiest, cockiest, colonist, colorist, comfiest, conquest, contrast, corkiest, corniest, couldest, couthest, crankest, crassest, craziest, crepiest, crispest, crossest, cruelest, cuppiest, curdiest, curliest, curviest, cushiest, daffiest, damndest, dandiest, darndest, dashiest, daubiest, deediest, deforest, demonist, demotist, demurest, diallist, dickiest, dictiest, digamist, dingiest, dinkiest, dippiest, dirtiest, dishiest, ditheist, ditsiest, ditziest, divinest, dizziest, dodgiest, doggiest, doorpost, dorkiest, dottiest, dowdiest, downcast, downiest, drabbest, drollest, druggist, drunkest, duckiest, duellist, duettist, dumpiest, dungiest, durndest, duskiest, dwarfest, dynamist, eagerest, earliest, emptiest, endocast, epiblast, escapist, essayist, ethicist, eugenist, eulogist, euphuist, evillest, exactest, exorcist, fabulist, faddiest, faintest, fanciest, farthest, fatalist, fattiest, fawniest, feeblest, feminist, ferniest, ficklest, fiercest, fieriest, filmiest, finalist, finniest, fishiest, fizziest, flakiest, flamiest, flattest, flautist, flawiest, flaxiest, fleetest, flippest, flukiest, flushest, flutiest, foamiest, foggiest, footiest, footrest, forecast, foremast, foremost, forepast, forkiest, frailest, frankest, freshest, fubsiest, fuggiest, funkiest, funniest, furriest, furthest, furziest, fussiest, futurist, fuzziest, gabbiest, gammiest, gappiest, gassiest, gatepost, gauchest, gaudiest, gauntest, gauziest, gawkiest, geekiest, gemmiest, gentlest, germiest, giddiest, gimpiest, ginniest, gladdest, gladiest, glariest, glaziest, glibbest, glummest, goalpost, godliest, goofiest, goopiest, goosiest, gorsiest, goutiest, grandest, grapiest, greatest, greenest, grimiest, grimmest, gripiest, grossest, gruffest, grummest, gulfiest, gulpiest, gummiest, gushiest, gutsiest, guttiest, hagadist, hairiest, halakist, hammiest, handfast, handiest, handlist, hangnest, happiest, hardiest, harshest, headiest, headmost, headrest, heaviest, hedgiest, hedonist, heelpost, heftiest, hempiest, herbiest, hilliest, hindmost, hippiest, hoariest, hoarsest, hobbyist, holdfast, homilist, hookiest, hootiest, horniest, horsiest, huffiest, hulkiest, humanest, humanist, humblest, humorist, humpiest, huskiest, hygieist, idealist, idyllist, immodest, insanest, interest, intimist, itchiest, jaggiest, jazziest, jerkiest, jettiest, jingoist, jolliest, joltiest, jowliest, juiciest, jumpiest, junkiest, kickiest, kingpost, kinkiest, kittlest, kookiest, lamppost, lankiest, lapidist, lardiest, larkiest, lathiest, leadiest, leafiest, leakiest, leariest, leaviest, ledgiest, leeriest, legalist, leggiest, libelist, lightest, limbiest, lingiest, linguist, lintiest, lippiest, littlest, loamiest, lobbyist, localist, loftiest, loggiest, looniest, loopiest, loppiest, lousiest, lowliest, loyalest, loyalist, luckiest, luminist, lumpiest, lutanist, lutenist, lyricist, mainmast, makefast, malmiest, maltiest, mangiest, manifest, manliest, marliest, massiest, maturest, mealiest, meatiest, medalist, melanist, melodist, merriest, meshiest, messiest, metalist, micklest, miffiest, milepost, milkiest, miltiest, minciest, mingiest, mintiest, minutest, mirkiest, modelist, moldiest, monodist, moodiest, mooniest, mooriest, moralist, mossiest, mothiest, motliest, motorist, mousiest, muckiest, muddiest, muggiest, muralist, murkiest, mushiest, muskiest, mussiest, muzziest, myoblast, naggiest, nakedest, nappiest, nativist, nattiest, naturist, neediest, nepotist, nerviest, nettiest, newscast, newsiest, niellist, niftiest, nihilist, nimblest, nippiest, nittiest, nobbiest, noisiest, novelist, nubbiest, nutsiest, nuttiest, obtusest, oftenest, oghamist, oneriest, oologist, opaquest, opticist, optimist, organist, outboast, outburst, outfeast, overcast, overfast, overjust, overpast, pacifist, paganist, palliest, palmiest, panelist, pappiest, parodist, pawkiest, peakiest, peartest, peatiest, peckiest, pederast, peppiest, perkiest, peskiest, pettiest, phallist, phantast, phoniest, pickiest, piecrust, piggiest, pithiest, plainest, platiest, playlist, plumiest, plumpest, plushest, pockiest, podgiest, polemist, politest, populist, porkiest, pottiest, poutiest, preexist, priciest, primmest, priviest, prosaist, prosiest, proudest, psalmist, pudgiest, puffiest, puggiest, pugilist, pulpiest, punkiest, punniest, purplest, pursiest, pushiest, pussiest, quakiest, queerest, quickest, quietest, quietist, rainiest, rallyist, rammiest, randiest, rangiest, rapidest, raspiest, rattiest, readiest, readjust, rearmost, rearrest, redigest, reediest, reefiest, reekiest, reenlist, reforest, reinvest, remotest, ribbiest, ridgiest, rightest, rightist, rigorist, riskiest, ritziest, rockiest, roiliest, rookiest, roomiest, rootiest, roughest, roundest, roupiest, rowdiest, royalist, ruddiest, rummiest, runniest, runtiest, ruralist, rushiest, ruttiest, saggiest, saltiest, sandiest, sapphist, sappiest, sarkiest, sarodist, sassiest, satanist, satirist, sauciest, savagest, savviest, scaliest, scantest, scarcest, scariest, sciolist, seacoast, seamiest, securest, sedatest, sedgiest, seediest, seepiest, semitist, serenest, severest, shadiest, shakiest, shaliest, sharpest, sheerest, shiniest, shoalest, shortest, shouldst, showiest, signpost, silkiest, silliest, siltiest, simonist, simplest, simplist, sissiest, sitarist, slackest, slatiest, sleekest, slickest, slimiest, slimmest, slugfest, smallest, smartest, smokiest, smuggest, snakiest, snellest, snowiest, snuggest, soapiest, soberest, sodalist, soggiest, solecist, solidest, songfest, sonsiest, soothest, sootiest, soppiest, sorriest, soundest, soupiest, spaciest, sparsest, spiciest, spikiest, spiniest, spiriest, sprucest, spumiest, squarest, subtlest, sudsiest, sulkiest, sunburst, sunniest, supplest, surfiest, surliest, sveltest, swankest, sweetest, swellest, swiftest, tackiest, talkiest, tangiest, tardiest, tarriest, tattiest, tawniest, teariest, techiest, teeniest, telecast, tenorist, tentiest, theorist, thewiest, thickest, thinnest, thymiest, tightest, timidest, tinniest, tippiest, tipsiest, tiredest, totalist, totemist, toughest, trapnest, triggest, trimmest, tubbiest, tuftiest, turfiest, twiniest, typecast, ultraist, unionist, uniquest, unitrust, unripest, untruest, unwisest, upthrust, urbanest, urbanist, vealiest, vegetist, veiniest, viewiest, vitalist, vividest, vocalist, votarist, vuggiest, wackiest, wartiest, washiest, waspiest, weariest, webbiest, wedgiest, weediest, weeniest, weepiest, weirdest, wenniest, whiniest, whitiest, wiggiest, windiest, wingiest, wispiest, withiest, wittiest, wombiest, wonkiest, woodiest, wooliest, wooziest, wordiest, wormiest, wouldest, wrongest, yolkiest, youngest, yuckiest, yummiest, zappiest, zingiest, zippiest

9-letter words

abruptest, absurdest, absurdist, adroitest, aerialist, aftermost, alchemist, allergist, analogist, anarchist, anatomist, antitrust, apologist, archivist, atonalist, auntliest, auteurist, awfullest, balladist, barrenest, baulkiest, beachiest, beechiest, biblicist, bicyclist, biologist, bitchiest, bitterest, blacklist, bleariest, blockiest, bloodiest, bloomiest, blottiest, blousiest, blowsiest, blowziest, bluesiest, blurriest, botchiest, bounciest, braggiest, braillist, brainiest, branniest, brashiest, brassiest, brattiest, bratwurst, brawliest, brawniest, breakfast, breeziest, brickiest, brightest, brittlest, broadcast, bronziest, broodiest, broomiest, browniest, brushiest, brusquest, bubbliest, bunchiest, burbliest, callowest, candidest, capablest, careerist, catchiest, catechist, chaffiest, chalkiest, chanciest, charriest, chattiest, checklist, cheekiest, cheeriest, cheesiest, chertiest, chilliest, chinkiest, chippiest, chirpiest, choosiest, choppiest, chubbiest, chuffiest, chummiest, chunkiest, clammiest, classiest, cleverest, cliffiest, clingiest, cliquiest, cloddiest, cloggiest, cloudiest, clubbiest, clumpiest, clumsiest, clunkiest, collagist, colorfast, columnist, comeliest, commonest, communist, concisest, cornetist, couthiest, crabbiest, craftiest, craggiest, crankiest, crappiest, crawliest, crayonist, creakiest, creamiest, creasiest, creepiest, crimpiest, crispiest, croakiest, croupiest, cruddiest, cruellest, crumbiest, crummiest, cuddliest, cursedest, cutesiest, cymbalist, daintiest, damnedest, dapperest, darkliest, darnedest, deadliest, decentest, decongest, defeatist, denturist, devoutest, diabolist, dialogist, dimpliest, directest, dishonest, disinfest, disinvest, dismalest, doggonest, dogmatist, doughiest, downburst, draffiest, draftiest, draggiest, dramatist, drawliest, dreamiest, dreariest, dreggiest, dressiest, driftiest, drippiest, droopiest, drossiest, drowsiest, druggiest, drumliest, dryasdust, durnedest, earthiest, ecdysiast, ecologist, economist, ecumenist, enamelist, encomiast, enologist, eroticist, euphemist, euthenist, exegetist, extremest, extremist, fantasist, faultiest, featliest, feetfirst, fetishist, feudalist, filthiest, flabbiest, flaggiest, flappiest, flashiest, flavorist, fledgiest, fleeciest, fleshiest, flimsiest, flintiest, flirtiest, floatiest, flockiest, floppiest, flossiest, fluffiest, folksiest, formalist, freakiest, frettiest, frilliest, fringiest, friskiest, frizziest, froggiest, frothiest, frouziest, frowsiest, frowziest, fruitiest, frumpiest, fusionist, gainliest, gangliest, geodesist, geologist, giggliest, gladliest, glairiest, glassiest, gleamiest, gleetiest, glitziest, globalist, globbiest, gloomiest, glossiest, glumpiest, gnarliest, gnattiest, goggliest, goldenest, goodliest, grabbiest, grainiest, grassiest, greasiest, greediest, greeniest, grippiest, grisliest, grittiest, groggiest, grooviest, grottiest, groutiest, growliest, grubbiest, gruffiest, grumpiest, grungiest, guidepost, guiltiest, guitarist, hackliest, haggadist, haulmiest, headfirst, heartiest, heathiest, herbalist, hermetist, hillcrest, hoarfrost, hollowest, holocaust, homeliest, hungriest, hygienist, hylozoist, hypnotist, hypoblast, hypocaust, idioblast, immensest, innermost, intensest, internist, jaggedest, jangliest, jauntiest, jiggliest, jingliest, jounciest, jungliest, karateist, kindliest, kingliest, klutziest, knobbiest, knottiest, knubbiest, knurliest, larcenist, lavishest, leachiest, lightfast, likeliest, limberest, limpsiest, liturgist, liveliest, loneliest, lordliest, loudliest, loveliest, lowermost, machinist, mammonist, mannerist, marbliest, marimbist, marshiest, masochist, measliest, mechanist, medallist, meliorist, mellowest, memoirist, mentalist, mesmerist, methodist, mightiest, misadjust, modernest, modernist, mosaicist, motleyest, mouldiest, mouthiest, mutualist, narrowest, nearliest, nettliest, nonartist, nonsexist, nontheist, northeast, northwest, nubbliest, obscenest, obscurest, occultist, ocularist, orangiest, orneriest, orthotist, outermost, paintiest, paltriest, pantheist, passivist, patchiest, peachiest, pearliest, pebbliest, periplast, pessimist, physicist, pimpliest, pitchiest, plashiest, plottiest, pluckiest, plummiest, pluralist, plushiest, poachiest, pogromist, pointiest, portliest, pouchiest, precisest, predigest, preppiest, prettiest, prickiest, prissiest, privatest, promptest, properest, prosodist, publicist, puddliest, punchiest, putschist, quaggiest, quaintest, qualmiest, queasiest, queaziest, quirkiest, racialist, raggedest, recentest, recordist, redbreast, reechiest, reformist, reservist, rheumiest, rhythmist, rightmost, rippliest, ritualist, rottenest, roughcast, rubbliest, ruffliest, ruggedest, rumpliest, sallowest, sandblast, savoriest, scabbiest, scantiest, scarriest, scattiest, scenarist, schiziest, scholiast, scientist, screwiest, scummiest, scurfiest, scurviest, scuzziest, secretest, seemliest, semimoist, serialist, shabbiest, shaggiest, shamanist, shamefast, sheeniest, shelliest, shelviest, shiftiest, shirtiest, shoaliest, shoddiest, shortlist, shouldest, shrewdest, shrillest, sickliest, silentest, simulcast, sincerest, skiddiest, skimpiest, skinniest, slaggiest, slangiest, sleaziest, sleekiest, sleepiest, sleetiest, slightest, slimsiest, slinkiest, slippiest, slobbiest, sloppiest, sloshiest, sludgiest, slummiest, slushiest, sluttiest, smarmiest, smeariest, smelliest, smirkiest, smoggiest, smoothest, smudgiest, smuttiest, snaggiest, snappiest, snarkiest, snarliest, snazziest, sneakiest, sneeziest, sniffiest, snippiest, snobbiest, snoopiest, snootiest, snooziest, snottiest, snoutiest, snubbiest, snuffiest, socialist, solemnest, solipsist, soothfast, southeast, southwest, sparkiest, sparriest, speediest, spheriest, spiffiest, spiritist, spongiest, spookiest, spooniest, sporocyst, sportiest, spottiest, spruciest, spunkiest, squattest, squintest, sublimest, subtilest, sugariest, sullenest, sultriest, superbest, superfast, supremest, swampiest, swankiest, swarajist, sweatiest, sweepiest, swimmiest, swingiest, swirliest, swishiest, syllogist, symbolist, synergist, tangliest, tattooist, tawdriest, teensiest, tenderest, tenebrist, terrorist, tetchiest, therapist, theurgist, thorniest, timeliest, timpanist, tingliest, tinkliest, tonoplast, toothiest, torchiest, torridest, touchiest, toweriest, trapezist, trashiest, trendiest, tressiest, trickiest, trippiest, tritheist, troutiest, twangiest, tweakiest, tweediest, twiggiest, twirliest, tympanist, ufologist, ultrafast, undermost, uneasiest, unevenest, unfairest, unholiest, unkindest, unruliest, untidiest, unwariest, uppermost, urologist, uttermost, vaultiest, verbalist, violinist, voodooist, vorticist, vulgarest, wabbliest, wambliest, wateriest, weakliest, weensiest, welfarist, whackiest, wheeziest, whelkiest, whinniest, whippiest, whirliest, wickedest, wieldiest, wifeliest, wiggliest, windblast, winsomest, wintriest, wiseliest, witchiest, wobbliest, woodenest, woodsiest, woolliest, worthiest, wrathiest, yellowest, zeitgeist, zitherist, zoologist

10-letter words

abiogenist, absolutest, absolutist, aeronomist, agronomist, algebraist, algologist, allegorist, ameloblast, amyloplast, ancientest, anecdotist, antagonist, antiracist, antisexist, archpriest, automatist, autonomist, awkwardest, bairnliest, balloonist, bassoonist, belletrist, bibliotist, billowiest, biochemist, blessedest, blotchiest, bottommost, brambliest, branchiest, breathiest, bryologist, butteriest, capitalist, carrotiest, cartoonist, centralest, centralist, ceramicist, certainest, cetologist, chauvinist, childliest, chinchiest, chintziest, churchiest, classicist, clavierist, cleanliest, clerkliest, cloudburst, cocatalyst, colloquist, compactest, completest, complexest, concretist, conformist, cornettist, correctest, corruptest, courtliest, crackliest, crinkliest, crookedest, crumbliest, crumpliest, crunchiest, cunningest, curiousest, cytologist, doughtiest, drizzliest, drouthiest, earthliest, ecotourist, empiricist, enthusiast, ergonomist, ethologist, eugenicist, euhemerist, evangelist, exodontist, factualist, federalist, fetologist, fibroblast, fictionist, fingerpost, finickiest, flauntiest, fleshliest, flightiest, flounciest, floweriest, folklorist, foolishest, forlornest, forwardest, freckliest, frizzliest, gemologist, generalist, geneticist, genteelest, geochemist, gladsomest, glossarist, gradualist, graffitist, grewsomest, grizzliest, grouchiest, growthiest, gruesomest, handsomest, hartebeest, haughtiest, healthiest, henotheist, heterocyst, hithermost, horologist, houseguest, iconoclast, ideologist, illuminist, immoralist, intertwist, jitteriest, journalist, joyfullest, kineticist, knackwurst, knobbliest, knockwurst, knowingest, knuckliest, kvetchiest, legitimist, lengthiest, leucoplast, liberalist, librettist, literalist, liverwurst, magazinist, manicurist, maximalist, microburst, militarist, minimalist, misogamist, misogynist, mixologist, mizzenmast, monarchist, monetarist, monogamist, monologist, monopolist, monotheist, mycologist, myeloblast, narcissist, naturalist, naughtiest, negativist, nematocyst, neorealist, nethermost, neutralist, nominalist, obituarist, oncologist, ontologist, operettist, orchardist, organicist, orthoepist, overmodest, pacificist, palimpsest, panegyrist, panickiest, pantywaist, patientest, paunchiest, pediatrist, pedicurist, pedologist, penologist, perfectest, permafrost, pharmacist, phenocryst, phlegmiest, piccoloist, plagiarist, podiatrist, polemicist, polygamist, polytheist, pomologist, positivest, positivist, possiblest, pragmatist, preachiest, prefascist, preharvest, presentist, prickliest, protoplast, puckeriest, queenliest, racketiest, raunchiest, reafforest, recidivist, recitalist, reconquest, relativist, resolutest, reunionist, revanchist, revivalist, rhapsodist, rheologist, ricketiest, rinderpest, rudderpost, saintliest, savouriest, schizziest, scraggiest, scrappiest, scrawliest, scrawniest, scrimpiest, scroggiest, scrubbiest, scruffiest, secularist, seminarist, sensiblest, sensualist, separatist, serologist, sexologist, shadowiest, shallowest, shapeliest, shirtwaist, shriekiest, shrimpiest, shrubbiest, sightliest, sinologist, sketchiest, slenderest, slimpsiest, slouchiest, sloughiest, smutchiest, snatchiest, snuffliest, solidarist, spangliest, sparkliest, specialest, specialist, spideriest, spindliest, splashiest, spleeniest, splurgiest, sportscast, sprawliest, spriggiest, springiest, squabbiest, squalidest, squalliest, squashiest, squattiest, squeakiest, squiffiest, squinniest, squintiest, squirmiest, squishiest, suffragist, summeriest, surrealist, swarthiest, sweltriest, symphonist, symposiast, syncretist, synonymist, synthesist, taxonomist, teentsiest, thatchiest, threadiest, threnodist, thriftiest, throatiest, thrummiest, topologist, toponymist, trailerist, trembliest, trichocyst, trickliest, tricksiest, trivialist, trombonist, twiddliest, twitchiest, typologist, uncanniest, uncleanest, unclearest, ungodliest, unhandiest, unhappiest, unicyclist, uniformest, uninterest, unluckiest, unquietest, unreadiest, unsoundest, vignettist, virologist, wanderlust, wealthiest, weightiest, wildebeest, willingest, willowiest, winteriest, woefullest, womanliest, worldliest, wriggliest, wrinkliest

11-letter words

abortionist, accompanist, adoptionist, adventurist, anthologist, antielitist, antifascist, antirealist, aquarellist, aquatintist, artillerist, audiologist, autosuggest, behaviorist, bimetallist, bioethicist, carefullest, charmingest, chiropodist, chloroplast, chromoplast, churchliest, clarinetist, clericalist, cobwebbiest, colonialist, communalist, comparatist, computerist, consumerist, corporatist, cosmogonist, cosmologist, creationist, determinist, dichotomist, diplomatist, discreetest, disinterest, disunionist, divisionist, doggonedest, dolefullest, draughtiest, droughtiest, ecumenicist, endodontist, epigraphist, equilibrist, ethnologist, etymologist, eudaemonist, exclusivist, farthermost, fearfullest, featheriest, finnickiest, flabbergast, frequentest, friendliest, funambulist, furthermost, gemmologist, genealogist, geobotanist, groundburst, harmonicist, headachiest, heavenliest, hydrologist, hyperbolist, illusionist, immanentist, imperialist, indecentest, innocentest, iridologist, irredentist, keyboardist, kinetoplast, landscapist, limnologist, lymphoblast, madrigalist, malapropist, mammalogist, mandolinist, materialist, medievalist, megaloblast, melanoblast, memorialist, metrologist, miniaturist, monologuist, museologist, mycophagist, mythologist, nationalist, necrologist, neurologist, nitpickiest, nonbotanist, nonfeminist, noninterest, numismatist, objectivist, odontoblast, opportunist, optometrist, ordinariest, orientalist, orthopedist, overearnest, overharvest, painfullest, pantomimist, parachutist, paternalist, pathologist, peacockiest, personalist, petrologist, pheneticist, philatelist, philologist, phonemicist, phonologist, photoresist, phycologist, physiatrist, physicalist, pitifullest, pleasantest, pleinairist, pointillist, poltergeist, portraitist, preconquest, primitivist, princeliest, probabilist, profoundest, protagonist, quagmiriest, radiologist, rationalist, rebroadcast, regionalist, religionist, researchist, revisionist, romanticist, saxophonist, schmalziest, scrabbliest, scraggliest, scratchiest, screechiest, scroungiest, semanticist, semiologist, semioticist, shmaltziest, skitteriest, slipperiest, slovenliest, snippetiest, sociologist, soliloquist, spheroplast, splendidest, splotchiest, squelchiest, squiggliest, squooshiest, succinctest, superegoist, supremacist, suprematist, survivalist, swingingest, syndicalist, taphonomist, taxidermist, teetotalist, teleologist, telephonist, theosophist, thoroughest, tobacconist, tobogganist, toploftiest, tranquilest, tribologist, trophoblast, unbeknownst, uncommonest, underthrust, ungainliest, unkindliest, unlikeliest, unloveliest, unseemliest, untimeliest, unwieldiest, unworthiest, vacationist, vanguardist, vineyardist, virginalist, voluntarist, weathercast, wienerwurst, wretchedest, xylophonist

12-letter words

abolitionist, accordionist, anecdotalist, angelologist, antifeminist, antinovelist, antiroyalist, apiculturist, apocalyptist, assemblagist, automobilist, aviculturist, bibliopegist, bibliopolist, biophysicist, bioscientist, cardiologist, caricaturist, cheerfullest, chronologist, clarinettist, coalitionist, coleopterist, collectivist, conchologist, cosmochemist, counterblast, cryptanalyst, cryptologist, demonologist, dendrologist, deontologist, deviationist, diffusionist, diversionist, econometrist, editorialist, educationist, elocutionist, embryologist, emotionalist, entomologist, enzymologist, erythroblast, escapologist, essentialist, evolutionist, exclusionist, excursionist, exobiologist, expansionist, extortionist, fruitfullest, futurologist, geophysicist, geoscientist, glaciologist, glossolalist, gracefullest, graphologist, gratefullest, gymnosophist, gynecologist, headforemost, hematologist, hyperrealist, immunologist, inflationist, intuitionist, isolationist, lexicologist, malacologist, mercantilist, metallurgist, microanalyst, microscopist, mineralogist, miscellanist, monochromist, morphologist, motorcyclist, mournfullest, musicologist, nematologist, nephrologist, neurochemist, noctambulist, nonbiologist, nonbroadcast, noncolorfast, noncommunist, noneconomist, nonscientist, nonsocialist, northernmost, numerologist, nutritionist, obscurantist, oceanologist, operationist, orthodontist, orthopterist, overoptimist, palindromist, palynologist, papyrologist, partitionist, peacefullest, perfusionist, periodontist, phillumenist, phlebotomist, photochemist, phragmoplast, phrenologist, physiologist, phytochemist, pictorialist, pointtillist, polygraphist, pragmaticist, prebreakfast, precisionist, proctologist, propagandist, psephologist, psychiatrist, psychologist, pyrotechnist, radiochemist, receptionist, reductionist, salvationist, schmaltziest, secessionist, seismologist, selectionist, selenologist, semifinalist, silhouettist, slaphappiest, snowmobilist, somnambulist, southernmost, speleologist, spiritualist, spitefullest, sprightliest, subjectivist, technologist, telegraphist, teratologist, thankfullest, toxicologist, trampolinist, tranquillest, trichologist, triumphalist, ultraleftist, ultrarealist, unhealthiest, universalist, unsightliest, urbanologist, vibraharpist, vibraphonist, voluntaryist

13-letter words

acupuncturist, agriculturist, annexationist, anticommunist, antiformalist, antimechanist, antimodernist, antisocialist, antiterrorist, aquaculturist, archaeologist, blepharoplast, calligraphist, campanologist, ceremonialist, chiaroscurist, cinquecentist, clavichordist, climatologist, commercialist, comparativist, conceptualist, contortionist, contrabandist, contrabassist, contrapuntist, coreligionist, corruptionist, cosmetologist, counterthrust, criminologist, cryobiologist, cyberneticist, demolitionist, dermatologist, deuteragonist, devolutionist, diabetologist, documentalist, documentarist, dodecaphonist, electrologist, encyclopedist, epigrammatist, ethnobotanist, exhibitionist, expressionist, feuilletonist, flugelhornist, fluoroscopist, functionalist, gerontologist, herpetologist, ichthyologist, immaterialist, immunochemist, impressionist, indeterminist, individualist, irrationalist, irreligionist, laparoscopist, lepidopterist, liberationist, lichenologist, malariologist, mariculturist, martyrologist, melodramatist, meteoriticist, meteorologist, methodologist, millennialist, monometallist, myrmecologist, narratologist, neoclassicist, neonatologist, noncapitalist, nonchauvinist, nonconformist, nonmonetarist, nonspecialist, onomatologist, oppositionist, ornithologist, paleobotanist, particularist, percussionist, perfectionist, phenomenalist, philhellenist, phraseologist, planetologist, precapitalist, primatologist, progressivist, projectionist, protectionist, provincialist, psychoanalyst, pteridologist, recreationist, repressionist, revolutionist, sacerdotalist, sadomasochist, separationist, sericulturist, sociolinguist, subspecialist, superlobbyist, superloyalist, televangelist, thanatologist, thaumaturgist, thermochemist, ultrarightist, ultraroyalist, ventriloquist, vexillologist, victimologist, violoncellist, viticulturist, vocationalist, volcanologist, vulcanologist, watercolorist

14-letter words

aerodynamicist, anthropologist, anticapitalist, antimilitarist, antimonarchist, antimonopolist, antiseparatist, aromatherapist, associationist, bacteriologist, bronchoscopist, chemotherapist, citriculturist, cooperationist, counterprotest, cytogeneticist, dialectologist, ecclesiologist, educationalist, epidemiologist, floriculturist, fundamentalist, geohydrologist, harpsichordist, horticulturist, hydrobiologist, hypermodernist, hypnotherapist, incrementalist, indifferentist, integrationist, kremlinologist, liturgiologist, metafictionist, microbiologist, neocolonialist, neuroanatomist, neurobiologist, neuroscientist, nonobjectivist, operationalist, paleobiologist, paleoecologist, paleomagnetist, paleontologist, paleozoologist, pantisocratist, parasitologist, pharmacologist, philanthropist, photobiologist, photogeologist, prerevisionist, prohibitionist, protozoologist, psycholinguist, radiobiologist, radiotherapist, repudiationist, reservationist, rheumatologist, sacramentalist, segregationist, sensationalist, sentimentalist, silviculturist, sociobiologist, spectroscopist, territorialist, traditionalist, ultramodernist, vivisectionist

15-letter words

agriculturalist, antiabortionist, anticolonialist, antimaterialist, antinationalist, antirationalist, assimilationist, biotechnologist, chemotaxonomist, chronobiologist, colonizationist, confessionalist, conservationist, conventionalist, cryptozoologist, daguerreotypist, emancipationist, endocrinologist, experimentalist, geochronologist, geomorphologist, governmentalist, hydrodynamicist, insurrectionist, intellectualist, interventionist, multilateralist, nonpsychiatrist, ophthalmologist, phenomenologist, photojournalist, physiotherapist, preformationist, preservationist, pseudoscientist, psychobiologist, psychophysicist, psychotherapist, quarterfinalist, resurrectionist, roentgenologist, sedimentologist, supernaturalist, superspecialist

16-letter words

accommodationist, anthropomorphist, antievolutionist, antireductionist, collaborationist, confrontationist, controversialist, counterculturist, counterterrorist, cytotechnologist, environmentalist, immunogeneticist, internationalist, introspectionist, neuropathologist, neuroradiologist, nullificationist, otolaryngologist, paleopathologist, parapsychologist, photogrammetrist, premillennialist, supranationalist, thermodynamicist, transcriptionist, ultranationalist

17-letter words

congregationalist, conversationalist, ethnomusicologist, hydrometallurgist, immunopathologist, lepidopterologist, neurophysiologist, neuropsychiatrist, neuropsychologist, nonanthropologist, noncooperationist, orthopsychiatrist, psychopathologist, transcendentalist

18-letter words

antivivisectionist, dendrochronologist, ethnomethodologist, hydrometeorologist, immunohematologist, micrometeorologist, noninterventionist, paleoclimatologist, psychophysiologist

19-letter words

anticonservationist, antifluoridationist, electrophysiologist, micropaleontologist, neuropharmacologist, paleoanthropologist, representationalist, transformationalist, ultrasegregationist

20-letter words

neuroendocrinologist, psychopharmacologist

21-letter words


3128 words found.

1 answer











There is a lot!

sabatons, sabayons, sabbaths, sabbatic, sabering, sabotage, saboteur, sabulose, sabulous, sacatons, saccades, saccadic, saccular, saccules, sacculus, sachemic, sacheted, sackbuts, sackfuls, sackings, sacklike, sacksful, sacraria, sacredly, sacrings, sacrists, sacristy, saddened, saddlers, saddlery, saddling, sadirons, sadistic, safaried, safeness, safetied, safeties, saffrons, safranin, safroles, sagacity, sagamore, saganash, sageness, saggards, saggared, saggered, saggiest, sagittal, saguaros, sahiwals, sahuaros, sailable, sailboat, sailfish, sailings, sailless, sailorly, sainfoin, saintdom, sainting, salaamed, salacity, saladang, salariat, salaried, salaries, saleable, saleably, saleroom, salesman, salesmen, salicine, salicins, salience, saliency, salients, salified, salifies, salinity, salinize, salivary, salivate, salliers, sallowed, sallower, sallowly, sallying, salmonid, salpians, salsilla, saltbush, salterns, saltiers, saltiest, saltines, saltings, saltires, saltless, saltlike, saltness, saltpans, saltwork, saltwort, salutary, saluters, saluting, salvable, salvably, salvaged, salvagee, salvager, salvages, salvific, salvoing, samadhis, samarium, sambaing, sambhars, sambhurs, sambucas, sambukes, sameness, samisens, samizdat, samovars, samoyeds, samphire, samplers, sampling, samsaras, samurais, sanative, sanctify, sanction, sanctity, sanctums, sandable, sandaled, sandarac, sandbags, sandbank, sandbars, sandburr, sandburs, sanddabs, sandfish, sandhogs, sandiest, sandless, sandlike, sandling, sandlots, sandpeep, sandpile, sandpits, sandsoap, sandspur, sandwich, sandworm, sandwort, saneness, sangaree, sangrias, sanguine, sanicles, sanidine, sanitary, sanitate, sanities, sanitise, sanitize, sannyasi, sanserif, santalic, santalol, santeras, santeria, santeros, santonin, santoors, santours, sapajous, sapheads, saphenae, saphenas, sapidity, sapience, sapiency, sapients, saplings, saponify, saponine, saponins, saponite, saporous, sapphics, sapphire, sapphism, sapphist, sappiest, sapremia, sapremic, saprobes, saprobic, sapropel, sapsagos, sapwoods, saraband, sarcasms, sarcenet, sarcinae, sarcinas, sarcoids, sarcomas, sardanas, sardined, sardines, sardonic, sardonyx, sargasso, sarkiest, sarmenta, sarments, sarodist, sarsenet, sarsnets, sartorii, sashayed, sashimis, sashless, sassiest, sasswood, sastruga, sastrugi, satanism, satanist, satchels, satiable, satiably, satiated, satiates, satinets, satinpod, satirise, satirist, satirize, satsumas, saturant, saturate, satyrids, saucebox, saucepan, saucepot, sauciers, sauciest, saunaing, saunters, saurians, sauropod, sausages, sauteing, sauterne, sautoire, sautoirs, savagely, savagery, savagest, savaging, savagism, savannah, savannas, savarins, saveable, saveloys, savingly, saviours, savorers, savorier, savories, savorily, savoring, savorous, savoured, savourer, savviest, savvying, sawbills, sawbones, sawbucks, sawdusts, sawdusty, sawflies, sawhorse, sawmills, sawteeth, sawtooth, saxatile, saxhorns, saxonies, saxtubas, sayonara, scabbard, scabbier, scabbily, scabbing, scabbled, scabbles, scabiosa, scabious, scabland, scablike, scabrous, scaffold, scalable, scalably, scalades, scalados, scalages, scalares, scalawag, scalding, scalenus, scalepan, scaleups, scaliest, scallion, scallops, scalpels, scalpers, scalping, scammers, scamming, scammony, scampers, scampies, scamping, scampish, scamster, scandals, scandent, scandias, scandium, scanners, scanning, scansion, scantest, scantier, scanties, scantily, scanting, scaphoid, scapulae, scapular, scapulas, scarcely, scarcest, scarcity, scareder, scarfers, scarfing, scarfpin, scariest, scariose, scarious, scarless, scarlets, scarpers, scarphed, scarping, scarrier, scarring, scarting, scatback, scathing, scatters, scattier, scatting, scaupers, scavenge, scenario, scending, scenical, scenting, scepters, sceptics, sceptral, sceptred, sceptres, schappes, schedule, schemata, schemers, scheming, scherzos, schiller, schizier, schizoid, schizont, schlepps, schliere, schlocks, schlocky, schlumps, schlumpy, schmaltz, schmalzy, schmatte, schmears, schmeers, schmelze, schmoose, schmooze, schmoozy, schmucks, schnapps, schnecke, schnooks, schnozes, scholars, scholium, schooled, schooner, schticks, schussed, schusser, schusses, sciaenid, sciatica, sciatics, sciences, scilicet, scimetar, scimitar, scimiter, scincoid, sciolism, sciolist, scirocco, scirrhus, scissile, scission, scissors, scissure, sciurids, sciurine, sciuroid, sclaffed, sclaffer, sclereid, sclerite, scleroid, scleroma, sclerose, sclerous, scoffers, scoffing, scofflaw, scolders, scolding, scoleces, scolices, scolioma, scollops, scombrid, sconcing, scooched, scooches, scoopers, scoopful, scooping, scooters, scooting, scopulae, scopulas, scorched, scorcher, scorches, scorepad, scorners, scornful, scorning, scorpion, scotched, scotches, scotomas, scotopia, scotopic, scotties, scourers, scourged, scourger, scourges, scouring, scouters, scouther, scouting, scowders, scowlers, scowling, scrabble, scrabbly, scragged, scraggly, scraichs, scraighs, scramble, scramjet, scrammed, scrannel, scrapers, scrapies, scraping, scrapped, scrapper, scrapple, scratchy, scrawled, scrawler, screaked, screamed, screamer, screechy, screeded, screened, screener, screwers, screwier, screwing, screwups, scribble, scribbly, scribers, scribing, scrieved, scrieves, scrimped, scrimper, scrimpit, scripted, scripter, scriving, scrofula, scrolled, scrooges, scrooped, scrootch, scrotums, scrouged, scrouges, scrounge, scroungy, scrubbed, scrubber, scrummed, scrunchy, scrupled, scruples, scrutiny, scubaing, scudding, scuffers, scuffing, scuffled, scuffler, scuffles, sculches, sculkers, sculking, scullers, scullery, sculling, scullion, sculping, sculpins, sculpted, sculptor, scumbled, scumbles, scumless, scumlike, scummers, scummier, scummily, scumming, scunners, scuppaug, scuppers, scurfier, scurried, scurries, scurrile, scurvier, scurvies, scurvily, scutages, scutched, scutcher, scutches, scutella, scutters, scuttled, scuttles, scutwork, scuzzier, scyphate, scything, seabeach, seabirds, seaboard, seaboots, seaborne, seacoast, seacocks, seacraft, seadrome, seafarer, seafloor, seafoods, seafowls, seafront, seagoing, seahorse, sealable, sealants, sealifts, seallike, sealskin, seamanly, seamarks, seamiest, seamless, seamlike, seamount, seamster, seapiece, seaplane, seaports, seaquake, searched, searcher, searches, searobin, seascape, seascout, seashell, seashore, seasides, seasonal, seasoned, seasoner, seatback, seatbelt, seatings, seatless, seatmate, seatrain, seatrout, seatwork, seawalls, seawants, seawards, seawares, seawater, seaweeds, secalose, secantly, secateur, seceders, seceding, secerned, secluded, secludes, seconals, seconded, seconder, secondes, secondly, secreted, secreter, secretes, secretin, secretly, secretor, sections, sectoral, sectored, seculars, secundly, secundum, securely, securers, securest, securing, security, sedately, sedatest, sedating, sedation, sedative, sederunt, sedgiest, sedilium, sediment, sedition, seducers, seducing, seducive, sedulity, sedulous, seecatch, seedbeds, seedcake, seedcase, seediest, seedless, seedlike, seedling, seedpods, seedsman, seedsmen, seedtime, seemings, seemlier, seepages, seepiest, seesawed, seething, segments, segueing, seicento, seigneur, seignior, seignory, seisable, seisings, seismism, seisures, seizable, seizings, seizures, seladang, selamlik, selcouth, seldomly, selected, selectee, selectly, selector, selenate, selenide, selenite, selenium, selenous, selfdoms, selfheal, selfhood, selfless, selfness, selfsame, selfward, sellable, selloffs, sellouts, seltzers, selvaged, selvages, selvedge, semantic, semester, semiarid, semibald, semicoma, semideaf, semidome, semigala, semihard, semihigh, semihobo, semillon, semimatt, semimild, semimute, seminars, seminary, seminoma, seminude, semiopen, semioses, semiosis, semiotic, semioval, semipros, semisoft, semitist, semitone, semiwild, semolina, semplice, senarius, senators, sendable, sendoffs, senecios, senhoras, senhores, senilely, senility, sennight, senopias, senorita, sensated, sensates, senseful, sensible, sensibly, sensilla, sensoria, sensuous, sentence, sentient, sentimos, sentinel, sentries, sepaline, sepalled, sepaloid, sepalous, separate, seppukus, septages, septaria, septette, septical, septimes, septuple, sequelae, sequence, sequency, sequents, sequined, sequitur, sequoias, seraglio, seraphic, seraphim, seraphin, serenade, serenata, serenate, serenely, serenest, serenity, serfages, serfdoms, serfhood, serflike, sergeant, sergings, serially, seriated, seriates, seriatim, sericins, seriemas, seriffed, seringas, serjeant, sermonic, serology, serosity, serotine, serotiny, serotype, serovars, serpents, serpigos, serranid, serrated, serrates, serrying, servable, servants, serviced, servicer, services, servings, servitor, sesamoid, sessions, sesspool, sesterce, sestinas, sestines, setbacks, setenant, setiform, setlines, setscrew, settings, settlers, settling, settlors, setulose, setulous, sevenths, severals, severely, severest, severing, severity, seviches, sewerage, sewering, sexiness, sexology, sextains, sextants, sextarii, sextette, sextiles, sextuple, sextuply, sexually, sforzato, sfumatos, shabbier, shabbily, shacking, shackled, shackler, shackles, shackoes, shadblow, shadbush, shadchan, shaddock, shadiest, shadings, shadkhan, shadoofs, shadowed, shadower, shadrach, shafting, shagbark, shaggier, shaggily, shagging, shagreen, shahdoms, shaitans, shakable, shakeout, shakeups, shakiest, shaliest, shalloon, shallops, shallots, shallows, shamable, shamably, shamanic, shambled, shambles, shameful, shamisen, shammash, shammers, shammied, shammies, shamming, shamosim, shamoyed, shampoos, shamrock, shamuses, shandies, shanghai, shanking, shannies, shanteys, shanties, shantihs, shantung, shapable, shapeups, sharable, shariahs, sharkers, sharking, sharpens, sharpers, sharpest, sharpies, sharping, shashlik, shasliks, shatters, shauling, shavable, shavings, shawling, sheafing, shealing, shearers, shearing, sheathed, sheather, sheathes, sheaving, shebangs, shebeans, shebeens, shedable, shedders, shedding, sheenful, sheenier, sheenies, sheening, sheepcot, sheepdog, sheepish, sheepman, sheepmen, sheerest, sheering, sheeters, sheetfed, sheeting, sheikdom, sheitans, shekalim, shekelim, shelduck, shelfful, shellack, shellacs, shellers, shellier, shelling, shelters, shelties, shelvers, shelvier, shelving, shending, shepherd, sherbert, sherbets, shereefs, sheriffs, sherlock, sheroots, sherries, shetland, shiatsus, shiatzus, shickers, shielded, shielder, shieling, shifters, shiftier, shiftily, shifting, shigella, shikaree, shikaris, shikkers, shilingi, shillala, shilling, shimmers, shimmery, shimmied, shimmies, shimming, shinbone, shindies, shindigs, shingled, shingler, shingles, shiniest, shinleaf, shinnery, shinneys, shinnied, shinnies, shinning, shiplaps, shipless, shipload, shipmate, shipment, shippens, shippers, shipping, shippons, shipside, shipways, shipworm, shipyard, shirkers, shirking, shirring, shirtier, shirting, shittahs, shittims, shivaree, shivered, shiverer, shivitis, shlemiel, shlepped, shlumped, shmaltzy, shmoozed, shmoozes, shnorrer, shoalest, shoalier, shoaling, shockers, shocking, shoddier, shoddies, shoddily, shoebill, shoehorn, shoelace, shoeless, shoepack, shoepacs, shoetree, shofroth, shogging, shogunal, shooling, shooters, shooting, shootout, shopboys, shopgirl, shophars, shoplift, shoppers, shopping, shoptalk, shopworn, shorings, shortage, shortcut, shortens, shortest, shortias, shorties, shorting, shortish, shotguns, shothole, shotting, shoulder, shouldst, shouters, shouting, shoveled, shoveler, showboat, showcase, showdown, showered, showgirl, showiest, showings, showoffs, showroom, showtime, shrapnel, shredded, shredder, shrewder, shrewdie, shrewdly, shrewing, shrewish, shrieked, shrieker, shrieval, shrieved, shrieves, shrilled, shriller, shrimped, shrimper, shrining, shrinker, shrivels, shrivers, shriving, shroffed, shrouded, shrugged, shrunken, shtetels, shuckers, shucking, shudders, shuddery, shuffled, shuffler, shuffles, shunners, shunning, shunpike, shunters, shunting, shushers, shushing, shutdown, shuteyes, shutoffs, shutouts, shutters, shutting, shuttled, shuttler, shuttles, shwanpan, shylocks, shysters, sialidan, siamangs, siameses, sibilant, sibilate, siblings, sibyllic, sickbays, sickbeds, sickened, sickener, sickerly, sicklied, sicklier, sicklies, sicklily, sickling, sickness, sickouts, sickroom, siddurim, sidearms, sideband, sidebars, sidecars, sidehill, sidekick, sideline, sideling, sidelong, sidereal, siderite, sideshow, sideslip, sidespin, sidestep, sidewalk, sidewall, sideward, sideways, sidewise, sienites, sierozem, sieverts, siffleur, siftings, siganids, sighless, sighlike, sighters, sighting, sightsaw, sightsee, sigmoids, signages, signaled, signaler, signally, signeted, signiori, signiors, signiory, signoras, signpost, silenced, silencer, silences, silenter, silently, silesias, silicate, silicide, silicify, silicium, silicles, silicone, silicons, silicula, siliquae, siliques, silkiest, silklike, silkweed, silkworm, sillabub, sillibub, silliest, siloxane, siltiest, silurian, silurids, siluroid, silvered, silverer, silverly, silvexes, silvical, simaruba, simazine, simitars, simmered, simoleon, simoniac, simonies, simonist, simonize, simpered, simperer, simplest, simplify, simplism, simplist, simulant, simulars, simulate, sinapism, sincerer, sinciput, sinecure, sinewing, sinfonia, sinfonie, sinfully, singable, singeing, singlets, singling, singsong, singular, sinicize, sinister, sinkable, sinkages, sinkhole, sinology, sinopias, sintered, sinuated, sinuates, sinusoid, siphonal, siphoned, siphonic, sirenian, sirloins, siroccos, sirupier, siruping, sirvente, sissiest, sissyish, sistered, sisterly, sistroid, sistrums, sitarist, sithence, sitology, sittings, situated, situates, sitzmark, sixpence, sixpenny, sixteens, sixtieth, sizeable, sizeably, siziness, sizzlers, sizzling, sjamboks, skankers, skankier, skanking, skatings, skatoles, skeeters, skeining, skeletal, skeleton, skellums, skelping, skelters, skeptics, skerries, sketched, sketcher, sketches, skewback, skewbald, skewered, skewness, skiagram, skidders, skiddier, skidding, skiddoos, skidooed, skidways, skiffled, skiffles, skijorer, skilless, skillets, skillful, skilling, skimmers, skimming, skimpier, skimpily, skimping, skinfuls, skinhead, skinkers, skinking, skinless, skinlike, skinners, skinnier, skinning, skioring, skipjack, skiplane, skippers, skippets, skipping, skirling, skirmish, skirrets, skirring, skirters, skirting, skitters, skittery, skittish, skittles, skivvied, skivvies, skiwears, sklented, skoaling, skreeghs, skreighs, skulkers, skulking, skullcap, skulling, skunkier, skunking, skyboard, skyborne, skydived, skydiver, skydives, skyhooks, skyjacks, skylarks, skylight, skylines, skysails, skysurfs, skywalks, skywards, skywrite, skywrote, slabbers, slabbery, slabbing, slablike, slackens, slackers, slackest, slacking, slaggier, slagging, slakable, slalomed, slalomer, slammers, slamming, slanders, slangier, slangily, slanging, slanting, slapdash, slapjack, slappers, slapping, slashers, slashing, slatches, slathers, slatiest, slatings, slattern, slatting, slavered, slaverer, slayable, sleaving, sleazier, sleazily, sleazoid, sledders, sledding, sledging, sleekens, sleekers, sleekest, sleekier, sleeking, sleepers, sleepier, sleepily, sleeping, sleetier, sleeting, sleeving, sleighed, sleigher, sleights, sleuthed, slickens, slickers, slickest, slicking, slidable, slideway, slighted, slighter, slightly, slimiest, slimmest, slimming, slimness, slimsier, slingers, slinging, slinkier, slinkily, slinking, slipcase, slipform, slipknot, slipless, slipouts, slipover, slippage, slippers, slippery, slippier, slippily, slipping, slipshod, slipslop, slipsole, slipware, slipways, slithers, slithery, slitless, slitlike, slitters, slittier, slitting, slivered, sliverer, slivovic, slobbers, slobbery, slobbish, sloggers, slogging, sloppier, sloppily, slopping, slopwork, sloshier, sloshing, slotback, slothful, slotters, slotting, slouched, sloucher, slouches, sloughed, slovenly, slowdown, slowness, slowpoke, slowworm, slubbers, slubbing, sludgier, sludging, sluffing, slugabed, slugfest, sluggard, sluggers, slugging, sluggish, sluicing, slumbers, slumbery, slumgums, slumisms, slumlord, slummers, slummier, slumming, slumping, slurping, slurried, slurries, slurring, slushier, slushily, slushing, sluttish, slyboots, smackers, smacking, smallage, smallest, smallish, smallpox, smaltine, smaltite, smaragde, smaragds, smarmier, smartass, smartens, smartest, smarties, smarting, smashers, smashing, smashups, smatters, smearers, smearier, smearing, smeddums, smeeking, smellers, smellier, smelling, smelters, smeltery, smelting, smerking, smidgens, smidgeon, smidgins, smilaxes, smirched, smirches, smirkers, smirkier, smirkily, smirking, smithers, smithery, smithies, smocking, smoggier, smogless, smokable, smokepot, smokiest, smolders, smooched, smoocher, smooches, smooshed, smooshes, smoothed, smoothen, smoother, smoothie, smoothly, smothers, smothery, smoulder, smudgier, smudgily, smudging, smuggest, smuggled, smuggler, smuggles, smugness, smushing, smutched, smutches, smuttier, smuttily, smutting, snackers, snacking, snaffled, snaffles, snafuing, snaggier, snagging, snaglike, snailing, snakepit, snakiest, snapback, snapless, snappers, snappier, snappily, snapping, snappish, snapshot, snapweed, snarfing, snarkily, snarlers, snarlier, snarling, snatched, snatcher, snatches, snazzier, sneakers, sneakier, sneakily, sneaking, sneaping, snedding, sneerers, sneerful, sneerier, sneering, sneeshes, sneezers, sneezier, sneezing, snellest, snelling, snibbing, snickers, snickery, snicking, sniffers, sniffier, sniffily, sniffing, sniffish, sniffled, sniffler, sniffles, snifters, sniggers, sniggled, sniggler, sniggles, sniglets, snippers, snippets, snippety, snippier, snippily, snipping, snitched, snitcher, snitches, sniveled, sniveler, snobbery, snobbier, snobbily, snobbish, snobbism, snogging, snooding, snookers, snooking, snooling, snoopers, snoopier, snoopily, snooping, snootier, snootily, snooting, snoozers, snoozier, snoozing, snoozled, snoozles, snorkels, snorters, snorting, snottier, snottily, snoutier, snouting, snoutish, snowball, snowbank, snowbell, snowbelt, snowbird, snowbush, snowcaps, snowcats, snowdrop, snowfall, snowiest, snowland, snowless, snowlike, snowmelt, snowmold, snowpack, snowplow, snowshed, snowshoe, snowsuit, snubbers, snubbier, snubbing, snubness, snuffbox, snuffers, snuffier, snuffily, snuffing, snuffled, snuffler, snuffles, snuggery, snuggest, snuggies, snugging, snuggled, snuggles, snugness, soakages, soapbark, soapiest, soapless, soaplike, soapsuds, soapwort, soarings, soberest, sobering, soberize, sobriety, socagers, soccages, sociable, sociably, socially, societal, socketed, sockeyes, sockless, sodaless, sodalist, sodalite, sodality, sodamide, soddened, soddenly, sodomies, sodomite, sodomize, sofabeds, softback, softball, softcore, softened, softener, softhead, softness, software, softwood, soggiest, soilages, soilless, soilures, sojourns, solacers, solacing, solander, solanine, solanins, solanums, solarise, solarism, solarium, solarize, solating, solation, solatium, soldered, solderer, soldiers, soldiery, solecise, solecism, solecist, solecize, soleless, solemner, solemnly, soleness, solenoid, solerets, soleuses, solfeges, solfeggi, solicits, solidago, solidary, solidest, solidify, solidity, soliquid, solitary, solitons, solitude, solleret, soloists, solonets, solonetz, solstice, solubles, solution, solvable, solvated, solvates, solvency, solvents, somberly, sombrely, sombrero, sombrous, somebody, somedeal, someones, somerset, sometime, someways, somewhat, somewhen, somewise, sonances, sonantal, sonantic, sonarman, sonarmen, sonatina, sonatine, songbird, songbook, songfest, songless, songlike, songster, sonhoods, sonicate, sonneted, sonobuoy, sonogram, sonorant, sonority, sonorous, sonships, sonsiest, soochong, soothers, soothest, soothing, soothsay, sootiest, sophisms, sophists, sopiting, soppiest, sopranos, sorbable, sorbates, sorbents, sorbitol, sorboses, sorcerer, sordidly, sordines, sorehead, soreness, sorghums, soricine, soroches, sororate, sorority, sorption, sorptive, sorriest, sorrowed, sorrower, sortable, sortably, sottedly, soubises, souchong, souffled, souffles, soughing, soulless, soullike, soulmate, soundbox, sounders, soundest, sounding, soupcons, soupiest, soupless, souplike, sourball, sourdine, sourness, sourpuss, soursops, sourwood, sousliks, soutache, soutanes, southern, southers, southing, southpaw, southron, souvenir, souvlaki, sovkhozy, sovranly, sovranty, sowbelly, sowbread, soybeans, soymilks, spaceman, spacemen, spaciest, spacings, spacious, spackled, spackles, spadeful, spadices, spadille, spadixes, spadones, spaeings, spaetzle, spagyric, spaldeen, spallers, spalling, spalpeen, spambots, spammers, spamming, spancels, spandrel, spandril, spangled, spangles, spaniels, spankers, spanking, spanless, spanners, spanning, spansule, spanworm, sparable, sparerib, spargers, sparging, sparkers, sparkier, sparkily, sparking, sparkish, sparkled, sparkler, sparkles, sparklet, sparlike, sparling, sparoids, sparrier, sparring, sparrows, sparsely, sparsest, sparsity, spartina, spasming, spastics, spathose, spatters, spatting, spatular, spatulas, spatzles, spavined, spawners, spawning, speakers, speaking, speaning, spearers, spearing, spearman, spearmen, speccing, specials, speciate, specific, specimen, specious, specking, speckled, speckles, spectate, specters, spectral, spectres, spectrum, specular, speculum, speeches, speeders, speedier, speedily, speeding, speedups, speedway, speeling, speering, speiling, speiring, speisses, spelaean, spellers, spelling, spelters, speltzes, spelunks, spencers, spenders, spendier, spending, spermary, spermine, spermous, sphagnum, sphenoid, spherics, spherier, sphering, spheroid, spherule, sphinges, sphingid, sphinxes, sphygmic, sphygmus, sphynxes, spicated, spiccato, spiciest, spiculae, spicular, spicules, spiculum, spiegels, spielers, spieling, spiering, spiffied, spiffier, spiffies, spiffily, spiffing, spikelet, spikiest, spilikin, spilings, spillage, spillers, spilling, spillway, spinages, spinally, spindled, spindler, spindles, spinelle, spiniest, spinifex, spinless, spinners, spinnery, spinneys, spinnies, spinning, spinoffs, spinouts, spinster, spinulae, spinules, spiracle, spiraeas, spiraled, spirally, spirants, spiremes, spiriest, spirilla, spirited, spirting, spirulae, spirulas, spitball, spiteful, spitfire, spitters, spitting, spittles, spittoon, splashed, splasher, splashes, splatted, splatter, splaying, splendid, splendor, splenial, splenium, splenius, splicers, splicing, splining, splinted, splinter, splitter, splodged, splodges, sploshed, sploshes, splotchy, splurged, splurger, splurges, splutter, spodosol, spoilage, spoilers, spoiling, spoliate, spondaic, spondees, spongers, spongier, spongily, sponging, spongins, sponsion, sponsons, sponsors, spontoon, spoofers, spoofery, spoofing, spookery, spookier, spookily, spooking, spookish, spoolers, spooling, spooneys, spoonful, spoonier, spoonies, spoonily, spooning, spooring, sporadic, sporozoa, sporrans, sporters, sportful, sportier, sportily, sporting, sportive, sporular, sporules, spotless, spotters, spottier, spottily, spotting, spousals, spousing, spouters, spouting, spraddle, sprained, sprattle, sprawled, sprawler, sprayers, spraying, spreader, sprigged, sprigger, sprights, springal, springed, springer, springes, sprinkle, sprinted, sprinter, spritzed, spritzer, spritzes, sprocket, sprouted, sprucely, sprucest, sprucier, sprucing, spryness, spudders, spudding, spumiest, spumones, spumonis, spunkier, spunkies, spunkily, spunking, spurgall, spurious, spurners, spurning, spurrers, spurreys, spurrier, spurries, spurring, spurters, spurting, spurtles, sputniks, sputters, sputtery, spyglass, squabble, squadded, squadron, squalene, squalled, squaller, squalors, squamate, squamose, squamous, squander, squarely, squarers, squarest, squaring, squarish, squashed, squasher, squashes, squatted, squatter, squawked, squawker, squeaked, squeaker, squealed, squealer, squeegee, squeezed, squeezer, squeezes, squegged, squelchy, squibbed, squidded, squiffed, squiggle, squiggly, squilgee, squillae, squillas, squinted, squinter, squireen, squiring, squirish, squirmed, squirmer, squirrel, squirted, squirter, squished, squishes, squooshy, squushed, squushes, sraddhas, stabbers, stabbing, stabiles, stablers, stablest, stabling, stablish, staccati, staccato, stackers, stacking, stackups, staddles, stadiums, staffers, staffing, stageful, staggard, staggart, staggers, staggery, staggier, staggies, stagging, stagiest, stagings, stagnant, stagnate, staidest, stainers, staining, stairway, staithes, stakeout, stalkers, stalkier, stalkily, stalking, stalling, stallion, stalwart, stamened, staminal, staminas, stammels, stammers, stampede, stampers, stamping, stanched, stancher, stanches, stanchly, standard, standbys, standees, standers, standing, standish, standoff, standout, standpat, standups, stanging, stanhope, stanines, stannary, stannite, stannous, stannums, stanzaed, stanzaic, stapedes, stapelia, staplers, stapling, starched, starches, stardoms, stardust, starfish, stargaze, starkers, starkest, starless, starlets, starlike, starling, starnose, starrier, starring, starters, starting, startled, startler, startles, startups, starvers, starving, starwort, stashing, stasimon, statable, statedly, statical, statices, staticky, stations, statisms, statists, statives, statuary, statures, statuses, statutes, staumrel, staysail, steadied, steadier, steadies, steadily, steading, stealage, stealers, stealing, stealths, stealthy, steamers, steamier, steamily, steaming, steapsin, stearate, stearine, stearins, steatite, stedfast, steeking, steelier, steelies, steeling, steenbok, steepens, steepers, steepest, steeping, steepled, steeples, steerage, steerers, steering, steeving, stegodon, steinbok, stellate, stellify, stellite, stemless, stemlike, stemmata, stemmers, stemmery, stemmier, stemming, stemsons, stemware, stenches, stencils, stengahs, stenosed, stenoses, stenosis, stenotic, stentors, stepdame, steplike, steppers, stepping, stepsons, stepwise, stereoed, sterical, sterigma, sterlets, sterling, sternest, sternite, sternson, sternums, sternway, steroids, stertors, stetsons, stetting, stewable, stewards, stewbums, stewpans, sthenias, stibines, stibiums, stibnite, stickers, stickful, stickier, stickies, stickily, sticking, stickled, stickler, stickles, stickman, stickmen, stickout, stickpin, stickums, stickups, stiction, stiffens, stiffest, stiffing, stiffish, stiflers, stifling, stigmata, stilbene, stilbite, stiletto, stillest, stillier, stilling, stillman, stillmen, stilting, stimulus, stimying, stingers, stingier, stingily, stinging, stingray, stinkard, stinkbug, stinkers, stinkier, stinking, stinkpot, stinters, stinting, stipends, stipites, stippled, stippler, stipples, stipular, stipuled, stipules, stirrers, stirring, stirrups, stitched, stitcher, stitches, stithied, stithies, stobbing, stoccado, stoccata, stockade, stockage, stockcar, stockers, stockier, stockily, stocking, stockish, stockist, stockman, stockmen, stockpot, stodgier, stodgily, stodging, stoicism, stokesia, stolider, stolidly, stollens, stolonic, stolport, stomachs, stomachy, stomatal, stomates, stomatic, stomodea, stompers, stomping, stonable, stonefly, stoniest, stooging, stookers, stooking, stoolies, stooling, stoopers, stooping, stopbank, stopcock, stopgaps, stopoffs, stopover, stoppage, stoppers, stopping, stoppled, stopples, stopword, storable, storages, storaxes, storeyed, stormier, stormily, storming, storying, stotinka, stotinki, stotinov, stotting, stounded, stoutens, stoutest, stoutish, stowable, stowages, stowaway, straddle, strafers, strafing, straggle, straggly, straight, strained, strainer, straiten, straiter, straitly, stramash, stramony, stranded, strander, stranger, stranges, strangle, strapped, strapper, strasses, strategy, stratify, stratous, stratums, stravage, stravaig, strawhat, strawier, strawing, strayers, straying, streaked, streaker, streamed, streamer, streeked, streeker, strength, stressed, stresses, stressor, stretchy, strettas, strettos, streusel, strewers, strewing, striated, striates, striatum, stricken, strickle, stricter, strictly, stridden, strident, striders, striding, stridors, strigils, strigose, strikers, striking, stringed, stringer, stripers, stripier, striping, stripped, stripper, strivers, striving, strobila, strobile, strobili, strobils, strokers, stroking, strolled, stroller, stromata, stronger, strongly, strongyl, strontia, strontic, strophes, strophic, stropped, stropper, strowing, stroyers, stroying, strucken, strudels, struggle, strummed, strummer, strumose, strumous, strumpet, strunted, strutted, strutter, stubbier, stubbily, stubbing, stubbled, stubbles, stubborn, stuccoed, stuccoer, stuccoes, studbook, studdies, studding, students, studfish, studiers, studious, studwork, studying, stuffers, stuffier, stuffily, stuffing, stuivers, stultify, stumbled, stumbler, stumbles, stumming, stumpage, stumpers, stumpier, stumping, stunners, stunning, stunsail, stunting, stuntman, stuntmen, stupider, stupidly, sturdied, sturdier, sturdies, sturdily, sturgeon, stutters, stylings, stylised, styliser, stylises, stylists, stylites, stylitic, stylized, stylizer, stylizes, styluses, stymying, styptics, styraxes, styrenes, suasions, subabbot, subacrid, subacute, subadars, subadult, subagent, subahdar, subareas, subatoms, subaural, subaxial, subbases, subbasin, subbings, subblock, subbreed, subcaste, subcause, subcells, subchief, subclaim, subclans, subclass, subclerk, subcodes, subcools, subcutes, subcutis, subdeans, subdepot, subduals, subduced, subduces, subducts, subduers, subduing, subdural, subdwarf, subedits, subentry, subepoch, suberect, suberins, suberise, suberize, suberose, suberous, subfield, subfiles, subfixes, subfloor, subfluid, subframe, subfuscs, subgenre, subgenus, subgoals, subgrade, subgraph, subgroup, subheads, subhuman, subhumid, subideas, subindex, subitems, subjects, subjoins, sublated, sublates, sublease, sublevel, sublimed, sublimer, sublimes, sublimit, sublines, sublunar, submerge, submerse, subnasal, subniche, subnodal, subocean, suboptic, suborder, suborned, suborner, subovate, suboxide, subpanel, subparts, subpenas, subphase, subphyla, subplots, subpoena, subpolar, subpubic, subraces, subrents, subrings, subrules, subsales, subscale, subsects, subsense, subseres, subserve, subshaft, subshell, subshrub, subsided, subsider, subsides, subsists, subsites, subsoils, subsolar, subsonic, subspace, substage, substate, subsumed, subsumes, subtasks, subtaxon, subteens, subtends, subtests, subtexts, subtheme, subtiler, subtilin, subtilty, subtitle, subtlest, subtlety, subtones, subtonic, subtopia, subtopic, subtotal, subtract, subtrend, subtribe, subtunic, subtypes, subulate, subunits, suburban, suburbed, suburbia, subvened, subvenes, subverts, subvicar, subviral, subvirus, subvocal, subwayed, subzones, succeeds, succinct, succinic, succinyl, succored, succorer, succours, succubae, succubas, succubus, succumbs, suchlike, suchness, suckered, suckfish, suckiest, sucklers, suckless, suckling, sucrases, sucroses, suctions, sudaries, sudarium, sudation, sudatory, suddenly, sudsiest, sudsless, suffaris, suffered, sufferer, sufficed, sufficer, suffices, suffixal, suffixed, suffixes, sufflate, suffrage, suffused, suffuses, sugarers, sugarier, sugaring, suggests, suicidal, suicided, suicides, suitable, suitably, suitcase, suitings, suitlike, sukiyaki, sulcated, sulfated, sulfates, sulfides, sulfinyl, sulfites, sulfitic, sulfones, sulfonic, sulfonyl, sulfured, sulfuret, sulfuric, sulfuryl, sulkiest, sullages, sullener, sullenly, sullying, sulphate, sulphide, sulphids, sulphite, sulphone, sulphurs, sulphury, sultanas, sultanic, sultrier, sultrily, summable, summands, summated, summates, summered, summerly, summital, summitry, summoned, summoner, sumoists, sumpters, sumpweed, sunbaked, sunbathe, sunbaths, sunbeams, sunbeamy, sunbelts, sunbirds, sunburns, sunburnt, sunburst, sundered, sunderer, sundials, sundowns, sundress, sundries, sundrily, sundrops, sunglass, sunglows, sunlamps, sunlands, sunlight, sunniest, sunproof, sunrises, sunroofs, sunrooms, sunscald, sunshade, sunshine, sunshiny, sunspots, sunstone, sunsuits, sunwards, superadd, superbad, superber, superbly, superbug, supercar, supercop, superego, superfan, superfix, superhit, supering, superior, superjet, superlay, superlie, superman, supermen, supermom, supernal, superpro, supersex, superspy, supertax, supinate, supinely, supplant, supplely, supplest, supplied, supplier, supplies, suppling, supports, supposal, supposed, supposer, supposes, suppress, supremer, supremes, supremos, surbased, surbases, surcease, surcoats, surefire, sureness, sureties, surfable, surfaced, surfacer, surfaces, surfbird, surfboat, surfeits, surffish, surfiest, surfings, surflike, surfside, surgeons, surgical, suricate, surliest, surmised, surmiser, surmises, surmount, surnamed, surnamer, surnames, surplice, surprint, surprise, surprize, surround, surroyal, surtaxed, surtaxes, surtitle, surtouts, surveils, surveyed, surveyor, survival, survived, surviver, survives, survivor, suspects, suspends, suspense, suspired, suspires, sustains, susurrus, suturing, suzerain, svarajes, svedberg, sveltely, sveltest, swabbers, swabbies, swabbing, swaddled, swaddles, swaggers, swagging, swainish, swallows, swampers, swampier, swamping, swampish, swanherd, swankest, swankier, swankily, swanking, swanlike, swannery, swanning, swanpans, swanskin, swappers, swapping, swarajes, swarding, swarmers, swarming, swashers, swashing, swastica, swastika, swatches, swathers, swathing, swatters, swatting, swayable, swayback, swearers, swearing, sweatbox, sweaters, sweatier, sweatily, sweating, sweeneys, sweenies, sweepers, sweepier, sweeping, sweetens, sweetest, sweeties, sweeting, sweetish, sweetsop, swellest, swelling, swelters, swervers, swerving, swiddens, swifters, swiftest, swiggers, swigging, swillers, swilling, swimmers, swimmier, swimmily, swimming, swimsuit, swimwear, swindled, swindler, swindles, swinepox, swingbys, swingers, swingier, swinging, swingled, swingles, swingman, swingmen, swinking, swinneys, swipples, swirlier, swirling, swishers, swishier, swishing, switched, switcher, switches, swithers, swiveled, swizzled, swizzler, swizzles, swobbers, swobbing, swooners, swoonier, swooning, swoopers, swoopier, swooping, swooshed, swooshes, swopping, swordman, swordmen, swotters, swotting, swounded, swouning, sybarite, sycamine, sycamore, sycomore, syconium, syenites, syenitic, syllabic, syllable, syllabub, syllabus, sylphids, sylphish, sylvatic, sylvines, sylvites, symbions, symbiont, symbiote, symbiots, symboled, symbolic, symmetry, sympathy, sympatry, symphony, sympodia, symposia, symptoms, synagogs, synanons, synapsed, synapses, synapsis, synaptic, syncarps, syncarpy, synching, synchros, syncline, syncopal, syncopes, syncopic, syncytia, syndeses, syndesis, syndetic, syndical, syndrome, synectic, synergia, synergic, synergid, synfuels, syngamic, syngases, syngenic, synkarya, synonyme, synonyms, synonymy, synopses, synopsis, synoptic, synovial, synovias, syntagma, syntagms, syntaxes, synthpop, syntonic, syphered, syphilis, syphoned, syrettes, syringas, syringed, syringes, syrinxes, syrphian, syrphids, syrupier, syruping, sysadmin, systemic, systoles, systolic, syzygial, syzygies

3584 words found.

1 answer

8-letter words

abacuses, abducens, abducent, abducing, abducted, abductor, abjurers, abjuring, abluents, ablution, aboideau, aboiteau, abomasum, abomasus, aboulias, abounded, abrupter, abruptly, absolute, abstruse, absurder, absurdly, abundant, abusable, abutilon, abutment, abuttals, abutters, abutting, acanthus, acarpous, acaudate, acauline, acaulose, acaulous, accounts, accouter, accoutre, accruals, accruing, accuracy, accurate, accursed, accusals, accusant, accusers, accusing, accustom, acequias, acervuli, aciculae, acicular, aciculas, aciculum, aciduria, aconitum, acoustic, acquaint, acquests, acquired, acquirer, acquires, actinium, actually, actuated, actuates, actuator, acuities, aculeate, acutance, addendum, adducent, adducers, adducing, adducted, adductor, adequacy, adequate, adjourns, adjudged, adjudges, adjuncts, adjurers, adjuring, adjurors, adjusted, adjuster, adjustor, adjutant, adjuvant, adularia, adulated, adulates, adulator, adultery, adumbral, aduncate, aduncous, aecidium, aequorin, aerobium, aeroduct, aeronaut, afflatus, affluent, affluxes, affusion, aflutter, agendums, ageratum, agouties, aguelike, agueweed, aguishly, aiguille, aimfully, airbound, airbrush, airburst, airbuses, alarumed, albumens, albumins, albumose, alburnum, alehouse, aleurone, aleurons, alfaquin, alfaquis, aliquant, aliquots, alleluia, allodium, alluding, allurers, alluring, allusion, allusive, alluvial, alluvion, alluvium, although, altitude, altruism, altruist, aluminas, alumines, aluminic, aluminum, alumroot, alunites, alveolus, alyssums, amateurs, ambulant, ambulate, ambushed, ambusher, ambushes, amiantus, ammonium, amounted, amplexus, ampoules, ampullae, ampullar, amputate, amputees, amusable, amusedly, amygdule, analogue, anchusas, anchusin, anestrus, aneurins, aneurism, aneurysm, anginous, angulate, angulose, angulous, animuses, ankushes, announce, annually, annulate, annulets, annulled, annulose, anovular, anserous, anticult, antinuke, antiqued, antiquer, antiques, antirust, antismut, anureses, anuresis, anuretic, aperture, aphthous, apiculus, apologue, apolunes, applauds, applause, applique, appulses, apterium, apterous, aptitude, aquacade, aquanaut, aquarial, aquarian, aquarist, aquarium, aquatics, aquatint, aquatone, aquavits, aqueduct, aquifers, aquiline, araceous, arborous, arboured, arbuscle, arbutean, arcanums, arcature, archduke, arcuated, arethusa, argentum, argonaut, arguable, arguably, argufied, argufier, argufies, argument, armature, armoured, armourer, arousals, arousers, arousing, arquebus, arsenous, arsonous, artfully, arugolas, arugulas, asbestus, ascidium, assaults, assuaged, assuages, assumers, assuming, assureds, assurers, assuring, assurors, astomous, astounds, astutely, atheneum, attitude, attuning, auberges, aubretia, aubrieta, auctions, audacity, audibles, audience, audients, auditing, audition, auditive, auditors, auditory, augments, augurers, auguries, auguring, auguster, augustly, aunthood, auntlier, auntlike, aureolae, aureolas, aureoled, aureoles, auricled, auricles, auricula, auriform, aurorean, ausforms, auspices, austerer, australs, autacoid, autarchy, autarkic, autecism, authored, autistic, autobahn, autocade, autocoid, autocrat, autodyne, autogamy, autogeny, autogiro, autogyro, autolyze, automata, automate, autonomy, autopsic, autosome, autotomy, autotype, autotypy, autumnal, autunite, auxetics, avicular, avifauna, avouched, avoucher, avouches, avulsing, avulsion, awfuller, ayurveda, azimuths, azoturia, azurites, babassus, babirusa, babushka, bacchius, bacillus, backhaul, backouts, backrush, baculine, baculums, badmouth, baguette, bahadurs, bailouts, balisaur, ballutes, baluster, banausic, bandeaus, bandeaux, bankrupt, banquets, barbecue, barbeque, barbules, barguest, barleduc, baroques, barouche, bascules, basidium, bathtubs, batteaux, baudekin, baudrons, bauhinia, baulkier, baulking, bauxites, bauxitic, bdellium, bearhugs, beauties, beautify, bebeerus, beclouds, becrusts, becudgel, becursed, becurses, bedaubed, bedouins, bedquilt, bedumbed, bedunced, bedunces, beechnut, befouled, befouler, befuddle, begrudge, beguiled, beguiler, beguiles, beguines, begulfed, bejumble, belabour, belauded, beliquor, bellpull, bellyful, bemuddle, bemurmur, bemusing, bemuzzle, benumbed, bequeath, bequests, berceuse, bermudas, berouged, bescours, beshouts, beshroud, besmudge, besought, bespouse, betelnut, bethumps, beuncled, beziques, biannual, bibulous, bicaudal, bicolour, bicuspid, biennium, bigamous, bigmouth, bihourly, bijugate, bijugous, billbugs, bimanous, bimanual, binaural, biovular, biparous, biramous, biscuits, bisexual, bismuths, bistoury, bitumens, biunique, bivouacs, blackgum, blackout, blameful, blastula, blauboks, blellums, blesbuck, blissful, blousier, blousily, blousing, blousons, blowguns, blowouts, blowtube, blubbers, blubbery, bluchers, bludgeon, blueball, bluebell, bluebill, bluebird, bluebook, bluecaps, bluecoat, bluefins, bluefish, bluegill, bluegums, bluehead, blueings, bluejack, bluejays, blueline, blueness, bluenose, bluesier, bluesman, bluesmen, bluestem, blueweed, bluewood, bluffers, bluffest, bluffing, blunders, blungers, blunging, bluntest, blunting, blurbing, blurrier, blurrily, blurring, blurters, blurting, blushers, blushful, blushing, blusters, blustery, boastful, bodysuit, bodysurf, bookfuls, bordeaux, bordures, boroughs, bosquets, bothrium, botulins, botulism, bouchees, boudoirs, bouffant, boughpot, boughten, bouillon, boulders, bouldery, bouncers, bouncier, bouncily, bouncing, boundary, bounders, bounding, bountied, bounties, bouquets, bourbons, bourdons, bourgeon, bourrees, bourride, bourtree, bousouki, boutique, bouviers, bouzouki, bowlfuls, boxhauls, brachium, braunite, bravuras, breadnut, breakout, breakups, brimfull, briquets, brochure, broguery, broguish, bronchus, brougham, brouhaha, brownout, brucella, brucines, bruisers, bruising, bruiters, bruiting, brulyies, brulzies, brumbies, brunched, brunches, brunette, brunizem, brushers, brushier, brushing, brushoff, brushups, bruskest, brusquer, brutally, brutisms, bruxisms, bubaline, bubblers, bubblier, bubblies, bubbling, bubingas, buccally, buckaroo, buckayro, buckbean, buckeens, buckeroo, bucketed, buckeyes, bucklers, buckling, buckrams, bucksaws, buckshee, buckshot, buckskin, bucktail, bucolics, buddings, buddleia, buddying, budgeted, budgeter, budworms, buffable, buffalos, buffered, buffeted, buffeter, buffiest, buffoons, bugaboos, bugbanes, bugbears, buggered, buggiest, bughouse, bugseeds, buhlwork, builders, building, buildups, bulblets, bulgiest, bulimiac, bulimias, bulkages, bulkhead, bulkiest, bullaces, bullbats, bulldogs, bulldoze, bulleted, bulletin, bullfrog, bullhead, bullhorn, bulliest, bullions, bullneck, bullnose, bullocks, bullocky, bullpens, bullpout, bullring, bullrush, bullshot, bullweed, bullwhip, bullyboy, bullying, bullyrag, bulwarks, bumblers, bumbling, bumboats, bumpered, bumpiest, bumpkins, bunchier, bunchily, bunching, buncoing, buncombe, bundists, bundlers, bundling, bungalow, bunghole, bunglers, bungling, bunkered, bunkmate, bunkoing, bunrakus, buntings, buntline, buoyages, buoyance, buoyancy, burblers, burblier, burbling, burdened, burdener, burdocks, burettes, burgages, burgeons, burghers, burglars, burglary, burgling, burgonet, burgouts, burgrave, burgundy, burkites, burlesks, burliest, burnable, burnings, burnoose, burnouts, burriest, burritos, burrowed, burrower, burseeds, bursitis, bursters, bursting, burstone, burthens, burweeds, bushbuck, busheled, busheler, bushfire, bushgoat, bushidos, bushiest, bushings, bushland, bushless, bushlike, bushtits, bushwahs, business, buskined, bussings, bustards, bustiers, bustiest, bustling, busulfan, busybody, busyness, busywork, butanols, butanone, butchers, butchery, buttered, buttocks, buttoned, buttoner, buttress, butylate, butylene, butyrals, butyrate, butyrins, butyrous, butyryls, buxomest, buybacks, buzzards, buzzwigs, buzzword, byssuses, cachucha, caciques, cactuses, cadmiums, caducean, caduceus, caducity, caducous, caesiums, caesurae, caesural, caesuras, caesuric, cagefuls, cajaputs, cajeputs, cajuputs, caladium, calathus, calciums, calctufa, calctuff, calculus, callused, calluses, calquing, calumets, calutron, calyculi, cambiums, campused, campuses, candours, cannulae, cannular, cannulas, canorous, canulate, capitula, capsicum, capsular, capsuled, capsules, captious, captured, capturer, captures, capuched, capuches, capuchin, caraculs, carburet, carcajou, cardamum, caribous, carnauba, carousal, caroused, carousel, carouser, carouses, carryout, cartouch, caruncle, casually, casualty, casuists, catapult, catchups, catechus, cathouse, caucused, caucuses, caudally, caudated, caudates, caudexes, caudices, caudillo, cauldron, caulicle, caulkers, caulking, causable, causally, causerie, causeway, caustics, cautions, cautious, caziques, ceinture, cellular, cellules, cementum, censured, censurer, censures, censused, censuses, centaurs, centaury, centrums, centuple, cerebrum, cereuses, cernuous, cerulean, cerumens, cerusite, cestuses, chabouks, chapeaus, chapeaux, chaqueta, charquid, charquis, chasseur, chasuble, chateaus, chateaux, chaufers, chauffer, chaunted, chaunter, chausses, checkout, checkups, cheekful, cheerful, chemurgy, chequers, cherubic, cherubim, chestful, chestnut, chetrums, chiasmus, chiauses, chibouks, chillums, chipmuck, chipmunk, chirrups, chirrupy, chlorous, chockful, choragus, choregus, chorused, choruses, chousers, choushes, chousing, chromium, chromous, chubasco, chubbier, chubbily, chuckies, chucking, chuckled, chuckler, chuckles, chuddahs, chuddars, chudders, chuffest, chuffier, chuffing, chugalug, chuggers, chugging, chukkars, chukkers, chummier, chummily, chumming, chumping, chumship, chunkier, chunkily, chunking, chunters, churched, churches, churchly, churlish, churners, churning, churring, chutists, chutnees, chutneys, chutzpah, chutzpas, ciborium, ciboules, cincture, cingulum, cinquain, circuits, circuity, circular, circuses, cislunar, cistuses, citreous, citruses, clamours, clangour, claquers, claqueur, claughts, claustra, cleanups, cliquier, cliquing, cliquish, clonuses, closeout, closured, closures, clotured, clotures, cloudier, cloudily, clouding, cloudlet, clouring, clouters, clouting, clubable, clubbers, clubbier, clubbing, clubfeet, clubfoot, clubhand, clubhaul, clubroom, clubroot, clucking, clumbers, clumpier, clumping, clumpish, clumsier, clumsily, clunkers, clunkier, clunking, clupeids, clupeoid, clusters, clustery, clutched, clutches, clutters, cluttery, coagulum, coassume, coauthor, cockshut, cockspur, cocksure, cocoanut, coconuts, coendure, coenures, coenurus, coequals, coequate, cofounds, coiffeur, coiffure, coinsure, coituses, coleuses, coliseum, collogue, colloquy, colluded, colluder, colludes, colluvia, colorful, colossus, coloured, colourer, colubrid, columbic, columels, columnal, columnar, columned, comatula, combusts, communal, communed, communes, commuted, commuter, commutes, compound, computed, computer, computes, conclude, conduced, conducer, conduces, conducts, conduits, confound, confused, confuses, confuted, confuter, confutes, conidium, conjugal, conjunct, conjured, conjurer, conjures, conjuror, conquers, conquest, conquian, construe, consular, consults, consumed, consumer, consumes, continua, continue, continuo, contours, contused, contuses, convulse, cookouts, copihues, copulate, copurify, coquetry, coquette, coquille, coquinas, coquitos, corduroy, coremium, corneous, cornhusk, cornuses, cornuted, cornutos, corrupts, corundum, costumed, costumer, costumes, costumey, cothurni, cothurns, cotquean, couchant, couchers, couching, coughers, coughing, couldest, coulisse, couloirs, coulombs, coulters, coumaric, coumarin, coumarou, councils, counsels, counters, countess, countian, counties, counting, couplers, couplets, coupling, courages, courante, couranto, courants, couriers, courlans, coursers, coursing, courters, courtesy, courtier, courting, couscous, cousinly, cousinry, couteaux, couthest, couthier, coutures, couvades, coverups, covetous, crackups, craniums, crankous, creature, cribrous, critique, critturs, crocuses, croquets, crosscut, crouched, crouches, croupier, croupily, croupous, crousely, croutons, crucians, cruciate, crucible, crucifer, crucifix, cruddier, crudding, crudites, cruelest, crueller, cruisers, cruising, crullers, crumbers, crumbier, crumbing, crumbled, crumbles, crumbums, crumhorn, crummier, crummies, crumpets, crumping, crumpled, crumples, crunched, cruncher, crunches, crunodal, crunodes, cruppers, crusaded, crusader, crusades, crusados, crushers, crushing, crustier, crustily, crusting, crustose, crutched, crutches, cruzados, cruzeiro, cubature, cubicity, cubicles, cubicula, cubiform, cubistic, cuboidal, cuckolds, cuckooed, cucumber, cucurbit, cudbears, cuddlier, cuddling, cudgeled, cudgeler, cudweeds, cuffless, cuisines, cuittled, cuittles, culicids, culicine, culinary, cullions, cullises, cullying, culottes, culpable, culpably, culprits, cultches, cultigen, cultisms, cultists, cultivar, cultrate, cultural, cultured, cultures, cultuses, culverin, culverts, cumarins, cumbered, cumberer, cumbrous, cumquats, cumshaws, cumulate, cumulous, cuneated, cuneatic, cuniform, cunnings, cupboard, cupcakes, cupelers, cupeling, cupelled, cupeller, cupidity, cupolaed, cuppiest, cuppings, cupreous, cuprites, cupulate, curacaos, curacies, curacoas, curarine, curarize, curassow, curative, curators, curbable, curbings, curbside, curculio, curcumas, curdiest, curdlers, curdling, cureless, curetted, curettes, curlicue, curliest, curlings, curlycue, currachs, curraghs, currants, currency, currents, curricle, curriers, curriery, currying, curseder, cursedly, cursives, curtails, curtains, curtalax, curtness, curtseys, curtsied, curtsies, curvedly, curveted, curviest, cuscuses, cushiest, cushions, cushiony, cuspated, cuspidal, cuspides, cuspidor, cussedly, cussword, custards, custodes, customer, custumal, cutaways, cutbacks, cutbanks, cutchery, cutdowns, cuteness, cutesier, cutgrass, cuticles, cuticula, cutinise, cutinize, cutlases, cutlines, cutovers, cutpurse, cuttable, cuttages, cuttings, cuttling, cutwater, cutworks, cutworms, cuvettes, cymatium, cynosure, cypruses, dactylus, daiquiri, dandruff, danseurs, danseuse, dasyures, daubiest, daubries, daughter, daunders, daunters, daunting, dauphine, dauphins, deathcup, deathful, debouche, debruise, debugged, debunked, debunker, debutant, debuting, deciduae, decidual, deciduas, decolour, decorous, decorums, decouple, decupled, decuples, decuries, decurion, decurved, decurves, deducing, deducted, defaults, defrauds, defusing, defuzing, degummed, degusted, dejeuner, delirium, deloused, delouser, delouses, deluders, deluding, deluging, delusion, delusive, delusory, deluster, demilune, demiurge, demounts, demurely, demurest, demurral, demurred, demurrer, denarius, denature, denounce, dentural, dentures, denudate, denuders, denuding, deplumed, deplumes, depurate, deputies, deputing, deputize, desirous, destruct, desugars, desulfur, detinues, detoured, detritus, detruded, detrudes, deucedly, deuteric, deuteron, deutzias, devalued, devalues, devoured, devourer, devouter, devoutly, dextrous, dhourras, dhurries, dialogue, dianthus, diapause, dibbukim, didymium, didymous, diecious, diestrum, diestrus, diffused, diffuser, diffuses, diffusor, digamous, diluents, diluters, diluting, dilution, dilutive, dilutors, diluvial, diluvian, diluvion, diluvium, dimerous, dinguses, dinosaur, dioicous, dirgeful, disabuse, disannul, disbound, disburse, discount, discuses, diseuses, disguise, disgusts, dishfuls, disjunct, dismount, displume, disputed, disputer, disputes, disquiet, disrupts, dissuade, distrust, disturbs, disulfid, disunion, disunite, disunity, disusing, disvalue, diureses, diuresis, diuretic, diurnals, dividual, divulged, divulger, divulges, dizygous, document, doghouse, doldrums, dolorous, dominium, dormouse, doublers, doublets, doubling, doubloon, doublure, doubters, doubtful, doubting, douceurs, douching, doughboy, doughier, doughnut, doupioni, dourines, dourness, douzeper, downhaul, downpour, downturn, draughts, draughty, drawtube, dreadful, dreamful, dropouts, droughts, droughty, drouking, drubbers, drubbing, drudgers, drudgery, drudging, druggets, druggier, druggies, drugging, druggist, druidess, druidism, drumbeat, drumbled, drumbles, drumfire, drumfish, drumhead, drumlier, drumlike, drumlins, drummers, drumming, drumroll, drunkard, drunkest, drupelet, druthers, dualisms, dualists, dualized, dualizes, dubbings, dubonnet, duckbill, duckiest, duckling, duckpins, ducktail, duckwalk, duckweed, ductings, ductless, ductules, dudgeons, dudishly, duecento, duelists, duellers, duelling, duellist, duetting, duettist, dukedoms, dulcetly, dulciana, dulcimer, dulcinea, dullards, dullness, dumbbell, dumbhead, dumbness, dumfound, dummkopf, dummying, dumpcart, dumpiest, dumpings, dumpling, duncical, duneland, dunelike, dungaree, dungeons, dunghill, dungiest, dunnages, dunnites, duodenal, duodenum, duologue, duopsony, duotones, duperies, duplexed, duplexer, duplexes, durables, duramens, durances, duration, durative, duresses, durmasts, durndest, durneder, duskiest, dustbins, dustheap, dustiest, dustless, dustlike, dustoffs, dustpans, dustrags, dutchman, dutchmen, dutiable, duumviri, duumvirs, duvetine, duvetyne, duvetyns, duxelles, dybbukim, dyestuff, dysurias, eardrums, earmuffs, earplugs, earthnut, ecaudate, eclogues, ecraseur, ecumenic, edacious, educable, educated, educates, educator, educible, eduction, eductive, eductors, eelpouts, effluent, effluvia, effluxes, effulged, effulges, effusing, effusion, effusive, electrum, elenchus, elkhound, eloquent, elusions, elutions, eluviate, eluviums, elytrous, embruing, embruted, embrutes, emeritus, emporium, empurple, emulated, emulates, emulator, emulsify, emulsion, emulsive, emulsoid, enamours, encomium, encrusts, encumber, enduring, enginous, engulfed, enormous, enounced, enounces, enquired, enquires, enshroud, ensouled, ensurers, ensuring, entellus, enthused, enthuses, entrusts, enuresis, enuretic, eohippus, epaulets, epicures, epidural, epifauna, epigeous, epigonus, epilogue, equaling, equalise, equality, equalize, equalled, equating, equation, equators, equinely, equinity, equipage, equipped, equipper, equiseta, equitant, equities, equivoke, erasures, eremurus, eructate, eructing, erumpent, erupting, eruption, eruptive, escuages, esculent, espousal, espoused, espouser, espouses, esquired, esquires, estruses, esurient, eucaines, eucalypt, eucharis, euchring, euclases, eucrites, eucritic, eudaemon, eudemons, eugenias, eugenics, eugenist, eugenols, euglenas, eulachan, eulachon, eulogiae, eulogias, eulogies, eulogise, eulogist, eulogium, eulogize, euonymus, eupatrid, eupepsia, eupeptic, euphenic, euphonic, euphoria, euphoric, euphotic, euphrasy, euphroes, euphuism, euphuist, euploids, euploidy, eupnoeas, eupnoeic, eurokies, eurokous, europium, eurybath, eurythmy, eustatic, eusteles, eutaxies, eutectic, eutrophy, euxenite, evacuant, evacuate, evacuees, evaluate, eventful, eventual, evolutes, evonymus, evulsion, excluded, excluder, excludes, excursus, excusers, excusing, executed, executer, executes, executor, exemplum, exequial, exequies, exergual, exergues, exhausts, exhumers, exhuming, exiguity, exiguous, eximious, exoduses, exonumia, exordium, exposure, expounds, expulsed, expulses, expunged, expunger, expunges, extremum, extruded, extruder, extrudes, extubate, exudates, exultant, exulting, exurbias, exuviate, fabliaux, fabulist, fabulous, factious, factotum, factures, failures, faithful, faitours, fallouts, famously, fanciful, farceurs, farouche, fashious, fastuous, fatigued, fatigues, faubourg, faultier, faultily, faulting, faunally, faunlike, fauteuil, fauvisms, fauvists, favoured, favourer, feastful, featured, features, feculent, feluccas, fenurons, fermiums, ferreous, ferruled, ferrules, feruling, fervours, feudally, feudists, feverous, fiducial, figuline, figurant, figurate, figurers, figurine, figuring, filature, finespun, finitude, firebugs, fireplug, fissured, fissures, fistfuls, fistulae, fistular, fistulas, fitfully, fixtures, flambeau, flameout, flaneurs, flashgun, flatuses, flaunted, flaunter, flautist, flavours, flavoury, flexuose, flexuous, flexural, flexures, floccule, flocculi, floruits, flounced, flounces, flounder, flouring, flourish, flouters, flouting, flubbers, flubbing, flubdubs, fluently, fluerics, fluffier, fluffily, fluffing, fluidics, fluidise, fluidity, fluidize, fluidram, flukiest, flummery, flumping, flunkers, flunkeys, flunkies, flunking, fluorene, fluoride, fluorids, fluorine, fluorins, fluorite, flurried, flurries, flushers, flushest, flushing, flusters, flutiest, flutings, flutists, flutters, fluttery, fluxions, focusers, focusing, focussed, focusses, foetuses, fogbound, fogfruit, foldouts, forceful, foreguts, foreruns, forjudge, forkfuls, forksful, formulae, formulas, fortuity, fortuned, fortunes, foughten, foulards, foulings, foulness, founders, founding, fountain, fourchee, fourfold, fourgons, fourplex, foursome, fourteen, fourthly, foxhound, frabjous, fracture, fracturs, fraenums, frakturs, francium, fraughts, fraulein, freakout, fremitus, frenulum, frequent, friseurs, frondeur, frotteur, froufrou, frounced, frounces, frouzier, fructify, fructose, frugally, frugging, fruitage, fruiters, fruitful, fruitier, fruitily, fruiting, fruition, fruitlet, frumenty, frumpier, frumpily, frumpish, frustule, frustums, fubsiest, fuchsias, fuchsine, fuchsins, fucoidal, fuddling, fuehrers, fuellers, fuelling, fuelwood, fugacity, fuggiest, fugitive, fugleman, fuglemen, fuguists, fulcrums, fulfills, fullback, fullered, fullface, fullness, fulmined, fulmines, fulminic, fumarase, fumarate, fumarole, fumatory, fumblers, fumbling, fumeless, fumelike, fumettes, fumigant, fumigate, fumingly, fumitory, function, functors, funerals, funerary, funereal, funfairs, fungible, fungoids, funguses, funicles, funiculi, funkiest, funneled, funniest, funnyman, funnymen, furanose, furbelow, furcated, furcates, furcraea, furculae, furcular, furculum, furfural, furfuran, furfures, furibund, furlable, furlongs, furlough, furmenty, furnaced, furnaces, furriers, furriery, furriest, furriner, furrings, furrowed, furrower, furthers, furthest, furuncle, furziest, fuselage, fuseless, fusiform, fusileer, fusilier, fussiest, fusspots, fustians, fustiest, futharcs, futharks, futhorcs, futhorks, futilely, futility, futtocks, futurism, futurist, futurity, fuzziest, gadabout, galbanum, galliums, gallnuts, gallused, galluses, galumphs, gambusia, garigues, gashouse, gastrula, gauchely, gauchest, gaudiest, gauffers, gauntest, gauntlet, gauziest, gazumped, gazumper, geepound, gemmules, gemsbuck, generous, geniture, geniuses, geoducks, geranium, gerenuks, gestural, gestured, gesturer, gestures, ghastful, ghoulish, glabrous, glamours, glandule, glassful, glaucoma, glaucous, globular, globules, globulin, gloomful, glorious, glouting, glucagon, glucinic, glucinum, glucoses, glucosic, gluelike, gluepots, glugging, glummest, glumness, glumpier, glumpily, glunched, glunches, glutelin, glutting, gluttons, gluttony, goitrous, goldbugs, goldurns, gonidium, gorgeous, gouaches, gouramis, gourmand, gourmets, goutiest, graceful, gracious, graduals, graduand, graduate, graduses, grandeur, granular, granules, grateful, gratuity, graupels, gravures, grayouts, greenbug, grievous, griseous, grouched, grouches, grounded, grounder, groupers, groupies, grouping, groupoid, grousers, grousing, grouters, groutier, grouting, grownups, grubbers, grubbier, grubbily, grubbing, grubworm, grudgers, grudging, gruelers, grueling, gruelled, grueller, gruesome, gruffest, gruffier, gruffily, gruffing, gruffish, gruiform, grumbled, grumbler, grumbles, grummest, grummets, grumphie, grumpier, grumpily, grumping, grumpish, grungier, grunions, grunters, grunting, gruntled, gruntles, grutched, grutches, gruyeres, guacharo, guaiacol, guaiacum, guaiocum, guanacos, guanases, guanidin, guanines, guaranis, guaranty, guardant, guarders, guardian, guarding, guayules, gudgeons, guerdons, guerilla, guernsey, guessers, guessing, guesting, guffawed, guggling, guidable, guidance, guideway, guilders, guileful, guiltier, guiltily, guipures, guisards, guitguit, gulfiest, gulflike, gulfweed, gullable, gullably, gullible, gullibly, gullying, gulosity, gulpiest, gumboils, gumboots, gumbotil, gumdrops, gummiest, gummites, gummoses, gummosis, gumption, gumshoed, gumshoes, gumtrees, gumweeds, gumwoods, gunboats, gunfight, gunfires, gunflint, gunkhole, gunlocks, gunmetal, gunnings, gunnybag, gunpaper, gunplays, gunpoint, gunrooms, gunships, gunshots, gunsmith, gunstock, gunwales, gurglets, gurgling, gurnards, guruship, gushiest, gusseted, gussying, gustable, gustiest, gustless, gutsiest, guttated, guttered, guttiest, guttlers, guttling, guttural, guzzlers, guzzling, gweducks, gynecium, gyplures, gypseous, habitual, habitude, habitues, hachured, hachures, hackbuts, hafniums, hahniums, haircuts, halibuts, halluces, halutzim, hamburgs, hamulate, hamulose, hamulous, handcuff, handfuls, handguns, handouts, handsful, hangouts, hanumans, harangue, harbours, harrumph, harumphs, haruspex, hasteful, hauberks, haulages, hauliers, haulmier, haulyard, haunched, haunches, haunters, haunting, hausfrau, hautbois, hautboys, hauteurs, haviours, hazelnut, headhunt, hebetude, hegumene, hegumens, hegumeny, henequen, henequin, henhouse, heniquen, hercules, hereunto, hereupon, hiatuses, hibiscus, hiccough, hiccuped, hideouts, highbush, hindguts, hirudins, hocusing, hocussed, hocusses, holdouts, holibuts, holmiums, homburgs, homespun, honeybun, honeyful, honoured, honourer, hoodlums, hopefuls, hornpout, hothouse, hotspurs, hounders, hounding, houseboy, housefly, houseful, houseled, houseman, housemen, housesat, housesit, housetop, housings, huarache, huaracho, hubrises, huckster, huddlers, huddling, huffiest, hugeness, huggable, huipiles, huisache, hulkiest, hulloaed, hulloing, humanely, humanest, humanise, humanism, humanist, humanity, humanize, humanoid, humblers, humblest, humbling, humdrums, humerals, humidify, humidity, humidors, humified, humility, hummable, hummocks, hummocky, hummuses, humorful, humoring, humorist, humorous, humoured, humpback, humphing, humpiest, humpless, hunching, hundreds, hungered, hungrier, hungrily, hunkered, huntable, huntedly, huntings, huntress, huntsman, huntsmen, hurdlers, hurdling, hurlings, hurrahed, hurrayed, hurriers, hurrying, hurtless, hurtling, husbands, hushedly, huskiest, huskings, husklike, hustings, hustlers, hustling, huswifes, huswives, hutching, hutments, hutzpahs, huzzahed, huzzaing, hymenium, hypogeum, iambuses, icebound, icehouse, ichorous, idoneous, iguanian, illinium, illiquid, illumine, illuming, illusion, illusive, illusory, illuvial, illuvium, imbruing, imbruted, imbrutes, immature, immunise, immunity, immunize, immuring, imperium, imporous, impounds, impudent, impugned, impugner, impulsed, impulses, impunity, impurely, impurity, imputers, imputing, inbounds, inbursts, incisure, included, includes, inconnus, incrusts, incubate, incudate, incumber, incurred, incurved, incurves, incusing, indevout, indicium, inducers, inducing, inducted, inductee, inductor, indulged, indulger, indulges, induline, indulins, indurate, indusial, indusium, industry, inequity, infamous, infaunae, infaunal, infaunas, infecund, influent, influxes, infought, infrugal, infusers, infusing, infusion, infusive, ingenues, ingroups, inguinal, ingulfed, inhauler, inhumane, inhumers, inhuming, iniquity, injurers, injuries, injuring, innuendo, inoculum, inpoured, inputted, inquests, inquiets, inquired, inquirer, inquires, inrushes, insculps, insecure, insomuch, insouled, instruct, insulant, insulars, insulate, insulins, insulted, insulter, insurant, insureds, insurers, insuring, intercut, intitule, intrigue, intruded, intruder, intrudes, intrusts, intubate, intuited, inturned, inulases, inundant, inundate, inurbane, inurning, involute, irefully, iridiums, irrupted, isologue, issuable, issuably, issuance, jacquard, jaculate, jalousie, jambeaux, jauncing, jaundice, jauntier, jauntily, jaunting, jealousy, jejunely, jejunity, jelutong, jiujitsu, jiujutsu, jocundly, jodhpurs, jointure, jongleur, jonquils, jouncier, jouncing, journals, journeys, jousters, jousting, joyfully, joyously, jubilant, jubilate, jubilees, juddered, judgment, judicial, judoists, jugglers, jugglery, juggling, jugheads, jugulars, jugulate, juiciest, jujitsus, jujuisms, jujuists, jujutsus, julienne, jumblers, jumbling, jumbucks, jumpiest, jumpoffs, jumpsuit, junction, juncture, junglier, junipers, junketed, junketer, junkiest, junkyard, juratory, juristic, jussives, justices, justling, justness, juttying, juvenals, juvenile, kabeljou, kajeputs, karakuls, kashruth, kashruts, kebbucks, keelhaul, kerplunk, ketchups, keypunch, kilobaud, kingcups, kinkajou, kistfuls, klutzier, knockout, knouting, knubbier, knuckled, knuckler, knuckles, knurlier, knurling, koumises, koumyses, kreutzer, kreuzers, krullers, krumhorn, kumisses, kumquats, kunzites, kurtosis, kuvaszok, labarums, labdanum, labellum, laboured, labourer, labrusca, laburnum, lacquers, lacqueys, lacteous, lacunars, lacunary, lacunate, lacunose, ladanums, ladleful, ladybugs, laminous, langlauf, language, languets, languish, languors, lapillus, larkspur, larruped, larruper, latitude, laudable, laudably, laudanum, laudator, laughers, laughing, laughter, launched, launcher, launches, launders, laureate, laureled, lauwines, lawfully, lawsuits, layabout, lazulite, lazurite, leaguers, leaguing, lectured, lecturer, lectures, lecythus, legumins, leisured, leisures, lekythus, lemurine, lemuroid, lettuces, leucemia, leucemic, leucines, leucites, leucitic, leucomas, leukemia, leukemic, leukomas, leukoses, leukosis, leukotic, levulins, levulose, libelous, ligature, lightful, ligneous, ligulate, liguloid, lilliput, limbuses, limuloid, linecuts, linguals, linguine, linguini, linguist, linocuts, linoleum, linurons, liquated, liquates, liqueurs, liquidly, liquored, lithiums, litmuses, liturgic, lixivium, loathful, lobulate, lobulose, locknuts, lockouts, loculate, locustae, locustal, locution, locutory, lodicule, lomentum, longspur, longueur, lookouts, loudened, loudlier, loudness, loungers, lounging, lousiest, louvered, lovebugs, lubberly, lubrical, lucarnes, lucences, lucently, lucernes, lucidity, lucifers, luckiest, luckless, luculent, luggages, lugsails, lugworms, lukewarm, lumbagos, lumbered, lumberer, luminary, luminist, luminous, lummoxes, lumpfish, lumpiest, lunacies, lunarian, lunately, lunatics, lunation, luncheon, lunchers, lunching, lunettes, lungfish, lungworm, lungwort, lunkhead, lunulate, lupanars, lupulins, lurchers, lurching, lurdanes, luscious, lushness, lustered, lustiest, lustrate, lustring, lustrous, lustrums, lutanist, lutecium, lutenist, luteolin, lutetium, lutherns, luthiers, luxating, luxation, luxuries, macaques, macrural, macruran, maculate, maculing, madhouse, mahuangs, maieutic, majaguas, malamute, malemiut, malemute, mameluke, mammatus, mandamus, maneuver, manfully, manhunts, manicure, manitous, manteaus, manteaux, manually, manubria, manumits, manurers, manurial, manuring, maquette, marabous, marabout, marasmus, marauded, marauder, marquees, marquess, marquise, marsupia, masquers, masscult, masseurs, masseuse, masurium, matchups, maturate, maturely, maturest, maturing, maturity, maumetry, maunders, maundies, mausolea, maximums, mazourka, mazurkas, mealybug, measured, measurer, measures, meatuses, meconium, medullae, medullar, medullas, medusans, medusoid, megabuck, melanous, meniscus, menseful, menstrua, mensural, merciful, mercuric, merengue, meringue, meshugah, meshugga, meshugge, mesquite, mesquits, messuage, meuniere, mezereum, mezquite, mezquits, mezuzahs, mezuzoth, miaouing, miauling, microbus, microlux, micrurgy, midcults, millilux, millruns, minimums, minuends, minutely, minutest, minutiae, minutial, minuting, miquelet, mirthful, misbegun, misbound, misbuild, misbuilt, miscount, miscuing, misdoubt, misfocus, misgauge, misguess, misguide, misjudge, misquote, misroute, misruled, misrules, missound, missouts, missuits, missuses, mistouch, mistrust, mistruth, mistuned, mistunes, mistutor, misunion, misusage, misusers, misusing, misvalue, mittimus, mixtures, modicums, modiolus, modulate, moistful, moisture, molecule, molluscs, mollusks, momentum, monaural, monofuel, monsieur, monument, monurons, moquette, morceaux, moresque, moribund, mortuary, mosasaur, mosquito, motorbus, mouching, mouchoir, moufflon, mouflons, moulages, moulders, mouldier, moulding, moulters, moulting, mounding, mountain, mounters, mounting, mourners, mournful, mourning, mousiest, mousings, moussaka, mouthers, mouthful, mouthier, mouthily, mouthing, muchacho, muchness, mucidity, mucilage, mucinoid, mucinous, muckiest, muckluck, muckrake, muckworm, mucoidal, mucosity, mucrones, muddiest, muddlers, muddling, muddying, mudflows, mudguard, mudholes, mudlarks, mudpacks, mudpuppy, mudrocks, mudrooms, mudsills, mudslide, mudstone, mueddins, muenster, muezzins, mufflers, muffling, muggiest, muggings, mugworts, mugwumps, mulattos, mulberry, mulching, mulcting, muleteer, mulishly, mulleins, mulligan, mullions, mullites, mullocks, mullocky, multiage, multicar, multifid, multijet, multiped, multiple, multiply, multiton, multiuse, multures, mumblers, mumbling, mummying, munchers, munchies, munching, munchkin, mundungo, mungoose, muniment, munition, munnions, munsters, muntings, muntjacs, muntjaks, muoniums, muraenid, muralist, murdered, murderee, murderer, muriated, muriates, muricate, murkiest, murmured, murmurer, murphies, murrains, murrelet, murrhine, murthers, muscadel, muscadet, muscatel, muscling, muscular, musettes, mushiest, mushroom, musicale, musicals, musician, musingly, musketry, muskiest, muskrats, muspikes, musquash, mussiest, mustache, mustangs, mustards, mustardy, mustered, mustiest, mutagens, mutating, mutation, mutative, mutchkin, muteness, muticous, mutilate, mutineer, mutinied, mutinies, mutining, mutinous, muttered, mutterer, mutually, muzziest, muzzlers, muzzling, mycelium, mystique, nacreous, natriums, naturals, naturism, naturist, naumachy, nauplial, nauplius, nauseant, nauseate, nauseous, nautches, nautical, nautilus, nebulise, nebulize, nebulose, nebulous, needfuls, nelumbos, nervules, nervures, netsukes, neumatic, neurally, neuraxon, neurines, neuritic, neuritis, neuromas, neuronal, neurones, neuronic, neurosal, neuroses, neurosis, neurotic, neurulae, neurulas, neustons, neutered, neutrals, neutrino, neutrons, newfound, ngultrum, nilghaus, nimbused, nimbuses, niobiums, nobelium, noctuids, noctules, noctuoid, nocturne, nocturns, nodulose, nodulous, nonadult, nonequal, nonesuch, nonfluid, nonguilt, nonhuman, nonissue, nonjuror, nonmusic, nonquota, nonrural, nonsugar, nonsuits, nontrump, nontruth, nonunion, nonuples, nonurban, nonusers, nonusing, nostrums, notturni, notturno, noumenal, noumenon, nounally, nounless, nubbiest, nubblier, nubility, nubilose, nubilous, nucellar, nucellus, nuclease, nucleate, nucleins, nucleoid, nucleole, nucleoli, nucleons, nuclides, nuclidic, nudeness, nudicaul, nudities, nudnicks, nudzhing, nugatory, nuisance, numbered, numberer, numbfish, numbness, numeracy, numerals, numerary, numerate, numerics, numerous, numinous, nummular, numskull, nunataks, nunchaku, nuptials, nursings, nursling, nurtural, nurtured, nurturer, nurtures, nutating, nutation, nutbrown, nutgalls, nutgrass, nuthatch, nuthouse, nutmeats, nutpicks, nutrient, nutsedge, nutshell, nutsiest, nuttiest, nuttings, nutwoods, nuzzlers, nuzzling, nylghaus, obduracy, obdurate, obituary, obliqued, obliques, obscured, obscurer, obscures, obstruct, obtruded, obtruder, obtrudes, obtunded, obturate, obtusely, obtusest, obtusity, obvolute, occiputs, occluded, occludes, occlusal, occulted, occulter, occultly, occupant, occupied, occupier, occupies, occurred, oceanaut, ocherous, ochreous, octupled, octuples, octuplet, octuplex, ocularly, oculists, odiously, odourful, oestrous, oestrums, oldsquaw, olibanum, oliguria, omentums, oncidium, onrushes, oogamous, oogonium, opaquely, opaquest, opaquing, opercula, opercule, opiumism, opossums, oppugned, oppugner, optimums, opulence, opulency, opuntias, opuscula, opuscule, oquassas, oracular, organums, orgulous, origanum, osculant, osculate, osmundas, osnaburg, ouabains, oughting, ouistiti, outacted, outadded, outargue, outasked, outbacks, outbaked, outbakes, outbarks, outbawls, outbeams, outbitch, outblaze, outbleat, outbless, outbloom, outbluff, outblush, outboard, outboast, outbound, outboxed, outboxes, outbrags, outbrave, outbrawl, outbreak, outbreed, outbribe, outbuild, outbuilt, outbulks, outbully, outburns, outburnt, outburst, outcaper, outcaste, outcasts, outcatch, outcavil, outcharm, outcheat, outchide, outclass, outclimb, outclomb, outcoach, outcomes, outcooks, outcount, outcrawl, outcried, outcries, outcrops, outcross, outcrows, outcurse, outcurve, outdance, outdared, outdares, outdated, outdates, outdodge, outdoers, outdoing, outdoors, outdrags, outdrank, outdrawn, outdraws, outdream, outdress, outdrink, outdrive, outdrops, outdrove, outdrunk, outduels, outearns, outeaten, outfable, outfaced, outfaces, outfalls, outfasts, outfawns, outfeast, outfeels, outfield, outfight, outfinds, outfired, outfires, outflank, outflies, outflown, outflows, outfools, outfoots, outfound, outfoxed, outfoxes, outfrown, outgains, outgiven, outgives, outglare, outglows, outgnawn, outgnaws, outgoing, outgrins, outgross, outgroup, outgrown, outgrows, outguess, outguide, outhauls, outheard, outhears, outhomer, outhouse, outhowls, outhumor, outhunts, outjumps, outkeeps, outkicks, outkills, outlands, outlasts, outlaugh, outlawed, outlawry, outleaps, outleapt, outlearn, outliers, outlined, outliner, outlines, outlived, outliver, outlives, outlooks, outloved, outloves, outlying, outmarch, outmatch, outmoded, outmodes, outmoved, outmoves, outpaced, outpaces, outpaint, outpitch, outplans, outplays, outplods, outplots, outpoint, outpolls, outports, outposts, outpours, outprays, outpreen, outpress, outprice, outpulls, outpunch, outquote, outraced, outraces, outraged, outrages, outraise, outrance, outrange, outranks, outrated, outrates, outraved, outraves, outreach, outreads, outrider, outrides, outright, outrings, outrival, outroars, outrocks, outrolls, outroots, outrowed, outsails, outsavor, outscold, outscoop, outscore, outscorn, outsells, outserts, outserve, outshame, outshine, outshone, outshoot, outshout, outsider, outsides, outsight, outsings, outsized, outsizes, outskate, outskirt, outsleep, outslept, outsmart, outsmile, outsmoke, outsnore, outsoars, outsoles, outspans, outspeak, outspeed, outspell, outspelt, outspend, outspent, outspoke, outstand, outstare, outstart, outstate, outstays, outsteer, outstood, outstrip, outstudy, outstunt, outsulks, outsware, outswear, outswims, outswore, outsworn, outtakes, outtalks, outtasks, outtells, outthank, outthink, outthrew, outthrob, outthrow, outtower, outtrade, outtrick, outtrots, outtrump, outturns, outvalue, outvaunt, outvoice, outvoted, outvotes, outvying, outwaits, outwalks, outwards, outwaste, outwatch, outwears, outweary, outweeps, outweigh, outwhirl, outwiled, outwiles, outwills, outwinds, outworks, outwrite, outwrote, outyells, outyelps, outyield, overburn, overbusy, overbuys, overcure, overdubs, overfoul, overfull, overfund, overhaul, overhung, overhunt, overjust, overloud, overlush, overmuch, overplus, overpump, overrude, overruff, overrule, overruns, oversoul, oversuds, oversups, oversure, overture, overturn, overurge, overused, overuses, oviducal, oviducts, ovulated, ovulates, oxtongue, pabulums, pachouli, pachucos, paduasoy, pagurian, pagurids, pailfuls, pailsful, palliums, paludism, pandanus, pandours, panduras, panhuman, panicums, pantoums, pantsuit, papulose, paramour, paraquat, paraquet, parlours, paroquet, parquets, parvenue, parvenus, pasquils, passuses, pasteups, pastural, pastured, pasturer, pastures, patagium, patulent, patulous, pauldron, paunched, paunches, paupered, paviours, peaceful, peculate, peculiar, peculium, pedicure, peduncle, pellucid, pendular, pendulum, penguins, penuches, penuchis, penuchle, penuckle, penumbra, penuries, peplumed, pepluses, peponium, perdured, perdures, perfumed, perfumer, perfumes, perfused, perfuses, peridium, perilous, perilune, perineum, periques, perjured, perjurer, perjures, permuted, permutes, persuade, perturbs, perusals, perusers, perusing, pervious, petalous, petulant, petunias, petuntse, petuntze, phaseout, philtrum, physique, piacular, picayune, picquets, pictured, pictures, piecrust, pinchbug, pinnulae, pinnular, pinnules, pipefuls, piquancy, piraguas, pirarucu, pirogues, piroques, pishogue, pitchout, plaguers, plaguily, plaguing, planulae, planular, plastrum, plateaus, plateaux, plateful, platinum, platypus, plaudits, plausive, playsuit, pleasure, plectrum, pleurisy, pleuston, plexuses, ploughed, plougher, pluckers, pluckier, pluckily, plucking, pluggers, plugging, plugless, plugolas, plugugly, plumaged, plumages, plumbago, plumbers, plumbery, plumbing, plumbism, plumbous, plumbums, plumelet, plumiest, plumiped, plumlike, plummets, plummier, plumpens, plumpers, plumpest, plumping, plumpish, plumular, plumules, plunders, plungers, plunging, plunkers, plunking, plurally, plushest, plushier, plushily, plussage, plutonic, pluvials, pluviose, pluvious, poaceous, polluted, polluter, pollutes, polonium, polypous, polyuria, polyuric, pomatums, populace, populate, populism, populist, populous, porously, postburn, postcoup, postdrug, postique, postlude, postural, postured, posturer, postures, pothouse, potlucks, pouchier, pouching, poularde, poulards, poulters, poultice, pouncers, pouncing, poundage, poundals, pounders, pounding, pourable, poussies, poutiest, powerful, poxvirus, pratique, preadult, preaudit, prebound, precieux, precious, preclude, precured, precures, predusks, prefocus, prehuman, prejudge, preluded, preluder, preludes, prelunch, premiums, prepuces, prepunch, prepupal, pressrun, pressure, presumed, presumer, presumes, preunion, preunite, previous, prevuing, prideful, priedieu, primulas, primuses, printout, procural, procured, procurer, procures, produced, producer, produces, products, profound, prologue, promulge, pronotum, pronouns, propound, prorogue, protiums, protrude, proudest, proudful, prounion, provirus, prudence, pruinose, prunable, prunella, prunelle, prunello, prurient, prurigos, pruritic, pruritus, psyllium, pubertal, publican, publicly, puccoons, puckered, puckerer, puddings, puddlers, puddlier, puddling, pudendal, pudendum, pudgiest, pudibund, puffball, puffiest, pugarees, puggaree, puggiest, puggrees, puggries, pugilism, pugilist, pugmarks, puissant, pulicene, pulicide, pulingly, pullback, pullmans, pullouts, pullover, pulmonic, pulmotor, pulpally, pulpiest, pulpital, pulpless, pulpwood, pulsated, pulsates, pulsator, pulsejet, pulsions, pulsojet, pulvilli, pulvinar, pulvinus, pumicers, pumicing, pumicite, pummeled, pumpkins, pumpless, pumplike, puncheon, punchers, punchier, punchily, punching, punctate, punctual, puncture, punditic, punditry, pungency, pungling, puniness, punished, punisher, punishes, punition, punitive, punitory, punkiest, punniest, punsters, puparial, puparium, pupating, pupation, pupilage, pupilary, puppetry, puppydom, puppyish, purblind, purchase, purebred, pureeing, pureness, purfling, purgings, purified, purifier, purifies, puristic, puritans, purities, purlieus, purlines, purloins, purplest, purpling, purplish, purports, purposed, purposes, purpuras, purpures, purpuric, purpurin, pursiest, purslane, pursuant, pursuers, pursuing, pursuits, purulent, purveyed, purveyor, purviews, pushball, pushcart, pushdown, pushiest, pushover, pushpins, pushrods, pussiest, pussleys, pusslies, pusslike, pussycat, pustular, pustuled, pustules, putamina, putative, putridly, putsches, puttered, putterer, puttiers, puttying, puzzlers, puzzling, pygidium, pyritous, pyruvate, pyxidium, quackery, quacking, quackish, quackism, quadding, quadplex, quadrans, quadrant, quadrate, quadrats, quadrics, quadriga, quadroon, quaestor, quaffers, quaffing, quaggier, quagmire, quagmiry, quahaugs, quaiches, quailing, quainter, quaintly, quakiest, qualmier, qualmish, quandang, quandary, quandong, quantics, quantify, quantile, quanting, quantity, quantize, quantong, quarrels, quarried, quarrier, quarries, quartans, quartern, quarters, quartets, quartics, quartile, quartzes, quashers, quashing, quassias, quassins, quatorze, quatrain, quavered, quaverer, quayages, quaylike, quayside, queasier, queasily, queazier, queendom, queening, queerest, queering, queerish, quellers, quelling, quenched, quencher, quenches, quenelle, quercine, queridas, queriers, querists, querying, questers, questing, question, questors, quetzals, queueing, quezales, quibbled, quibbler, quibbles, quickens, quickest, quickies, quickset, quiddity, quidnunc, quietens, quieters, quietest, quieting, quietism, quietist, quietude, quillaia, quillais, quillaja, quillets, quilling, quilters, quilting, quincunx, quinelas, quinella, quiniela, quininas, quinines, quinnats, quinoids, quinolin, quinones, quinsies, quintain, quintals, quintans, quintars, quintets, quintics, quintile, quintins, quipping, quippish, quipster, quirkier, quirkily, quirking, quirting, quisling, quitches, quitrent, quitters, quitting, quittors, quivered, quiverer, quixotes, quixotic, quixotry, quizzers, quizzing, quoining, quoiting, quomodos, quotable, quotably, quotient, qurushes, racemous, rackfuls, racquets, radiuses, ragouted, rainouts, rambutan, ramentum, ramequin, ramulose, ramulous, rancours, raptured, raptures, ravenous, reaccuse, readjust, readouts, reargued, reargues, rearouse, reassume, reassure, rebought, rebounds, rebuffed, rebuilds, rebukers, rebuking, reburial, reburied, reburies, rebuttal, rebutted, rebutter, rebutton, rebuying, recluses, recounts, recouped, recouple, recourse, recruits, recurred, recurved, recurves, recusant, recusing, redargue, redouble, redoubts, redounds, redubbed, reducers, reducing, reductor, reduviid, reedbuck, reequips, refigure, refluent, refluxed, refluxes, refought, refounds, refueled, refugees, refuging, refugium, refunded, refunder, refusals, refusers, refusing, refusnik, refutals, refuters, refuting, regauged, regauges, regluing, reground, regroups, regulars, regulate, reguline, rehoused, rehouses, reincurs, reinduce, reinduct, reinfuse, reinjure, reinjury, reinsure, reissued, reissuer, reissues, rejudged, rejudges, rejuggle, relaunch, reliques, relucent, relucted, relumine, reluming, remarque, remounts, renature, renounce, renumber, reoccupy, reoccurs, reoutfit, reovirus, replumbs, replunge, repoured, repousse, republic, repugned, repulsed, repulser, repulses, repumped, repurify, repursue, reputing, requests, requiems, required, requirer, requires, requital, requited, requiter, requites, rerouted, reroutes, resalute, rescuers, rescuing, resculpt, resecure, residual, residues, residuum, resinous, resolute, resought, resounds, resource, resprout, resprung, restruck, restrung, restuffs, resubmit, resulted, resumers, resuming, resummon, resupine, resupply, resurged, resurges, resurvey, retaught, reticula, reticule, retinued, retinues, retinula, retuning, returned, returnee, returner, reunions, reunited, reuniter, reunites, reusable, reutters, revalued, revalues, revenual, revenued, revenuer, revenues, revolute, revuists, revulsed, rheniums, rhesuses, rheumier, rhizopus, rhodiums, rhonchus, rhubarbs, rhumbaed, rictuses, ridicule, rigaudon, rightful, rigorous, ritually, rivulets, rivulose, robuster, robustly, roebucks, rogueing, rollouts, romaunts, rondeaux, rondures, roomfuls, roqueted, rorquals, rosarium, rosebuds, rosebush, roseslug, rosinous, rostrums, rosulate, rotundas, rotundly, roturier, roughage, roughdry, roughens, roughers, roughest, roughhew, roughing, roughish, roughleg, rouilles, roulades, rouleaus, rouleaux, roulette, roundels, rounders, roundest, rounding, roundish, roundlet, roundups, roupiest, rousseau, rousters, rousting, routeman, routemen, routeway, routines, rubaboos, rubaiyat, rubasses, rubbaboo, rubbered, rubbings, rubbishy, rubblier, rubbling, rubdowns, rubellas, rubeolar, rubeolas, rubicund, rubidium, rubrical, rubylike, ruchings, ruckling, rucksack, ruckuses, ructions, ructious, ruddiest, ruddling, ruddocks, rudeness, ruderals, rudiment, ruefully, ruffians, rufflers, rufflier, rufflike, ruffling, ruggeder, ruggedly, rugosely, rugosity, rugulose, ruinable, ruinated, ruinates, ruleless, rumbaing, rumblers, rumbling, ruminant, ruminate, rummaged, rummager, rummages, rummiest, rumoring, rumoured, rumpless, rumplier, rumpling, rumpuses, runabout, runagate, runaways, runbacks, rundlets, rundowns, runelike, rungless, runkling, runniest, runnings, runovers, runround, runtiest, ruptured, ruptures, ruralise, ruralism, ruralist, ruralite, rurality, ruralize, rushiest, rushings, rushlike, rustable, rustical, rusticly, rustiest, rustlers, rustless, rustling, rutabaga, ruthenic, ruthless, rutilant, ruttiest, saboteur, sabulose, sabulous, saccular, saccules, sacculus, sackbuts, sackfuls, sacksful, saguaros, sahuaros, saltbush, salutary, saluters, saluting, samarium, sambhurs, sambucas, sambukes, samurais, sanctums, sandburr, sandburs, sandspur, sanguine, santours, sapajous, saporous, sastruga, sastrugi, satsumas, saturant, saturate, saucebox, saucepan, sauciest, saunters, saurians, sauropod, sausages, sauteing, sauterne, sautoire, sautoirs, saviours, savorous, savoured, savourer, sawbucks, sawdusts, saxtubas, scabious, scabrous, scalenus, scaleups, scandium, scapulae, scapular, scapulas, scarious, scaupers, schedule, schlumps, schmucks, scholium, schussed, schusser, schusses, scirrhus, scissure, sciurids, sciurine, sciuroid, sclerous, scoopful, scopulae, scopulas, scornful, scourers, scourged, scourger, scourges, scouring, scouters, scouther, scouting, screwups, scrofula, scrotums, scrouged, scrouges, scrounge, scroungy, scrubbed, scrubber, scrummed, scrupled, scruples, scrutiny, scudding, scuffing, scuffled, scuffler, scuffles, sculkers, sculking, scullers, scullery, sculling, scullion, sculping, sculpins, sculpted, sculptor, scumbled, scumbles, scumlike, scummers, scummier, scumming, scunners, scuppaug, scuppers, scurfier, scurried, scurries, scurrile, scurvier, scurvies, scurvily, scutages, scutched, scutcher, scutches, scutella, scutters, scuttled, scuttles, scuzzier, seamount, seaquake, seascout, secateur, secluded, secludes, seculars, secundly, secundum, securely, securers, securest, securing, security, sederunt, sedilium, seducers, seducing, seducive, sedulity, sedulous, segueing, seigneur, seisures, seizures, selcouth, selenium, selenous, sellouts, semimute, seminude, senarius, senseful, sensuous, sepalous, seppukus, septuple, sequelae, sequence, sequency, sequents, sequined, sequitur, sequoias, setulose, setulous, sextuple, sextuply, sexually, sfumatos, shadbush, shakeout, shakeups, shameful, shamuses, shantung, shapeups, shauling, sheenful, shelduck, shelfful, shiatsus, shiatzus, shlumped, shogunal, shootout, shortcut, shotguns, shoulder, shouldst, shouters, shouting, shrouded, shrugged, shrunken, shuckers, shucking, shudders, shuddery, shuffled, shuffler, shuffles, shunners, shunning, shunpike, shunters, shunting, shushing, shutdown, shuteyes, shutoffs, shutouts, shutters, shutting, shuttled, shuttles, sickouts, siddurim, siffleur, silicium, silicula, siliquae, siliques, sillabub, sillibub, silurids, siluroid, simaruba, simulant, simulars, simulate, sinciput, sinecure, sinfully, singular, sinuated, sinuates, sinusoid, sistrums, situated, situates, skellums, skillful, skinfuls, skulkers, skulking, skullcap, skunking, sleuthed, slipouts, slothful, slouched, sloucher, slouches, sloughed, slubbers, slubbing, sludgier, sluffing, slugabed, slugfest, sluggard, sluggers, slugging, sluggish, sluicing, slumbers, slumbery, slumgums, slumisms, slumlord, slummers, slummier, slumming, slumping, slurping, slurried, slurries, slurring, slushier, slushily, slushing, sluttish, smashups, smeddums, smoulder, smudgier, smudgily, smudging, smuggest, smuggled, smuggler, smuggles, smugness, smutched, smutches, smuttier, smuttily, smutting, snafuing, sneerful, snoutier, snouting, snoutish, snowbush, snowsuit, snubbers, snubbier, snubbing, snubness, snuffbox, snuffers, snuffier, snuffily, snuffing, snuffled, snuffler, snuffles, snuggery, snuggest, snuggies, snugging, snuggled, snuggles, snugness, soapsuds, soilures, sojourns, solanums, solarium, solatium, soliquid, solitude, solubles, solution, sombrous, sonobuoy, sonorous, sorghums, soubises, souchong, souffled, souffles, soughing, soulless, soullike, soundbox, sounders, soundest, sounding, soupcons, soupiest, sourball, sourdine, sourness, sourpuss, soursops, sourwood, soutache, soutanes, southern, southers, southing, southpaw, southron, souvenir, souvlaki, spacious, spadeful, spatular, spatulas, specious, spectrum, specular, speculum, speedups, spelunks, spermous, sphagnum, spherule, sphygmus, spiculae, spicular, spicules, spiculum, spinouts, spinulae, spinules, spirulae, spirulas, spiteful, splenium, splenius, splurged, splurger, splurges, splutter, spoonful, sportful, sporular, sporules, spousals, spousing, spouters, spouting, sprouted, sprucely, sprucest, sprucier, sprucing, spudders, spudding, spumiest, spumones, spumonis, spunkier, spunkies, spunkily, spunking, spurgall, spurious, spurners, spurning, spurrers, spurreys, spurrier, spurries, spurring, spurting, spurtles, sputniks, sputters, squabble, squadded, squadron, squalene, squalled, squaller, squalors, squamate, squamose, squamous, squander, squarely, squarers, squarest, squaring, squarish, squashed, squasher, squashes, squatted, squatter, squawked, squawker, squeaked, squeaker, squealed, squealer, squeegee, squeezed, squeezer, squeezes, squegged, squelchy, squibbed, squidded, squiffed, squiggle, squiggly, squilgee, squillae, squillas, squinted, squinter, squireen, squiring, squirish, squirmed, squirmer, squirrel, squirted, squirter, squished, squishes, squooshy, squushed, squushes, stackups, stadiums, stageful, stakeout, standout, stannous, stannums, stardust, startups, statuary, statures, statuses, statutes, staumrel, sternums, stewbums, stibiums, stickful, stickout, stickums, stickups, stimulus, stinkbug, stipular, stipuled, stipules, stirrups, stounded, stoutens, stoutest, stoutish, stratous, stratums, streusel, strucken, strudels, struggle, strummed, strummer, strumose, strumous, strumpet, strunted, strutted, strutter, stubbier, stubbily, stubbing, stubbled, stubbles, stubborn, stuccoed, stuccoer, stuccoes, studbook, studdies, studding, students, studfish, studiers, studious, studwork, studying, stuffers, stuffier, stuffily, stuffing, stuivers, stultify, stumbled, stumbler, stumbles, stumming, stumpage, stumpers, stumpier, stumping, stunners, stunning, stunsail, stunting, stuntman, stuntmen, stupider, stupidly, sturdied, sturdier, sturdies, sturdily, sturgeon, stutters, styluses, suasions, subabbot, subacrid, subacute, subadars, subadult, subagent, subahdar, subareas, subatoms, subaxial, subbases, subbasin, subbings, subblock, subbreed, subcaste, subcause, subcells, subchief, subclans, subclass, subclerk, subcodes, subcools, subcutes, subcutis, subdeans, subdepot, subduals, subduced, subduces, subducts, subduers, subduing, subdural, subedits, subentry, subepoch, suberect, suberins, suberise, suberize, suberose, suberous, subfield, subfiles, subfixes, subfloor, subfluid, subframe, subgenre, subgenus, subgoals, subgrade, subgraph, subgroup, subheads, subhuman, subhumid, subideas, subindex, subitems, subjects, subjoins, sublated, sublates, sublease, sublevel, sublimed, sublimer, sublimes, sublines, sublunar, submerge, submerse, subnasal, subniche, subnodal, suboptic, suborder, suborned, suborner, subovate, suboxide, subpanel, subparts, subpenas, subphase, subphyla, subplots, subpoena, subpolar, subpubic, subraces, subrents, subrings, subrules, subsales, subscale, subsects, subsense, subseres, subserve, subshaft, subshell, subshrub, subsided, subsider, subsides, subsists, subsites, subsoils, subsolar, subsonic, subspace, substage, substate, subsumed, subsumes, subtasks, subtaxon, subteens, subtends, subtests, subtexts, subtheme, subtiler, subtilin, subtilty, subtitle, subtlest, subtlety, subtones, subtonic, subtopia, subtopic, subtotal, subtract, subtrend, subtribe, subtunic, subtypes, subulate, subunits, suburban, suburbed, suburbia, subvened, subvenes, subverts, subvicar, subviral, subvocal, subwayed, subzones, succeeds, succinct, succinic, succinyl, succored, succorer, succours, succubae, succubus, succumbs, suchlike, suchness, suckered, suckfish, sucklers, suckless, suckling, sucrases, sucroses, suctions, sudaries, sudarium, sudation, sudatory, suddenly, sudsiest, sudsless, suffaris, suffered, sufferer, sufficed, sufficer, suffices, suffixal, suffixed, suffixes, sufflate, suffrage, suffused, suffuses, sugarier, sugaring, suggests, suicidal, suicided, suicides, suitable, suitably, suitcase, suitings, suitlike, sukiyaki, sulcated, sulfated, sulfates, sulfides, sulfinyl, sulfites, sulfitic, sulfones, sulfonic, sulfonyl, sulfured, sulfuret, sulfuric, sulfuryl, sulkiest, sullages, sullener, sullenly, sullying, sulphate, sulphide, sulphids, sulphite, sulphone, sulphurs, sulphury, sultanas, sultanic, sultrier, sultrily, summable, summands, summated, summates, summered, summerly, summital, summitry, summoned, summoner, sumpters, sumpweed, sunbaked, sunbathe, sunbaths, sunbeams, sunbeamy, sunbelts, sunbirds, sunburns, sunburnt, sunburst, sundered, sunderer, sundials, sundowns, sundress, sundries, sundrops, sunglass, sunglows, sunlamps, sunlands, sunlight, sunniest, sunproof, sunrises, sunroofs, sunrooms, sunscald, sunshade, sunshine, sunshiny, sunspots, sunstone, sunsuits, sunwards, superadd, superbad, superber, superbly, supercar, supercop, superego, superfan, superfix, superhit, supering, superior, superjet, superlay, superlie, superman, supermen, supermom, supernal, superpro, supersex, superspy, supertax, supinate, supinely, supplant, supplely, supplest, supplied, supplier, supplies, suppling, supports, supposal, supposed, supposer, supposes, suppress, supremer, supremos, surbased, surbases, surcease, surcoats, surefire, sureness, sureties, surfable, surfaced, surfacer, surfaces, surfbird, surfboat, surfeits, surffish, surfiest, surfings, surflike, surgeons, surgical, suricate, surliest, surmised, surmiser, surmises, surmount, surnamed, surnamer, surnames, surplice, surprint, surprise, surprize, surround, surroyal, surtaxed, surtaxes, surtouts, surveils, surveyed, surveyor, survival, survived, surviver, survives, survivor, suspects, suspends, suspense, suspired, suspires, sustains, susurrus, suturing, suzerain, swimsuit, swounded, swouning, syconium, syllabub, syllabus, synfuels, tableaus, tableaux, tableful, taboulis, taboured, tabourer, tabouret, tabulate, taciturn, tailleur, takeouts, talmudic, tamandua, tamandus, tamaraus, tamboura, tambours, tamburas, tankfuls, tantalum, tantalus, tantrums, taphouse, tartufes, tartuffe, tasteful, tatouays, taunters, taunting, taurines, tautaugs, tautened, tautness, tautomer, tautonym, teahouse, teetotum, tegument, tegumina, telluric, tempuras, tenacula, tenesmus, tenurial, tequilas, terbiums, terminus, testudos, tetotums, textuary, textural, textured, textures, thalamus, thallium, thallous, thankful, thesauri, theurgic, thiourea, thoriums, thorough, thoughts, thousand, thrombus, thrummed, thrummer, thruputs, thrushes, thrusted, thruster, thrustor, thruways, thudding, thuggees, thuggery, thuggish, thuliums, thumbing, thumbkin, thumbnut, thumpers, thumping, thunders, thundery, thunking, thurible, thurifer, thymuses, timaraus, timeouts, timorous, timpanum, tinamous, tincture, tinnitus, tissuing, tissular, titanium, titanous, titmouse, tittuped, tittuppy, titulars, titulary, toluates, toluenes, toluides, toluidin, toluoles, tomentum, tonguing, tonneaus, tonneaux, tonsured, tonsures, toreutic, torquate, torquers, torquing, tortious, tortuous, tortured, torturer, tortures, touchers, touchier, touchily, touching, touchups, toughens, toughest, toughies, toughing, toughish, touracos, tourings, tourisms, tourists, touristy, tourneys, tousling, touzling, traduced, traducer, traduces, trainful, tranquil, transude, trappous, trapunto, trauchle, traumata, trayfuls, treasure, treasury, tressour, tressure, tribunal, tribunes, tributes, triduums, trillium, trinkums, tristful, triticum, tritiums, triumphs, triumvir, triunity, troubled, troubler, troubles, trounced, trouncer, trounces, troupers, troupial, trouping, trousers, troutier, trouvere, trouveur, truanted, truantry, truckage, truckers, trucking, truckled, truckler, truckles, truckman, truckmen, trudgens, trudgeon, trudgers, trudging, trueblue, trueborn, truebred, truelove, trueness, truffled, truffles, truistic, trumeaux, trumpery, trumpets, trumping, truncate, trundled, trundler, trundles, trunkful, trunnels, trunnion, trussers, trussing, trusteed, trustees, trusters, trustful, trustier, trusties, trustily, trusting, trustors, truthful, tsunamic, tsunamis, tuataras, tuateras, tubaists, tubbable, tubbiest, tubeless, tubelike, tubenose, tubercle, tuberoid, tuberose, tuberous, tubework, tubiform, tubulate, tubulins, tubulose, tubulous, tubulure, tuckahoe, tuckered, tuftiest, tugboats, tughriks, tuitions, tullibee, tumblers, tumbling, tumbrels, tumbrils, tumefied, tumefies, tumidity, tummlers, tumorous, tumpline, tumulose, tumulous, tuneable, tuneably, tuneless, tungsten, tungstic, tunicate, tunicles, tunnages, tunneled, tunneler, tuppence, tuppenny, turacous, turbaned, turbeths, turbidly, turbinal, turbines, turbiths, turbocar, turbofan, turbojet, turfiest, turfless, turflike, turfskis, turgency, turgidly, turgites, turistas, turmeric, turmoils, turnable, turncoat, turndown, turnhall, turnings, turnkeys, turnoffs, turnouts, turnover, turnpike, turnsole, turnspit, turpeths, turquois, turreted, turrical, turtlers, turtling, tuskless, tusklike, tussises, tussling, tussocks, tussocky, tussores, tussucks, tutelage, tutelars, tutelary, tutorage, tutoress, tutorial, tutoring, tutoyers, tuxedoed, tuxedoes, tympanum, typhuses, ubieties, ubiquity, udometer, udometry, uglified, uglifier, uglifies, ugliness, uintaite, ukeleles, ukuleles, ulcerate, ulcering, ulcerous, ulexites, ulterior, ultimacy, ultimata, ultimate, ultradry, ultrahot, ultraism, ultraist, ultralow, ultrared, ululated, ululates, umangite, umbellar, umbelled, umbellet, umbering, umbilici, umbonate, umbrages, umbrella, umbrette, umlauted, umpirage, umpiring, umteenth, unabated, unabused, unafraid, unageing, unakites, unallied, unamused, unanchor, unaneled, unargued, unarming, unartful, unatoned, unavowed, unawaked, unawares, unbacked, unbanned, unbarbed, unbarred, unbathed, unbeared, unbeaten, unbelief, unbelted, unbended, unbenign, unbiased, unbidden, unbilled, unbitted, unbitten, unbitter, unblamed, unblocks, unbloody, unbodied, unbolted, unbonnet, unbosoms, unbought, unbouncy, unboxing, unbraced, unbraces, unbraids, unbraked, unbrakes, unbreech, unbridle, unbright, unbroken, unbuckle, unbuilds, unbundle, unburden, unburied, unburned, unbusted, unbutton, uncaging, uncaking, uncalled, uncandid, uncapped, uncaring, uncashed, uncasing, uncasked, uncatchy, uncaught, uncaused, unchains, unchancy, uncharge, unchaste, unchewed, unchicly, unchoked, unchokes, unchosen, unchurch, uncially, unciform, uncinate, unclamps, unclasps, unclench, unclinch, uncloaks, unclosed, uncloses, unclothe, unclouds, uncloyed, uncoated, uncocked, uncoffin, uncoiled, uncoined, uncombed, uncomely, uncommon, uncooked, uncooled, uncorked, uncouple, uncovers, uncrated, uncrates, uncreate, uncrowns, unctions, unctuous, uncuffed, uncurbed, uncurled, uncursed, undamped, undaring, undecked, undenied, underact, underage, underarm, underate, underbid, underbud, underbuy, undercut, underdid, underdog, undereat, underfed, underfur, undergod, underjaw, underlap, underlay, underlet, underlie, underlip, underlit, underpay, underpin, underran, underrun, undersea, underset, undertax, undertow, underway, undevout, undimmed, undoable, undocile, undocked, undoings, undotted, undouble, undraped, undrapes, undreamt, undulant, undulate, undulled, unearned, unearths, uneasier, uneasily, unedible, unedited, unending, unenvied, unequals, unerased, unerotic, unerring, unevaded, unevener, unevenly, unexotic, unexpert, unfading, unfairer, unfairly, unfaiths, unfallen, unfamous, unfasten, unfeared, unfenced, unfences, unfetter, unfilial, unfilled, unfilmed, unfished, unfitted, unfixing, unflashy, unflexed, unfoiled, unfolded, unfolder, unforced, unforged, unforgot, unforked, unformed, unfought, unframed, unfreeze, unfrocks, unfrozen, unfunded, unfurled, ungainly, ungalled, ungenial, ungentle, ungently, ungifted, ungirded, unglazed, ungloved, ungloves, ungluing, ungotten, ungowned, ungraced, ungraded, ungreedy, unguards, unguenta, unguents, unguided, ungulate, unhailed, unhaired, unhallow, unhalved, unhanded, unhanged, unharmed, unhatted, unhealed, unheated, unhedged, unheeded, unhelmed, unhelped, unheroic, unhinged, unhinges, unholier, unholily, unhooded, unhooked, unhorsed, unhorses, unhoused, unhouses, unhusked, unialgal, uniaxial, unicolor, unicorns, unicycle, unideaed, unifaces, unifiers, unifilar, uniforms, unifying, unilobed, unimbued, unionise, unionism, unionist, unionize, unipolar, uniquely, uniquest, unironed, unisexes, unisonal, unissued, unitages, unitards, unitedly, unitized, unitizer, unitizes, unitrust, univalve, universe, univocal, unjoined, unjoints, unjoyful, unjudged, unjustly, unkenned, unkennel, unkinder, unkindly, unkingly, unkinked, unkissed, unknowns, unkosher, unlacing, unlading, unlashed, unlashes, unlawful, unlaying, unleaded, unlearns, unlearnt, unleased, unlethal, unletted, unlevels, unlevied, unlicked, unlikely, unlimber, unlinked, unlisted, unlively, unliving, unloaded, unloader, unlocked, unloosed, unloosen, unlooses, unlovely, unloving, unmakers, unmaking, unmanful, unmanned, unmapped, unmarked, unmarred, unmasked, unmasker, unmatted, unmeetly, unmellow, unmelted, unmended, unmeshed, unmeshes, unmewing, unmilled, unmingle, unmiters, unmitred, unmitres, unmodish, unmolded, unmolten, unmoored, unmoving, unmuffle, unmuzzle, unnailed, unneeded, unnerved, unnerves, unopened, unornate, unpacked, unpacker, unpaired, unparted, unpaying, unpegged, unpenned, unpeople, unperson, unpicked, unpiling, unpinned, unpitied, unplaced, unplaits, unplayed, unpliant, unplowed, unpoetic, unpoised, unpolite, unpolled, unposted, unpotted, unpretty, unpriced, unprimed, unprized, unprobed, unproved, unproven, unpruned, unpucker, unpurged, unpuzzle, unquiets, unquoted, unquotes, unraised, unranked, unravels, unreally, unreason, unreeled, unreeler, unreeved, unreeves, unrented, unrepaid, unrepair, unrested, unrhymed, unriddle, unrifled, unrigged, unrinsed, unripely, unripest, unripped, unrobing, unrolled, unroofed, unrooted, unrounds, unrulier, unrushed, unrusted, unsaddle, unsafely, unsafety, unsalted, unsavory, unsaying, unscaled, unscrews, unsealed, unseamed, unseared, unseated, unseeded, unseeing, unseemly, unseized, unserved, unsettle, unsewing, unsexing, unsexual, unshaded, unshaken, unshamed, unshaped, unshapen, unshared, unshaved, unshaven, unshells, unshifts, unshrunk, unsicker, unsifted, unsights, unsigned, unsilent, unsinful, unslaked, unsliced, unslings, unsmoked, unsnarls, unsoaked, unsocial, unsoiled, unsolder, unsolved, unsonsie, unsorted, unsought, unsoured, unspeaks, unsphere, unspoilt, unspoken, unsprung, unstable, unstably, unstacks, unstated, unstates, unsteady, unsteels, unsticks, unstitch, unstoned, unstraps, unstress, unstring, unstrung, unstuffy, unsubtle, unsubtly, unsuited, unsurely, unswathe, unswayed, unswears, untacked, untagged, untangle, untanned, untapped, untasted, untaught, untended, untented, untested, untether, unthawed, unthinks, unthread, unthrone, untidied, untidier, untidies, untidily, untilled, untilted, untimely, untinged, untipped, untiring, untitled, untoward, untraced, untreads, untrendy, untruest, untrusty, untruths, untucked, untufted, untuning, unturned, untwined, untwines, untwists, ununited, unusable, unvalued, unvaried, unveiled, unveined, unversed, unviable, unvoiced, unvoices, unwalled, unwaning, unwanted, unwarier, unwarily, unwarmed, unwarned, unwarped, unwashed, unwasted, unweaned, unweaves, unwedded, unweeded, unweight, unwelded, unwetted, unwieldy, unwifely, unwilled, unwinder, unwisdom, unwisely, unwisest, unwished, unwishes, unwitted, unwonted, unwooded, unworked, unworthy, unyeaned, unyoking, unzipped, upbearer, upboiled, upbraids, upbuilds, upchucks, upclimbs, upcoiled, upcoming, upcurled, upcurved, upcurves, updarted, updaters, updating, updiving, updrafts, updrying, upending, upflings, upflowed, upfolded, upgather, upgazing, upgirded, upgraded, upgrades, upgrowth, upheaped, upheaval, upheaved, upheaver, upheaves, uphoards, upholder, uplander, upleaped, uplifted, uplifter, uplights, upmarket, uppercut, uppiling, uppishly, upraised, upraiser, upraises, upreared, uprights, uprisers, uprising, uprivers, uprootal, uprooted, uprooter, uproused, uprouses, uprushed, uprushes, upsetter, upshifts, upshoots, upsilons, upsoared, upsprang, upspring, upsprung, upstaged, upstages, upstairs, upstands, upstared, upstares, upstarts, upstater, upstates, upstream, upstroke, upsurged, upsurges, upsweeps, upswells, upswings, upthrown, upthrows, upthrust, uptilted, uptossed, uptosses, uptowner, uptrends, upturned, upwafted, upwardly, upwelled, uraemias, uraeuses, uralites, uralitic, uranides, uranisms, uranites, uranitic, uraniums, uranylic, urbanely, urbanest, urbanise, urbanism, urbanist, urbanite, urbanity, urbanize, uredinia, ureteral, ureteric, urethane, urethans, urethrae, urethral, urethras, urgently, urgingly, uridines, urinated, urinates, urinemia, urinemic, urochord, urodeles, uroliths, urologic, uropodal, uropygia, uroscopy, urostyle, ursiform, urticant, urticate, urushiol, usaunces, usefully, ushering, usquabae, usquebae, ustulate, usufruct, usurious, usurpers, usurping, utensils, uteruses, utilidor, utilised, utiliser, utilises, utilized, utilizer, utilizes, utopians, utopisms, utopists, utricles, utriculi, utterers, uttering, uvularly, uvulitis, uxorious, vacuolar, vacuoles, vacuumed, valguses, valorous, valuable, valuably, valuated, valuates, valuator, valvulae, valvular, valvules, vanadium, vanadous, vanguard, vanquish, vaporous, vapoured, vapourer, vaqueros, variorum, vascular, vasculum, vaulters, vaultier, vaulting, vaunters, vauntful, vaunting, vavasour, veinules, veinulet, velarium, veloutes, veluring, vendeuse, vengeful, venomous, venously, ventured, venturer, ventures, venturis, venulose, venulous, veratrum, verdured, verdures, verecund, verjuice, vermoulu, vermouth, vermuths, verrucae, vesicula, vestural, vestured, vestures, vesuvian, vexillum, viaducts, viaticum, viburnum, victuals, vicugnas, vigorous, vinculum, vinously, viperous, virgules, virtuosa, virtuose, virtuosi, virtuoso, virtuous, virucide, virulent, viscount, visually, vitellus, vitreous, vituline, vivarium, voiceful, voluming, volutins, volution, volvulus, vomitous, vouchees, vouchers, vouching, voussoir, vouvrays, voyageur, vuggiest, vulcanic, vulgarer, vulgarly, vulgates, vulguses, vultures, vulvitis, waesucks, waftures, walkouts, walruses, wamefous, wamefuls, wammuses, wampuses, warmouth, washouts, washtubs, wasteful, watchful, watchout, watthour, wauchted, waughted, weariful, wellcurb, whiteout, whodunit, whumping, wickiups, wickyups, wilfully, williwau, windburn, wipeouts, withouts, woefully, wondrous, woodcuts, woodruff, workouts, worthful, wouldest, wounding, wrackful, wrathful, wreckful, wrongful, wrothful, xanthous, yamulkas, yarmulke, yoghourt, yoghurts, yokozuna, youngers, youngest, youngish, younkers, yourself, youthens, youthful, yttriums, yuckiest, yuletide, yummiest, zaibatsu, zarzuela, zastruga, zastrugi, ziggurat, zikkurat, zikurats, zucchini

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