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a pigloo lol :)

7 answers

A sty is a small abscess that arises in the hair follicle of an eyelid. The symptoms include redness, swelling and warmth, tenderness or pain around the eyelid. The patient also suffers from increased tearing, a sensitivity to bright light and an unbanishable feeling of grit in the eye. The most common cause of a sty is a bacterial infection. Fortunately, a sty usually resolves itself after about a week, after the infection drains. However, most people wouldn't want to wait that long.


One treatment is to use warm water soaks to relieve the pain and inflammation. A clean, white cloth should be soaked in warm water and placed over the sty for about twenty minutes. Then, it should be removed and the patient allowed to rest for at least an hour. The warm soak should be used as often as the patient feels the need.

The doctor might also prescribe antibiotic eyedrops so the infection doesn't spread to other parts of the eye or the other eye. The doctor might also prescribe antibiotic creams or ointments like bacitracin. A thin layer should be applied to the edge of the eyelid about three or four times a day. To make sure the infection doesn't spread, the doctor may recommend that the other, healthy eye be treated as well.

These topical antibacterials are quite safe to use, though the patient should be careful not to touch the applicator tip to any surface. If they do, they should clean it thoroughly with warm, soapy water. The container should also be kept tightly closed when it's not in use and can be kept in the fridge, but not in the freezer. The patient should wash their hands immediately after they use the ointment or eye drops and be careful not to miss doses.

The antibacterial should start to work within an hour and might require a week or so to start to control the infection. Some ointments can cause some people to have blurred vision. Others might develop a sensitivity reaction to the drug if it's used for too long a period of time.

1 answer

pig is to sty and pen

1 answer

A pig's home is called a pen or sty.

3 answers

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magnify glass

It is called a pig-sty.

4 answers

Sty. Hutches are for rabbits.

1 answer

A pig lives in a sty.

3 answers

Pig Sty was created in 1995.

1 answer

um.......no. pigs live in a pig sty, though

5 answers

It's called a "sty" or a "pigsty".

2 answers

sty or sti? as in pig sty.

1 answer

Pig sty in French is "la porcherie".

2 answers

meaning of sty

4 answers

Pigs live in a sty. Just like your mother always told you "This room looks like a pigs sty".

3 answers

its when an eyelash comes out and a bit of dirt goes in where the eyelash came out and it forms a sty

1 answer

pa lee sty reen

2 answers


1 answer

A sty is an inflammation of the eye.at the base of the eyelashes. A sty can cause your eye to turn pink and cause a bump.

1 answer

Pig Sty - 1995 was released on:

USA: 23 January 1995

1 answer

A hut for a pig is called a sty, pigsty or pigpen. The plural of sty is sties.

(Stye is a completely different word referring to a small infection at the edge of the eyelid.)

3 answers

how to get rid of sty on your eyelid Put eye drops in the eye you have a sty in then put a warm cloth over the eye you have a sty in 7 to 8 times a day for 1 week and it will be gone

1 answer

Yes of coarse you can have more than one sty at a time

1 answer

Yes, pigs are traditionally kept in a sty, which is an enclosure designed for their shelter and safety. It provides them with a comfortable space to live and prevents them from wandering off.

3 answers

Barn or sty.

1 answer

In a sty, which is an enclosure for pigs

1 answer

stye. its stye.

1 answer

A pig sty.

1 answer

I keep three pigs, Pinky, Perky and Pork Chop, all three live together in a sty.

1 answer

Do not go swimming because the sty will sting and get worse from the chlorine in the water.

2 answers

un stylo (no hyphen) is a masculine noun in French.

2 answers