she would probbaly go all stuttery around you and go red and evreything and if the girl likes you shell come forward and say
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2 answers
works for the PC so i assume it would be the same for the 360, besides the game of the year edition hasn't really changed the game it just gets rid of a few bugs and makes it a lil less stuttery, and some of the annoying crashed have been irradicated
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Although graphics cards make WoW run better, you can get along pretty well without one and use the 256MB Nvidia GeForce 8200M that comes with it. The 2GB RAM that comes with the CQ60 should be more than enough to get 60 frames per second. The only thing is you might want to play on lower visual settings in raids and instances and in places like Dalaran and Orgrimmar/Stormwind as they can get pretty stuttery (not a real word but you get the drift) even on extremely high end systems.
1 answer
he probaly will stare at you and when you look he will look away or smile. he will find any excuse to touch you, like a hug or brush your arm when he walks by. he will tease you but not in a mean way.
6 answers