The average life span for a striped skunk(Mephitis mephitis) in the wild is six years.
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Striped skunks are the normal skunks. All skunks have stripes unless they are bred to be albino or bred to be more white then black, but every skunk is striped even Spotted skunks.
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I don't know, they're both skunks?
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The striped skunk lives in Central Canada to Northern Mexico.
: )
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The scientific name for the striped skunk is Mephitis mephitis. It belongs to the family Mephitidae and the order Carnivora.
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The four species of skunks found in the Big Bend National Park are the Spotted Skunk, the Striped Skunk, the Hooded Skunk and the Hog-nosed Skunk.
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Food, water, space, shelter and arrangement. And of course AIR!
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The spotted skunk, Spilogale putorius, is a mustelid, related to weasels, badgers, ferrets, otters, etc. It's closet relatives are the striped skunk, Mephitis mephitis, the hog nosed skunk, Conepatus leuconatus, the hooded skunk, Mephitis macroura.
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A skunk in the United States, a zebra in Africa :).
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A striped-skunk. This skunk has actually been conserved very well. Today, you cannot harm these guys because their is a legislation law about it. It was passed in 1984. They defend themselves very well as well. But, before their pelts used to be very valuable. Even today, skunks are valuable to man for agriculture, hunting and farmers.
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the three adaptains of an animal are eyes nose and mouth
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Yes! ... they inhabit the higher offices of government.
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common hog-nosed skunk, striped skunk, hooded skunk & the western spotted skunk.
I got this from http://www.herpo.com/trans-pecos/mammals/skunks.html
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Mephitis, which is a common striped skunk, and Spilogale, which is a common spotted skunk.
There are 8 more species that are much less common.
Mephitis in Latin means "noxious vapor".
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The scientific or taxonomic name would be Mephitis mephitis.
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Skunk--a mammal, generally black and white, either striped, spotted or a combination of the two. Uses sprayed chemical scent as a defense that irritates the
eyes and mucus membranes of an attacker and smells terrible.
Skunk-a low, unreliable person.
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I think the bobcat, the striped skunk, and the black tailed deer are native to California and wild.
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DON'T get them excited, back away slowly, then call Animal Control for pickup. They will gladly relocate your striped friend.
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"well becuase there was a queen backk in the england in thee olden days i should put it, and how to say stinky or smelly i should say, is skunk in england." "So they called her smelly from that day on and the skunk got its name from her."
and , "that is how the skunk got its name." good story , yes yes it is
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Striped skunks, being the most common found in the US, live in primarily wooded locations, but may live near woods in fields. Any location that matches this description in North Carolina would likely be home to a striped skunk.
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How would we know that? we cant go into the future, now can we.
plz think before you type.
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The Striped Skunk was first noted in the expedition above the mouth of the Musselshell River, Fergus County, Montana.
Hope this helped you :-)
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skinks usually come out in the night. like lets say 6 or 7 oclock.
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hog nosed skunks spray just like any other skunk.
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Evidentally yes, the spotted skunks are smaller. there are uconfirmed reports of a sassy little Red and White skunk, but I have not seen any except as a cartoon poking fun at a certain rock singer. I wont give her name but it is a True Image.
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The striped skunk is often considered the smelliest animal due to its ability to release a strong, pungent odor as a defense mechanism when feeling threatened.
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Skunks spray liquid that smells bad to scare away predators. This liquid is an oil produced by glands under a skunks' tail. Skunk spray isn't dangerous, but it smells bad. Go to the related link to know how to get rid of skunk smell.
The lifespan of the striped skunk is usually about 2-3 years.
they use their smelly steach to protect them from preadators
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All skunks have some kind of striping, what is really interesting is the array of different colors some are born in. Brown,grey even the rare cream colored.
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Simple. God made the first man (and skunk) and that man who was named Adam named the skunk "Skunk!"
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A skunk doesn't have a main preadator. A skunk sprays or attacks anything that threatens to kill it or frighten the skunk.
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A skunk hollow is a shallow burrow made by a skunk, where it sleeps.
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Actually, the skunk is a species all to itself. Ways to categorize the species of the skunk would be a mammal or vertebrate. Contrary to popular belief, the skunk is actually not a rodent. The skunk's family is Mephitidae and the skunk's order is Carnivora.
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