You stonehearted lover I beleived you were my goddess of loy
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well that is actually a hard question because you really can not reconize love from a stonehearted man unless if you really connect with him then you know he loves you
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Thank you for posting this question! Canned hunting is not shopping for canned tuna or pineapples in your grocery store. Canned hunting is actually the cruel killing of endangered species! Yes...you read what you think you read. People buy 'ranches' out in the country and buy surplus animals from zoos. Then people literally pay these stonehearted 'ranchers' money to kill these innocent animals. They are either kept in cages in buildings or fenced in enclosures outside with others of their species. Then these people come and shoot them until they die. Then, they have the heads of the poor things mounted on their walls. These 'ranchers' make huge profits from people shooting animals we all know and love such as tigers, rhinos, elephants, and bears. The sad thing is, this practice is legal in many countries of the world, including many of the States of America. If you don't believe me, read Lord of the Kill by Theodore Taylor. That is where I first learned about this evil practice, and I hope more people do. It needs to be more known so something can be done! Please tell everyone who will listen! Think of this as a comparison to the Holocaust, because that's what it is, the animal Holocaust. There was also a segment of 60 minutes that talked about how the places in Africa that you get to pet the baby lions sell the animals to canned hunters so when you know people who you know pet a baby lion in Africa then just educate and don't get mad at them they didn't know.
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