winter and 40 babies in the litter.
eaat shiit
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No. Stoats are under legal protection as wildlife in most USA states.
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Stoats are not native to Australia, but they have also not yet become established in Australia. At some stage in Australia's history, stoats were introduced as a method for controlling rabbits, but they did not become established.
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No. Stoats are not for sale in the UK as pets. Stoats are wild animals and should be left in the wild.
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Yes, stoats are a member of Mustelidae, the weasel family.
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Stoats hunt mostly rabbits. On certain occasions they hunt voles, mice, birds, insects, and fish.
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Stoats are found in a variety of habitats around the world, including forests, grasslands, and tundra. They are commonly found in North America, Europe, and Asia. Stoats are adaptable animals and can thrive in a range of environments as long as there is sufficient prey for them to hunt.
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stoats learn to hunt by watching the other stoat or have it happen to it. Sometimes it can learn from its mom or any other stoat. then they go off and just eatthemselves.
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There are Foxes, stoats, mountain goats, and wolves.
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The kiwi's predators include introduced animals such as ferrets, weasels, stoats, dogs, and cats. Dogs tend to kill but not eat the kiwi. Some animals such as weasels and rats are thought to eat the kiwi eggs. Ninety-five percent of the chicks are eaten before they reach breeding age.
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The stoat is currently not on an endangered animal list. The stoat is a relative of the American Prairie Dog but is slightly larger in size. Stoats were once used for their very soft fur. Stoats are found in North America and New Zealand.
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Female stoats and weasels are referred to as a bitch, doe or Jill
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stoats are strong swimmers so therefore they can survive on offshore islands
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Ermine, which is essentially just the white winter fur of stoats.
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stoats and weasels are the villains in The Wind in the Willows
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The female counterpart of a male stoat is also called a stoat. Both male and female stoats are part of the same species, so they share the same name.
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Varmit is colloquial usage for vermin - small animals such as weasels, stoats, rats, etc.
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Dead leaves ---> Earth Worm ---> Kiwi ---> Stoats, Weasels, ferrets.
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Ferrets are in the weasel family (ermines, minks stoats, etc) Mustelidae.
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The main predators of the kiwi are introduced species such as dogs, cats, stoats and ferrets.
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Catching and killing prey, then eating and chewing this prey and for drinking water.
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Yes, stoats are found in Shetland. They are a species of weasel native to the British Isles and can be found in various habitats throughout the region, including on the Shetland Islands.
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You can't, no. Stoats are under legal protection as wildlife in most U.S. states, and there is a fee of upwards of 5k for violating this.
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Shrews, hornets, stoats, weasels, and cheetahs to name a few.
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I believe that stoats have about 5-12 babies in a litter. They can have a litter once a year.
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Yes, stoats are able to swim. They are quite agile in water and can swim to hunt for food or to escape predators. Swimming is a skill that can help them navigate their habitat as needed.
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Not even close, ferrets are in the weasel family like minks, ermine, stoats, etc
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