Several words begin with the letters soph. However, there are no words that end with the letters soph.
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phie, sophe sofiee, sophiii, i have a daughter called sophie and i call her Aofie and prounce it i-ofiee instead of eva, but thats my oppinan !xx
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The Greek root word of "bibliosoph" is "biblio" which means book or relating to books. The word "soph" is not a Greek root word, but rather a suffix that can be added to indicate wisdom or knowledge. Therefore, "bibliosoph" combines the roots "biblio" and "soph" to mean a lover of books or someone knowledgeable about books.
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The prefix "soph-" comes from the Greek word "sophia," which means wisdom. It is commonly used in words relating to intelligence, wisdom, or knowledge.
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Geo rgios Soph Sakellariou has written:
'E ethniko-thre skeutike antistasis te s Kalymnou to etos 1935'
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Guards: Earvin "Magic" Johnson (6'8" Soph), Terry Donnelly (6'2" Junior)
Forwards: Greg Kelser (6'7" Senior), Jay Vincent (6'7" Soph)
Center: Ron Charles (6'7" Senior)
Coach: Jud Heathcote
Canadian Mike Brkovich (6'4" Soph) was the sixth man off the bench.
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The correct spelling is sophomore. It's easy to forget that it has the o between soph and more.
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That is strictly dependent on the specific school and programs of study.
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Believe in yourself, stay determined, and keep pushing forward. You have the strength and resilience to overcome any challenges that come your way. Keep striving for your goals and never give up!
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The word "oesophagus" is not an English word. The word esophagus has four syllables. The syllables are e-soph-a-gus.
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as a frosh soph mile, track runner, my best time was 6:05.
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That Harriet has sisters name Linah, Rachel, Mariah, and Soph. And brothers name Moses, Henry, Robert, Ben.
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Preppies........college attendee>frosh, freshman, soph, sophomore, junior, senior, co-ed, undergrad
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There's a big sib little sib dance, soph frosh semiformal, junior prom, and senior prom.
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It Depends on the Sport if Shotput it is 10lb for frosh/soph in highschool 11 for JV and 12 for Varsity. For the college level it is 16lb.
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"Frosh" is another term for freshman. Therefore, a former frosh would be a sophomore. To keep in line with the slang nature of "frosh" the term would be "Soph."
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The names of Harriet's sibling's are Moses, Sam, Mary, Linah, Soph, Mariah, Ben, Robert, Henry, and Rachel. She was the daughter of Benjamin Ross and Harriet Green and she was the 10th daughter of 11 children.
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yes, four sister named : Linah, Mariah ritty, Soph, and rachel
Plus four brothers named: Robert, Ben, Henry,and Moses
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St Joseph High school in NJ his Jr and Sr year. West Windsor Plainsboro High School North his Fr and Soph year
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Harriet's generation was Modesty(Grandma), Linah(sister), Mariah(sister), Soph(sister), Robert(brother), Ben(brother), Rachel(sister), Henry(brother), Moses(brother).
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The root for wisdom or knowledge is "soph" from the Greek word "sophia," which means wisdom.
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Cantabrigiensis. has written:
'The conduct of ---- Coll. consider'd; with some reflections upon a late pamphlet, entitled, A defence of the rector and fellows of Exeter College. In a letter from a Cambridge soph, to a gentleman in Hampshire'
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1964 (Soph.) - 95 lbs. 1965 (Jr.) - 103 lbs. 1966 (Sr.) - 112 lbs.
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when you get the skill Special (it says to hit B when your unison gauge is full while your doing an arcane arte) then you'll do devil's hellfire.
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because she has Laura as a friend so think about it Laura and soph are her mad buddies we are all in need of help so help us by going onto bebo n givin us love.
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it cannot sprout in milk as kidney beans arent a sproutable form therefore the sproutyness cannot be educated to be released in milk, cath and soph therefore discuss+disagree with this quoted question.
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