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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic - 2010 Somepony to Watch Over Me 4-17 was released on:

USA: 8 March 2014

1 answer

Well, there are many different feelings tword the group. It all depends on the person. I think the main groups I have noticed would be these:

ACCEPTING- People who are perfectly fine with the group, and weather they themselfs are a brony or not, they are nice to those who are.

UNCAREING- People who most likely are not bronies, but even so they do not hate the bronies. They don't judge, so if somepony wants to watch mlp, they don't care, they just don't themselves

JUDGEMENTAL- People who jump to the conclusion that this is wrong. They don't like the fact that a guy likes mlp, so it's a reason to hate them. They usually have never even seen the show themselves, which is the sad part.

But these are just the main 3 points I myself have noticed in studying my surroundings. There may be other feelings too, but I believe it's safe to say these are the biggest groups of people's feelings towards the brony fandom.

1 answer

...Hold on. A kid's talking to a mop? I feel kinda bad for him. I was quite lonely when I was little, as well. I often talked to the wall. The wall never responded though. Perhaps he was rather mean. Or maybe the wall was blue. Come to think of it, I think the wall was literally blue. Speaking of blue, did you know that Blue from Blue's Clues is a girl? I didn't know either! I wonder if Magenta's a boy. And why did they get rid of Steve! Steve was the best! I don't really like Joe that much. I went to this restaurant called Joe's last Saturday. It was pretty good. The soup of the day was phenomenal. However, the bread that they served with it was stale and disgusting. I think I found a piece of mold on it. I'm not sure. Anyway, mold is nasty. The gutter I installed around my house a few years back is covered with the stuff. I was thinking about hiring somepony to fix it up, but the bill seems really expensive, based on what I've heard from WikiAnswers. So I tried to clean it up myself. Not with a mop, mind you, my child was busy conversing with it. The kid was asking the mop a question about astigmatism. So I think the kid was voicing his concern to the mop about eye problems. Which is quite strange, since mops don't have eyes. Or do they? I don't know, I've never used a mop. By the way, cleaning out gutters is hard work. I broke my back. Not literally, but figuratively. There's a big difference. Okay, I'm done talking. Back to watching My Little Pony!!

Love, peace, and lots of cheese,


1 answer

Many ponies think that in order to be popular you have to wear in style clothes, the "Popular Filly". But all that's doing is making the filly seem popular by showing everypony her fashionable clothes are in style. If you want to be popular, create your own fashion. Make friends, (Not with the popular ponies yet) once you have friends, get the latest technology. After this, hang out with the "Popular ponies" but don't obsess over them, or you will just be considered a follower. But remember don't get rid of your other friends, because they are your true friends and if the popular kids aren't your friends anymore, you can always have somepony by your side. (I've never tried being popular so I can't guarantee this will work)

The most important thing is to interested in your friends; their activities, their likes, dislikes, their family. Give them compliments and show them you care. Ask ponies questions, be interested in who they are and not just talking about what you are about all the time.

OR - if that doesn't work - If you want to have a popular ranking at school, you usually need a lot of friends, but that's kinda the hard part, usually you don't have to be what I call 'all that'. What i do is, I try to be funny. Everypony loves a laugh - not necessarily jokes, or make fun of everypony in school. Trust me, I have done that and I turned out bad, as in, I was not popular at all, so try not to do that.

Another thing is, you cant be an ( a loner) don't sit alone at lunch! create a hot fashion of your own! unless you are a dude, then just wear what u feel the chicks will dig.

Another answer

You'll first need to understand the concept of being "popular". Being popular doesn't mean trying to act cool, wearing the latest attire, and being somepony that your not. All you have to do is boost your confidence and be yourself. Loosen up a bit , if your a guy meet some fillies if your a filly make some guy friends. All you have to do is make a few friends. And if that doesn't work play a sport, join a club, maybe a band. I'm sure you'll find somepony that share common interests as you.

THE BEST ANSWER! (For Fillies Only)

okay I'm popular so i would know. 1st of all, u have to be pretty so the "POPULAR GUYS" will dig u. u have to dress cute, like what's in fashion, but don't copy everything they have, try to start something new from a store that they all like then they will start getting it. be funny, u have to be funny and loud and u don't care what u will say or do in front of ponies, try to be friends with one then go with the rest. u have to be exciting and loud. YOU CANT BE SHY! then, when they start liking u, then start sitting at there table and talk with them. But don't FOLLOW THEM 24/7 or else they will think your creepy and start talking with the other fillies about u. so DONT FOLLOW A LOT! but yes hang out with them. there will be a POPULAR GUY TABLE & POPULAR FILLY TABLE (at lunch) they will talk with the colts. join sports that they play but like well don't but join other sports. BUT YOU HAVE TO KNOW THIS---->YOU CANT JUST HANG OUT WITH THEM IN SCHOOL YOU HAVE TO HANG OUT WITH THEM ANYWHERE ELSE TOO! and u have to be cool. !!!


  • Be Pretty
  • Have Cute Clothes & That Are In Fashion
  • Be Funny
  • Be Cool
  • Flirt
  • Hang Out With Them (anywhere not just in school)
  • Let Your Self Out
  • Don't Be Shy
  • Be Who You Are (but don't be stupid or dumb if you are)
  • Text With Them (if you have a phone)
  • Talk With Them (obviously)
  • Get A Coltfriend (in the ~Popular Group~)
  • Don't Be A Random Follower
  • Be Awesome


Heeeeyy babe, let me tell you that you shouldn't worry about being popular. because ponies who are popular tend to turn out to be bad and when ponies look at you they will judge you on your group or the ponies your with in an instent.

so dont worry about it, just be you and hang loose ;)

gooood luck <3

Lawl3612's_answer_(the_%222nd_best'_answer,_the_2nd_best_answer_is_always_the_best!)">Lawl3612's answer (the "2nd best' answer, the 2nd best answer is always the best!)

I think the way to be popular is to get SUPER high scores and get outstanding grades, 'cos when I got 78% in maths ppl started noticing me. And anyway if you always wear the same clothes, and are desperate, have killer BO, act like a pessimist and have really messy hair then you will NOT survive 'cos everypony would HATE you. Also if ur doing a play and you're not the mane character or a specific character then don't like quit 'cos you didn't get a part 'cos nopony likes a selfish snob. Try to be funny and ponies will like you, but never ever EVER ignore manga 'cos then ppl will ALWAYS talk about it... ALWAYS!!!! Anyway anime and manga is way better than other stuff like BEN10 (I hate that) and all that rubbish. And another thing- don't swear 'cos you may think it's cool, but you just don't get it.

PS. I'm just finishing Y7/First year in middle school/senior school. I'm british btw.

How to be popular xP

Popularity takes patience, and lots of it.

Please understand that this might not work everywhere.

Things to take caution of:

1. If you get big-headed about the situation, ponies WILL hate you, I can guarantee. I've tried all of this.

Not EVERYONE will like your style, and that's acceptable, because everyone is different, but what you musn't do is bully them into liking you or force them to do something they dont want to do., it'll just make them hate you more

3 There will always be the off child/person that disagrees with you, or refuses to like you and causes trouble. Don't be a tell-tell and complain, stand up for the PERSON. You need to tell them this:

"If you dont like this, I don't really care, because you're one out of maybe a hundred. But, I'm not too keen on the fact that you're up to cause trouble. Do you think you could stop causing trouble? Yeah, thanks." and then walk away xP

How to do it:

It's not all about being pretty and having the latest things.

You need to be you. yes, wearing pretty clothes and shoes and accessories will help, but it won't really boost you more than 15% higher than where you were.

Be friendly to the people around, but don't let anyone cross YOUR line. If they do, you've got to show them what you've got, in front of everyone, so that no one else does it again and they respect you for that.

Don't be a goody-goody. No one likes a perfect one. Try to cause a little bit of trouble, and when you get told off, laugh.

Try to get a few of your sums wrong and then again, laugh and say "I don't care" under your breath or out loud if you dare when the teacher marks them

If you have a really crap phone and you're not allowed/can't afford a new one, decorate it, buy a case. Disguise that fact that it says Nokia instead of Blackberry! (Nokia's and Blackberry's are epic anyway xP)

Gems and sparkly tape will do fine, and even a bit of ribbon super-glued on there will help.

Personalise yourself, get that old chain out of your jewellery box, and stick some ribbon on it, with some sparkly gemstones. Get a black cardigan from the local fashion shop, black cardigans go with anything! GET A PAIR OF HIGH-HEELED SHOES. And everytime you go to a disco, be sure to wear a new pair, or otherwise people will think you only have one pair of shoes. Anyway, even if you dont like the shoes and prefer to wear your favourite ones, it's mighty-sure that someone in the crowd will gasp and wow at them! :)

I hoped this helped


1 answer