Severus. I know a song Snape Snape Severus Snape! Found it online
2 answers
no. Professer Snape is no. Professer Snape is no. Professer Snape is no. Professer Snape is no. Professer Snape is
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Nothing, he still thinks Snape is the culprit.
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Snape's patronas takes after Lily Potter's because Snape was in love with her.
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the " snape, snape, severus snape, DUMBLEDORE!!" song is a youtube video. to see it type in, Potter Puppet Pals and The Mysterious Ticking Noise. there are also many more PPP (Potter Puppet Pals) videos but i cant name them all. :( sorry
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Voldemort didn't know Snape had changed sides, Snape was a spy.
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No, Snape's soul wasn't damaged, because Dumbledore had told Snape to kill him.
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Snape and Lily fight in the 7th book, when Harry takes Snape's dead memories and plunges into the pensive with them. Snape calls Lily a mudblood and that starts the fight.
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no. in the 6th snape kills dumbledore. in the 7th, voldemort kills snape and harry kills voldemort
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Harry Potter reminds Snape of Harry's father, with whom Snape had some trouble as a student.
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From Severus Snape Wikipedia: 'In an interview, JK Rowling adds that Snape is immensely brave, and when asked if she considers Snape a hero, she replied: "Yes, I do; though a very flawed hero."'
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nobody in harry potter are called seravina snape but there is Severus Snape, who is portrayed by Alan Rickman :)
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Snape: I am Snape, the potions master. Welcome to potions class.
Ron: Yay, potions!
Harry: Hello, Snape!
Hermione: What are we going to learn today, Professor?
Snape: The beauty of the softly simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes…
Harry: Oh, not this again.
Snape: ...the delicate power of liquids that creep through human veins…
Ron: Eww!
Snape: ...bewitching the mind and snaring the senses.
Hermione: Ooh!
Snape: I can teach you how to bottle fame…
Harry: Don't need it.
Snape: ...brew glory…
Ron: Ooh la la!
Snape: ...even put a stop onto death.
Hermione: No, you can't.
Snape: I can teach you the secrets of mystical fluids unknown.
Harry: Okay.
Snape: Enchanted juice, wizard liquids…
Ron: Wow!
Snape: ...the cool feminine curves of a potions flask…
Hermione: Go on.
Snape: ...the titillating scent of a fresh elixir.
Harry: Is this the whole class?
Snape: I can teach you how to pickle victory…
Ron: Pickle victory!
Snape: ...how to secrete success…
Hermione: Oh, my!
Snape: ...even score with hot babes.
Harry: Wait, what?
Snape: Class dismissed.
(Ron and Hermione leave, but Harry stays)
Harry: Wait, wait, hang on. Hot babes?
Snape: Vamos, Mr. Potter.
Harry: Teach me!
Snape: No. Skidaddle.
(Harry leaves)
Dumbledore: Hello, Severus!
Snape: Hello, headmaster.
Dumbledore: I need to borrow some wizard liquids.
Snape: I'm fresh out, sir.
Dumbledore: How about enchanted juice?
Snape: Nope.
Dumbledore: How about expired Gorilla Milk?
Snape: That has no magical properties, sir.
Dumbledore: On contrast, Snape-a-doodle, it's done a wonder on me bowels!
Snape: Okay, whatever, this way.
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Harry finds respect in Snape at the end of the Potter series as Snape was actually helping and protecting Harry all along all for the respect of Lily's memory who Snape was in love with.
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snape does because death eaters take over the school
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I believe you mean Snape, as in Severus Snape. Yes, he was good. Harry finds it out after Snape's death in Deathly Hallows.
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Well, Snape had a huge crush on Lily, but Snape and Harry weren't fighting about that. They were fighting about his father who bullied Snape, so Harry finds out why Snape didn't like his father or him. It didn't really focus on Lily that much.
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Severus Snape is murdered by Voldermort (his snake, Nagini, actually), when he thinks Snape is the true owner of the Elder Wand. He shows Harry in his last moments all of his most percious memories.
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snape particpated in the battle of hogwarts and was killed by lord volodmort because snape was rumored to be the true master of the elder wand and like dumbledore when he killed had a portait of him in his office they decided to do the same for snape
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Snape doesn't get shot.
Snape doesn't get shot.
Snape doesn't get shot.
Snape doesn't get shot.
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