Ok so you see the slidey thingy right next to the play and stop button you slide it down to make it slow and up to make it fast
1 answer
in ice cave once you've done the first farely hard farely big icey slidey maze go right(east) then get to the other side of the really easy small maze and there'll be a normal orange ball (item) it's HM07 waterfall
1 answer
Go on to ice cave in between mahogony toen and blackthorn city and once you get past the first farely hard ice slidey maze go right(east) until u get to another easy small slidely maze and at the far end of that maze is HM07 waterfall as a normal orange ball! :)
1 answer
Move Wheely forward. Press the red button under the evil car. Take the blue mirror with all the money and put it in the empty frame. Move the red slidey thing. Push the red lever, Move Wheely to the end.
2 answers
I think the best wheels for sliding would be orangatang durain free rides, stimulus, or fat frees depending on the length of your board and on your weight, Also in heats are good the yellow wheel is the most slidiest from orangatng.
6 answers
Always SlideY G R B B B B RAutoKickG G R R Y R Y BContest Winner 1Y G R G Y B G GFocus ModeG R G G Y G G GHUD Free ModeG R Y Y Y B B GInvisible CharactersY Y B R B G R RPerformance Mode
B B G G R G R YUnlock All Characters
1 answer
Depends what you want to increase/decrease friction on. If is like a weight on the floor.. Then to increase the friction all you have to do is increase the weight, To reduce it you either reduce the weight or get a smoother surface, or maybe a cloth in-between the floor and the weight.
7 answers
Move Wheely forward. Press the red button under the evil car. Take the blue mirror with all the money and put it in the empty frame. Move the red slidey thing. Push the red lever, Move Wheely to the end.
3 answers
Cracking your thumb involves releasing gas bubbles in the joint, which can temporarily increase flexibility and reduce tension. You can crack your thumb by gently pulling or bending it until you hear a popping sound. However, it's important to do this in moderation as excessive cracking may cause joint damage.
4 answers