because he was jealous of mufasa being king
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scar is better because it has better accuracy and damage and rate
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bring up the console with the "~" button located beneath the esc. button and type exactly this:player->COC "ald-skar" then hit enter this will bring u to ald-skar. make sure 2 put a space after the COC part, other than that there are no spaces. you can get to any town like that, just put the name of the city in the "s and you will go right outside the town. another great thing is bring up the console and type exactly this:FillMap
that will show all towns on the world map... or you could type this:TFOW
that gets rid of the black stuff on the local map.
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The Lily Lamp is a hanging lamp designed by designer Vibeke Skar. It is designed based on the the Victoria water lily in OsloÍs Botanical Gardens. It is a very sleek design and can accommodate a variety of light bulbs so that you can change the amount of light it gives off.
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"The snails" is a literal English equivalent of the French phrase les escargots. The pronunciation of the masculine plural phrase will be "ley-zeh-skar-go" in French.
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Grazie per le scarpe! is a literal Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Thank you for the shoes!" The pronunciation will be "GRA-tsyey per ley SKAR-pey" in Italian.
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Compra molte scarpe! in the singular and Comprate molte scarpe! in the plural are literal Italian equivalents of the English phrase "Buy lots of shoes!" The two above-mentioned present imperatives indicate that the speaker is on familial, friendly, peer-like terms with the listener (listeners) since they are both in the informal form of the Italian equivalent of "you." The respective pronunciations will be "KOM-pra MOL-tey SKAR-pey" in the singular and "kom-PRA-tey MOL-tey SKAR-pey" in the plural in Italian.
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The cast of To mistenkelige personer - 1950 includes: Kari Diesen as Nabokona Grace Grung Turid Haaland Nils Hald Sverre Hansen Per Kielland Gunnar Skar Merete Skavlan Ivar Svendsen as Gustav
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Scarpe eleganti is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "dress shoes." The above-mentioned feminine plural noun and adjective literally translate into English as "elegant shoes." The pronunciation will be"SKAR-pey EY-ley-GAN-tee" in Italian.
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Skara Brae is a Neolithic settlement in Orkney, Scotland, dating back to around 3100-2500 BCE. Burial sites in Skara Brae have been found within and near the settlement, including chambered tombs and cists containing human remains. These burials provide important insights into the rituals and beliefs of the people who lived in Skara Brae.
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No. Shahrukh Khan is not hindu he belongs to the muslim religion . He is a very famous bollywood actor. He has done a lot of hit movies. He is loved by all the indians because of his humble nature.
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The overgrowth of fibrous tissue at the site of a scar is called a keloid. Keloids occur when the body produces excessive collagen in response to the skin healing process, leading to raised and thickened scars that extend beyond the original wound boundaries. They can be itchy, painful, and cosmetically bothersome.
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Kendra Jain has: Played Lulu in "Finding Graceland" in 2009. Played Kristen Wustinsky in "The Pen" in 2009. Played Alexa Reyes in "Lies in Plain Sight" in 2010. Played Julie Javonzadeh in "Funny in Farsi" in 2010. Played Skar in "Downwardly Mobile" in 2012. Played Kayla in "Our Boys" in 2013.
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The cast of Vi vil oss et land... - 1936 includes: Sophus Dahl as Amund Fisker Else Heiberg as Dagny Fjell, datter Arne Kleve as Anders, gammel mann Per Kvist as Skattemesteren Leif Norder as Tor Skar Ellen Sinding as Danserinnen
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Open the command console, and type in COC "name of place"
For example, typing in COC "balmora" , will drop you down just out side of Balmora, on the mountains.
Some put you in awkward places, like Ald-ruhn puts you inside the Skar (big crab shell building). And Ebonheart puts you half inside the dock.
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Scarpa rossa is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "red shoe." The feminine singular phrase most famously recalls an Italian character in the novel Dama azul ("The Lady in Blue") by Aragonese journalist, researcher and writer Javier Sierra and an online Italian shoe business. The pronunciation will be "SKAR-pa ROS-sa" in Pisan Italian.
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silenced scarh -- Perk 1: scavenger or one man army Perk 2: coldblooded or stopping power Perk 3: steady aim or nija
FAMAS -- Perk 1: scavenger or one man army Perk 2: stopping power Perk 3: steady aim
m16 and ak47 are good as well
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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern -SKAR-S. That is, seven letter words with 2nd letter S and 3rd letter K and 4th letter A and 5th letter R and 7th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are:
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I do not think so, because it doesn't state that anywhere in the books. Although when Harry's parents were killed and Voldemort wanted to kill Harry he got the lightning shaped skar on the right side of his forehead. When Voldemort dissapiered, he had accidentally given Harry some of his powers, such as talking to snakes. As Dumbldor said there was deffinetly a connection between Harry and Voldemort, as you have probably noticed in the book "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" Harry could see, and feel what Voldemort saw and felt.
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The cast of Selkvinnen - 1953 includes: Adolf Bjerke as Jogvan Gunnarsson Ronnie Boatler as Selkvinnen Harald Christensen as En ung mann Benadikt Davidsen as Sverri, fanhgstmann Jack Fjeldstad as Hannes Klasor Hjalmar Fries as Wenzel Hammershaimb, foged Liv Hagerup as Ragni, hans kusine Sven Revold as En danser Odd Rohde as Eydun, huskarl hos Paiul Gunnar Skar as Niclas, fogdens tjener Ottar Wicklund as Olav Verdur
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No, "Brogan" is not an Italian name. The proper name in question most famously refers to Saint Brogan, abbot of Ross Tuirc, author of a hymn to Saint Brigit (451 to February 1, 525), bearer of the Gaelic designation Broccán Clóen, cleric, nephew and scribe of Saint Patrick (385 to March 17, 461), and one of the Ó Brógáin ("descendants of Brogan"). The respective pronunciations will be "brok-KAN" for the Italian equivalent and "skar-PET-tey" for the literal meaning (scarpette, "little shoes") in Pisan Italian.
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Per favore pulitevi le scarpe! is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Please clean shoes!" The preposition, masculine singular noun, present imperative in the second person informal plural, second person informal plural reflexive pronoun, feminine plural definite article, and feminine plural noun translate literally into English as "Out of courtesy clean the shoes!" The pronunciation will be "per fa-VO-rey poo-LEE-tey-vee ley SKAR-pey" in Italian.
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The cast of Sable Fable - 2013 includes: Amy Beech Charlie Emseis as Charlie Imola Gaspar Mary Grace Villarmor Nicole Hartley as Chloe Attarwala Imtiyaz Celine Jedidi Izzy Jewson Luz Jiro Lily Joseph as Cairo Stephen Lloyd Jackson as Rocky Alex Marx as Ben Alex Merek Lisa Michelle Skar as Extra in bar Nadine Mills as Baker Clarke Frida Munting as Zara Sheila Nortley as Vanessa Dan Ockenden Santi Scinelli Lyn Sutherby Andrew Vortep Paris Wells Pippa Winslow as Joan
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The term "sem mozhi" in Tamil refers to the classical status given to the language. It became known as "sem mozhi" due to its rich literary tradition, historical significance, and the influence of Sanskrit. The complexity and sophistication of Tamil literature played a crucial role in elevating it to the status of "sem mozhi."
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Jay Laisne has: Played Jay in "Shelf Life" in 1991. Played Paramedic in "JAG" in 1995. Performed in "Scott Baio Is 45... And Single" in 2007. Played Roger in "Even If" in 2007. Played Kurt in "Roommates" in 2007. Played Bruce in "Hide and Sea" in 2007. Played Dave Davidson in "Weather Girls" in 2008. Played French Cop in "1000 Ways to Die" in 2008. Played Paparazzi in "The T.O. Show" in 2009. Played Jay in "The Hallway" in 2009. Played Dad in "Six Impossible Things" in 2009. Played Sam in "Trick" in 2009. Performed in "1505" in 2009. Played Stu Stackhouse in "The 20 Second Rule" in 2009. Played Palmer Cherry in "Heavy Metal Strawberry Pickers" in 2010. Played Skar in "Paul Cruz: Latin Actor (A Mockuseries)" in 2010. Played Devon in "Hookers for Jesus" in 2010. Played Bill in "Miles" in 2010. Played Mitch Mallory in "The Girl with No Number" in 2011. Played Hyrum Smith in "A Mormon President" in 2011. Played Jim in "The Anniversary at Shallow Creek" in 2011. Played Stan in "Shouting Secrets" in 2011. Played Lucus in "20 Dollar" in 2011. Played The Father in "The Million Dollar Question" in 2011. Played Barry Allen Trigger in "American Seagull" in 2013.
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The cast of Mammon - 2014 includes: Kristoffer Anker Gustavsen as Securitasvakt Randi Bakke as NHH-arkivar Per Berge Engebretsen as Snekker i kirken Liv Bernhoft Osa as Advokat Runa Torgersen Asta Besygie Lydersen as Nyhetsanker Per Borge as Jogger Vilja Brekne as Haugens datter Nicolas Bro as Arkitekten Andre Brunvoll as T-banemann Andreas Cappelen as Sportsjournalist Bakke Kjersti Dalseide as Politikvinne Tone Danielsen as Vaktsjef Aftenavisen Jan Erik Berntsen as Filantropen Morten Espeland as Designer Aftenavisen Cathrine Graff as TV2-journalist Katrine Ragnhild Gudbrandsen as Bibliotekar NHH Erik Hageler as Kirketjener Hilde Hannah Buvik as Elisabeth Jon Harald Skeie as Fotograf Aftenavisen Hanne Heiervang as Kontordame hos Daniel Endre Hellestveit as NRK-journalist Endre Hellestveit as Nyhetsreporter Sven Henriksen as Nettavisen-journalist Mattis Herman Nyquist as Student-nestleder NHH Hauk Heyerdahl as Lieds PR-mann Lavleen Kaur as Assistentlege Lena Kristin Ellingsen as Vibeke Haglund Huy Le Vo as Trainee Ida Marie Bakkerud as Produsent nyheter Ulla Marie Broch as Pressetalskvinne justisdepartementet Ingvild Marie Lien as Politikvinne Torfinn Nag as Stabssjefen Lasse Nederhoed as Nyhetsoppleser Nils Ole Oftebro as Frank Mathiesen Ines Prange as Minister Hjorts kone Terje Ranes as Jon Stensrud Even Rasmussen as Gisle Eie Elisabeth Sand as Journalist Winge Aftenavisen Espen Sandvik as Vestfold-politimann Julia Schacht as Fersk etterforsker Jon Sigve Skard as Justisministerens livvakt Eldar Skar as VG-journalist Gjermund Sigrid Sollund as NRK-kommentator Ingunn Thon as Resepsjonist hos Stensrud Tim Treloar as (2013) Tim Treloar as Engelskmannen Joachim Wallentin as VG-fotograf Christian Wiik Gjerde as Evas personlige assistent
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There are 23 different types of music. However, if you consider the unreal amount of subgenres of genres, there are a whole lot more. Example: For the music genre "Metal," there are many subgenres such as speed metal, black metal, metalcore, etc,
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The cast of My Last Five Girlfriends - 2009 includes: Cora Aarnoutse as Architect Party Nilufer Akgun as Bar People Cathy Allard as Plane Passenger Nicholas Asbury as Shakespeare George Avanessian as Baby Felicity Awdry as Architect Party Johnny Ball as Statistics Expert Zara Barnes as Kids at Camp Lee Barnett as Agent 1 Eleanor Beckett as Dinner Party Guests Mark Benton as Alan Edith Bukovics as Natalie Deepti Burton as Girls at Restaurant and Crossing George Burton as Kids at Camp Lauren Buskley as Duncan World Guest Tia Campbell as Young Genma Lauren Carey as Duncan World Guest Neil Chordia as Partygoer Sophie Coen as Girls at Restaurant and Crossing Martha Cooke as Divine Dating Angel Maureen Cox as Duncan World Guest Monica Davies as Duncan World Guest Patience Davies as Duncan World Guest Williamson Davies as Duncan World Guest Laetitia De Clerco as Girls at Restaurant and Crossing Jeremy Deboever as Paris Hotel Concierge Richard Decordova as Movie Patrons Matthieu Destandau as Monkey Bar Patron Caitlin Eklund as Duncan World Guest India Evans as Party People Susanna Fiore as Girls on Stairs Jasmine Flach as Duncan World Guest Lianne Flach as Duncan World Guest Alicia Flach as Duncan World Guest Abigail Freeman as Young Wendy Chris Gascoyne as Lister Charlie Gee as Party People India Gibbs as Girl at restaurant and crossing Raechel Gilson as Plane Passenger Louis Greatorex as Giles Charissa Halliday as Duncan World Guest Naomie Harris as Gemma Cleo Hector as Party People Annabel Hibbard as Vox Pops Matt Hodgkins as Kids at Camp Tim Howell as Duncan World Guest Shana Howell as Duncan World Guest Bradley Howell as Duncan World Guest Tejinder Jouhal as Movie Patrons Jean Kesler as Waiter Yassine Khaldi as Hotel Doorman Ian Kirkby as Tour Guide Christophe Lajoinie as Paris Hotel Concierge Iain Lauchlan as Award Guest Abigail Lawrence as Kids at Camp Emma Laws as Plane Passenger Caitlin Line as Divine Dating Angel Molly Line as Divine Dating Angel Melina Line as Divine Dating Angel John Line as God Lydia Lockspeiser as Divine Dating Angel Zaheer Lodhi as Vox Pops Alasdajr MacGregor as Movie Patrons Julian Machet as Married Couple in Park Judy Machet as Married Couple in Park Joe Mallone as Young Duncan Jane March as Olive Judy Marum as Duncan World Guest Georgina Marum as Duncan World Guest Francesca Marum as Duncan World Guest Stephanie Marum as Plane Passenger Jack McCann as Kids at Camp Eileen McPhearson as Award Guest Rumina Mirza as Restaurant Patron Shehzad Mirza as Restaurant Patron Rod Mitchell as Man on Street Dan Morpeth as Kids at Camp Adham Nazir as Kids at Camp Sarah Neales as Girls at Restaurant and Crossing Rielly Newbold as Kids at Camp Sharon Nolan as Architect Party Melvin Odoom as Agent 2 Sveinung Oppegaard as Bar People Brendan Patricks as Duncan Libby Phillips as Duncan World Guest Rowan Pickles as Kids at Camp Katya Potter as Girls at Restaurant and Crossing Sara Poyzer as Stewardess Lucy Pullin as Girl at Houseboat Party Gail Renard as Award Guest Rocky Renton as Dinner Party Guests Chloe Richardson as Kids at Camp Claudia Roberto as Girls at Restaurant and Crossing Steve Ryde as Man on Bus Alaina Scantlebury as Plane Passenger Jessica Sedler as Girls on Stairs Michael Sheen as Burnam Donna Shilling as Interpretive Dancer Andre Skar as Bar People Rebecca Snowdon as Plane Passenger Jasmine Stenning as Kids at Camp Leigha Stone as Kids at Camp Lauryn Stone as Kids at Camp Katie Stratford as Plane Passenger Kevin Suhawon as Hotel Doorman Natalie Taverner as Plane Passenger Gemma Tortella as Movie Patrons Sean Wallen as Architect Party Chrissie Walsh as Duncan World Guest Georgina Walsh as Duncan World Guest Francesca Walsh as Duncan World Guest Harriet Walsh as Duncan World Guest Zoe Ward as Duncan World Guest Gaia Ward as Duncan World Guest Jade Washington as Girls at Restaurant and Crossing Jasmin Wharmby as Divine Dating Angel Mark Whiteley as Vox Pops Molly Windsor as Kids at Camp Duncan Wisbey as Voice of Divine Dating Coren Yates as Duncan World Guest Joan Zeil as Duncan World Guest
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