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Sinch was created in 1994.

1 answer

Sinch - album - was created on 2002-07-30.

1 answer

Hive Mind - Sinch Album - was created in 2009-06.

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if something is a sinch .............. it means it's easy. Possibly popular from school and possibly public school (UK = private).

E.G. " I bet you can't hit that tree with a stone ...... " " That's a sinch ....... of course I can ...."

EDIT: Cinch is spelled with a c. Not an s.

1 answer

NO NO NO you can tell if you go on youtube look up joe messes up hold on. which shows if you mess up you can't be lip siching!

1 answer

sheeeh, that's sinch "umm hello im like almost 15 guys, and well im sure u had one when you were younger"... or just go and get it yourself dummie :)

1 answer

When looking for e-bike options for an SUV, consider foldable models like the Rad Power Bikes RadMini or the Aventon Sinch. These bikes are compact and easy to transport in the back of an SUV. Additionally, look for e-bikes with a sturdy frame and good battery life for longer rides.

1 answer

Question: In Mexico lots of schools are being shut down. Why?

Answer: Well, because the Swine Flu has spread so much that the staff and councils

worry that one sick child might soon effect the entire school, sinch the Swine Flu is very

contagious. I hope this helps you, and if you want to find more about it you can always

check the newscast.

1 answer

yes but at first it will want to download either music from the iPod on the comupter or the songs on the comupter onto the ipon so then just press cancel from the computer or slide to cancel sinch on iPod then it should say iPod on the list so double click it till you can type the name like your name's iPod and that's what it looks like then your done

2 answers

if you don't have power steering this should be a sinch. behind the headlight under the hood...you'll see the harness and a rubber donut. take off the harness by squeezing the sides, take off the rubber donut. there is a metal clip holding the light in, push in and up, it should come off the bulb and the bulb pops out...it may sound kinda difficult but: YOU CAN DO IT!! reverse for install

1 answer

If there is a lot of blood, stop the bleeding by pressing down hard on the wound. This is called putting pressure on it.

You may also use a belt or sinch to stop the bleeding. For example, if the wrist has been cut and there is danger of bleeding to death, you may tie a belt or a shirt around the elbow tight enough to stop the bleeding. Then call 911 or drive to the hospital. If it is only a little bit of blood, not to worry, just clean the wound with soap and water. You may also apply a topical antibacterial such as neosporin.

1 answer

ummm..i do believe so! but i am not completely sure! but then again i was reading an article nad speaking of which, was about WW2 and a part of it was saying that this girl(yuki) had started to work (during i am sure :S) and then she got fired for no reason!! but still she had begun workingg...now i know this article must have been fiction, but we were reading this in class(hum.8) and it was basically talking about life during that period in time!!

i hope this helped atleast a sinch!! sorry dunno 4 sure! >_<

1 answer

maybe sinch they are mammals maybe you could take an eye drop bottle and warm up some milk in the eye drop bottle I know this because when I went camping with my dad me and my dads girlfriends son anyway we were walking in the backyard we found a baby bunny and on its neck were bite marks it surived a whole weekend without its mother

2 answers

Marketing automation service is a term used to describe software tools that help businesses automate their marketing and sales engagement operations in order to generate more leads, convert those leads into sales, and maximize their return on investment. Marketing automation is a form of software that automates marketing processes that are done repeatedly. Marketing automation is the use of technology to automate repetitive or challenging tasks. By automating ordinary marketing operations, marketing automation services aid in the optimization of existing marketing processes as well as the creation of new ones. Marketing automation can be used to track visits to blog sites and make decisions depending on the content they read.

3 answers

Yes, you can install a 240V outlet for a stick welder near your panel if there are available slots for a circuit breaker. Be sure to follow local electrical codes, properly size the circuit breaker and wire gauge for the welder's electrical requirements, and consider having a qualified electrician perform the installation to ensure safety and compliance.

2 answers

no that is impossible


incorrect. 1st of all in Blackest Night, Ray Palmer (atom) became a member of the Indigo Tribe when he was only 6in. tall. During so you can see that the ring actually shrinks to size. Now thats just an indigo ring, however all the rings in the emotional spectrum are counter-parts of Oan tech. Meaning if 1 ring can do it, all the rings can unless stated otherwise.

And plus, the ring can do anything, like maipulate matter. Ever heard of a shrink ray? Lanterns can do that. So if they can shrink other objects w/o a sinch, ~boy it must be impossible to shrink oneself~. that also means lanterns are also alchamists, meaning u can turn a common day table into a gun if ya wanted, fyi

1 answer

You need 3 or 4 people if the bike is heavy.(Ideally) Empty the petrol tank .You need a section of channel steel about an inch wider than the back tyre to guide the bike onto the bed.It needs to be about 8ft long.Some shops sell these oe get an engineering shop to make one .I f the bike is light ,like a trail bike you can get away with using a scaffold plankbut nail on some wooden guide strips about 1inch squareon the edges..Put the bike in neutral and push it onto the bed.The tallest strongest person should steer the bike up the ramp standing to the side of the ramphoding the bars.! person pushes and another stands on the bed to grab the front and to check the top of the ramp does not slip offthe bed .Put the front wheel against the front of the bed so it cant go forward.Use a separate tie down(rachet type) hooked to the top of each fork.Compress the forks and sinch up the rachet.The 2 front tie downs should be angled apart about 20 degrees or so from straight ahead. The rear of the bike should be secured with 2 other tie downs also splayed apart-sit on the bike to compress the rear suspension and tighten up the rachet.Do not put the bike on a main stand.A side stand is ok.Drive slowly and check bike for movement after driving a few miles. Really heavy bikes should be loaded with a crane.Alternative is to hire a bike trailer.

1 answer

Squirtle or Charmander are the better Pokemon in my opinion.

Charmander will get you through the Viridian Forest easily and by the time you reach the first gym you should have learned metal claw, making it a sinch. However, when it comes time to hike through Mt. Moon, it might be a little tricky with a fire Pokemon. But most of the trainers are bug catchers so it shouldn't be too much of a problem. Stack up on potions and run from wild Pokemon if things get tricky. I would recommend picking up a Pikachu in the Viridian Forest or an Odish in Cerulean City to help you defeat the second gym which is water.

Squirtle doesn't work so well in the Viridian Forest but it's all mainly caterpies or metapods so it's not really a problem. Also, if you really are struggling, you can also just walk on the non-grass areas and try to avoid trainers (which is not a very good idea because you'll need to buy potions a poke balls soon after). Then the first gym and Mt. Moon are a piece of cake. I would recommend picking up a Pikachu in the Viridian Forest and an Odish in Cerulean City to help you defeat the second gym which is water.

All of the starters are good but there is a lack of fire and water Pokemon especially early on while their are tons of good grass Pokemon throughout the game.


The best answer is Charmander. Because, even though the first gym is hard, he learns metal claw, and that kills the geodude and onix. The water gym isn't hard, as long as you catch and train an oddish. keep training, and he'll become a strong-as-hell charizard. it's your choice.

1 answer

If your talking about the automotive company, then here's my short answer.

Honda has been around September 24, 1948. Honda is known for it's economical cars, getting high gas mileage, and depending on the person's taste doesn't sacrifice looks. Not considering all the dumbasses with crazy bodykits gigantic spoilers and giant rims, Honda's also have amazing track capability. Older Honda's around the 90s era have lightweight cars made for daily commuting. Due to this, many people have built lightweight the single cam and dual cam motors displaced in these cars to the limit, making 9 second quarter mile times a sinch. Honda being an economical company also have racing inspired version to the basic cars such as the Civic or Integra (known as Acura integra or Acura RSX here in the states) Including the Civic si, Crx si, Integra Type R, Integra gs-r etc. Honda is also known for having variable valve timing life and electronic control or "VTEC" which was originally designed again, for economical reasons. Honda has endless strengths, even though the only RWD cars they produced were the S2000(Most horsepower per liter car at one point) and the NSX(MId engine masterpiece), the Integra (94-2001) was crowned the best FWD car ever made.

2 answers

, Im a girl gamer , Yes very rare. I am 12. I came accross assains creed 1. And to be very honest, I was so disopointed. But i then went on to assains creed2. Basically I didn't get too far into the storyline of the first creed game. Any way. As i just lept into creed 2 i wasn't sure on the story ( i didn't really get it ) but as i got futher on in the game i found my self , indered, like i was no longer playing but i was with Ezio Audierie ( main assain in creed 2). i felt i was running with him , seeing the sites he sees ( some very emotional). The story is amazing, if you'r thinking of buying an xbox 360 game , no hands down , please get this game. It's mine blowing. The twist are amazing aswell as the whole game. it is very sad, and the juicy bit where you get to become an assains is unblievable near the start of the story. Okay how to complete this ? let your fingers do the work on the control stick cos you and your brain are basicaly in the game. I mean it !. My mom asked me a question and i said wait a minet Ezio. Yes that's how addicting the game is. I played on it 2 nite in a row. it sadly took 1 night to complete, which didn't stop me from restartthing this mental adventure. Ezios eminies are my enimes , i feel , like this game is amazing ( ooh and ) good news for those who loved creeds 1 and 2. there is more creeds to come as the story says , allways an assains , allways a assiain. I mean go on Youtube Assains creed 2 ending ( its a spoiler but you wil see why i think theres a secound one comen out) but of corse guys any one who has seen the art work put into these games will know how many years it takes to make a game, let alone a new Assains charictar. I mean with Ezios abbilty , your going to need one heck of an exiting charicitar too pull over Ezio. he is by far the most indeering charictar ever. The story is breathe taking. WARNING if you don't like seeing young children being hung , ask an adult to complete sinch 6. Thank you ... his father/older brother/ 12 year old brother get hung, as his father is in det with a very important man who Ezios father befriended, trusted. Not knowing this would result in , murder. To think this game all started over a letter ( well in my opinion that is how the creed 2 ALL started. first one i have no idea. Be free to tel me how i would apreseat it . See u on live ppl add me for help ;) thanks

1 answer

Answer is very simple and it is very clear that Intel core 2 duo vs Intel dual core any more similar. The similarity of names makes even many computer geeks confused when asked to do a comparison of Intel core 2 duo and Intel dual core.

Intel Pentium D CPU comprises of two dies, each containing a single core residing next to each other on a multi-chip module package. The Pentium D consumes a relatively high power. It runs very hot and is not a good OverClocker.

Intel Dual Core is the first dual-core CPU from Intel. The Dual core makes use of two cores on a single die i.e it has two chips in one package. It solves the problem of overheating ofIntel Pentium D without compromising on the performance.

Intel Core 2 Duo processors are the next gen processors from Intel. It is developed with a new Architecture called Core. The new architecture of Intel core2 duo makes it a lot better processor that runs cool. Most importantly the Intel core2 duo is a super over clocker.

9 answers

The Virginia Plan was more of a "large states plan." the key issue was Resolve two, which states that Legislature should have two branches, the House of Representatives and the Senate, both of which take votes on issues by proportional representation. "Resolved therefore that the rights of suffrage in the National Legislature ought to be proportioned to the Quotas of contribution, or to the number of free inhabitants, as the one or the other rule may seem best in different cases." Meaning that sinch Virginia has a larger population than New Jersey, Virginia gets more votes than New Jersey. The small states were extremely opposed to allowing this to happen, since the large states would swallow the small ones with their votes, making it near impossible for the votes of the small states to have any effect in the decisions of the country. The New Jersey plan was directed more to the advantage of the small states, with only ONE branch in legislature which allows only one vote per state. That would put every state on an equal level, but on the downside, sometimes the majority of the population would not get their wish.

5 answers

The term 'break a horse' is not used much anymore as it implies cruelty to the horse. In the old days however breaking a horse meant to 'saddle train' a horse by throwing a saddle on it and a heavy rider and letting the horse attempt to buck the rider off until it gave in, thus breaking the horses will and spirit. This is not done by true horse lovers anymore. The best way is to get the horse accustom to the saddle and bridle over a period of years until you can saddle the horse up and 'back' it by laying across the saddle and eventually sitting upright in it and having someone lead the horse around with you on it's back. It may take weeks to get the horse used to this, but you will not harm the horse with this method.

9 answers

i no have the codebreaker but there is the game shark y algunas ayuditas:

[M] Must Be On
Infinite HP
Maximum HP
Infinite Zenny
Full Custom Guage
Hyper Mode
No Random Battles
Have 99 Regular MB
Have 9999 Bug Pieces
Allow 30 MegaChips in Folder
Allow 30 GigaChips in Folder
Max Attack
Max Rapid
Max Charge
Max Weapon Level
Buster Max Charged
Buster does Max Damage
Delete Enemies [Press Select]
10 Chips In-Battle
Chips Deal 5000 Damage
Cheap Chip Trader
Delete Time at 0:00
Rank S***
Easy Button Tests
Have all Subchips
Quick Level Gain
Have Navi Customizer
All Navi Blocks Compressed

Complete Library+
Part 1
Part 2

Style Equipped:
Elec Guts
Heat Guts
Aqua Guts
Wood Guts
Elec Cust
Heat Cust
Aqua Cust
Wood Cust
Elec Team
Heat Team
Aqua Team
Wood Team
Elec Shld
Heat Shld
Aqua Shld
Wood Shld
Elec Ground
Heat Ground
Aqua Ground
Wood Ground
Elec Shdw
Heat Shdw
Aqua Shdw
Wood Shdw
Elec Bug
Heat Bug
Aqua Bug
Wood Bug

Equipped Navi Programs
Air Shoes
Shinobi Dash
Press Program
Humor Sense
Black Mind
Aim Fish
Oil Body
Battery Mode
Jungle Land
Rush Support
Beat Support
Tango Support
Custom 1
Change Energy
Quick Gauge
Under Shirt
Buster Max
Bug Stopper
MegaFolder 1
GigaFolder 1
Dark License
Super Armor
Shadow Shoes
Float Shoes
Break Buster
Break Charge
Custom 2

Set Metal
Set Green
Set Ice
Set Magma
Set Sand
Set Holy
MegaFolder 2
Dark License

Have Navi Cust Blocks:
Super Armor
Break Buster
Kawarimi Magic
Break Charge
Set Green
Set Ice
Set Lava
Set Sand
Set Metal
Set Holy
Custom#1 (Y)
Custom#1 (B)
Custom#2 (B)
MegaFolder#1 (P)
MegaFolder#1 (G)
MegaFolder#2 (G)
Shadow Shoes
Float Shoes
Shinobi Dash
Oil Body
Aim Fish
Battery Mode
Jungle Land
Air Shoes
Under Shirt
Quick Gauge
Rush Support
Beat Program
Tango Support
Weapon+1 (W)
Weapon+1 (P)
Weapon+1 (Y)
HP+100 (W)
HP+100 (P)
HP+100 (Y)
HP+200 (W)
HP+200 (P)
HP+200 (Y)
HP+300 (W)
HP+300 (P)
HP+300 (Y)
HP+500 (W)
HP+500 (P)
HP+500 (Y)
RegMB+5 (W)
RegMB+5 (P)
RegMB+5 (Y)
Attack+1 (W)
Attack+1 (P)
Attack+1 (Y)
Rapid+1 (W)
Rapid+1 (P)
Rapid+1 (Y)
Charge+1 (W)
Charge+1 (P)
Charge+1 (Y)
Bug Stopper
Humor Sense
Buster Max
Saito Patch
Dark Licence

Virus Breeding:
Have all Viruses
Infinite Food
Max Attack: Mettaur
Max Attack: Bunny
Max Attack: Swordy
Max Attack: Spikey
Max Attack: Mushy
Max Attack: Jelly
Max Attack: KillerEye
Max Attack: Momogra
Max Attack: Scuttlest
FF54B51C92A3 Max HP

Infinite Zenny

All Sub Chips

No Random Battles

Library Complete

All P.A. Notes

All Key Items

Chips Do 9999 Damage

Max Attack

Max Charge

here ya go my pall

Max HP

Infinite Zenny

All Sub Chips

No Random Battles

Library Complete

All P.A. Notes

All Key Items

Chips Do 9999 Damage

Max Attack

Max Charge

here ya go my pall

Max HP

Infinite Zenny

All Sub Chips

No Random Battles

Library Complete

All P.A. Notes

All Key Items

Chips Do 9999 Damage

Max Attack

Max Charge

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Submitted by: zeriah

on January 17, 2009

UnlockablesBack to top

Unlockable Weapons easy bug style

UnlockableHow to unlock bug styleerror with sneakrun program makes you run into more virusesinvincablegrass style + grass stageinvincable almostdark aura + sanctuarydeadlytriple area grab grass stage meteors 4 fire +30 on grass styleantimagic modcodel3kjgueo Add more "Unlockable Weapons"

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Submitted by: anonymous

on September 22, 2012

TipsBack to top

A way to get chips easy This is a easy way to get lots of Battlechips without the chip order at higsbys.

First get a lavastage chip and preset it (PM me if you don't know how)now go to an area where there are viruses that move around on the ground and have HP 1-150 (For best results) and use lavastage which should kill the viruses fast giving you a good rank. (this also helps with battling the alpha/beta navis as well)

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Submitted by: GamedudeV5

on February 17, 2004

All the Modcodes I could find. Here are some Modcodes I found in the game. If anyone can find any more not on this list, please e-mail me(go to my profile).

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Submitted by: Michael ******* (Taisho)

on October 24, 2003

Best Chip When you search for the lion computer or the demon computer, 1 of them takes you to Undernet 2 and there will be a bug trader in there (dont bother trying to explore the area)
He will sell the GigaChip called FoldrBack
this chip makes your used chips comeback in BATTLE so if you use a lot of chips this is your choice.

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Submitted by: Chopper

on December 18, 2008

Boss chips I found many bosses in the regular net. If you defeat them u will get there chips.this is all on the net!!

1. Flashman-near the acdc square port to the right.
2.Beastman-in scilab1. you go to the path near the station and follow the path till the first turn.
3.Bubbleman-in yoka near the bugfrag trader on the lower right section then turn up.

Level 2 bosses you have to find randomly in places.

1.Flashman2-is in acdc 2
2.Beastman2-in lans doghouse, you must have a sneak run.
3.Bubbleman2-is in beach 1.

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Submitted by: Megamaster

on November 01, 2005

Bug Frags the Easy Way It is recommended that you have Heat-Sheild Style it will be much easier. Guts Style is also good.

Go to ACDC1 and kill Mettaurs and Canodumbs right as they are about to attack. If you do this once in a battle you will get one bug frags, doing it twice will get you three and three time will get you eight bug frags.

To kill them it is recommended that you use the Flamethrower megabuster that Guts style has.

1. Line up three panels away from the virus you want to counter-attack

2. (Mettaur) as soon as the virus raises its axe, shoot your flamethrower, it should hit it as soon as it is about to hit the ground.

2. (Canodumb) when the purple target is one panel ahead of you use your Flamethrower. You will lose ten damage if you don't have a shield on.

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Submitted by: Tycrazy710

on April 23, 2009

Compression Codes To use these, you need the ModTools, just hold Select when the cursor is over the program,
WHICH MUST BE on the list. Then input the codes...

Program | Compression Code

Air Shoes | Up, B, B, Down, A, R
AntiDamage | L, Left, R, A, Right, Down
Battery | Right, R, Right, R, L, Left
Beat | A, Down, A, A, R, A
Black Mind | Right, Left, Right, Down, R, Down
Block | Down, B, Up, Down, A, Left
Break Buster | R, A, B, Down, L, L
Break Charge | B, A, Left, L, Up, B
Bug Stop | B, Down, Up, B, Down, B
Buster MAX | Down, A, R, R, L, Left, Left
Collect | B, Down, Right, R, Right, Right
Custom 1 | Right, Right, Right, Up, Left, B
Custom 2 | A, Down, Up, Down, R, Down
Dark License | R, L, R, Down, Left, B, R
Fast Gauge | B, Down, A, R, Left, R
Fish | L, R, Down Up, Left, Right
Float Shoes | Left, Down, Left, Down, Left, L
Hub Batch | B, Left, A, Down, Down, Up, L
Humor | Up, R, A, Left, Right, Right
Giga Folder 1 | L, Down, A, Down, R, B, Up
Jungle | A, R, Left, B, B, A
Mega Folder 1 | Right, R, Down, R, L, Left
Mega Folder 2 | A, R, Down, Down, Right, Left
Oil Body | Up, Right, A, A, R, Up
Reflect | B, Up, A, Left, Left, B
Rush | L, A, Down, B, B, B
Set Green | Down, R, R, Down, B, Left
Set Ice | A, Up, A, Up, Left, R
Set Lava | B, Right, Right, B, R, A
Set Sand | Left, A, A, B, Up, Left
Set Metal | B, R, Right, Right, L, L
Set Holy | A, B, R, R, Left, R
Shadow Shoes | Up, Left, Right, L, Up, R
Shield | Left, Right, Down, R, Down, R
Sneak Run | R, L, B, Down, Down, Down
Super Armor | Up, Right, Up, R, Up, Down
Tango | A, Down, Left, L, L, R
Under Shot | Left, Up, B, L, Left, Up

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Submitted by: Mega XZ

on July 03, 2004

Defeating ProtoMan Having trouble defeating ProtoMan? All you have to do is toss a prism in the middle of his side of the field. Every time he uses his sonic boom attack, it'll hit the prism and reflect back on him. Continue using prisms until he's defeated.

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Submitted by: Chaos Swordsman

on July 21, 2005

Defeating some of the Serenade Time Trials navis You have to defeat these navis in the time trials under the time limit with the extra folder:

Flashman(500hp): You have to defeat him in under 10 seconds using any extra folder you want to

Beastman{700hp): You have to defeat him in under 30 seconds using ant extra folder you want to

Bubbleman(800hp): You have to defeat him in under 40 seconds using any extra folder you want to

Desertman(1200hp): You have to defeat him in under 45 seconds using any extra folder you want to

Plantman(1300hp): You have to defeat him in under 40 seconds using any extra you want to

Flamman(1400hp): You have to defeat him in under 40 seconds using any extra folder you want to

Drillman(900hp): You have to defeat him in under 45 seconds using any extra folder you want to

Gutsman(700hp): You have to defeat him in under 15 seconds using any extra folder you want to

Metalman(800hp): You have to defeat him in under 20 seconds using any extra folder you want to

Kingman(1000hp): You have to defeat him in under 40 seconds using any extra folder you want to

Bowlman(1300hp): You have to defeat him in under 45 seconds using any extra folder you want to

Protoman(1300hp): You have to defeat him in under 45 seconds using any extra folder you want to

Darkman(1600hp): You have to defeat him in under 45 seconds using any extra folder you want to

Japanman(1800hp): You have to defeat him in under 40 seconds using any extra folder you want to

Here's the part that I'm going to tell you how to defeat SOME of the time trial navis:

Flashman: It's best to have Woodguts style for Flashman since when you have a Guts style,you could fire your Megabuster faster and you have to defeat him in under 10 seconds and your grass-type power attack does double damage to electric-type in our case you would be the wood-type and Flashman would be the electric-type.So get an extra folder that has alot of grass-type chips to defeat Flashman.

Beastman: It doesn't really matter what style change you have as long as your style change is a fire-type and does alot of damage.I used the Famousfolder which is located at the DNN studio.It's good to use Lavastage for Beastman cause he goes on lots of panels and since your style change is a fire-type, your panels will also change into lava but you won't get hurt since you're a fire-type and Beastman sometimes comes in your area to scratch you but you just dodge it and he will get hurt from one of your panels so he won't be able to touch you!

Bubbleman: As long as you have an electric-type style change which does alot of damage it'll be easier since electric-type does double-damage to water-type in our case you would be the electric-type and Bubbleman would be the water-type.So get an extra folder that has alot of electric-type chips,such as N1-folderB which is located in Hades Isle.

Desertman: My suggestion is that you should have Heatteam style for defeating Desertman because your power shot could shoot through the walls that protects Desertman and also attack him at the same time!I used the Famousfolder to defeat Desertman. Plantman: I used Heatteam style to defeat Plantman.Since my powershot does 50 damage, it'll do double damage to Plantman making my powershot to Plantman worth 100 damage since Plantman is a grass-type,he takes double damage from fire-type chips and attacks.I also used the Famousfolder to defeat Plantman but do NOT use Grass stage then Plantman would regain hp!Use a Lava stage on Plantman making each panel worth 100 damage for Plantman making it a total maximum of 900 damage take over half of Plantman's hp!Or you could use the Hadesfolder since it has more fire-type chips but I used the Famous folder cause it's easier for me.

Gutsman: It doesn't really matter what style change you have as long as it does alot of damage.I once again,used the Famousfolder.Use Lava stage as long as you have a fire-type style change for extra damage.

For Metalman,Kingman and Bowlman I just used the Famousfolder since it has more stronger chips than the other folders.Even though I didn't set a new record for Protoman yet,I also used Lava stage since he also comes on your panels too like Beastman.But have a fire-type style change for this.

Can anyone pleeaassse tell me an easier way to defeat Protoman,Darkman and Japanman?I tried the ways that the other cheats said how to but it was too hard for me!!!Thank you sooooo much!!!

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Submitted by: bob

on August 03, 2006

Dont Waste Money At Yoka when you get the lotto numbers, save infront of the machine in Yoka station, grab a peice of paper and a pencil and buy a whole bunch of candy bars. Make sure to write each lotto number you get on the piece of paper.

When you run out of money, turn off the game and turn it back on; you should be infront of the machine again and with all of your money but, since you wrote the lotto numbers down on the paper, you won't forget them when you get to the numberman machine and after all of that you still have all of your money.

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Submitted by: belowzero

on July 25, 2004

Easier Alpha Battle NOTE: This requires you to be a wood style. I recommend the wood shield style.

First you want to make sure that you have gaia-blade, a strong chip like slasher or salamander, the chips for P.A. mom-quake (2x Rockcube * and godstone) and a folderback. Use your wood twister to open up his little guarded area. Next you want to use your gaia-blade (of course with your strong chip behind it). By now you should have lowered his HP to somewhere around 1700-1500. Now use your trusty P.A. Mom-quake and then use your folderbak chip and start all over.

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Submitted by: AlphaOmega

on July 06, 2010

Easy Alpha and Bass battles An easy way is to have a lot of RndmMetr and Fire+30's (to add to the RndmMetr's) because they almost always hit him. They also work great to take out Bass's aura from the previous battle.

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Submitted by: flyingninja77

on September 08, 2011

easy bug frags go to yoka inn armour case before beating japanman v2 and there will be only metaur1 and 2 and just kill them with their pickaxe in air and you get 3-8 bugfags each time with no annoying viruses to bother

again this only works if you didnt beat japanman v2

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Submitted by: gr1mmjovv

on April 23, 2009

Easy chips When you need some chips get a friend who is farther than you or beaten the game.Use a link cable and go to "See libary" and when its done your friends chip libary will show some chips that you dont have.Then after the see libary trick go to Higsby's shop and "Order chips" then you can get chips that you never seen or got.I got Aura and Bass GS from my friend from doing this but it cost lot of zenny IF you are getting strong chips.

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Submitted by: Gotenks503

on August 21, 2003

Easy Way to Beat Alpha & Other Navis First, you have to be wood style. Then have undershot on your NaviCustomizer. Have grassstage as your regular chip. Use it and every time you get down to one HP, you will gain more and more HP; so you are almost invincible when you recover, because you never die (almost never). Also use lavastage when you are heat style. It takes 50 damage each time a virus steps on it.

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Submitted by: flareman23

on July 06, 2004

Easy way to beat Bass GS Place a Prism in the middle of Bass GS's side of the field when you battle him in Secret 3 after you beat Serenade and have put 300 bugfrags in the trader, which is also in Secret 3.

When Bass GS attacks, his attacks do 300+ damage, breaking his LifeAura and doing additional damage. If you want to make sure his attacks hit the Prism and himself, try AreaGrab. This is especially useful when he unleashes multiple blasts, hitting the Prism and KILLING HIMSELF in the process.

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Submitted by: 8420

on March 22, 2004

Easy way to get bug style to get bug style you must fight with a bugged navi. the easiest way i found was to go to navi custom and enter the modcode for reflect which is sk13eo1m ( the numbers are those weird symbols ). the code has you fight with one less chip though but the rewards are awesome. When an enemy attacks press b and <. if it was timed correctly the enemy takes 100 points of damage while you take none! P.S does not work on breaker attacks like hammer and heavy. if there are any questions just email me and i can help you out.

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Submitted by: Chaos610

on July 16, 2008

Fight Omega Navis After you earn the first five stars (not the mega class chips) press RRLRLRLL while holding left to fight omega navis.

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Submitted by: Seto Kaiba

on November 01, 2003

Firendly Omega Viruses After you have defeated all of the friendly viruses which has been sent to the virus breeder all you have obtained all of the virus chips{This also means that you defeated BOTH of the scuttlest families)you can be able to fight each of their bosses a.k.a.each of their omega versions but you must also give each species 100 bugfrags(I don't mean that you have to give EACH of the viruses 100 bugfrags!)ex.for meteurs,you have to give them a total of 100 bugfrags for all 3 of them in anyway you would want to.After giving 100 bugfrags,Megaman would say somethig like,'These viruses seem full already...Want to try giving it to a different one?'After that,talk to the program that takes care of the virus you just feeded.The program will congratulate you then give you a hint on how to find their boss/omega version.(I forgot what the hints were exactly were but I tell you where they're located.)Remember that you can only fight the omega viruses AFTER doing ALL the things I wrote before here!

Meteur Omega:
You can find Meteur omega inside the blackboard in Lan's school in ACDC and the blackboard is located in Lan's classroom,5A.

Bunny Omega:
You can find Bunny omega inside the bed on the 2nd floor of the Seaside hospital where Yai and Dr.Hikari was hospitalized.

Spikey Omega:
You can find Spikey omega inside the Panda Zoo computer in Zoo Area 2 somewhere at a dead end near Zoo Area 3.

Swordy Omega:
You can find Spikey omega inside the small pathway right next to the panda cage where there is a hidden jackpoint.

Mushy Omega:
You can find Mushy omega inside the hospital panel on the 3rd floor and it is the panel next to the emergency exit.As soon as you jack in to it,walk around the square where you jacked in.

Jelly Omega:
You can find Jelly omega inside the lion's head which is located at the Yoka inn mudbath.

Killereye Omega:
You can find Killereye omega inside a hidden jackpoint next to the virus lab which is located in Scilab next to the wall of the entrance.

Momogra Omega:
You can find Momogra omega in Yoka Area 1,where you fought Bubbleman.

Scuttlest Omega:
You can find Scuttlest omega in the WWW base next to the boat ther is a wall with a hidden jackpoint.

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Submitted by: bob

on August 29, 2006

Folder Problem if you want to defeat someone really badly just equip your best chips in 1 folder( at least have 200 hp chips and between 100-300, also have antidmage, 1 prism, 1 air shoes, at least 2 viruses familly, 1 zeus hammer, an aura or life aura or dark aura(optional), 1 foldrbak (must have!!!), 1 of the Rolls chips(best 1 is Roll v3), any protoman chip, 1 fast or slow gauge(optional), 1 magnum(optional), and varsword and cust sword.)
i hope it helps you,
...if you wanna know the best folder use mine
(god i write too much...)
1 Aqua,1 Electric,1 Bambo,1 Custom,1 and 1 Var swords.
2 Big Waves.(optional)
Magnums 2 and 3.(optional)
2 prisms(optional)
2 120 Recovery(must have!!!!)
3 200 Recovery(must have!!!)
1 300(must have!!!)
1 FstGauge(must have!!!!)
1 air shoes(must have!!!)
1 Mettaur(optional)
1 spikey(optional)
1 Scuttlst(must have!!!)
1 MetlStge(at least use holy panels)
1 AntiDmg(must have!!!)
1 ZeusHamr(must have!!!)
1 Aura or LifeAura(must have!!!)
1 Roll V3(must have!!!)
1 Protoman(must have!!!, and use any volume)
1 FoldrBak(definetly have this 1!!!!)

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Submitted by: MightyChopper

on January 15, 2009

Friendly viruses Mettaur: ACDC 1 past the skull door.

Bunny: Job 19.

Spikey: Demon Comp directly north of where you enter.

Swordy: Undernet 1 in the blue section's second dead-end.

Jelly: Beach 2 to the left of the Undernet entrance.

Mushy: Sci Lab 2 to the left of the Sci Lab Square entrance, in the tiny square.

Momogra: Zoo Comp 4 where you battled Beastman.

Killereye: Principal's PC 1 near the entrance to Principals PC 2.

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Submitted by: ss vegta

on February 11, 2006

Get all 200 chips To fight Serenade, you must have all 200 chips in your library. To get more chips fight gutsman and kill him right before he is about to attack you to get 10 bug frags. Now go to secret 3 and use the bug frag trader to get rare chips. You can also trade chips with a friend to get new ones.

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Submitted by: The Killer Bee

on February 26, 2005

Get Punk without Cheating Okay, this requires five things:

2x Game Boy Advance
1x Link Cable
MegaMan Battle Network 3: Blue
RockMan EXE 3: Black

First, play Black until you can get the Punk chip (you need the Mr. Famous Wristband) then put Blue in the other GBA and load it up, go to "Comm", and hit either Trade Chips or See Library, you then can buy or tarde Punk P over to your English version!

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Submitted by: CrystalLaser

on July 07, 2006

GutsMan V4 and BugFrags Note: to work this properly, you'll need to be Wood Team Style, and you must have mastered Custom Style.
When you're at the WWW base near Dex, you can get a lot of GutsMan V4 chips and BugFrags by killing him with this easy trick. Have GaiaSword * and Bass+ X in your folder. Add some more powerful attacks like Canballs and Salamander *. Add Custom+1 and Custom+2 into your NaviCustomizer (FastGauge also helps), and use this ModCode to fix the error: UTIXM1LA. Dodge GutsMan while hurting him, and when he gets in the front row, hit him with GaiaSword (combined with lots of strong chips) to counter him. If you beat him within 20 seconds (which you almost always do), GutsMan V4 is yours, and so are 10 BugFrags.

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Submitted by: flyingninja77

on September 08, 2011

How to EARN a Life aura I know a way that you can earn a Life aura without buying, trading or finding it. Equip the navicust program collect and go to secret 3.Run around the big area where the bug trader machine is located.If you get a battle against the scuttlest viruses, no other viruses with it, then just delete them and when they show you what chip you're going to get,99% it will be a Life aura!P.S.Life aura is a mega class chip!So that means that you're getting a mega class chip from a virus only!!!

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Submitted by: bob

on July 08, 2006

How to get mega-class chips from navis To get a V4 battlechip from a navi,defeat him inbetween 0-20 seconds with a level S (You MUST have any teamstyle to get a V4 chip this way otherwise you'll get a V3 chip instead)

To get a V3 battlechip from a navi,defeat him inbetween 20-30 seconds with a level S

To get a V2 chip from a navi,defeat him inbetween 30-40 seconds with a level S

To get a V1 chp from a navi,defeat him in over 40 seconds wth any level

NOTE:You MUST have the navicust program collect. (Which is located in the hidden computer in the WWW base on a wall near the boat)Install it and it'll make you get more chip data from your opponents so no matter how you battled your opponent, as long as you defeated him,you'll get some sort of chip from it.

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Submitted by: bob

on August 11, 2006

How to get the hammer You know those monoliths in the Secret area that you need a hammer for but you don't know where the hammer is? Here's how. 1st, defeat Flameman's ghost{Or,as known as Flameman v3} which is either in Undernet 4 OR 5 somewhere at a dead end. When you defeated his ghost, go to Yoka 1. Try running around Yoka 1 and you might randomly meet Flameman v3. To make it easier, I equiped a navi customizer program called Oilbody which will attract fire-type viruses. After you're done fighting Flameman v2 and Flameman v3, go to Undernet 6 and now you can be able to unlock Flameman's security cube. Then, go ahead where there's an arrow pointing to Undernet 7. If you're in Undernet 7, there will be a Spikey virus asking for 50 bugfrags so make sure that you have 50 bugfrags to give to the Spikey. After you gave the bugfrags, the Spikey will let you go through the passageway that it was blocking. When you get there, there will be a blue mystery data. That is the hammer. Oh, yeah. When you smash those monoliths, there will be lots of viruses to battle afterwards and you'll be that much closer to fishting Serenade...

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Submitted by: bob

on July 06, 2006

How to obtain all 7 stars!! #1 Beat Regular Story Mode up to Alpha
#2 Collect all 200 standered chips
#3 Beat BassGS (Must beat Serenade first then put 300 frags in the 10 frag trader)
#4 Beat The Time Trials
#5 Collect all 85 Mega class chips (You need to trade with someone who has the other version of the game)

At this point save and go to your title screen go to continue Hold your d-pad left then hit RRLRLRLL
you will notice all the stars move closer

#6 Beat all of the Omega Navis
#7 Complete the list of Program Advances

After all of this go to the World 3 Base and go into the match agaist Alpha Except he is now Alpha omega with 3000 hp beat him and get AlphaArm Sigma

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Submitted by: tj77

on August 12, 2003

how to open the doors in the secret areas for the door in secret area 1 that leads to area 2, have atleast 140 different battle chips in your standard chip library. for the door that is blocking a blue mystery data, find the four people who ask you quizes. 2 are at yoka, one at the hospital, and 1 at hades isle. for the door in secret area 2, you must collect one gigaclass chip. to do this, collect 200 bug frags and jack into the gargoyle at hades. use the teleporter and it will take you to the undernet. trade 200 bugfrags for folderbak and then you can open the door. for the first door you see in secret area 3, you must collect every virus family except the skuttle and skuttlest family. (the dudes wit the lifeauras) to open the door at the top of the steps, you must finish your standard chip library. (you will no you have finished it by either checking your library and seeing 200/200 or you can check by seeing if you have 2 stars)
be warned, behind this door is the underking serenade...

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Submitted by: Zackbagodounuts

on July 08, 2003

How to open those ANNOYING security cubes! Security cubes can be sooo annoying especially when you don't have a card to open them! But I have some good news people! I know how to open them!Here's how you can open them!

Flashman's cube:
Defeat Flashman v2 at a dead end near the ACDC square and defeat Flashman v3 at ACDC where he randomly appears

Beastman's cube:
Defeat Beastman v2 at a dead end in Scilab 1 and defeat Beastman v3 in Lan's doghouse{It's better to use Sneakrun} where he randomly appears

Bubbleman's cube:
Defeat Bubbleman v2 in Yoka 1 beside the bug frag trader and defeat Bubbleman v3 in Beach 1 where he randomly appears

Desertman's cube:
Defeat Desertman v2 in Beach 1 near the entrance to the hospital where there's a small area with a dead end and defeat Desertman v3 in the Yoka inn t.v. where he randomly appears

Plantman's cube:
Defeat Plantman v2 somewhere in Undernet 4 at a dead end and Plantman v3 in hospital computer 3 where he randomly appears

Flameman's cube:
Defeat Flameman v2 either in Undernet 4 OR 5 at a dead end and defeat Flameman v3 in Yoka 1{It's better to equip the Oilbody program} where he randomly appears

Drillman's cube:
Defeat Drillman v2 in Undernet 6 behind the net dealer and defeat Drillman v3 in Hades Isle where he randomly appears

I don't know if they have security cubes for Darkman and Japanman, But I'll tell you where you can find their v2's and v3's, just in case.

Defeat Darkman v2 in Secret net 1 at a dead end{You'll need the hammer to smash the monolithes to find the dead end} nad defeat Darkman v3 in Undernet 6 where he randomly appears

Defeat Japanman v2 in Secret net 2 at the top floor{You'll need to get past through the security statues} and defeat Japanman v3 in the Yoka inn armor case where he randomly appears

Hope that'll help you with opening thoes security cubes!

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Submitted by: bob

on July 06, 2006

how to use the nobeam series have you almost smashed ur gameboy advance or SP because nobeam1 2 or 3 didnt do squat? well thats because u didnt use it right. but ur thinkin (but there was a panel behind me that would hurt me!) well thats not what it means. there must be either a rock or ice cube behind you when you go to use the nobeam series. here is an example of what the field would look like:
*- rock or ice cube
m- megamans possition
p-other panels
e-enemy virus (i jus wanna spice up my diagram)

p p p p p p
* m p p e p
p p p p p p

so if u were in a position like that, nobeam would work.

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Submitted by: Zackbagodounuts

on July 08, 2003

Immunity from all first you need any type of wood style and grass stage battle chip plus undershirt navi program (it also helps if ya have +10 reg for grass stage)
first play grass stage then when they hurt you bad you go down to one and back up (wood power when on grass) then just blast em ( make sure ya have lots o'chips cause i used this on king man first and desertman and ran out both times)

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Submitted by: meanman280@yahoo.ca

on April 13, 2004

Japan man V3 If you want to find japan man V3 then go to yoka and jack in to the ARMOR and use sneak run.

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Submitted by: supreme king

on May 28, 2006

japanmans backup when fighting japanman he will call for backup. when the little things come they take panels. but if you shoot them with your buster be for they hit your squar they will explode.

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Submitted by: Super_Shadow_X

on August 08, 2006

Kill Bass(Forte) EXTREMELY Easily. Bass's(Forte's) aura is obviously the most annoying part of the battle. So, how does one get rid of the aura without wasting a chip? It's easy in Blue version (sorry White owners). The last level of the Shadow Style gives you the Anti-Damage NaviCust program. Equip it and get used to the action (<- and B). When fighting Bass(Forte), use this on almost any of his attacks, and it will instantly destroy his Aura. I don't even use chips for Bass(Forte) any more, just keep Anti-Damage-ing. He'll go down really easily. Shadow Style RULES!!!! The timing's trickier for Alpha(Proto), but the same principle applies. I don't know if this works on Bass(Forte) GS though, I've never gotten that far.
(By the way, that e-mail address is not mine.)

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Submitted by: Hitokiri Sephira

on May 03, 2004

Lightning,Salamander, Fountain, and Gaia Sword battle chips To use you need two have these styles
Elec style: Lighting battlechip
Heat style: Salamander battlechip
Aqua style: Fountain battlechip
Wood style: Gaia Sword battlechip

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Submitted by: ss vegta

on February 11, 2006

Make shield style your friend. The shield style(to me) is the best style in Mega Man BN3. It make not make you invincible, but it helps you a lot.If you have reflect, instal it in your navi cust.Master using reflect and every battle should be easy. Time it right and it will heal you. This makes fighting bosses a sinch!Especialy fighting Alpha.You can't reflect his arms,but you can reflect his machine gun. This is the fun part.As soon as Alpha attacks with his machine gun, get anywhere in the middle row and don't move but insted keep pressing back(D-pad)and B to activate reflect and send everything back at him! This should also expose his core as well. The damage depends on how many times you were able to reflect the machine gun fire. If done correctly,Alpha should lose around 400hp everytime you reflect the machine gun fire at him.If you are a pro at reflecting, you should be able to time the reflection right and heal yourself making you sorta invinsable! Don't forget that reflect can be used against any boss. The only exception is Bowlman and Desertman, you need something to protect yourself(i recomend lifeAura it saved my life many times). Have fun

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Submitted by: Latino mix

on June 29, 2006

More Bug Frags Go some where there are alot of mettaur viruses. when it raises its weapon and streches up destroy it. You will get a bugfrag for each one you do this to.

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Submitted by: Super_Shadow_X

on August 08, 2006

Numberman Machine Codes All the codes for the Numberman Machine in Higsby's shop. All these codes can only be used once:

01697824 CopyDmg *
03284579 HeroSwrd P
15789208 AirShot3 *
21247895 HiCannon *
31549798 Spreader *
33157825 GaiaBlde *
50098263 Muramasa M
54390805 Thndrblt *
63997824 VarSword F
65497812 Salamndr *
76889120 StpCross S
88543997 Tsunami *
95913876 GtStrght S
19878934 SetSand
23415891 AirShoes
24586483 SneakRun
41465278 WpnLV +1
67918452 QuickGge
11002540 SpinBlue
28274283 SpinGrn
72563938 SpinRed
77955025 SpinWht
90690648 Mr. Famous' wristband
05088930 Untrap
24586483 SneakRun
35331089 Unlocker
46823480 Untrap
56892168 FullEnrg
57789423 MiniEnrg
86508964 MiniEnrg
87824510 LockEnmy
99826471 FullEnrg

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Submitted by: Seto Kaiba

on November 01, 2003

PERMENANTLY repairing those panels I know battling Gutsman is sooooooooo easy but, to make it more easier, you can PERMENMANTLY stop him from smashing your panels! It's easy! Just make Metalstage as your regular chip every time you're going to battle Gutsman. When the battle starts, the 1st chip that you should is the Metalstage. Now he can't be able to break your panels! PERMENANTLY!

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Submitted by: anonymous

on July 06, 2006

Quiz Kids and Masters You probably run into some quiz people every once in a while. Here are the whereabouts of them:

  • Quiz kid #1: Yoka hotel hallway

  • Quiz kid #2: Hospital floor 3

  • Quiz Old Guy #1: Behind Yoka hotel and behind the rock at the bath to open secret area 1.

  • Quiz Old Guy #2 - At the top of the mountain at Hades Isle.

    Note: For Quiz Old Guy #2 you must beat the game.
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    Submitted by: flareman23

    on July 06, 2004

    secret area one i know how to destroy those statues....get zeushammer and use it... after you destroy it click on the blue thingy to get 5,000,00

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    Submitted by: naruto dude

    on June 01, 2007

    Security statues in Secret area 1 Here's a way to get rid of those security statues in Secret area 1.You'll need to have at least over 1000HP, a Zeus Hammer{250 DAMAGE}, a Barrier 200, 1 Folderback and 3 Anti-damages. When the battle starts, make sure that you MUST chose your BARRIER 200 1st! DO NOT CHOSE ANY OTHER BATTLECHIP! Now that you have your Barrier, DO NOT try to attack ANY of the statues especially the ones that does NOT say no.1 cause if you do attack, their Err-Del attack will take 1000 of your HP away! Next, chose the Anti-damage and activate it. Then use the Zeus Hammer and the no.1 statue will be deleted.{The statues have 250HP each}Now that you've attacked the other two at the same the same time, they'll use their err-del attack but, they activated your Anti-damage attack so you won't get hurt. The Barrier is there just in case if anything goes wrong. Just use the Folderback Giga-chip and all the chips will be restored. Just keep on repeating these steps until all of the statues are destroyed. Remember, this is ONLY for SECRET AREA 1!

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    Submitted by: bob

    on July 06, 2006

    Serenade time trails After you have beaten BassGS, notice that there new navis in the secret areas, if you beat them all under the time given you will get 1 star and the Dark Aura which repels damages bellow 300 and here is the part where you will really hate, you must use your Extra folder to beat them. The best folder to use is N1 Folder C. Here is the stretagy, there are 4 3 panel outs, 3 snakes, 2 area grabs, 1 repair, wood+30 and attack+10. First use the 2 area grabs (not on the enemy) and quickly use the 4 3 panel outs and use the snakes (on the last snake use the wood+30 and attack+10). This will knock out most of the enemies. For the navis, Sandman, Drillman, Bubbleman, Kingman, Gutsman and Protoman. Use the folders N1 folder A, Apprentice folder and Famous folder. The strategy for these folders depends on what chip you get. The best Navi Customizers are Hubatch, FastGauge, if you don't have the Hubatch pragram you can get it in Secret area 3, go to the place where the bugfrag trader is and near the place where you got the sanctury chip, just try to go from the upper side and walk on an invisible path that leads to a monolith with 20 battles, behind it is Hubatch. The best style for the time trails is Wood Bug Style, to get bug style you must fight while bugged in the Navi Customizer (dont use navi chips,invisible chips, barrier chips and Don't use more than one chip) for 100 battles. Goodluck with the time trails.

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    Verified by: Scuttlest231

    Submitted by: Megaman World

    on August 15, 2003

    Simple and easy way to kill Serenade! I found an easy way to kill serenade first get three antidmg doesn't matter what letters they have except for one,it should be an "M" then get an antinvi M and a muramasa M first use the two antidmg (not the "M") when he does the attack that he makes an explosion and some of the floors cracks let him hit you (with the chips being used one at a time) so you'll give him a 300 attack per antidmg and the last antdmg use the program advance (Antidmg M,Antinvi M,Muramasa M) that will automatically kill him and if you get the perfect pickin the beginning give you an "S" Rank.

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    Submitted by: emerl chao

    on June 08, 2006

    Simple Chips When link battling with a friend on the Medium or Hard levels get a 10 or and S. Sometimes you can get a new chip and your opponent won't loose one. This is also a way to get Delta Ray Edge.

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    Submitted by: orez

    on April 07, 2005

    Stop Drillman V3's Multidrill Attack When battling Drillman v3 he uses an attack that sends drills all over the place but you can stop this by finding the hole he is standing in and using a battle chip on him this will stop the drills and damage him unfortunately the drills go faster than I can move so be quick!

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    Submitted by: Cole Farrand

    on April 12, 2010

    Styles, easy way to get Shadow Style use Invis Battle chip
    Custom Style use alot of Battle chips
    Team style use Navi chips
    Shield Style use Recovery and Defensive chips.
    Guts Style use your Mega Buster
    Ground Style use chips that will change the battlefield
    Bug style (HARD TO GET) Have a bug

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    Submitted by: ss vegta

    on February 11, 2006

    Super Sensor 3 First, have Ice Stage * as you Regular chip, use Ice Stage and then set up Sensro 3, it hits about 5 times doing 120 damage, but with Ice Stage it will 260 each time, 5 x 260 = 1300 with two chips. Use other Elec Chips whle Sensor 3 is keeping the enemy in one place

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    Submitted by: CrystalLaser

    on July 18, 2006

    V2 navis Flashman V2: ACDC 3 by the dead-end near the ACDC Square entrance
    Beastman V2: SciLab 1 in the bottom part where you first enter, turn right then straight up
    Bubbleman V2: Yoka 1 by Bug Dealer, on small dead-end walkway
    Desertman V2: Beach 1 to the right part of the Hospital Comp
    Plantman V2: Undernet 4 to the right part of the tower, near the warp point
    Drillman V2: Undernet 6 behind the Net Dealer
    Darkman V2: Secret Net 1 past the Monolith, turn right to the dead-end
    Japanman V2: Secret Net 2 past the Securtity Crystal on the top floor
    Flashman V3: Random encounters in ACDC 2
    Beastman V3: Random encounters in Lan's Doughouse.

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    Submitted by: ss vegta

    on February 11, 2006

    CheatsBack to top

    1000 HP Code Here is a HP password to get using the mod tools when there is no error. press select when the navicust is running and enter :

    HP+1000: CNJDU2EM Causes a glitch that panels
    to turn to poison after you walk on them

    Verify this cheat I would like to report a problem with this cheat

    Verified by: GamedudeV5

    Submitted by: Darkeyes41

    on November 08, 2003

    HP+ 350 Mod code Use the following code to get 350 free HP without a program. This must be entered every time you RUN the navicust.

    HP+350 Mod code

    1 answer