Samarium is a silvery-white metal in its pure form. When oxidized, it can develop a yellowish or silvery-gray coloration.
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They are silvery metals that conduct electricity.
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Luna Lovegood's eyes are silvery grey.
In the movies they are blue.
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which content is the silvery blue butterfly live in
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A blond haired man is sometimes called a tow-head. Some other synonyms for blond might be sandy haired, fair haired, or even golden or yellow haired.
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It is not known if the Silvery Marmoset is allergic to anything, however they are highly gluten sensitive. The Silvery Marmosets live together in family groups.
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if their is a long haired relative
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Goldfish Is a Silvery fish and it has 8 letters its name.
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By the Light of the Silvery Moon - song - was created in 1909.
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If you have a silvery substance on the back surface of your diamond, it is not a diamond.
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Fair-haired (and light-haired) are translated 'blond' (masc.) or 'blonde' (fem.) in French.
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That would most certainly be the dachshund. There are different types though. The long haired miniature, long haired, smooth haired miniature, smooth haired,
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You can determine if a kitten is long-haired by looking at the length of its fur. Long-haired kittens will have noticeably longer fur compared to short-haired kittens.
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To determine if your kitten is long-haired, observe the length of its fur. If the fur is noticeably longer than short-haired breeds, then your kitten is likely long-haired.
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The Latin name for the Silvery Blue butterfly is Glaucopsyche lygdamus.
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The duration of By the Light of the Silvery Moon - film - is 1.68 hours.
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it does not make a difference if they are long haired
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Toygers can be long or short haired, though the short haired is the most common variety. Boxer dogs are always short haired, and their colors range from fawn to brindle.
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It really depends on how healthy the hair is because just pretend you have one short haired dog and one long haired dog and i have one short haired dog and one long haired dog. You take GREAT care of the long haired dogs fur and not as good care of the short haired dogs fur and i am just the opposite. My short haired dogs fur will be stronger than my long haired dogs fur and your long haired dogs fur will be stronger than your short haired dog. So it just depends on how you care for the hair.
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The natural color of magnesium is a shiny grey-white or silvery-white.
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By the Light of the Silvery Moon - film - was created on 1953-03-26.
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By the Light of the Silvery Moon - album - was created on 1953-03-13.
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it is silvery becuase when it breaks it refects on the sun or light , and then it becomes the couler you seee .( :
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You can tell if a kitten is long-haired by looking at its fur. Long-haired kittens will have fluffy, thick fur that appears longer than short-haired kittens. Additionally, long-haired kittens may have tufts of fur on their ears and paws.
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Well, there isn't one main cross. Two guinea pigs I had (one was short haired and the other one was long haired) gave birth to three guinea pigs. Two were short haired and the other was long haired. Hope I helped!
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It all depends on the type of Dachshund! (wire haired, smooth/short haired, long haired) Long haired Dachshunds have a loving, affectionate personality. Short/smooth haired have a loving, sometimes protective, personality. They can be frisky. Wire haired have a frisky personality, but can be affectionate. Overall, i would say they have a great personality, although every dog is different!!
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