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The Union Army of the Potomac.

1 answer

The english settlement sieged west brazil

1 answer

Sieged doesn't rhyme with many other words. You might want to change sieged into another word such as blockade or just a surrounding force. Whenever I have trouble finding words that rhyme with another, I go to a handy website, rhymezone.com .

2 answers

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Leningrad is a Russian City. What happened was it was heavily sieged by the Germans in the second World War. It is believed that the siege killed 632,000 people.

1 answer

Yes, it's the simple past of the verb - to siege (or more usually - to lay siege to, or to besiege), but it can be a noun as well - a siege.

1 answer

Dead battery, bad starter, sieged motor. Sounds like it's electrical.


1 answer

Islam did, Mehemet the second sieged Constantinople. After being conquered it became the ottoman's capital now called Istanbul.

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The war in Europe ended when soviet troops sieged Berlin and top Nazi commanders suicide to escape trial.

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by both being dictators their rise for power was great so both sieged each others land. in hopes to defeat one another.

1 answer

Yes, it was the Holy City to the christians and catholics and they sieged the city to retake the church when the Muslims tried to change the religion to Orthodox instead of Catholic. This started crusades which were made to expand the Catholic beliefs.

1 answer

the British were forced to surrender to the Americans, helped by their allies, the French. They sieged the city.There was a total of 381 men dead and 8087 British troops were captured. Spain helped the colonies(13 colonies) with providing money and goods.

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The Battle of Kanpur (or Cawnpore) was a battle in the Indian Rebellion of 1857. The city was sieged and the British were unprepared. They surrendered to an Indian rebel force, but their escape turned into a giant massacre, as those captured were later executed by the East India Company.

1 answer

It wasn't a British General it was General George Washington and later on he set up Fort Necessity which was later sieged by the French until George Washington surrendered.

2 answers

Hundreds of thousands, most likely.

In the movie the Whie Wizard said the army was 10,000

3 answers

He sieged the Hebrews and held them captive, taking away there belief, never to return home again. He made them like the Neo- Babylonian empire, so they would not want to return home. He sold some as slaves, and some of the smarter people went to teach, or similar things.

1 answer

Hitler was an insignificant private and courier during World War I.

20 years later Hitler and the nazi party sieged power in Germany and turned it into a war machine. With the invasion of Poland Nazi Germany effectively started World War II in which Hitler was the prime leader of the axis(aka the "bad guys") fighting against the allies.

1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 6 words with the pattern --EGE-. That is, six letter words with 3rd letter E and 4th letter G and 5th letter E. In alphabetical order, they are:







1 answer

It depends on what perspective(s) you are studying - strategical/military, environmental, socioeconomic, etc.

From a military point of view, sieges are good for the army that is sieging because casualties can be greatly reduced as opposed to rushing a fortified position. Sieges are bad for the sieging army because they are expensive since they can take a lot of time - soldiers need to be fed and paid, disease can spread through the army, supplies can run low and the siege can fail if it is not well supplied.

Sieges are good for the army getting sieged because there is time to make plans, regroup, make better defenses, and all while not suffering too many casualties. Sieges are bad for the army getting sieged because supply routes are cut off, so food and water stocks will be worn out as the siege progresses. Siege equipment will also damage the fortification during the process of the siege.

There are just a few things but there are surely more that you can think about!

1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern --EGED. That is, six letter words with 3rd letter E and 4th letter G and 5th letter E and 6th letter D. In alphabetical order, they are:


1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 5 words with the pattern -IEGE-. That is, six letter words with 2nd letter I and 3rd letter E and 4th letter G and 5th letter E. In alphabetical order, they are:






1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern -IEGED. That is, six letter words with 2nd letter I and 3rd letter E and 4th letter G and 5th letter E and 6th letter D. In alphabetical order, they are:


1 answer

Yes, he did conquer the Aztecs by himself

Well, he did have an army with him.

Some factors that helped him:

-He was welcomed by the Aztec emperor, who later was taken prisoner by him

-A lot of them died because of the new diseases from Europe

-He raised an army adding every culture oppressed by the Aztecs

-Hi had superior firepower and tactics: as Tenochtitlan city was founded over a lake with only a few bridges as connection to mainland he sieged the city until everyone died of starvation.

1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 8 words with the pattern -IE-ED. That is, six letter words with 2nd letter I and 3rd letter E and 5th letter E and 6th letter D. In alphabetical order, they are:









1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 2 words with the pattern SIE-ED. That is, six letter words with 1st letter S and 2nd letter I and 3rd letter E and 5th letter E and 6th letter D. In alphabetical order, they are:



1 answer

The British had sieged the city of Boston and the people of Boston suffered through that winter. Conditions were bad and they were down to burning church pews for the wood. On March 4-17 the final battle over Boston raged and the British removed their troops to Halfiax on the 17th. They had held Dorchester Heights overlooking Boston. I would imagine that the men who had been involved with the movement against the British forces were " jubilant." Yet, they were soon to face one of the first major battles of the war in New York.

1 answer

According to Alamo Dead Texan List, no Italian voulonteer was inside the sieged fort. This report agrees with historical moment: no significative emigration and not availablity of news between Italian patriots, busy in continuative home riots against Austrian and collabs troops and police.

One only Italian was in President Santa Ana's Army, though not present at the Alamo: Major General Vicente Filisola ( It.: Vincenzo Filisola ), born near Amalfi, may be conscript in Murat's Army in Spain and then Spanish Officer destinated to Mexico.

1 answer

The battle of Kanauj was fought between Sher Khan and the Mughal rulers, In 1540 ce the two armies clashed at kanauj.The Mughal forces were defeated by Sher Khan.Sher Khan became the master of Delhi and Agra and assumed the title of Sher shah.Mughal rule came to an end and was replaced by Afghan rule.

2 answers

The British had sieged the city of Boston and the people of Boston suffered through that winter. Conditions were bad and they were down to burning church pews for the wood. On March 4-17 the final battle over Boston raged and the British removed their troops to Halfiax on the 17th. They had held Dorchester Heights overlooking Boston. I would imagine that the men who had been involved with the movement against the British forces were " jubilant." Yet, they were soon to face one of the first major battles of the war in New York.

1 answer

The British had sieged the city of Boston and the people of Boston suffered through that winter. Conditions were bad and they were down to burning church pews for the wood. On March 4-17 the final battle over Boston raged and the British removed their troops to Halfiax on the 17th. They had held Dorchester Heights overlooking Boston. I would imagine that the men who had been involved with the movement against the British forces were " jubilant." Yet, they were soon to face one of the first major battles of the war in New York.

1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 33 words with the pattern -IE-E-. That is, six letter words with 2nd letter I and 3rd letter E and 5th letter E. In alphabetical order, they are:


































1 answer

The cause of the Boxer Rebellion were pretty much two things: primarily the intrusion of westerners and their Christian missionaries and the weakness of the Qing dynasty. During some time in 1898, a group of Chinese people were fed up and sick of the way westerners were acting in their village. Thus in their outrage they killed the westerners and rallied up a numerous amount of other followers who had anti-foreign sentiment. They were called The Righteous Fists of Harmony or Boxers as westerners called them. The Boxers decided to march to the Forbidden City and do something about the weak government. Along the way, they continued to gather more and more Chinese people with anti-foreign attitude. When they got to Peking (Beijing) the Boxers held it hostage for 55 days. Western powers decided to secure China and sieged Peking. With the mighty force of western technology, it was fairly simple for the western powers to dominate the already weakened China.

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He defeated the Cimmerians and Scythianshe tried to invade Egypt in 601 BC. He stopped rebellions in Jerusalem in 597 BC, where he expelled King Jehoiakim, then in 587 BC where he burned the temple, actions mention in the books 2 Kings and Jeremiah and 2 Chronicles of the Bible. He sieged Tyre (585-572 BC). After all of this, and another failed invasion of Egypt and successfully conquering Phonecia, he stopped warfare and focused on domestic improvements.

2 answers

Being a solider back then was a very serious affair, there were many wars especially against the French and Spanish. It therefore had to increase the size of it's Navy, and became a very formidable force on the sea. People had mixed views about soldiers, in large towns soldiers would be a symbol of authority and would be used to break up fights or enforce order and defend royal artefacts. The Irish at this time were rebelling against English rule, they worked with the Spanish and a battle took place in Kinsale in southern Ireland, were the Spanish took control of the town and the English sieged the encamped Spanish soldiers who had landed as part of an armada. The Irish rebels surrounded the English but the battle was won by the English because of a lack of communication between the Spanish and the Irish. Being a sailor could cause family issues as they could be away for sometimes years at a time, some sailors were even forced into the Navy, an action that became a more common practice as the centaury's carried on.

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Odysseus was the king of Ithaca, husband of Penelope and father of Telemachus. He had originally been a suitor of Helen, cousin of Penelope and the most beautiful woman on earth, but he saw how many other suitors she had so asked to marry Penelope instead. But since he had originally intended to court Helen, he had to go to war when Paris, prince of Troy, stole her away from Sparta and her husband Menelaus. He managed to find Achilles, who had been hidden by his mother Thetis, a nymph, because she knew that he would die if he went to war. He thought of the Trojan Horse and was one of the soldiers hidden inside, which was a dangerous task in case the Trojans decided to set fire to the horse instead, but of course they brought it in and the Greeks sieged Troy. The war took ten years, but Odysseus didn't go home for another ten years, because several of the gods, namely Poseidon, were still angry at him and prevented him from going home. The Odyssey by Homer is all about his journey back home. Several of his challenges were the Cyclops Polyphemus, the witch Circe, Calypso, the Lotus Eaters, and the Sirens.

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What many students of the US Civil War often overlook concerning Union General William T. Sherman was the fact that despite his successes and value to the Union, Sherman never won an open field battle against the Confederate army. A close look at his actions in the war will demonstrate that unlike Sheridan, or McClellan, Sherman's exploits never included an open battle field victory. He raided, he sieged, but he never won such an open field battle. For example, when Sherman led the combined armies of the Cumberland and the Tennessee, and the Ohio, this was over 110,000 troops versus Johnston's 65,000. Johnston retreated. Against Hood, Sherman dispatched generals Thomas and Schofield to deal with Hood. Instead he coordinated raids on Southern supplies that could be used for war.

2 answers

Technically, it wasn't a war.

A battle occured when the Makkans wanted to either defend their caravan or wipe out the Muslims.

The battle of badr was a defense for Abu Sufyan's caravan, (Abu Sufyan was the leader of the Quraish, the dominant tribe in Makkah). The Caravan had the possesions of the Muslims who left Makkah. The verse in the Quran then was revealed, which allowed the Muslims to fight for what was theirs.

Uhud was a battle in which Makkans wanted to finish the Muslims. Same with the battle of the trench.

After the prophet conquered Makkah, he went to the Kabah and destroyed all the idols. There was no bloodshed in this conquest. The Prophet invited the Makkans to come to Islam, and one by one or group by group did. Those who were extremely radical and still against the prophet were killed because they posed a threat to the prophet.

As a chieftan of a tribe would convert to Islam, their tribe would follow.

But there was one battle left to fight after the conquest.

A Nearby city, Taif, was still a center of Idolatry. They assembled an army and marched toward Makkah. Those quraish who had not converted to Islam yet joined with the Prophet's army, as a cause to defend their city.

at the battle of Hunain, the idolaters were defeated, and Taif was then sieged until they surrendered.

1 answer

He was the King of Babylon from about 605 to 562BC. He built fortification walls,a huge temple and a ziggurat -that was rectangular tower-like building. He conquered Palestine. He destroyed Jerusalem, and for the Jews the "Babylonian Captivity" had started. He built the Hanging Gardens of Babylon -he built it for his wife, Amytis of Media, who missed the flowers and wealth of nature of her birthplace (it was considered one of the "Seven Wonders of the Ancient World" - it was a multi-levelled garden reaching 22 metres height, a special machinery was built in to circulate water, as a result, large trees grew on the roof).

7 answers

It was established by Alexander the Great as a Macedonian city when he conquered Egypt. Greeks flocked there to live off the Egyptians, and it became a large Greek centre under the rule of Alexander's general Ptolemy and his Macedonian successors, including Cleopatra. It became the second largest city of the Roman Empire when Augustus captured Egypt and placed it under a Roman governor.

It was taken over by the Arab invasion of North Africa, but the Greek population remained, still represented today by the minority Copt population.


Alexander III of macedonia (AKA Alexander the Great) invaded Egypt burned Tyre at which point the rest of Egypt surrendered except for Gaza which he sieged into submission.

He then put his general Ptolomy on the throne of Egypt. The town "Alexandria" was named after him in about 331 BC and was a sea trading port. No city existed in that location prior to it's building and therefore it was home to many different cultures, however it may suprise you that during it's time it was the largest urban Jewish community in the world!

Was it a Greek Colony then? Well no more than the whole country was. the Egyptians and Greeks didn't have the same concept of coutry borders as we do. They would not have seen it as a colony, but more just another province or annex.

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The war in Europe ended when Soviet troops sieged Berlin and the top Nazi commanders commited suicide to escape trial. The war in the Pacific ended with the dropping of 2 Atomic bombs on Hiroshima then Nagasaki after deep and profound thinking made by the US president at that time, Harry S. Truman. The surrender was issued on August the 15th 1945 which marked the end of all hostilities but also allowed the Cold War to rise from its ashes

8 answers

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 111 words with the pattern --E-ED. That is, six letter words with 3rd letter E and 5th letter E and 6th letter D. In alphabetical order, they are:
















































































































1 answer

no but there was someone called ezio auditore de firenze and Altair (i dont know all name ) first parts of assasins creed 2 were true but all of assasins creed 1 was true but im not sure about the apple of eden

8 answers

The Walls of Constantinople

The Walls of Constantinople was one of the greatest walls in the history of man. It had a moat in front of it. There were two layers of walls, allowing support of the first wall from the second wall. There were many gates in the wall because the whole length of the wall was around 7km, yet the gates were covered by towers and even if one was breached the one behind it also had to be breached.

The wall was of great significance to the people in the city. It made them confident they were protected, and it was a great spectacle to traders and merchants and very often terrorised enemy soldiers when they saw it and tested its strength. The whole wall underwent many earthquakes which frequently damaged it but it was always repaired.

It was named the Theodosian wall because it was (obviously) built by the Byzantine emperor Theodosius, he replaced the old Aurelian walls and extended them further up the peninsula so the interior of the city could be larger.

The city was sieged approximately 13 times. It's enemies varied from Slavs and Serbians from the Balkans and from north of the Danube, none were successful, they could not breach the walls. Arabs and Persians (not Muslims) also tried but never succeeded.

The Crusaders of the fourth city attempted to take the city and were only successful when helped by treachery. Yet, the Byzantines retook the city and the crusaders never could retake it. The Ottomans launched two attacks in the early 15th century but were repelled by the defenese of Constantinople. It was only in 1453 that they could finally capture the city, but even though they had a huge cannon, underminers from Serbia and a blockade by sea, they could only capture the city when the found a small postern gate slightly ajar, most likely opened by a traitor or else carelessness.

Even though the city would never rise again, it was only through treachery that the city was taken in those two occasions. Yet in all other sieges, the great Theodosian walls were never once breached, earning them a place in history. They still stand today and can be seen in Istanbul, which was the name the Ottomans called the city after capturing it.

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Nerva's reign lasted only just over sixteen months. He was proclaimed emperor by the senate in haste, within hours of the news of the assassination of Domitian to prevent a civil war. He might have been considered a safe choice because he was old and childless. He lacked widespread support in the empire. Despite the fact that many senators suffered with Domitian's many treason trials, there still was a pro-Domitian faction in the senate. Therefore, his attempts to involve the senate in his government were only partially successful, even though he stopped Domitian's treason trials, returned the confiscated property to its owners, released the people who had been imprisoned and gave amnesty to those who had been exiled.

To gain support among the people Nerva gave a sum of money to each Roman citizen, granted a large number of plots of land for the poor, exempted people from the inheritance tax and made loans to the rich conditional to paying an interest of 5% to the local council for the support of the needy. However, the expenses that this generosity involved got the treasury into trouble.

To appease the Praetorian (imperial) Guard, Nerva gave them a generous donation and sacked their head, who had been involved in Domitian's assassination. However, support for Domitian was still strong in the army and the Praetorian Guard considered his measures insufficient. They demanded the execution of the assassins, but Nerva refused.

In his efforts to be a benign ruler, Nerva allowed the senate to continue to prosecute those who had been Domitian's informers. This led to anarchy as the senators acted in their personal interest and tried to settle scores with personal enemies. It was said that Domitian's tyranny was preferable to Nerva's anarchy. A plot against him was discovered, but he refused to execute the conspirators. This met the disapproval of the senate. As he had no heir, Nerva considered adopting the governor of Syria to have him as his successor. This was opposed by those who supported the general Trajan. The Praetorian Guard sieged his palace, took him hostage and forced him to meet their demand to hand over the assassins of Domitian for execution. His reputation was irreparably damaged. Nerva realised that without the support of the senate and the army his position was untenable. He adopted Trajan as his successor and shared power with him. Three months later he had a stroke and died soon afterwards.

1 answer

The first thing to keep in mind is that the Prophet-hood not Kingship in which the son succeeds the father. The Prophets have no inheritance. The holy Prophet (SAW) used to lead the Prayers till he fell ill and was not able to lead the Muslims in prayer. He deputed this duty to his closest friend, father-in-law, and the first adult Muslim whom Almighty Allah describes as his friend in the Cave of Thor - Hazrat Abu Bakr (RAU). It may have been an indication that he was the most suitable person after him to lead the Muslims. However, he didn't mention any clear name of his Caliph in this regards. It left it to his Companions whom he considered to be equal to the task.

The Ansaar (the Helpers-native people of Madina Munawra) were discussing the matter of caliphate in Saqifa Bani Sa'adia when Hazra Abu Bakr RAU, Hazrat Omar RAU and Hazra Abu Obaida RAU reached there and after a heated discussion Hazrat Abu Bakr (RAU) was chosen the First Rightful Caliph.

On his death bed, Hazrat Abu Bakr (RAU) suggested the name of Hazrat Omar (RAU) to succeed him. The Companions rau agreed to his proposal and Hazrat Omar (RAU) became the second Rightful Caliph.

When Hazrat Omar (RAU) was fatally wounded as a result of a conspiracy, he suggested the names of six holy Companions (RAU) to select a Caliph amongst them. Some of the Companions suggested to him that he should nominate his son Hazrat Abdullah bin Omar as Caliph. He didn't agree to this proposal. The six companions nominated by him were:

Hazrat Usman ibni Affan,

Hazrat Ali ibni Abu Talib, Hazrat Zubair bin Awam,

Hazrat Talhah bin Obaid Ullah,

Hazrat Abdul Rahman bin Aof, and

Hazrat Sa'ad bin Abi Waqas rau all of them.

After some sittings and discussions, Hazrat Usman bin Affan rau was chosen the third Rightful Caliph.

During the last days of Hazrat Usman rau rebels sieged his house and killed him. Then they forced Hazrat Ali rau to become the fourth Rightful Caliph. Yet, his Caliphate was never completely established till he was killed by a Khawaji. After his death His elder son Hazrat Hassan rau became the caliph but be withdrew his name, made peace with Hazrat Muawiya rau.

1 answer

Nerva's three major weaknesses were the circumstances of his proclamation as emperor, his desire to be a benign rule and the fact that he was childless. His predecessor, the emperor Domitian was assassinated because he was a tyrannical ruler who instituted many treason trials against his opponents. Yet, Rome remained deeply divided. Despite many people hating Domitian, there were still many people who supported him. Nerva failed to deal with this situation.

Nerva was proclaimed emperor by the senate in haste, within hours of the news of the assassination of Domitian to prevent a civil war. He might have been considered a safe choice because he was old and childless. He lacked widespread support in the empire. Despite the fact that many senators suffered with Domitian's many treason trials, there still was a pro-Domitian faction in the senate. Therefore, Nerva's attempts to involve the senate in his government were only partially successful, even though he stopped the treason trials, returned the property confiscated by Domitian to its owners, released the people who had been imprisoned and gave amnesty to those who had been exiled.

To gain support among the people Nerva gave a sum of money to each Roman citizen, granted a large number of plots of land for the poor, exempted people from the inheritance tax and made loans to the rich conditional to paying an interest of 5% to the local council for the support of the needy. However, the expenses that this generosity involved got the treasury into trouble.

To appease the Praetorian (imperial) Guard, Nerva gave them a generous donation and sacked their head, who had been involved in Domitian's assassination. However, support for Domitian was still strong in the army and the Praetorian Guard considered his measures insufficient. They demanded the execution of the assassins, but Nerva refused.

In his efforts to be a benign ruler, Nerva allowed the senate to continue to prosecute those who had been Domitian's informers. This led to anarchy as the senators acted in their personal interest and tried to settle scores with personal enemies. It was said that Domitian's tyranny was preferable to Nerva's anarchy. A plot against him was discovered, but he refused to execute the conspirators. This met the disapproval of the senate. As he had no heir, Nerva considered adopting the governor of Syria to have him as his successor. This was opposed by those who supported the general Trajan. The Praetorian Guard sieged his palace, took him hostage and forced him to meet their demand to hand over the assassins of Domitian for execution. His reputation was irreparably damaged. Nerva realised that without the support of the senate and the army his position was untenable. He adopted Trajan as his successor and shared power with him. Three months later he had a stroke and died soon afterwards. His reign lasted only just over 16 months.

2 answers

As of October 13 2008, the youngest Vice Governor of Iloilo Province, Philippines, is The Son of Former Bureau of Customs Regional Director Atty. Gil B. Armada Sr. and Thelma Solinap-Buenaflor of dumangas, Roberto "Obet" Buenaflor ARMADA of Janiuay. At an early age of 36 he was officially proclaimed as the Legislative Head of the Local Government for the Province of Iloilo last May 2001 elections, defeating vice-gubernatorial rivals Undefeated Leganes Strongman Adolf "adop Jaen", and Board Memeber Araneta from the Fourth district of the Iloilo Province. "Obet" as people fundly call him, was serving his second term as vice-mayor of his hometown, JANIUAY (which is also a municipal history as he was the first and the only reelected vice-mayor of the said town up to date) prior to 2001 elections. An achiever in his own rights, Roberto Armada, during his second term as janiuay vice mayor, also served at the same time as Executive Vice President for the Vice Mayor's League of the Philippines (VMLP), and later became the President of VMLP as the then VMLP President, Famous Actor and Makati City Vice Mayor Edu Manzano stepped down from his VMLP Presidency in preparation for the impending electoral battle against Mayor Binay of Makati approaching 2001 elections. Former Vice Governor ARMADA was unquestionably reelected in the May 2004 elections and devastated his rival, then Board Memeber and also former Lambunao mayor Bugok Ramirez, of more than 20,000 votes despite his Teammate Reelected Governor Niel Tupas won over former Congressman and acclaimed Political Kingpin of the south Oscar "Oca" Garin for an overwhelming 90,000 plus votes. Only goes to show that track record and "clean name" willl always be a factor in winning the heart of the voters. Prior to the most recent MAY 2007 elections, following the political-ridden incident which alarmed the nation, tagged as the Iloilo-capitol sieged, Obet was inevitably pitted against the incumbent Governor Niel Tupas as to which many considered as Party-loyalty decision of the good vice governor, was defeated fair and square. The province's 2nd man exited the local political arena for a 3 year private life with dignity, humbleness and self-respect only to be chosen, In the name of quality servitude, unity and political healing , as rightful running mate of no less than the son of Gov. Tupas, Mayor Raul "boboy" Tupas. Yet again, good name and unblemished record proved to be Obet's silver linning. A pride of Janiuay. Surely, Obet will always be remembered as the young, competent and Intelligent Vice Governor of Iloilo who served as an inspiration for the young dreamers of his time. -- SANJAY ARMADA--Iloilo Philippines

1 answer

Nerva did not achieve much, partly because his reign lasted only 16 months and partly because he had to face considerable opposition. In fact he was in a week position.

Nerva's three major weaknesses were the circumstances of his proclamation as emperor, his desire to be a benign rule and the fact that he was childless. His predecessor, the emperor Domitian was assassinated because he was a tyrannical ruler who instituted many treason trials against his opponents. Yet, Rome remained deeply divided. Despite many people hating Domitian, there were still many people who supported him. Nerva failed to deal with this situation.

Nerva was proclaimed emperor by the senate in haste, within hours of the news of the assassination of Domitian to prevent a civil war. He might have been considered a safe choice because he was old and childless. He lacked widespread support in the empire. Despite the fact that many senators suffered with Domitian's many treason trials, there still was a pro-Domitian faction in the senate. Therefore, Nerva's attempts to involve the senate in his government were only partially successful, even though he stopped the treason trials, returned the property confiscated by Domitian to its owners, released the people who had been imprisoned and gave amnesty to those who had been exiled.

To gain support among the people Nerva gave a sum of money to each Roman citizen, granted a large number of plots of land for the poor, exempted people from the inheritance tax and made loans to the rich conditional to paying an interest of 5% to the local council for the support of the needy. However, the expenses that this generosity involved got the treasury into trouble.

To appease the Praetorian (imperial) Guard, Nerva gave them a generous donation and sacked their head, who had been involved in Domitian's assassination. However, support for Domitian was still strong in the army and the Praetorian Guard considered his measures insufficient. They demanded the execution of the assassins, but Nerva refused.

In his efforts to be a benign ruler, Nerva allowed the senate to continue to prosecute those who had been Domitian's informers. This led to anarchy as the senators acted in their personal interest and tried to settle scores with personal enemies. It was said that Domitian's tyranny was preferable to Nerva's anarchy. A plot against him was discovered, but he refused to execute the conspirators. This met the disapproval of the senate. As he had no heir, Nerva considered adopting the governor of Syria to have him as his successor. This was opposed by those who supported the general Trajan. The Praetorian Guard sieged his palace, took him hostage and forced him to meet their demand to hand over the assassins of Domitian for execution. His reputation was irreparably damaged. Nerva realised that without the support of the senate and the army his position was untenable. He adopted Trajan as his successor and shared power with him. Three months later he had a stroke and died soon afterwards.

1 answer

It was in the Babylonian captivity the period in Jewish history during which a number of Jews of the ancient Kingdom of Judah were captives in Babylonia. They were sieged for 7 years ending the king of Judea Jeconias. His successor, zedequias were taken to Babylon 8 years after that. There were 3 deportations. These deportations are dated to 597 BCE, c. 587 BCE, and c. 582 BCE.

6 answers