Except by adding 's', such as: Spectrohelioscopes. Spectrophotometers.
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Senselessness or purposelessness particularly is speech. Words written or spoken that have absolutely no basis in fact and are easily recognized as saliently inane.
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senselessness ... however I like asslessness better. It has 11 letters and is possibly an actual word. As in "Those chaps display an awful lot of asslessness"
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Horacio Castellanos Moya has written:
'Cuentos Eroticos De San Valentin/ Cuentos Eroticos De San Valentin'
'Tirana memoria'
'Baile con serpientes'
'Con la congoja de la pasada tormenta'
'El Arma En El Hombre'
'El gran masturbador'
'Con la congoja de la pasada tormenta'
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T.S Eliot's The Wasteland is not a work of Absurd literature: it was a catalogue of life after the war. Absurd literature amplifies and overstates the senselessness of the human condition and the inadequacy of reason. T.S. Eliot does not do this.
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Kafkaesque is not French, but rather is an English word which means pertaining to the feelings of complexity, senselessness and disorientation. It refers to Franz Kafka the author of works such as The Metamorphosis who was not French but rather Hungarian.
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Henry is shocked and disturbed by Jim Conklin's death. He feels a mix of disbelief, sorrow, and guilt as he witnesses his friend's final moments on the battlefield. Henry is haunted by the senselessness of Jim Conklin's death and the brutal reality of war.
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The Clutter family portraits in "In Cold Blood" serve to humanize the victims and provide a sense of intimacy and connection to their lives before the tragedy. They also serve as a contrast to the violence and brutality of the crime, highlighting the senselessness of the murders.
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The author wants readers to infer that war is brutal, chaotic, and destructive. The selection likely conveys the devastating impact of war on individuals, communities, and societies. It may also highlight the futility and senselessness of armed conflict.
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Synonyms may include crazy, goofy, wacky, dizzy, scatterbrained, or zany.
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Gary Paulsen's attitude toward war is generally critical. He often portrays the brutal and destructive nature of war in his writing, emphasizing the loss of innocence and the trauma experienced by those involved. His works highlight the futility and senselessness of conflict.
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In "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," the Grangerford and Shepherdson families are engaged in a long-standing feud. Both sides participate in the shooting, with neither side being specifically identified as the one who started it. The senselessness of the feud is highlighted in this scene.
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In "Romeo and Juliet," Mercutio yells "A plague o' both your houses" when he is fatally wounded in a fight between the Capulets and Montagues. This curse reflects his frustration with the ongoing feud between the two families and the senselessness of their conflict.
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The deaths of Romeo and Juliet symbolize the end of the Montague-Capulet feud as their tragic love story brings the two families together in grief and reconciliation. Their sacrifice and the realization of the senselessness of the feud serve as a catalyst for peace between the two rival families.
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Sassoon wrote "Suicide in the Trenches" to highlight the harsh reality of war and the devastating impact it had on soldiers' mental health. The poem exposes the despair and hopelessness felt by soldiers fighting in the trenches during World War I, ultimately shedding light on the futility and senselessness of the conflict.
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The moral lesson of George Orwell's short story "A Hanging" is the senselessness and inhumanity of capital punishment. Through vivid descriptions and personal reflections, Orwell explores the dehumanizing effects of executions on both the victims and the perpetrators, highlighting the need for empathy and moral introspection in the face of institutionalized violence.
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The loss of innocent lives, the destruction of communities, and the long-lasting psychological impact on both civilians and soldiers are all tragic aspects of war that are particularly unsettling. The senselessness of war and the inability to prevent such suffering despite efforts to do so also adds to the tragic nature of conflicts.
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aberration, craziness, delirium, dementia, derangement, hysteria, idiocy, irrationality, lunacy, madness, mania, mental disorder, neurosis, psychopathy, psychosis, senselessness, unbalance, witlessness.
There are also many slang words, such as wackiness, being cracked, being nuts, etc.
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In "The Battle of the Ants", Thoreau describes a natural happening in very small creatures and compares it to the behaviors and wars of humans. He states that watching the ants battle shakes him as much as watching humans battle might. He offers commentary on the senselessness of war and the high importance he places on natural beings in the short story.
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The irony in the last sentence of "The Sniper" is that the protagonist discovers he has killed his own brother, whom he was hunting. This twist highlights the senselessness and tragedy of war, as well as the impact it can have on individuals and families.
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Billy Pilgrim dies in Slaughterhouse-Five by being shot in the head by a German soldier while trying to escape from a POW camp. His death symbolizes the senselessness and inevitability of violence in war, highlighting the novel's anti-war message and the idea that death is a constant presence in human existence.
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"The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner" is a poem by Randall Jarrell that reflects on the dehumanizing nature of war. The poem describes the experience of a young gunner inside the ball turret of a bomber aircraft who is killed in battle. Through vivid imagery and stark language, the poem conveys the brutality and senselessness of war.
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The source of the feud between the Grangerfords and the Shepherdsons is never fully explained in Mark Twain's "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn." It is portrayed as a longstanding conflict between the two families, rooted in a sense of honor and pride. The reason for the feud remains a mystery and highlights the absurdity and senselessness of violence and feuds.
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Bertolt Brecht's play "Mother Courage and Her Children" explores the devastating impact of war on individuals and society. The disfigurement in the play serves as a stark representation of the physical and emotional toll of war, highlighting the brutal reality of conflict and its destructive consequences on humanity. Through this portrayal, Brecht aims to provoke reflection on the senselessness and futility of war.
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The satire in "Blackadder Goes Forth" is achieved through its exaggerated characters, witty dialogue, and absurd situations that mock and critique the societal norms and institutions of the time, particularly the futility and senselessness of war. The show uses humor to shed light on serious issues, such as the incompetence of authority figures, the sacrifices made by soldiers, and the devastating consequences of war.
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The feud between the Grangerfords and Shepherdsons in "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" originates from an old dispute over land boundaries and honor. The families continue the feud blindly, upholding a tradition of violence and bloodshed without really knowing why they are fighting. Their inability to remember the feud's original cause highlights the senselessness and futility of such conflicts.
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Remarque's purpose in writing "All Quiet on the Western Front" was to portray the reality of war and its devastating impact on soldiers. He wanted to convey the futility and senselessness of the conflict. He was writing for a wide audience to raise awareness about the horrors of war and promote peace.
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Orwell's main purpose in writing "A Hanging" is to expose the senselessness and cruelty of capital punishment. Through a vivid and unsettling description of a hanging he witnessed, Orwell highlights the dehumanizing effects of the act on both the victim and the participants. He ultimately calls into question the ethical justification for taking a life in the name of justice.
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Huck learns about the senselessness of feuds and violence from the Grangerfords and Shepherdsons. He witnesses the tragic consequences of their long-standing feud, leading him to question the values of society that promote such animosity. Huck realizes that peace and unity are more important than holding onto grudges.
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Robert Frost wrote the poem "Spoils of the Dead" to reflect on the futility and senselessness of war, emphasizing the tragic and wasteful consequences it brings. The poem explores themes of loss, mortality, and the haunting impact of war on both the living and the dead. Frost uses vivid imagery and poignant language to convey the emotional toll of war and the need for remembrance.
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The indirect characterization of the narrator reveals his internal conflict and moral struggle. Despite his reluctance to openly agree with Passini, he ultimately acknowledges the brutality and senselessness of war. Hemingway uses this approach to depict the complexity of human emotions and the devastating impact of war on individuals.
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The significance of the man killed in "The Man He Killed" by Thomas Hardy is that he was an enemy soldier in a war. The poem explores the senselessness of war and the idea that soldiers on opposite sides are not so different from each other. By focusing on the personal connection between the two men, the poem highlights the futility and tragedy of war.
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Anne Frank is best known for the diaries which she wrote during the time she and her family were in hiding in Amsterdam during the Holocaust. Her words have had a profound effect on generations of people of all ages and probably symbolize the senselessness and Horror of those times better than any other media.
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The prologue of "Romeo and Juliet" sets the stage for the central conflict of the play: the feud between the Montague and Capulet families, which ultimately leads to the tragic fate of the two lovers, Romeo and Juliet. The portrayal of the families as equal in status and power underscores the senselessness and destructive nature of their long-standing rivalry, highlighting how it affects not only the lovers, but also the larger community of Verona.
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"Old Mother Savage" by Guy de Maupassant is a short story about an elderly woman who lives in a border village during the Franco-Prussian War. She provides shelter to French soldiers hiding in her barn, but tragedy strikes when her son, a Prussian soldier, inadvertently leads a destructive raid on the village. The story explores themes of loyalty, betrayal, and the senselessness of war.
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Suzanne Collins killed Prim to illustrate the devastating consequences of war and the impact it has on innocent victims, even those who are not directly involved in the conflict. Prim's death serves as a powerful and emotional moment in the story, highlighting the senselessness and brutality of war.
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Death is presented in "Dulce et Decorum Est" as brutal and agonizing, as witnessed through the horrific death of a soldier from a gas attack. The poem challenges the glorification of war by highlighting the harsh reality of its consequences, showing that the suffering and trauma of death on the battlefield are far from noble or honorable. It exposes the brutality and senselessness of war, conveying a message that it is not the glory that people often perceive it to be.
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The Capulets and Montagues decide to end their feud because the tragic deaths of Romeo and Juliet make them realize the consequences of their rivalry and the senselessness of their conflict. The families see the devastation caused by their feud and vow to put an end to it to prevent any further bloodshed.
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In The Red Badge of Courage, the soldier's viewpoint revolves around personal growth, fear, and courage as he grapples with his own feelings of cowardice. In contrast, All Quiet on the Western Front presents a more disillusioned perspective, emphasizing the futility and senselessness of war and the dehumanizing effects it has on soldiers. Both novels explore the psychological toll of war but with different emphases.
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In "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" by Mark Twain, Sophia Grangerford dies tragically in a feud with the Shepherdsons. Her testament is a poem left behind, expressing her sorrow and longing for peace, serving as a poignant commentary on the senselessness of violence and vendettas.
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"The Lynching" by Claude McKay is about the brutality and injustice of lynching, a form of racial violence against African Americans in the United States. The poem portrays the horror and senselessness of the act, highlighting the pain and suffering experienced by the victim and the impact on the community. McKay's powerful imagery and language evoke a strong emotional response, condemning the violence and racism that led to such heinous acts.
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Within two years of the end of World War II, India gained its independence from Great Britain through a wide variety of factors. The primary factors were two in number, however. First was the decades-long struggle of Gandhi and other Indian leaders to demonstrate to the British the senselessness of trying to control a nation of people that was ready for independence. Second was the toll that the war had taken on Great Britain, which lacked the resources and perhaps even the will to retain imperial control of such a large, independence-minded region as India.
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In the book "All Quiet on the Western Front" by Erich Maria Remarque, Baumer runs into Slade for the first time during a battle on the Western Front. Baumer and his comrades are in a trench when Slade, a French soldier, suddenly appears and attacks them. Baumer manages to kill Slade in self-defense, but he is deeply affected by the encounter. The incident highlights the brutal and dehumanizing nature of war and the senselessness of killing someone who is also just a soldier fighting for his country.
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The main idea of "The Sniper" by Liam O'Flaherty is the senselessness of war and its dehumanizing effects on individuals. The story explores themes of conflict, identity, and the brutal consequences of violence, as seen through the eyes of a sniper who experiences a moment of intense personal introspection.
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The feud in "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" is between two families, the Grangerfords and the Shepherdsons. The feud is long-standing and violent, causing tension and tragedy throughout the story. Huck witnesses the destructive impact of this feud, highlighting the senselessness and futility of such conflicts.
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In "The Man He Killed" by Thomas Hardy, the poet uses irony to convey the senselessness of war, as the speaker reflects on the absurdity of killing someone with whom they could have shared a drink. The poem also employs repetition for emphasis, with the phrase "Because" repeated to highlight the speaker's attempt to rationalize his actions. Hardy's use of conversational language and a straightforward narrative style adds to the poem's impact and helps create a sense of intimacy with the reader.
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